佐藤 勇一 三浦 秀一 辻岡 一明
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.70, no.694, pp.1566-1572, 2004-06-25 (Released:2011-03-04)

This paper describes the experimental and analytical study on the parallel orientation of pins by sinusoidal vibration. A pin with a point at one end and a small spherical head at the other on a horizontally vibrating table is oriented in the direction parallel to the vibration. As long as the vibration amplitude and its frequency are appropriate, reorientation phenomenon occurs. Analytical study shows that the orientation depends on the magnitude of the maximum vibration speed of the table, that is, amplitude times frequency. The sense of the orientation of a pin depends on the initial condition.
泉 北斗 根岸 淳二郎 三浦 一輝 伊藤 大雪 PONGSIVAPAI Pongpet
応用生態工学 (ISSN:13443755)
vol.23, no.1, pp.1-20, 2020-09-28 (Released:2020-11-30)
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本研究は,自然再生計画の具体化に向けて生態系保全のための情報蓄積が急務である石狩川の氾濫原水域を対象に,イシガイ目二枚貝の生息の現状と水域管理上の課題を明らかにすることを目的とした.複数種の現状について,生息水域タイプの選好性,繁殖時期の特定とともに採取個体数に対する妊卵の割合,近年の新規加入(再生産)の程度,そして再生産に重要である魚類への寄生状況の 4 項目を調べた.30 水域を人工短絡湖沼,自然短絡湖沼,後背湿地の 3 タイプに分類した.そのうち 27 水域においてベルトトランセクト法および方形区法を用いてヌマガイ,イシガイ,フネドブガイの生息数を推定した.また,12 水域を対象に,採取した個体の外鰓の観察により成熟・妊卵状況を確認した.さらに,自然短絡湖沼 4 水域で,採取した魚類から切除した鰭と鰓の観察により,グロキディウム幼生の寄生数を計数した.フネドブガイの採取個体数が最も多く,その他 2 種が少なかった後背湿地で CPUE の値が高かった.フネドブガイでは,未成熟個体の占める推定割合は低く,多くの水域で全体個体数の 3%程度以下であった.他 2 種も 1-2 水域以外では未成熟個体が確認されなかった.ヌマガイとイシガイは 7 月と 8 月に 15 .52%の個体で妊卵し,フネドブガイは 9 月から 11 月にかけて 3 .43%の個体が妊卵していた.魚類相は水域間でその構成に大きな差は見られなかったが,タイリクバラタナゴが各水域の魚類総個体数の 26 .0%から 70 .2%を占め共通して優占した.一方で,イシガイ類の幼生に寄生された個体は見つからなかった. 管理上の方策として成立要因・物理水文特性に基づく水域タイプを認識し,タイプの多様性を維持するように水域を管理していくことがイシガイ目の保全に重要であることが示唆された.また,イシガイ目の個体群の再生産が 2 年程度は停滞しており,その原因として水質の劣化と外来種が優占する魚類相が考えられた.したがって,管理上の課題として長期的な観点からイシガイ目の健全な個体群の維持に有効な対策を検討することが必要である.
中村 早希 三浦 麻子
心理学評論 (ISSN:03861058)
vol.61, no.2, pp.157-168, 2018 (Released:2019-11-06)

In various social situations such as elections or shopping, individuals are often persuaded in multiple directions by different sources (i.e., multiple-source-and-direction persuasion). In this paper, we discussed the attitude change process in this type of situation, based on two dual-process models of persuasion: (1) the heuristic-systematic model and (2) the elaboration likelihood model. These models assume single-source-and-direction persuasion and cannot be applied without modification to multiple-source-and-direction persuasion. Therefore, this paper focuses on the simultaneous consideration of multiple persuasive messages as a process particular to this situation. In addition, by using a concrete experimental design, we demonstrated in this paper how a hypothesized model accounts for a recipient’s attitude change. We emphasized the significance and the future prospects of clarifying the attitude change process in multiple-source-and-direction persuasion.
三浦 清美
電気通信大学紀要 (ISSN:09150935)
vol.25, no.1, pp.61-71, 2013-02-01

The author in this bulletin provides the translations of two medieval Russian apocryphas ; "The Resurrection of Lazaro" and "The Trees of Crosses".Apocrypha is in biblical literature works outside an accepted canon of scripture. It refers to a body of esoteric writings that were at first prized, later tolerated, and finally excluded. Apocrypha arrived in medieval Russia through the Slavonic translation of Byzantine literature. "The Resurrection of lazaro" is supposed to have been written between the end of 12th century and the beginning of 13th century exactly in Russia. In this work such well-known characters and prophets of the Old Testament as Adam, Moses, David and so on, having suffered in Hell, ask Lazaro, who would be resurrected, to entreat Jesus Christ to pick them out of Hell. Jesus Christ granted their entreaty and went down to Hell to save them. "The Trees of Crosses" is rather complicated because various elements of plural stories are gathered together like a patch work and as a result lack consistency. When and where this work was composed is not exactly comprehensible. This work appeared in the 14th century in Bulgarian and Serbian manuscript tradition and only at the end of the 15th century in Russian. At the base of the work there is the plot that the tree, which caused Adam to have been exiled from Eden, became the trees of the Crosses, by one of which Jesus Christ was crucified. This apocrypha seems to have shown that the original sin of the mankind had been saved by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
三浦 麻子 川浦 康至
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.25, no.2, pp.153-160, 2009
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This study focused on an online knowledge-sharing community, in which information was exchanged and accumulated actively in the community based on the question-and-answer interaction of users. We examined its characteristics by text mining, one of the most effective methods for the content analysis of enormous quantities of text-based data. Based on an analysis of posted questions and answers, the same gender difference as in previous studies on interpersonal communicative discourse was found. Female users tended to post questions and answers related to their interpersonal relationships. Based on an analysis of their perspectives on the community, it was suggested that many users positively evaluated the usefulness of the community and did not hesitate to post questions and answers. These attitudes of users toward the community should lead to their positive evaluation of both the overall community and the communication made there, as pointed out by Miura and Kawaura (2008).
重宗 明子 三浦 清之 上原 泰樹 小林 陽 古賀 義昭 内山田 博士 佐本 四郎 笹原 英樹 後藤 明俊 太田久稔#清水博之#藤田米一#石坂昇助#.中川原捷洋#奥野員敏#山田利昭#小牧有三#堀内久満#福井清美#大槻寛#丸山清明
中央農業総合研究センター研究報告 (ISSN:18816738)
no.16, pp.17-37, 2011-03

「華麗舞」は1979年に北陸農業試験場(現中央農業総合研究センター・北陸研究センター)において,超多収品種の育成を目的として,インド型多収品種「密陽23号」を母とし,日本型多収品種「アキヒカリ」を父とする人工交配を行って育成された品種である.1990年から「北陸149号」の系統名で関係各府県における奨励品種決定調査試験およびその他の試験に供試してきたものであり,2006年10月4日に新品種として「水稲農林415号」に命名登録された「華麗舞」の特性の概要は以下のとおりである.1. 出穂期は「コシヒカリ」より4~5日早く,成熟期は「コシヒカリ」より5~9日早く,育成地では"中生の早"である.2. 稈長は「コシヒカリj」より20cm程短く" 短",穂長は「コシヒカリ」より長く" やや長"穂数は「コシヒカリ」より少なく"少",草型は"穂重型" で,脱粒性は"難"である.粒形は"細長"である.千粒重は「コシヒカリ」よりやや軽い. 3.収量は,標肥では「コシヒカリ」より少ないが,多肥では「コシヒカリ」並である.4.炊飯米は, 「コシヒカリ」.「日本晴」よりも粘りが少なく,硬い.表面の粘りが少ないのでとろみのあるカレーソースとのなじみが良く,カレーライスへの嗜好性が高い.5. いもち病真性抵抗性遺伝子はPiaとPibを併せ持つと推定され,葉いもち圃場抵抗性は"中",穂いもち圃場抵抗性は不明である.穂発芽性は"やや易",障害型耐冷性は"極弱"である.
福島 秀晃 三浦 雄一郎 森原 徹
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.17, pp.3-16, 2017 (Released:2017-12-29)

The shoulder joint is called a complex, and consists of the sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular, scapulothoracic, and glenohumeral joints. It has a wide range of motion and contributes to the smoothness of upper limb function. The motor function of the upper limb is a complicated mechanism because the influence of the peripheral joints affects the shoulder joints, and it is difficult to understand. Electromyographic analysis of the shoulder joint function is useful for objectively presenting the effect of exercise therapy. Therefore, in this paper, we present the clinical applications of EMG data of shoulder joint function. Specifically, we focus on the following: 1) Understanding of muscle activity patterns according to the direction of movement of the shoulder joint and the elevation angle, taking into consideration the mechanism of the shoulder joint. 2) The shrug sign (shoulder shrinkage phenomenon) is a compensatory motion of shoulder joint disease cases. In addition to the activities of the elevator and retractor muscle groups of the shoulder girdle during this operation, the muscle activity of the supraspinatus muscle is also analyzed and discussed regarding its clinical applications. 3) Exercise posture (supine or lateral) promotes or suppresses treatment of the target muscles and re-education of muscle activity due to posture can be expected.
福島 秀晃 三浦 雄一郎
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.13, pp.23-32, 2013 (Released:2013-12-28)

To evaluate the scapulo-humeral rhythm of patients with a clinical condition, not only a quantitative evaluation (range of motion) but also a qualitative evaluation (a structural method that measures scapular upward rotation) is required. This study investigated the effectiveness of an analysis that assessed the scapular-girdle dynamics, in which the direction and translation of the coordinates were analyzed using electromyograms of the scapular muscle activities of the elevated upper limb. Scapula upward rotation did not show a difference during shoulder flexion and abduction. The difference between shoulder flexion and abduction was more prominent when we used a structural method that measured scapular upward rotation including clavicle movement. When considering a structural method that measures scapular upward rotation during shoulder flexion and abduction, the function of the scapular muscle must be taken into account, since it may worsen and develop into a clinical condition. The direction of gravity that acts on the shoulder joint changes when the shoulder position changes during exercise. Therefore, a change is observed in the mechanical energy of the shoulder. It should be possible to design a therapeutic-exercise program that includes exercise positions that improve the function of the scapular and shoulder muscles to treat shoulder disorders.
板垣 寧々 谷貝 祐介 三浦 哲都 三嶋 博之 古山 宣洋
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.30, no.3, pp.285-302, 2023-09-01 (Released:2023-09-15)

Musicians have to coordinate movements interpersonally to perform in an ensemble. As such, this study explores how violinists coordinate movements to play the same melody together in terms of the leader–follower relationships revealed by players’ movements. Twelve violinists participated in the study and played a violin ensemble in pairs. We applied Granger causality analysis to the three-dimensional displacement data of players’ heads, violins, and bows to identify leader–follower relationships between players. The results revealed the following: i) the participants adopted leader–follower roles during trials; ii) as the performance proceeded, the participants swapped roles; iii) the more difficult the parts of the score, the more notable the leader–follower relationships; iv) compared with between-head and between-violin data, the movements for between-bow data were more similar in more parts of the score that demonstrated leader–follower relationships. Further examination of cases where the leader–follower relationships were identified showed that players may have employed their own strategies to achieve a stable, coordinated state. These results suggest that, when the roles of players are not fixed in violin ensembles, performance can be adjusted in multiple ways, including swapping leader–follower roles, which is in stark contrast to previous studies that reported fixed leader–follower relationship when the first violinist only led the other parts in a string quartet.
三浦 俊彦
科学哲学 (ISSN:02893428)
vol.35, no.2, pp.69-81, 2002-11-10 (Released:2009-12-07)

The question "How can I be a?" ("a" being a proper name) has been recently referred to as "The Harder Problem of Consciousness", which would remain mysterious even after "The Hard Problem" about how subjective experiences arise is solved. Since both the indexical "I" and an exemplifying name "a" are ambiguous in their references, a formal analysis is required. Then, it turns out that any disambiguated version of "Harder Problem" is logically reduced to "The Hard Problem" or its special case "How can there be a?". There is no "Harder Problem" with its additional philosophical value. This is simply a matter of logic, independent of any ontology on whether metaphysical self exists or not.
小森 政嗣 前田 和甫 三浦 麻子 松村 真宏
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.16, no.4, pp.277-284, 2014-11-25 (Released:2019-07-01)

Rumors can easily spread on the microblogging service Twitter in the form of retweets, which are tweets that a user has forwarded to his/her followers. This study investigated the social network characteristics of Twitter users who retweeted rumors concerning the Great East Japan Earthquake. We targeted not only the users who spread the rumor that was delivered to their timeline but also those who did not retweet the rumor. Moreover, we investigated each personal network of the user and his/her followings and followers on Twitter, including the set of connections between them. Consequently, we found that the users who spread the rumors are characterized by lower centrality (lower degree and betweenness) and lower reciprocity (fewer mutual follow relationships).