戸田 真佐子 大久保 幸枝 大西 玲子 島村 忠勝
日本細菌学雑誌 (ISSN:00214930)
vol.44, no.4, pp.669-672, 1989
15 53

We found that extracts of Japanese green tea leaves inhibited the growth of various bacteria causing diarrheal diseases. All tea samples tested showed antibacterial activity against <i>Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis, Vibrio cholerae</i> O1, <i>V. cholerae</i> non O1. <i>V. parahaemolyticus, V. mimicus, Campylobacter jejuni</i> and <i>Plesiomonas shigelloides</i>. None of the tea samples had any effect on the growth of <i>V. fluvialis, Aeromonas sobria, A. hydrophila, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella enteritidis, enteroinvasive Escherichia coli</i>, enterohemorrhagic <i>E. coli</i>, enteropathogenic <i>E. coli</i>, enterotoxigenic <i>E. coli, Enterobacter cloacae</i> or <i>Yersinia enterocolitica. Salmonella</i> and <i>Shigella</i> showed susceptibilities different depending on the kind of Japanese green tea. Japanese green tea showed also bactericidal activity over <i>S. aureus</i>, <i>V. parahaemolyticus</i> and even enteropathogenic <i>E. coli</i> which was not sensitive when tested by cup method. The bactericidal activity was shown even at the drinking concentration in daily life.
久保田 潔
一般社団法人 日本薬剤疫学会
薬剤疫学 (ISSN:13420445)
vol.6, no.2, pp.101-108, 2002-03-31 (Released:2011-02-28)
1 5

Objective : To outline new methods developed in Medicines Control Agency (MCA) in the UK, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA and WHO Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) to detect signals from spontaneous reports on suspected drug reactions.Methods : Presentations in the Signal Generation Symposium (Southampton, UK, June 2001) and related articles identified by hand searching were examined.Results : All of the 3 methods compare the number or probability of reports on a particular drug-event combination with the expected number or probability for the combination. For example, in the MCA's method, the expected number is estimated as (the total number of reports on a drug) × (the fraction of an event among all spontaneous reports). A signal is detected when Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR) defined as the ratio of observed/expected numbers>2 and the corresponding chi-square value> 4. In the FDA's method, the observed number of a drug-event combination is supposed to have a Poisson distribution with a mean of μ and the signal score is defined as the expected value of a random variable λ=μ/E where E is the expected number of reports on that combination. A signal is detected when signal score>2. The “Information Component” (IC) in the UMC's methods is estimated from the ratio of posterior to prior probabilities for a particular drug-event combination. A signal is detected when the 95% confidence interval for the IC is positive and does not include 0.Conclusion : New methods outlined in this article require further theoretical development and its application to the analysis of spontaneous reports.
丸谷 充子 市川 美恵子 大久保 秀子 伊志嶺 美津子 櫃田 紋子 菅野 陽子 船木 美佳 五十嵐 裕子 柴田 崇浩 マルヤ ミツコ イチカワ ミエコ オオクボ ヒデコ イシミネ ミツコ ヒツダ アヤコ サガノ ヨウコ フナキ ミカ イガラシ ユウコ シバタ タカヒロ Mitsuko Maruya Mieko Ichikawa Hideko Okubo Mitsuko Ishimine Ayako Hitsuda Yoko Sugano Mika Funaki Yuko Igarashi Takahiro Shibata
浦和論叢 (ISSN:0915132X)
no.48, pp.63-82, 2013-02

こどもコミュニティセンターでは、親子のひろば「ぽっけ」の参加者である親子を対象に、学生による保育付きのプログラムを実施してきた。今回、新たに親子それぞれが並行してプログラムに参加する親子並行プログラムを実施した。親プログラムは、名称を「My Own Time~わたしの時間~」とし、参加者である母親にひとときの子どもと離れた自由時間を提供する内容とした。子どもプログラムは名称を「おにいさんおねえさんと遊べるタイム」とし、親から離れて1人で学生と一緒に遊ぶ内容とした。終了後のアンケートでは、親プログラムは気持ちがリフレッシュし、子どもへの気持ちを再確認できる機会となり、子どもはプログラムへの参加が社会的経験となり、親子で共に成長する機会となった等の感想が得られた。アンケートの内容、子どもプログラムの観察と学生への聞き取り、その後の親子の様子から、プログラムの内容について考察し、大学でプログラムを行うことの意義を検討する。At the Child Community Center, the programs for parents with childcare by college students have been held since it was found. This time new programs were conducted as parents and children could join separately in the different programs at the same time. The name of the programs for the parents was "My Own Time", designed for giving them two-hours free time away from their children. Another program for children was called "Playing with Big Brothers and Sisters" which was planned for enabling the children to play with college students in the drop-in"Pokke" as they were separated from their parents. According to the results of the questionnaires, parents gained a relaxation time and found an opportunity to rediscover how they love their children. Consequently, the programs have supported the growth of both parents and children. We will examine the meanings of these programs by analyzing the results of the questionnaires, observing the children' program, listening to the students voices, and investigating continually to the relationship between parents and children.
竹岡 郁 小森 雅晴 久保 愛三 狩谷 悠史 伊藤 雄大 八田 健一郎 竹内 博之 吉住 恵一
公益社団法人 精密工学会
vol.2005, pp.461-462, 2005

久保田 泰夫
東京工芸大学芸術学部紀要 (ISSN:13418696)
vol.3, pp.57-69, 1997-03-31

This paper is intended to provide the Japanese readers with some idea of the organization and the argument of Roger Williams' The Blovdy Tenent of Persecution for Cause of Conscience published unanimously in London in the summer of 1644. This book is considered as the most important of Williams' writings, and has most often been referred to in the academic discussion of the protracted argument between Willimas and John Cotton over religious liberty and the church/state relationship. Essential points of Williams' argument are presented succinctly and straightforwardly in the three prefaces of the book rather than its main body ; which, in the form of dialogue between two imaginary sisters, Peace and Truth, and full of Scriptural and historical references, consists of two parts. The first part is devoted to Williams' confutation of Cotton's reply to the plea for religious liberty which was allegedly written by an Anabaptist imprisoned in Newgate. The second part is Williams' examination and criticism of A Model of Church and Civil Power composed by New England ministers to defend the cooperation of the church and the civil government. That part will be dealt with in another paper. In the present paper, I intend to focus on an accurate philological interpretation of main points of Williams' argument in the prefaces and first half of his book and also to trace his Separatist principles to a fifteenth-century French theologian Sebastien Castellion.
清野 弘明 大久保 健太郎 山口 日吉 木村 美奈子 宮口 修一 山崎 俊朗 三崎 麻子 菊池 宏明 阿部 隆三
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.46, no.4, pp.333-335, 2003-04-30

症例は31歳の男性, 2002年5月12日より口渇感, 全身倦怠感が出現し5月15日に初診した. 初診時血糖値778mgd<SUB>l</SUB>, 尿ケトン体強陽性, 動脈血分析ではpH7.249, HCO<SUB>3</SUB>13.6mmo<I>l</I>, 血中総ケトン体9800μmol<I>l</I>で糖尿病性ケトアシドーシスと診断した. 入院時のHbA<SUB>1c</SUB>は6.1%であった.入院中3回測定した尿中CPRは (3.4, <1.0, <1.0μg/day) でグルカゴン負荷試験でも負荷前・負荷6分後の血清CPRは検出限界の0.2ng/m<I>l</I>以下でβ 細胞の完全破壊が示唆された. 以上より本例は劇症1型糖尿病のスクリーニング基準を満たしたが, 2回測定した抗GAD抗体は, 11.6Um<I>l</I>, 10.2Um<I>l</I>と陽性であった. 本例は劇症1型糖尿病と考えられるが, 抗GAD抗体が陽性であったことより自己免疫の関与が示唆される劇症1型糖尿病であり, 興味ある症例である.
岩谷 徹 大久保 聡
日経エレクトロニクス (ISSN:03851680)
no.1041, pp.115-117, 2010-10-18

大久保 隆
日本海洋学会誌 (ISSN:00298131)
vol.37, no.5, pp.279-286, 1981

瀬戸内海の表面水中の<SUP>228</SUP>Raの濃度を測定した. 瀬戸内海中央部の燧灘や備後灘で採水した表面海水は655-811 dpm/1000 lの<SUP>228</SUP>Raを含んでおり, 太平洋の表面水と比べて100倍も高濃度であった. この高い<SUP>228</SUP>Ra濃度は, 0.16dpmcm<SUP>-2</SUP>y<SUP>-1</SUP>以上と見積もられる堆積物からの<SUP>228</SUP>Raフラックスに支えられているものと考えられる. 海水中の<SUP>228</SUP>Ra濃度は, 塩分の増加及び瀬戸内海中央部からの距離の増加と共に著しく減少していた. 紀伊水道や豊後水道では, <SUP>228</SUP>Ra濃度は約18dpm/1000であった. <SUP>228</SUP>Raを使って瀬戸内海に単純な箱モデルを適用した結果, 瀬戸内海の海水の平均滞留時間は少くとも10年以下, おそらく数年程度と推定された.
久保 久彦 鈴木 亘 㓛刀 卓 青井 真
公益社団法人 日本地震工学会
日本地震工学会論文集 (ISSN:18846246)
vol.17, no.4, pp.4_13-4_29, 2017 (Released:2017-08-31)

米丸 淳一 上山 泰史 久保田 明人
東北農業研究センター研究報告 (ISSN:13473379)
no.113, pp.17-28, 2011-03

「東北1号」は、イタリアンライグラスの優れた消化性及び飼料特性とメドウフェスクの優れた越冬性の両形質を付与した採草用品種を目標に、海外で育成されたフェストロリウム品種(x Festulolium Aschers. et Graebn) の後代から選抜育成した国内初のフェストロリウム品種である。東北農業研究センターにおいて育成され、2009年7月22日に品種登録申請を行った。年間乾物収量は、我が国唯一の流通品種である「バーフェスト」に比べて3年間6場所の試験平均で約10%多収である。播種翌年が最も多収で、年次経過とともに収量は低下するが、「バーフェスト」に比べてその程度は小さい。夏期が高温となる地域では利用2年目の越夏後の衰退が著しい傾向がみられるが、それ以外の地域では3年を経過しても100kg/a程度の収量が期待できる。出穂始は「バーフェスト」と同時期である。高い出穂期草丈、低い無芒個体率、及び高い根の蛍光反応率など、イタリアンライグラスに類似した表現型を示す。北東北における越冬性及び雪腐病抵抗性は「バーフェスト」よりもやや劣るが、低標高地や南東北以南の中標高以下では越冬に支障はない。耐湿性、冠さび病及び葉腐病抵抗性は「バーフェスト」よりも優れる。本品種は、北東北の低標高、南東北の太平洋側及び、中標高地域、関東東山地域の中高標高地(概ね500m以上)の転作田や飼料畑における採草用草種としての普及が見込まれる。
久保 和彦 佐藤 方宣 小宗 静男
耳鼻と臨床 (ISSN:04477227)
vol.59, no.3, pp.122-127, 2013

メニエール病治療薬であるイソソルビドは、苦く特有な味であるために、服用に困難を極める弱点がある。これまで多様な方法が試みられたが、良好な服用法は確立されていない。その服用感を改善するため、健常人 33 名にイソソルビド+ある種の溶液の組み合わせ ( 1 : 1 混合) を 6 種類試飲してもらい、服用しやすさを 5 段階評価で検討した。原液の味に関しては苦味の評点が高かった。服用感については、原液の平均評点が 3.18 だったのに対し、オレンジジュースは 4.12、リンゴ酢は 3.12、炭酸水は 3.30、コカ・コーラ<sup>TM</sup> は 3.76、ポカリスエット<sup>TM</sup>は 3.61、緑茶は 2.82 と、オレンジジュース、コカ・コーラ<sup>TM</sup>、ポカリスエット<sup>TM</sup>は有意に服用しやすさを改善したが、緑茶は逆の傾向が見られた。患者がイソソルビドの服用しにくさを訴えた場合は、オレンジジュースかコカ・コーラ<sup>TM</sup>、ポカリスエット<sup>TM</sup>で倍量希釈することで服薬コンプライアンスを上げられる。
久保 一之
西南アジア研究 = Bulletin of the Society for Western and Southern Asiatic Studies, Kyoto University (ISSN:09103708)
no.85, pp.40-72, 2016

The Japanese translation of Nizām al-mulk's Siyar al-mulūk (or the Book of Government) by Prof. K. Itani and Prof. M. Inaba was published last year. I had participated in their reading club in the past and for the first time recognized the importance of the book in the history of the Irano-Islamic political culture. On this occasion, I focus on the inheritance of the Irano-Islamic political culture in the Timurids conveyed through this book. In Timurid Iran and Central Asia, Nizām al-mulk was a well-known historical figure or legendary vazir, and historians have provided an adequate biography of him based on early literature in their literary works. The famous literary man Husayn Kāšifī knew about the Siyar al-mulūk at least from Ġazālī's Nasīḥat al-mulūk, and the title and the author's name are found at the beginning of the quotation from it in Isfizārī's Rawżāt al-jannāt. Moreover, several stories from the Siyar al-mulūk are found in memoirs by Kāšifī's pupil, Maḥmūd Vāsifī. The attitude of the Timurid rulers toward the religious leaders seems to have been based on Nizām al-mulk's advice. The custom of consensual decision-making with these leaders and other intellectuals, according to Kāšifī, derived from ancient Iran. The more evident form of the Irano-Islamic political culture is the mazālim court; here Nizām al-mulk places emphasis on the rule that the rulers themselves must hold this court. The Mongol rulers and Timūr held the Mongol court, the yarġu court, in the name of (or at the same time) as the mazālim court. Although Timūr's son Šāh-ruḥ is said to have abolished the yarġu system, it survived until the last moment of the Timurid dynasty. During the reign of Timūr's successors, the yarġu court of the rulers was held in the same place as the mazālim court. Initially, this place was called the dīvān-i buzurg and later, simply the dīvān (rarely the dīvān-i a'lā). There the questions of state and finance were discussed and decided, and the official ceremonies were held by the ruler, his eminent liegemen, and the religious leaders.
東洋学報 / The Toyo Gakuho
vol.97, no.4, pp.31-58, 2016-03

During the 2nd Sino-Japanese War, the fact that life in Chinese Muslim communities centered around mosques (qingzhensi 清真寺) dispersed throughout the country by no means implies that Muslims were isolated from the political power and society outside their communities. The research to date on Muslims and Muslim communities during wartime mainly emphasizes the aspect of their anti-Japanese resistance activities, efforts to rescue the nation from foreign danger and their overall patriotism, in an effort to maximize their contributions to the Chinese war effort. However, for Muslims, the political environment created during wartime could not be separated with their daily lives and religion. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the many diverse aspects of the relationship between Muslims and the War.For example, during the War, the Chinese Islamic National Salvation Association (中国回教救国協会), a social and religious organization aiming at the integration of Muslim society through the management of mosques, was of the opinion that mosque management should attempt to link politics with religion. This article is an attempt to clarify the perceptions and programs of the Association about mosque management under wartime conditions, by focusing on the process by which its management system was put into effect. The ideals espoused by the NSF were reflected in its Methods for Mosque Management, a plan conceived in the midst of the Republic of China's attempts to deal with structural problems surrounding state religious regulation and internal mosque affairs during wartime. The Association looked upon insufficiencies in mosque management mechanisms as detrimental to improving how religious affairs were conducted and was of the opinion that its Methods of Management would overcome such insufficiencies. The Association's system first tried to advance the organization of individual Muslims and the integration of their internal affairs, an issue that had arisen during the early Republican era, through improvements in mosque management. Then there was the aspect of government supervision and regulation of Islam and its places of worship. Although the Association took the opportunity offered by the government's attempt to regulate religion to present its views concerning mosque management, its motivation was clearly based on the conviction that there were problems that needed solving within the internal affairs of mosques.