伊藤 貞夫
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.106, no.11, pp.1901-1949, 1997

The innovative works of two French scholars, F. Bourriot's Recherches sur la nature du genos and D. Roussel's Tribu et cite, which were both published in 1976, criticized radically the common view that polis society was based on a tribal system and have been supported by many Greek historians since they were appreciated by M.I. Finley in his notable book, Politics in the Ancient World. However, the author feels that their theories are not well founded, and that especially Bourriot's argument emphasizing the religious function of Athenian gene meets with definite invincible difficulties. First, regarding his interpretation of Philochoros' fragment (FGH 328 F35a), Bourriot's interesting reference to homogalaktai in Arist. Pol. 1252b is unsuccessful. The inhabitants of a village, called homogalaktai in that passage, must have been considered by Aristotle to be members of a local lineage in the anthropological sense rather than such joint owners of a pasturage, as Bourriot infers. Homogalaktai in Philochoros' fragment is probably an obsolescent term of the members of an aristocratic group in an Athenian phratry, while orgeones appear to imply upper commoners who stood together against homogalaktai as worshippers to their own god or hero in the course of the democratization of a phratry and also succeeded in organizing lower commoners in the classical period. Secondly, the positive part of Bourriot's theory that gene were originally sacerdotal families is also unpersuasive, because the author cannot cite sufficient evidence giving us both the technical term genos and the proper noun of a sacerdotal group. There are only too sporadic examples (Athen.234f.; Pindar. Olymp. VI71; Hdt. IX33; Demosth. LIX 117). Aesch. III 18, as well as Arist. Ath. Pol.57.2, does not necessarily establish that the term genos originally implied just the sacerdotal family, though in Aesch. III 18 the term happens to be used to represent a sacerdotal family. In Ath. P0l. 57.2 gene appear to be the aristocratic clans which often served as priests in their own phratries, in contrast with the sacerdotal families monopolizing the important priesthoods of communal temples. Thirdly, Bourriot's other insistence that aristocratic families were not called gene, but oikiai, is also not supported by sufficient evidence. From the archaic to the Roman imperial period, ancient authors appear to have usually used only proper nouns when referring to individual aristocratic families. The description of Bacchiadai (Hdt. V 92β; Diod. VII 9; Paus. II 4) sets a good example. It is also important that the above-mentioned dources concerned with Bacchiadai show the cooperative power and spirit of an aristo-cratic clan. As for Roussel's theory that ethne had no tfaces of a tribal system, there is definite epigraphical evidence against it. In an eastern Locrian inscription we find two kinds of primordial community, damos and koinan (ML 20 11. 3-4), besides polis as a constitutional unit of that ethnos (ibid. 11. 19-28). In comparison with an inscription of Elis, another ethnos which includes damos as a social organization (e.g. Buck 62 1.9), the Locrian koinan proves to be equivalent to the Elean patria (Buck 61 1.1), a kind of tribal group. Though the works of Bourriot and Roussel are significant contributions to the study of ancient Greek society, the original arguments of those scholars cannot nevertheless replace the view that phratriai and gene date back to the Dark Age and that gene were aristocratic groups ruling individual phratriai.
添野 光洋 澤瀬 隆 平 曜輔 伊藤 修一 江越 貴文

三木 かなめ 福井 誠 伊藤 博夫

平成29年度は、天然植物キャッツクロー抽出物による歯周病原関連細菌に対する抗菌作用およびヒト歯肉線維芽細胞(HGF)の培養系における抗酸化作用・抗炎症作用について、本格的に評価することを目的として行ってきた。またキャッツクロー抽出物による抗動脈硬化作用の評価についても行ってきた。それらの結果について、抗菌作用の評価は、BHI broth培養系に、キャッツクロー抽出物を連続2倍段階希釈法で投与し歯周病原菌を24時間培養した後、菌の生育度への影響を調べた。生育度を濁度として吸光度計で測定したところ、P.g. とP.i. に対して、生育抑制が確認され、抗菌性が示された。HGFにおける抗酸化作用の評価は、キャッツクロー抽出物が過酸化水素の添加による酸化ストレスを抑制するかどうかを調べた。細胞内で酸化をうけて蛍光発色するプローブを用いて、共焦点レーザー顕微鏡にて検出を行ったところ、キャッツクロー抽出物の添加によって、蛍光発色が抑制されてくることがわかり、HGFでのキャッツクローの抗酸化作用が示唆された。次年度では、再現性を確認してゆく。また抗炎症作用の評価は、P.g.LPS刺激による炎症性サイトカインの発現増強を抑制するかどうかを調べるために、条件の検討を行っており、次年度引き続き行ってゆく。マクロファージ培養系を用いたキャッツクロー抽出物による抗動脈硬化作用の評価は、その前に、酸化ストレスで産生した酸化型LDLによるマクロファージの泡沫化促進モデルを構築することができた。次年度は、平成29年度で構築したマクロファージ培養系を用いて、キャッツクローによる泡沫化抑制効果を調べてゆく予定である。本年度までの検討から、キャッツクロー抽出物の歯周病予防および治癒への利用にむけての有用な基礎研究の結果が認められはじめてきている。
伊藤 信寿
リハビリテーション科学ジャーナル = Journal of Rehabilitation Sciences
vol.12, pp.79-90, 2017-03-31

今回は, 感覚統合の視点を基盤とした余暇支援を計画し,実施したため,活動中における子どもの行動に特に変化が見られた2 事例について報告する.15 名の発達障害児に対し,3 日間の余暇支援を実施した.内容は,感覚統合を基盤とした活動を計画した.結果は,2 事例においては,JSI-R より前庭覚と固有覚に鈍麻な傾向,触覚に過敏な傾向が推測された.この結果を基に,感覚統合を基盤とした活動を提供したところ,活動中に若干の変化が見られた.また,保護者からのアンケートから,子どもの様子については概ね肯定的なフィードバックであった.さらに,保護者の期待に応えられた活動であったといえる. For this study, leisure support based on sensory integration was planned and implemented. Changes in the child's behavior is reported as seen in two instances during the leisure activity. We conducted a three-day-leisure support program based on sensory integration for 15 children with developmental disorders. The planned activity was based on sensory integration. In cases, the tendency of hyposensitivity, with the vestibular and proprioceptive, and hypersensitivity to tactile sense were inferred from JSI-R. The results demonstrated that some changes were observed during activities when providing activities based on sensory integration. The questionnaire results revealed generally positive feedback from parents about the state of their children. Furthermore, it can be said that the activity fulfilled the expectation of parents.
伊藤 正子
アジア・アフリカ地域研究 = Asian and African area studies (ISSN:13462466)
vol.17, no.2, pp.258-286, 2018-03

北部山間部省の農村に住む「ガイ」と自称する人たちの身分証明書の民族名欄には, 「ホア(華人)」と記されている. 「ガイ」という民族が, 一民族として認められているにもかかわらず, である. ベトナムに移住してきて最低3世代以上がたっていたかれらの中には, ベトミンの独立運動に協力する者も珍しくなかったが, 1978-79年に中越関係が悪化した際, 中国に起源をもつ者としてベトナムの排斥政策の対象となり, 公職から追われ, 中国に帰国する者が数多く出た. その後も, さまざまな差別政策の犠牲となってきたが, 21世紀に入り, 中国広西でのさとうきび伐採のための労働力需要を満たすため, 78-79年に中国へ渡った人々との間の親族ネットワークを利用して, 密出国出稼ぎにいくルートをつくりだした. この出稼ぎネットワークは, 他の少数民族や多数派のキン(ベト)人をもまきこみ, ベトナム北部全域に及ぶようになっている. 本稿ではかれらの個人史を通じて, ベトナムの排斥政策が, 中国との関係が切れていたガイの人々に中国とのネットワークを新たにつくらせた皮肉な歴史を描く.In Vietnam, people must belong to one of the 54 ethnic groups recognized by the state. In the agricultural hilly area in the north, nearly 100, 000 people are self-proclaimed Ngai, who speak a kind of Hakka language. Though the state accommodated the new category'Ngai´ to pull them apart from China during the Chinese-Vietnamese War in 1979, the cadres in the rural area compelled the Ngai people to register themselves as Hoa, as they regard the people with Chinese-origin as Hoa. According to the Statistics Bureau of Vietnam, only around 1, 000 people are recognized as Ngai. In this study, I consider the difficulty faced by one ethnic group to live in country A, which conflicts with country B, to which they originally belong. To this end, I clarify the life histories of the self-proclaiming Ngai. They are publicly regarded as reactionary in nature, but many Ngai cooperated with the Viet Minh and did not leave Vietnam even in 1978-79. As discriminatory policies were implemented without public knowledge, the Ngai faced severe hardships in the 20th century. Recently, however, the young Ngai are pioneering their way to a better life by going to work in China, using the new network that was established during the war.
伊藤 崇之 福島 邦彦
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D (ISSN:09135713)
vol.J70-D, no.2, pp.451-462, 1987-02-25

重松 潤 尾形 明子 伊藤 義徳
広島大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13471619)
no.18, pp.135-148, 2019-03-31

The purposes of the present article are to explain an outline about cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and "total conviction". The effectiveness of CBT has been demonstrated by studies conducted in a number of countries. As a predecessor of CBT, cognitive therapy proposed the importance of examining cognitive factors such as "automatic thought" and "schemas". CBT supposes that efficient treatment is accomplished by restructuring these constructs. However, there is confusion regarding the understanding of cognitive modification and the difficulty of accurately capturing cognitive modification in a clinical situation. Negative effects, such as worsening of the therapeutic relationship and the occurrence of anxiety and depression, have been reported in some cases where a cognitive approach was used with a patient. The current study suggests that some therapists use a perspective of "total conviction" to solve these problems. A previous study revealed that "total conviction" is a cognitive factor that can enable this behavior. However, previous studies of "total conviction" involve several limitations. Finally, we discuss the potential future directions of research on "total conviction". We suggest that further study of "total conviction" may enable replication of the treatment process of CBT.

1 0 0 0 OA 秘書類纂

伊藤博文 編
vol.〔第9巻〕, 1936
伊藤 敏幸 高木 由美子
The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan
有機合成化学協会誌 (ISSN:00379980)
vol.52, no.1, pp.59-71, 1994-01-01 (Released:2009-11-16)
2 3

This review describes efficient means of preparing optically pure compounds via bakers' yeast mediated reaction or lipase-catalyzed reaction : (1) Bakers' yeast mediated reaction of cyanoketone was demonstrated and was discovered a new type of C-C bond forming reaction. (2) Hydrolysis of 2-substituted-3-acetoxy esters by Aspergillus lipase (lipase A 6) was demonstrated. According to summarize the stereo favoritism between substrates, the active site model of an Aspergillus lipase is proposed. (3) A simple preparation of optically active α- or γ-hydroxystannanes using Pseudomonas lipase (lipase PS) was realized. (4) Two effective means were discovered for enantioselective reaction of lipase PS : one is the modification of the acyl group by a sulfur functional group and the other is addition of a catalytic amount of l-methioninol or crown ether derivatives to the reaction mixture. (5) Optically pure (R) -4-hydroxy-3- (3, 4-methylenedioxyphenyl) methylbutanenitrile, obtained by this reaction, was applied to the synthesis of three anti-tumor lignans. (6) As a new chiral building block for tertiary alcohols, (R) -2-ally1-2- (phenylthio) methyloxirane was synthesized via lipase-catalyzed reaction.

1 0 0 0 OA 日本介譜

伊藤篤太郎 編纂
vol.[2], 1879
三田 勝己 石田 直章 赤滝 久美 伊藤 晋彦 小野 芳裕 沖 高司
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 (ISSN:0034351X)
vol.30, no.8, pp.563-566, 1993-08-18
