佐々木 全 SASAKI Zen
岩手大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター研究紀要 = The Journal of the Clinical Research Center for Child Development and Educational Practices (ISSN:24329231)
vol.17, pp.1-10, 2018-03-31

本稿では、発達障害のある児者を対象としたタグラグビーの活動における支援方法に関して,実践場面で開発された具体的な内容とその効果の一端を明らかにすることを目的とした。 そのために本活動の活動実施記録を収集した。ここから参加者の活動の様子と支援の意図や支援の効果の記述を照合し支援方法として抽出し,逸話として記述した。また、ここでは支援方法としてのゲーム全体の流れ(「ゲームプラン」)とその中にある局面における戦術(「局面的戦術」)に着目し、ある参加者を事例としてその逸話を報告した。 戦術をもって支援したことによって参加者のプレーの習熟があった。このことは,タグラグビーの文脈に即した支援の形式であり,障害特性に基づく支援というよりも,参加者のプレーヤーとしての適性や志向,そして心的過程に基づく「ナチュラルサポート」といえた。今後,支援方法の効果について,多角的に検証される必要がある。
安藤 邦雄 佐々木 弘 細川 知良 縄田 喜治
天然有機化合物討論会講演要旨集 18 (ISSN:24331856)
pp.317-323, 1974-10-01 (Released:2017-08-18)

Molecular structure and absolute configuration of 4-o-ethyl ascofuranone (C_<23>H_<28>O_5Cl・C_2H_5) were determined by X-ray crystal structure analysis. Crystal structure was solved by the multisolution method. Dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-furan-3-one ring in the molecule adopts an envelope conformation, and the spatial configuration around the asymmetric carbon on the ring is Sinister according to the notation by Cahn, Ingold and Prelog. ORD and CD spectra were consistent with the ketone octant rule which predicted negative Cotton effect for the carbonyl n-π transition. Proton NMR spectra indicated that the ring was rigid, and its conformation in the solution was approximately identical to that in the crystal. All these results are the first stereochemical data on dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-furan-3-one ring in natural product.
白井 慎一 水戸 泰紀 小松 博史 矢部 一郎 佐々木 秀直
The Japan Stroke Society
脳卒中 (ISSN:09120726)
vol.33, no.4, pp.408-412, 2011

佐々木 聡
経営と情報 : 静岡県立大学・経営情報学部/学報 (ISSN:09188215)
vol.8, no.2, pp.101-115, 1996-03-31

The aim of the paper is to examine the historical significance of the productivity-improvement movements in Japan afer World War II by investigating the procss in which the movements arose and results of sending study teams overseas, an activity that was most favored by Japan Productivity Center, the driving force behind the movements. This study found the following: Firstly, those who had had previous backgrounds in introducing the scientific management methods in Japan shouldered guiding roles in the introduction of American-style management during the time of productivity movement of 1950s-60s. Secondly, the American-style management methods were introduced upon the foundation of managerial capability of the individuals, a superstructure of shared and accumulated organizational capability within companies. Thirdly, oraganizations of productivity-improvement movements in Japan, in the long time perspectives, are characterized as a mutual complementary system of the government, business representatives and related organizations. That is, the central body of the movements was newly established every time to meet the new needs of the time through active support by government and business associations. Though former central bodies came to assume supporting role, the whole system became stronger and expanded as time went by.
佐々木 繁 佐藤 龍哉 岩瀬 洋道 後藤 敏行
vol.1985, no.26, pp.1-8, 1985-07-18

We developed a high-speed image processing system called IDATEN which can continuously process time-varying images at video speed. The basic design concept was the improvement of overall performance of the image processor system by adopting a new architecture. This paper proposes a "variable- structure pipeline" architecture which uses a network to allow communication among any of the processing modules. We expanded the Benes multi-stage switching network to produce a flexible high-speed pipeline processor. The experiments show the ease of programming and the effectiveness of this system.We developed a high-speed image processing system called IDATEN, which can continuously process time-varying images at video speed. The basic design concept was the improvement of overall performance of the image processor system by adopting a new architecture. This paper proposes a "variable- structure pipeline" architecture, which uses a network to allow communication among any of the processing modules. We expanded the Benes multi-stage switching network to produce a flexible, high-speed pipeline processor. The experiments show the ease of programming and the effectiveness of this system.
大倉 恵美 石井 仁美 高本 祐子 高山 幸宏 牧平 清超 熊谷 宏 佐々木 正和 田地 豪 二川 浩樹
一般社団法人 日本歯科理工学会
日本歯科理工学会誌 (ISSN:18844421)
vol.31, no.3, pp.258-265, 2012

勝野 美江 佐々木 敏
科学技術政策研究所 第3調査研究グループ
2010-12 (Released:2012-03-13)

柴田 和博 佐々木 一男 島崎 佳郎
日本作物学会紀事 (ISSN:00111848)
vol.42, no.3, pp.267-274, 1973-09

Growing the rice plants under various conditions of some possible combinations of daytime air-temperatures (A_D : 26, 20 and 14℃), the daytime water-temperatures (W_D : 26, 20 and 14℃), the nocturnal air-temperatures (A_N : 20, 14 and 8℃), the nocturnal water-temperatures (W_N : 20, 14 and 8℃) and the number of days of treatment (P : 3, 6 and 9 days), the authors examined their main effects and interactions on the heading date. The rice variety "Eiko" was used. The daytime was settled for eight hours from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. and the night-time was settled for sixteen hours from 5.00 p.m. to 9.00 a.m. of the next day. The water was kept four cm. in depth above the soil surface in pots. The experimental design was 3^5 factorial in 81 units (1/3 replicate) with one block and defining contrasts 1=A_DW_DA_NW_<N^2>P. The results were summarized as follows; 1. At the fourth leaf stage (T_1; the transplanting time), the main effects of W_D, W_N and P were significant at 0.1% level and all the other were not significant (table 2). And regardless of the difference of W_N, it was inferred that W_D of 21℃ hastened the heading date (fig. 1-T_1(P_3)). 2. At the seventh leaf stage (T_2; about ten days before the differentiating stage of first bract primordia), the main effects of A_D, W_D, A_N and W_N and the two-factor interactions of A_D × P, A_N × W_N and A_N × P were significant. The contour lines of each date of heading based on W_D and W_N were almost straight and parallel with the line of mean water-temperature for nine days treatment (fig. 1-T_2 (P_3)). On the other hand, the contour lines of each date of heading based on A_D and A_N were curved. And regardless of the difference of A_N, it was inferred that A_D of 20℃ hastened the heading date (fig. 2-T_2 (P_3)). Moreover, T_2 was considered to be the most sensitive stage to temperature, because the heading date and the total leaf number on the main stem were most variable by both air- and water-temperature among all the treatment stages. 3. At the stages of nine leaves (T_3; the differentiating stage of first bract primordia) and ten leaves (T_4; the middle differentiating stage of primary branch primordia), the main effects of each factor and their interactions were similar to those of T_2, but the strengths were weaker than those of T_2 (table 2, 3 and 4). 4. At the thirteenth leaf (flgg leaf) stage (T_5; the stage of reduction division of pollen mother cells), the main effects of A_D, A_N and P and the two-factor interaction of A_N × P were significant greatly (table 2). The contour lines of each date of heading based on A_D and A_N were almost straight and parallel with the line of mean air-temperature (fig. 2-T_5 (P_3)).
上田 隆美 藤本 幹夫 酒井 克治 川畑 徳幸 澤田 晃 土居 進 佐々木 武也 政田 明徳 川島 正好 北野 福男
Japanese Society of Chemotherapy
vol.28, no.3, pp.343-350, 1980

Cefroxadine (CGP-9000, CXD) 250mgを健康成人4人に早朝空腹時経口投与させたのちの血清中濃度および尿中排泄量を測定したところ, CXDは, 2時間後平均10.7μg/mlのピーク値を示し, 比較的長く血清中濃度が維持されるようである。一方, 4時間目までの尿中排泄量は, 171.0mg (68.5%) であり, 4時間以内には, 投与量のほぼ3分の2が排泄されるようである。<BR>外科領域51例に対するCXDの臨床効果は, 著効28例, 有効19例, 無効4例となり, 有効率は92.2%であった。<BR>なお本剤と関係すると思われる副作用は1例も認められなかった。
佐々木 庸子 荒木 正大 目澤 優 Zhitao Wang 金子 博寿 小方 頼昌
特定非営利活動法人 日本歯周病学会
日本歯周病学会会誌 (ISSN:03850110)
vol.50, no.3, pp.176-184, 2008 (Released:2008-11-17)

低出力レーザーに細胞や組織の修復促進効果があることが知られている。CO2レーザーは, 治療用レーザーと言うよりもむしろ外科用レーザーであるが, 低エネルギー密度で照射することにより, 何らかの生物学的効果が得られると考えられる。骨シアロタンパク質(BSP)は, アパタイト結晶形成能を有し, 石灰化結合組織特異的に発現する非コラーゲン性タンパク質である。本研究では, 低出力のCO2レーザー照射がBSPの転写に与える影響を, 骨芽細胞様細胞であるUMR106細胞を使用して検索した。UMR106細胞をCO2レーザー(3 W, 20sec)で刺激すると, 12時間後にBSP mRNA量の増加が認められた。ラットBSP遺伝子プロモーター配列を挿入したルシフェラーゼコンストラクトを使用したルシフェラーゼアッセイの結果, 同エネルギーのCO2レーザー刺激により, 12時間後にpLUC4(-425∼+60)の転写活性が増加した。CO2レーザー照射による, pLUC4ルシフェラーゼコンストラクトの転写の上昇は, FGF2応答配列とHOX配列に2塩基対の変異を導入すると抑制された。ゲルシフトアッセイの結果, CO2レーザー照射後に経時的に抽出した核内タンパク質と, 逆方向のCCAAT配列との結合に変化は認められなかったが, 3'-FREとHOX配列と核内タンパク質との結合は, 経時的に減少した。以上の結果から, CO2レーザー照射による骨芽細胞でのBSPの転写調節は, ラットBSPプロモーターに存在するFREとHOX配列を介すると考えられた。
Kiyan Tsuyoshi Takade Maya Namihira Takao Hara Masanori Sasaki Mitsuru Goto Motonobu Akiyama Hidenori キヤン ツヨシ タカデ マヤ ナミヒラ タカオ ハラ マサノリ ササキ ミツル ゴトウ モトノブ アキヤマ ヒデノリ 喜屋武 毅 高出 麻耶 浪平 隆男 佐々木 満 後藤 元信 秋山 秀典
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEEE transactions on plasma science
vol.36, no.3, pp.821-827, 2008-06
4 33

This paper deals with the effect of the polarity and gap geometry on dc breakdown voltage characteristics of a pointto-plane gap in supercritical carbon dioxide (SC CO2) that is required to design a plasma reactor. In the experiments, the gap width d and the curvature radius of the point tip r were changed in the range of 80 to 300 μm and 50 to 170 μm respectively,and the CO2 state was controlled within the gas, liquid, and SC phases. The experimental results showed that a remarkable polarity effect appeared under certain gap conditions. As a result, it was found that negative polarity and a higher stressed electrode are desired conditions for the dc plasma reactor since an active corona supplying rich chemical radicals appears in SC CO2 under such conditions.