市川 健二郎
Japan Society for Southeast Asian Studies
東南アジア -歴史と文化- (ISSN:03869040)
vol.1971, no.1, pp.79-100, 1971-10-28 (Released:2010-03-16)

Because she was not a Western colonial country, but an Asian Kingdom and a member of the Axis Power, wartime Thailand was free from Japanese military administration and a able to keep aloof from warfare after the friendly entry of the Japanese army, Thai political leaders assumed a pattern of “compromise” rather than “hostility” in response to the Japanese impact. Although intellectually, most Thai leaders did not agree with the Japanese idea of “The Great East Asia Go-prosperity Sphere, ” they accelerated an allied relationship with Japan to avoid a possibly critical situation of Japanese militarism sweeping all over the country. For her own national benefit in facing increasing Japanese power in Southeast Asia, Thailand put pressure on the anti-Japanese boycott movement of the Chinese within a country, sat on her fence of neutrality and tried to remain out side the Japanese military occupation until the opening day of the war. Even after December 8, 1941, when she recognized the friendly entry of the Japanese army, Thailand tried hard to stand behind the bay line by contributing economic ally to the Japanese military operation in Burma, Malaya and Singapore.In wartime, Pibul Songkram, Prime Minister of the Government, promoted Rathaniyom (Patriotic Movement) and Thai Yai (Great Thai Nation Movement through which he wanted to keep national stability based on of traditional Thai sentiment rather than the idea of individual freedom from the Constitutional Revolution in 1932. In terms of motivation, therefore, these movements were quite different from the Japanese idea of the “Co-prosperity Sphere.” Meanwhile, the dynamics of the anti-Japanese “Free Thai” movement were accelerated by Thai elites and university students then in the United States and the United Kingdom. There they carried out the actual plan to develop their resistance against Japan. On the other hand, Thai leaders, except several domestic “Free Thai” leaders, outwardly continued their friendly relations with the Japanese while secretly linking up with the “Free Thai” members in order to find a new place for themselves after the war. With the benefits of this duality, they reserved their own clear cut opinion and left rooms for changing attitudes to their advantage.Chinese leaders in economic circles also had similar patterns of response. Although they started the anti-Japanese National Salvation Movement in 1937, which was motivated from loyalty to their native land, they joined neither the all Chinese united front in Southeast Asia nor the overseas Chinese good-will tour party to Chungking and Yennan in 1938. However, from 1938 the Chinese in Thailand began cooperating with the national policy of the Thai government and, after war erupted, made contributions by procuring for the Japanese army. In reply to a requisition for labour for army railway construction between Burma and Thailand in 1943, the Chinese again tried to keep their security in the country by means of economic cooperation in offering munitions war, rather than by sending labour power for dreadful construction. In the meantime, however, they donated funds secretly to members of the “Free Thai” movement. Chang Lan-ch'en, former President of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Thailand, was a leader of pro-Japanse group during the war, but was able to return to the some position again in 1948 and held thee post until 1961 when he died. Pibul was also reinstalled in his former position in 1948 and was Prime Minister until 1957. These two political and economic leaders began to leave room for changing attitudes by the end of the war, to enhance their reinstatement in the post-war period.

14 0 0 0 OA 読法略解三字経

鈴木 健斗 福井 隆雄
日本認知心理学会発表論文集 日本認知心理学会第17回大会
pp.4, 2019 (Released:2019-10-28)

井原 庸
Acta Arachnologica (ISSN:00015202)
vol.57, no.2, pp.87-109, 2008-12-31 (Released:2009-02-10)

ナミハグモ属の種多様性には,著しい地理的種分化と,体サイズの分化による同所的な種の組み合わせという2つの側面がある. 日本から70種以上が記録されているが,まだ多くの未記載種が残されている.ナガトナミハグモ種群は生殖器の形態に著しい地理的分化を示し,種内の複雑な地理的変異,環状重複,近縁種の側所的分布や同所的共存といった異所的種分化のさまざまな過程がみられた.また,体サイズは種分化とその後の同所的共存に重要な役割を果たすと考えられ,カチドキナミハグモ種群では体サイズの分化が種分化を促進した可能性がある.
金井 雄一
歴史と経済 (ISSN:13479660)
vol.60, no.1, pp.16-29, 2017-10-30 (Released:2019-10-30)

Expansionary monetary policies (policies for increasing the money supply) are often adopted when the economy is in a slump. However, a fundamental issue in monetary policy is whether a central bank can control the money supply by manipulating the monetary base. As is well known, this question has effectively divided the field of economics into two schools. The exogenous and endogenous money theories have offered conflicting views on money supply since the mid‒18th century, and even today’s application of econometric methods to the question has ended in fruitless debate. This perhaps means that we should look beyond econometric approaches to settle the dispute. This paper argues that an examination of banknotes from a historical perspective might bring about the resolution of the longstanding debate.From its foundation in 1694, the Bank of England issued pieces of paper (running cash notes) as receipts in exchange for deposits, and these pieces of paper gradually began to circulate. This is how the Bank of England’s notes came into being. Originally they acted simply as notes that the Bank of England promised to repay to the depositors or bearers; they were entered as debts in the book of outstanding banknotes, known as the “Clearer.” The Bank of England also issued its notes in other banking activities such as discount drafts and loans. The notes with their varying written amounts ultimately evolved into notes with printed denominations.As suggested above, banknotes came into existence only when a credit relationship was established, and they expired with the expiry of that credit relationship. Since a banknote went from the bank of issue into the real economy only when a credit transaction was conducted, the bank of issue could not control quantity of banknotes in circulation. As previous studies have shown, goldsmith bankers had by the end of the 17th century constructed a payment and settlement system that used transfers of deposit monies. Banknotes became a means for adding or withdrawing money from one’s balance.In summary, it was not banknotes that enabled the settlement of payments by allowing the transfer of deposits, but rather that the settlement of payments through the transfer of deposits gave rise to banknotes. Banknotes were a product of the credit system. In other words, a bank of issue can not increase or reduce deposits or banknotes arbitrarily. Should we therefore recognize that both deposits and banknotes are born endogenously?
芦谷 道子 友田 幸一 土井 直 土井 直

器質的な難聴を伴わない聴こえの問題をもつ聴覚処理問障害(APD: Auditory Processing Disorder)の小児に対し、医師と臨床心理士が心身両面からの評価と支援を試みた。多くの事例で問題は多軸にわたっており、心身にわたる多軸的評価と、多職種協働による支援システムの必要性が考察された。聴覚処理障害事例では補聴システムの利用や学校や家庭との連携による環境調整が有効であった。また多くは二次的に機能性難聴を併発しており、心理療法が有効であった。欧米におけるAPD評価支援システムの標準的確立をモデルに、日本においても特別支援教育への位置づけを踏まえた評価、支援の充実が望まれる。
神原 陽一
一般社団法人 日本物理学会
日本物理学会誌 (ISSN:00290181)
vol.74, no.11, pp.798-799, 2019-11-05 (Released:2020-05-15)

阿部 康久 高木 彰彦
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.78, no.4, pp.228-242, 2005-04-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
1 1

小林 良孝
人文論集 (ISSN:02872013)
vol.53, no.1, pp.A97-A150, 2002-07-31

Der Untertitel zu Michael Endes Roman ≫MOMO≪ heiBt ≫Die seltsame Geschichte von den Zeit-Dieben und von dem Kind, das den Menschen die gestohlene Zeit zuruckbrachte.≪ Was heiBt: die Zeit stehlen? Was heiBt: die gestohlene Zeit zuruckbringen? Um die Fragen zu beantworten, muss man zunachst feststellen, um welche Art von Zeit es sich bei dem Marchen-Roman ≫MOMO≪ handelt. Das erklart Ende selbst auf Seite 57: "Zeit ist Leben. Und das Leben wohnt im Herzen." Deshalb wird die Zeit in ≫MOMO≪ einfach erzahlt, wie der Mensch das tagliche Leben fiihrt. Jedes tagliche Leben hangt von den Fahigkeiten jedes Herzens ab. Denn Ende sagt: "Das Leben wohnt im Herzen." Momo entwickelt Fahigkeiten im Herzen ihrer Freunde, indem sie ihren Worten zuhort. Wenn Momo ihnen zuhort, kommt in Ninos und Nicolas Herzen die Fahigkeit zu lieben, in Jijis Herzen die zu hoffen, in Beppos Herzen die zu glauben und in die Herzen der Kinder die Gabe zu phantasieren. Das Wesen dieser Fahigkeiten besteht in der Qualitat, die in Zahlen nicht dargestellt werden kann. Also steht Momo fur die qualitative Zeit. Dagegen kommt es den grauen Herren gar nicht darauf an, dass man liebt, dass man liebt, dass man glaubt und dass man phantasiert. Das Einzige, worauf es im Leben ankommt, ist nach ihnen, dass jeder es weiter bringt als die anderen, dass jeder mehr wird als die anderen und dass jeder mehr hat als die anderen. Das Wesen ihrer Fahigkeit besteht in der Quantitat, die in Zahlen dargestellt werden kann. Also stehen die grauen Herren fur die quantitative Zeit. Die grauen Herren treten in Momos Welt als Agenten der Zeit-Spar-Kasse auf. Sie empfehlen den Menschen, Zeit einzusparen und das Ersparte bei ihnen liegen zu lassen. Aber alle Zeit, die sie einsparen, ist fur sie verloren, weil die grauen Herren die eingesparte Zeit verzehren. Abo sind die grauen Herren Zeit-Diebe. Aber was fur Zeit wird von ihnen gestohlen? Natiirlich die qualitative Zeit. Sie erobern alle Menschen bis auf ein kleines Madchen Momo. Die quantitative Zeit herrscht uber alle Menschen. Jeder lebt einfach, um es weiter zu bringen, mehr zu werden, mehr zu haben als die anderen. Die Fahigkeiten zu lieben, zu hoffen u.s.w. sind von den grauen Herren gestohlen worden. So leiden die Menschen im Grunde an einer todlichen Krankheit. Zu guter Letzt geht Momo zum Gegengriff iiber. Mit der List des Meisters Hora und mit Hilfe von Kassiopeia treibt Momo sie in die Enge, so dass sie bis auf den Letzten schwinden miissen, und befreit die gestohlene Zeit aus ihrem riesigen Vorratsspeicher. Die befreite Zeit kehrt in die Herzen, in die sie eigentlich gehb'rte, zuriick. Das qualitative Wesen der Zeit lebt in jedem Herzen wieder auf: Jeder fangt wieder an zu lieben, zu hoffen, zu glauben und zu phantasieren. Damit ist die tb'dliche Krankheit geheilt. In dem Marchen-Roman ≫MOMO≪ werden die qualitative Zeit und die quantitative Zeit vor eine Alternative gestellt. Eine Koexistenz oder Mitexistenz der beiden ist unmoglich. Das ist ein Problem.
辻 絵理子
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.67, no.2, pp.25-36, 2016 (Released:2018-01-01)

The Tokalı Kilise has a rare architectural plan, which is the reason for its local nickname, ‘the Church of the Buckle’. This paper enquired closely into the programme of the northern small apse, that is, the Prothesis of the New Church. The Prothesis was used for the preparation of the Eucharist in the liturgy, often decorated by iconography related to the Communion. The Hospitality of Abraham and the Communion of Mary of Egypt under the conch emphasize the Eucharistic meaning of the place. In this article, it is focused on the themes with irregular direction and with a different layout. Christ is duplicated in the Marriage Feast at Cana spanning between the north frieze and the half spandrel of the eastern arcade. In the half spandrel, there are the servant filling the jar, the steward tasting wine, and Christ’s right hand alone blessing the water. Above her son’s hand, Mary keeps the water of ordeal in the Trial by Water. Her gesture of accepting the cup from the priest resembles closely those of Apostles taking wine from Christ in the Communion of Apostles. These themes stressing the relation to the Communion are located in the place adjacent to the Prothesis.
池田 千恵子
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
日本地理学会発表要旨集 2019年度日本地理学会春季学術大会
pp.265, 2019 (Released:2019-03-30)

本研究では,京都市におけるゲストハウスなどの簡易宿所の急激な増加に伴う影響について,ツーリズムジェントリフィケーションの観点で検証を行う.ツーリズムジェントリフィケーションは,地域住民が利用していた日常的な店舗が減少する一方で,娯楽や観光に関わる施設や高級店が増加し,富裕層の来住が増えることにより賃料が上昇し,低所得者層の立ち退きを生じさせる現象である(Gotham 2005).簡易宿所が急増した背景や簡易宿所の増加が地域に及ぼした影響について示す. 京都市内の簡易宿所の数は,2011年の249軒から2018年9月末時点では2,711軒と7年間で約11倍(988.8%増)になった.東山区でもっとも簡易宿所が多い六原は91軒で,2018年9月30日時点において京都市内で一番簡易宿所が多い地区でもある.下京区で簡易宿所が一番多い菊浜は,2016年の14軒から2018年の47軒(図1)と1年10ヶ月で33軒増加した.南区では山王が44軒である. 簡易宿泊が増加している地区には特徴がある.一つめは,交通の利便性である.六原と菊浜は清水五条駅,山王は京都駅の南側と主要な駅に隣接している.二つめは,既存産業の衰退である.六原は京焼・清水焼などの窯業の衰退とともに人口流出や高齢化が進み,空き家が増加した.大正から昭和中期頃まで京都市内最大の娼妓がいた菊浜は,2010年に全ての貸座敷が廃業になった(井上 2014).三つめは地域の負のイメージによる.菊浜は性風俗などのイメージがあり(内貴ほか2015),山王は京都市内最大の在日朝鮮人が集住し,貧困化・不良住宅化が進んだ地域(山本 2012)が含まれている.このように,地域の負のイメージにより地価も低く,空き家などが活用されていなかった地域で,簡易宿所の開業が進行したと想定される.簡易宿所の急激な増加による不動産価格の高騰や住民の立ち退きなどについて報告を行う.
和田 健太郎 野田 智之 槇 英樹 雄山 博文 鬼頭 晃
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中の外科学会
脳卒中の外科 (ISSN:09145508)
vol.41, no.6, pp.452-457, 2013 (Released:2014-01-29)

A 49-year-old woman presented with a sudden onset of right hemiparesis and motor aphasia. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) localized in the interhemispheric fissure and cerebral infarction in the territory of the left anterior cerebral artery (ACA). Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) demonstrated segmental narrowing and dilatation at the left A2 segment, leading to a diagnosis of ACA dissection. The day after the onset, we planed trapping of the dissecting portion and A3–A3 side-to-side anastomosis. As a result, we performed only the wrapping of the dissection portion, because the dissection was longer than we expected. Neither aneurysmal dilatation nor narrowing progressed almost six months after the operation. This case indicates wrapping is also effective as a treatment of dissecting aneurysms, and it is important to consider longer-than-expected ACA dissections.
小川 有希子
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
no.54, pp.96-112, 249, 1999-01-31

The purpose of this study was to propose a method of 'qualitative' content anlysis, and to examine its methodological usefulness by relating its results to the viewers' reactions. A televised drama, in which a committed teacher dealt with the problem of bullying the classroom was analyzed, and viewers' reactions to the drama were collected by a questionnaire and summarized. The content analysis was done in the following manner: First, the development of the drama was analyzed and then segmented into units. Second, the units were categorized into three negative stages and two positive stages in terms of the characters' mental state. It was found that this method of content analysis was quite informative for identifying the segments of the problem that probably induced each reaction of the viewers.