中村 優里 片桐 由希子
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.54, no.3, pp.268-275, 2019-10-25 (Released:2019-11-06)

中村 優美子 外海 泰秀 辻 澄子 伊藤 誉志男
公益社団法人 日本食品衛生学会
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.28, no.4, pp.251-260_1, 1987

ラットを用いて, クエン酸及びそのナトリウム塩, カルシウム塩, カリウム塩の代謝を調べた. 伊藤らによって算出されたクエン酸の日本人の一日摂取量37.78mg/kgを基準として投与量を設定した. クエン酸及びその塩類の<sup>14</sup>Cでラベルされたものあるいはされていないものをラットに経口投与して, 尿中へのクエン酸排泄量, 呼気中の<sup>14</sup>C放射活性及び血中の<sup>14</sup>C放射活性の経時変化を調べた. その結果, 投与されたクエン酸及びその塩類は, いずれも体内へ吸収された後ほとんどが代謝されて体内へは蓄積せずに, 主として呼気中にCO<sub>2</sub>として排泄されることがわかった. また, 塩の違いによる差は顕著ではなかった.
池上 洋介 李 昌憲 ブレスデル エレン 中村 仁彦 鮎澤 光 柏木 匠 久保田 奏 吉松 昭洋 中村 優介 井深 祐輝 石川 淳一 洪 舜傑
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
シンポジウム: スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集
vol.2011, pp.303-308, 2011

In this paper, human muscle tension estimation based on robotics dynamics and its visualization technique was reported. Human muscle tension estimation was obtained by kinematics and dynamics using optical motion caputure data, force plate data and EMG signals. The environment for the motion capture and the calculation flow was explained. The visualization technique was explained. Tai chi, tap dance and drum motion was analyzed, respectively. The obtained findings of the experts' motion technique were reported.
中村 優花 岡崎 甚幸
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
no.754, pp.2441-2451, 2018-12

&nbsp;This study is to analyze the types of spatial composition within Buddhist shrines. The focus was on the spatial composition, the plan forms and the arrangement of worship objects (stupas and Buddhist statues). This research is based on 55 documented Buddhist temples in Central Asia. The shrine architectures have been divided into 4 types based on spatial compositions. The meanings of spatial composition also have been discussed by conjecturing how worship acts were performed in shrine architectures. For the purpose of this study, Central Asia is defined as: northern Pakistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Xinjiang Uyghur (Fig. 1).<br>&nbsp;The plan forms were divided into the following types: single chamber, two-celled chamber which has main chamber and ante-chamber (having wing walls and without wing walls type), and the corridor type (a main chamber enclosed by a single wall/ two-celled chamber enclosed by a single wall) (Fig. 2). According to the classification of plan forms, the arrangement of worship objects was classified as I, II, III, and IV. The spatial compositions were analyzed based on the schemas. The shrine architectures have been divided into 4 types as the follows (Fig. 3):<br>&nbsp;I. Worshippers face worship object inside or outside the chamber: Worshippers do not enter inside, and face to the worship object directly; Worshippers enter inside directly without wing walls, judging from its large scale; Worshippers enter inside through wing walls, judging from its large scale and the spatial composition.<br>&nbsp;II. Shrine with axiality: the worship object is located at the further end of the shrine (in some cases, center of the shrine). There is the symbolic direction to the worship object. Worshippers face the worship object.<br>&nbsp;III. Shrine with circumambulatory: the worship object is housed in the center of the main chamber. Accordingly, pradak?i?a (Buddhist devotional practice) is performed.<br>&nbsp;IV. Shrine with centrality: the worship objects are placed on three sides or four sides of the main chamber. The plan forms of shrines are centralized plan such as a square and a cruciform.<br>&nbsp;Axiality is a common characteristic in many shrine architectures. Axiality is necessarily component in the case of the two-celled chamber type shrines. In addition, it became clear that there is the shrine architecture includes some characteristics of spatial composition: axiality + circumambulatory, and axiality + circumambulatory + centrality.<br>&nbsp;Over a long period of time, circumambulatory design was adopted for wide areas because it indicated the circumambulation ritual from left to right of the worship object. On the other hand, there were few examples of shrine architectures with centrality. It has been conjectured that centrality was a determinate factor judging from the aspect of geographical distribution. Based on the analysis, the meaning of the spatial compositions was considered. The conclusions are as follows:<br>&nbsp;- Shrines with axiality means that the Buddhist world continues forward.<br>&nbsp;- Shrines with circumambulatory were held for service of the cosmological Buddha.<br>&nbsp;- Shrines with centrality had worshippers enclosed by the Buddhist world.<br>&nbsp;It could be considered that &ldquo;circumambulatory&rdquo; and &ldquo;centrality&rdquo; is contrasting characteristics of spatial composition and suggests a change of meaning in the shrine architecture.
安藤 聡子 柳沢 文敬 中村 優文
一般社団法人 情報科学技術協会
情報プロフェッショナルシンポジウム予稿集 第16回情報プロフェッショナルシンポジウム
pp.49-53, 2019 (Released:2019-06-14)

辻 澄子 松村 郁子 中村 優美子 外海 泰秀
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.41, no.6, pp.357-363, 2000-12-25
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食用黄色5号 (Y-5) 中の副成色素, 未反応原料及び反応中間体などの有機性不純物の分離・定量に当たりHPLC条件を検討した. その結果, 0.02mol/L酢酸アンモニウム溶液とアセトニトリル-水混液 (7 : 3) との濃度勾配系を用いるHPLC条件を変化させることにより, 4,4'-(ジアゾアミノ) ジベンゼンスルホン酸=二ナトリウム塩とスルファニル酸アゾG塩色素との分離定量を確立した. 本HPLC条件を用いて平成10年度Y-5製品検査合格品39検体中の有機性不純物の実態調査を行った. その結果, 検体中の副成色素の総量は規制値の五分の一未満であり, 未反応原料及び反応中間体の総量は規制値の半分以下であった.
吉井 公彦 外海 泰秀 津村 ゆかり 中村 優美子 柴田 正
公益社団法人 日本食品衛生学会
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.39, no.3, pp.184-191_1, 1998

穀類に使用される農薬15種を超臨界流体抽出 (SFE) で抽出後, Extrelut<sup>&reg;</sup>+Sep-Pak<sup>&reg;</sup> C<sub>18</sub>で脱脂し, Sep-Pak<sup>&reg;</sup> フロリジルでクリーアップし, HPLCで測定する一斉分析法を作製し, SFE装置からの抽出物を Extrelut<sup>&reg;</sup> で補集する方法を考案した. また脂肪の抽出率からSFEの有用性を明らかにした. また脂質を多量に含むとうもろこしなどの試料は, ゲル浸透クロマトグラフィーを併用するのが有効であった. クリーンアップに Sep-Pak<sup>&reg;</sup> フロリジルを使用し, 各種農薬を3画分に分けて溶出することにより, 検体からの農薬の検出を容易にした. また, GCでの測定の必要性が生じることも考慮して, 最終溶媒をイソプロパノールで調製した.
中村 優一 馬岡 秀陽 上岡 麗子 池田 剛 塚本 佐知子
vol.52, pp.505-510, 2010

We reported the structures and biosynthetic experiments of prenylated indole alkaloids, notoamides, which isolated from a marine-derived fungus Aspergillus sp. Among them, notoamides A and B (1 and 2) and stephacidin A (6) contain a bicyclo[2.2.2]diazaoctane ring, which is proposed to be constructed from notoamice E (8) by the intramolecular Diels-Alder (IMDA) reaction. We made a feeding experiment of ^<13>C-labeled-8 in the minimum medium. Contrary to our expectaton, compounds containing a bicyclo ring were not obtained at all. This result suggested that the formation of a pyrane ring would be constructed after the formation of the bicyclo ring. Then, we made a feeding experiment of ^<13>C, ^<15>N-labeled-7, which lacks a pyrane ring in 6. As the result, a pinacol-type rearrangement of the isoprenyl group in 7 occurred to give 11 and 12, and no metabolite containing a bicyclo ring was afforded. Now, feeding experiments of ^<13>C, ^<15>N-labeled-11 and -12 are in progress. Nortoamides O-R (14-17) were isolated from the same extract of the fungus, which yielded other notoamides. Notoamide O (14) possesses a novel hemiacetal/hemiaminal ether functionality hitherto unknown among this family of prenylated indole alkaloids. The structure represents an unusual branc point for the oxidative modification of other members in the family of prenylated indole alkaloids in the biogenetic pathway.
肥爪 彰夫 倉田 健二 中村 優一 松田 隆男
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.58, no.554, pp.2869-2876, 1992

Excessively large transient torsional vibration is induced on the rotor system of modern large turbine-generators. This paper reveals that the coupling connecting the adjacent rotors acts as a hysteresis damper, and discusses the effect. First, a model is presented for the damping mechanism of typical shaft coupling. Second, the time-dependent nonlinear transient torsional vibration of the rotor system is investigated, using this model. Third, an improved coupling of higher damping capacity is introduced and investigated in the same way. Thus, the proper direction of the optimal design of coupling is clearly specified.
北野 正典 中村 優一 PILT Kristjan 有本 英伸 角田 直人 山田 幸生
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2005, pp.61-62, 2005

Patients of kidney disease remove excess water by hemodialysis. In hemodialysis, blood pressure may fall and the patients may suffer from hypovolemic shock, because body fluid removal rate is normally larger than plasma refilling rate. The aim of our research is to measure water content in issue in order to prevent the hypovolemic shock and to know how much water has to be removed quantitatively. We employ a technique using near infrared spectroscopy for this purpose. It will have advantages of being real-time, noninvasive and continuous.
中村 優一 加藤 光 塚本 佐知子
vol.53, pp.421-426, 2011

In our laboratory, we search for drug leads from marine sponge, ascidian and fungus. The extract of the ascidian Didemnum sp., which collected in Indonesia in 2006, showed anti-fungal activity and inhibitory activity of p53-Mdm2 complex formation. p53, tumor suppressor, protein induced growth arrest and apoptosis, and Mdm2 is an E3 for p53 protein. Therefore, inhibition of p53-Mdm2 complex formation is a promising approach for treatment of cancer. Twelve new serinolipids, 1-12 were isolated from Indonesian ascidian Didemnum sp. 1D and 2D NMR spectrum and MS spectrum analysis was revealed the structures of these compounds possessing a 6,8-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]octane ring, which was appeared in didemniserinolipid A, a glycerophosphocholine moiety and a serinol moiety containing sulfate. Compounds 1-12 demonstrated inhibition of p53-Mdm2 complex formation. Compounds 1 and 5 were the most potent inhibitors with an IC^<50> value of 2.0 μM, while compounds -2 and 10 exhibited weak inhibitors with IC^<50> values of 53 and 55 μM, respectively.
長谷川 ゆかり 中村 優美子 外海 泰秀 大島 辰之 伊藤 誉志男
Japanese Society for Food Hygiene and Safety
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.31, no.3, pp.261-265, 1990-06-05 (Released:2010-03-01)
7 8

The antimicrobial and preservative effects of sodium chlorite on fish and vegetable were compared with those of sodium hypochlorite. Raw whole sardine, sliced mackerel or shredded cabbage were soaked in solutions of sodium chlorite or sodium hypochlorite at 5°C for 1 hour, and then stored for 1 or 2 weeks at 5°C. Then bacterial counts for all samples and K values of fish were determined. Browning of cabbage was observed continuously.The antimicrobial effect of sodium chlorite was as strong as that of sodium hypochlorite for fish. The two compounds were not effective to keep fish fresh (checked by K value), but sodium chlorite suppressed the growth of bacteria on vegetable better than sodium hypochlorite did, and it also protected cabbage from browning very effectively.
田中 里穂 日吉 優佳 中村 優里 相原 遥 日向 実佳 平賀 美樹 川合 康央
一般社団法人 日本デザイン学会
日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 日本デザイン学会 第63回研究発表大会
pp.195, 2016 (Released:2016-06-30)

松井 希代子 柳原 清子 佐藤 正美 能登原 寛子 下 綾華 塚本 愛実 中村 優希 西野 ひかり 東 郁江 兵田 亜未 村田 奈穂 元橋 茉佑 森田 恵里 米澤 智亜紀
Journal of wellness and health care (ISSN:24333190)
vol.41, no.1, pp.125-135, 2017

Cancer medicine is becoming more sophisticated and complex, and therefore it is becoming more difficult to care for people at the end of life. This study was performed to identify the nature of positive attitudes to nursing practice of nurses in general hospitals, and to examine their associations with various different factors. The participants were 683 nurses working in 41 wards in eight regional general hospitals. The survey was carried out as an anonymous self-administered questionnaire. Four factors were identified as constituents of nurses' positive attitudes to nursing practice. These consisted of three factors concerning attitudes and knowledge, comprising [The practice of specialist end-of-life specific care], [Making the best arrangements until the end], and [Spiritual care], and one affirmative sentiment, that of [The confidence to nurse someone at the end of life]. The mean score for factors related to knowledge of nursing practice was > 4 points on a 6-point scale, corresponding to "Somewhat applicable," whereas the mean score for the sentiment [The confidence to nurse someone at the end of life] was > 3 points, corresponding to "Not really applicable." In terms of related factors, for all factors other than spiritual care, positive attitudes to nursing practice increased significantly with increasing experience. There was no association with having cared for a dying family member. Although having experienced an educational opportunity was not associated with the practice of case conferences for deceased patients, it was significantly associated with the experience of having been able to talk at length about the care they had provided and their own thoughts in venues such as case conferences, receiving recognition by colleagues at their own level of seniority or above, and reflection. Improving nurses' positive attitudes to nursing practice in end-of-life care in general hospitals, therefore, depended not on personal characteristics, such as having taken care of a dying family member, but rather on having repeatedly overcome difficulties in the course of nursing experience. Talking at length about care and expressing one's own thoughts, receiving recognition from colleagues at one's own level of seniority or above, and reflection on nursing practice were all important in this process.がん医療が高度・複雑化し、結果、人々が「死」を看取っていくことが難しくなっている。本研究の目的は、総合病院における看護師のがん終末期の実践への肯定感はどのようなものかを明らかにし、要因との関連を見ることとである。対象は地方の 8 つの総合病院 41 病棟683 名の看護師である。自記式質問紙調査を行い、看護師の実践への肯定感は 4 因子の構造として見いだされた。それは【終末期固有の専門的ケア実践】、【最期までの最善の調整】、【スピリティアルなケア】という実践への態度や認識と、【最期を看取っていく自信】という肯定的心情であった。実践への認識の平均値は 6 段階中 4 点台で、「どちらかといえばできる」レベルであり、【最期を看取っていく自信】の心情は 3 点台で「どちらかといえば自信がない」であった。関連要因では、スピリティアルケアを除く全ての因子で、経験年数が増すと実践への肯定感が有意に高まっていた。また、身内の死の看取り経験は関連がなかった。一方、教育的働きかけを受けた経験との関連は、デスカンファレンス実施の有無とは関係がなかったが、自分の行ったケアや思いを十分に語った経験、先輩や同僚に認められた経験、そしてリフレクションが有意に関係していた。つまり、総合病院の終末期ケアにおいて、看護師の実践への肯定感の高まりは、身内の死の看取りなどの個人的特性ではなく、看護経験の中で、困難感からの転換の形で積み重ねられていた。その過程では、ケアや思いを十分に語り、先輩や同僚に認められ、そして実践をリフレクションすることが重要となる。
出島 一仁 中別府 修 中村 優斗 土屋 智洋 長坂 圭輔
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.84, no.858, pp.17-00414-17-00414, 2018 (Released:2018-02-25)

To develop a heat flux sensor for internal combustion engines, two metal substrate thin film resistance sensors have been developed as prototypes by using MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) technologies. In our previous study, a thin film heat flux sensor on a Si chip was developed for combustion fields. To apply the thin film sensor to the engine, a metal substrate sensor technology has to be developed. To begin with, a flat plate shape sensor with a SUS substrate was made in order to confirm the fabrication process and the performance of the metal substrate MEMS sensor. Heat fluxes were successfully measured in laminar premixed combustion fields, and it was confirmed that the SUS substrate flat plate shape sensor has sufficient performance in temporal resolution, measurement noise and temperature durability against requirements. Secondly, a plug shape sensor using an AC8A substrate was produced to be introduced to an engine. The heat from the sensor sidewall has to be taken into account due to the small size of the plug shape sensor, the analytical model for the heat flux calculation was extended to a two dimensional cylindrical system. Heat flux measurement tests under high load conditions with the plug shape sensor were conducted in a rapid compression and expansion machine. As a result, the sensor endured the harsh environment with the maximum pressure of 9.1 MPa and the heat flux load of 8.9 MW/m2. Furthermore, the measurement noise was estimated to 11.0 kW/m2, which was a quite low level compared with a commercially available heat flux sensor. Although the issue in the fabrication process remains, the prospects for introducing the MEMS heat flux sensor in internal combustion engine were obtained.
多田 耕太郎 寺島 晃也 中村 優 鈴木 敏郎
vol.38, no.2, pp.85-91, 2012 (Released:2013-10-08)

辻 澄子 中村 優美子 外海 泰秀 柴田 正 内堀 伸健 川田 誠 小林 建夫 鈴木 宏 室井 順子 鈴木 由記子 兼田 登 鈴木 英樹 宮本 文夫 伊藤 誉志男
Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
日本食品工業学会誌 (ISSN:00290394)
vol.37, no.2, pp.111-123, 1990
2 6

農産物39種類195試料,水産物23種類115試料及び畜産物8種類40試料の生鮮食品合計70種類350試料並びに農産加工品58種類331試料,水産加工品38種類323試料,畜産加工品19種類147試料,菓子類18種類90試料,嗜好飲料31種類250試料,油脂・砂糖・調味料など15種類75試料及び調理加工食品11種類55試料の加工食品合計180種類1271試料中のH<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>を酸素電極法により測定した. <BR>生鮮食品70種類中,H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>を含有していない食品は56種類であり,平均値として1mg/kg未満のものが9種類であり,1mg/kg以上のものはピーナッッ(乾)(3.3mg/kg),カレイ(1.7mg/kg),ホタテ貝(4.0mg/kg),ホタルイカ(3.4mg/kg),及びカニ(1.2mg/kg)の5種類であった. <BR>一方,加工食品188種類中,H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>を含有していない食品は47種類であり,平均値として1mg/kg未満が82種類,1~5mg/kgの範囲の食品が41種類であり,5mg/kg(以下単位省略)以上の食品としては甘らっきょう(5.7),干ししいたけ(7.4),いかなご佃煮(9.1),焼のり(8.9),ひとえぐさ佃煮(7.8),乾燥ひじき(8,5),玉露(葉)(6.7),煎茶(葉)(6.2),玄米茶(葉)(6.4),番茶(葉)(6.4),ほうじ茶(葉)(30.4),紅茶(葉)(18.0),ウーロン茶(葉)(35.3),麦茶(45.0),コーヒーいり豆(140.3),インスタントコーヒー粉末(368.5),ココア(62.8),こいくちしょうゆ(7.6)の18種類であった.茶類及びコーヒー類は飲用状態ではいずれも5mg/kg以下となった. <BR>調理による食品中のH2O2含有量に対する影響について,加熱調理では,H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>量の増加傾向が,水もどし調理では,干ししいたけ以外はH2O2量の減少傾向が示された. <BR>従って,H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>含有量は調理方法により大きく変化することが判明した. <BR>更に,干ししいたけのように,水もどしすることにより,H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>量が増加傾向を示し,ばらっきも大きいことから,しいたけ成分からのH<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>生成の可能性が示唆された.
伊藤 祥江 髙木 聖 小川 優喜 瀧野 皓哉 早藤 亮兵 川出 佳代子 今村 隼 稲垣 潤一 林 由布子 中村 優希 加藤 陽子 森 紀康 鈴木 重行 今村 康宏
vol.2010, pp.BbPI1176-BbPI1176, 2011
