利岡 真帆
国文学 (ISSN:03898628)
vol.100, pp.25-45, 2016-03-31
福岡 真二 野村 茂治 桑野 正 安部 秀顕 佐々木 賀一
West-Japanese Society of Orthopedics & Traumatology
整形外科と災害外科 (ISSN:00371033)
vol.37, no.4, pp.1527-1531, 1989-02-25 (Released:2010-02-25)

A case report of a 12-year-old male with heterotopic ossification of the patellar tendon is presented. He was a baseball player and came to our clinic with the complaint of bilateral gonalgia after exercise. We diagnosed the case as Osgood-Schlatter disease. Inspite of the conservative treatment, a fragment was separated from the tibial tuburcle. The ossicle moved to the central portion of the patellar tendon, increasing its size.
森岡 真史
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.50, no.4, pp.60-72, 2014-01-20 (Released:2017-04-25)

Nobuo Okishio (1927-2003) and Michio Morishima (1923-2004) belonged to the same generation. Both of them started their study of economics through Hicks's Value and Capital. Because of Okishio's conversion from Hicksian to Marxian economics, their academic path once separated in the mid-1950s. However, since the late-1960s Morishima undertook a reformulation of Marxian value theory. In the 1970s He also accepted Keynes's principle of effective demand as the proper description of contemporary capitalism where the Say's Law does not hold true anymore. The purpose of this paper is to overview Okishio's and Morishima's economics and highlight some important characteristics common to them. Since the author has already made a detailed argument on Okishio in a previous essay, this paper puts focus on Morishima's economics. Morishima regarded theories as a set of tools which should be selected depending on features of the economy to be investigated. Thus his economics has no universal "principle". While making substantial contributions to the elaboration of the general equilibrium theory, he was well aware that adherence to strict generality would be theoretically barren. In his view the scope of analysis based on optimization is limited also by the fact that "sociological factors" play crucial roles in labor market. He showed keen interest in concrete processes of market transactions and emphasized the necessity to analyze the movement of temporary equilibrium prices over periods. Morishima's theoretical transition in late 1960's was twofold. In terms of analytical method he adopted von Neumann's framework. More importantly, in terms of the basic understanding of capitalism, he embraced Keynes. Morishima indicated that equalization of the return rates of durable goods is incompatible with full employment of factors unless the Say's Law is assumed. In connection with this, he sought to construct a price theory which could explain both prices determined by auction and prices set by firms based on the full-cost principle. In Capital and Credit Morishima tried to incorporate into his theory the roles of entrepreneurs and bankers as co-creators of "production possibility set". Okishio and Morishima were outstanding internal critics of the theories upon which they themselves had relied. Okishio's reformulation of Marx's economics contains fundamental criticism against it. Morishima's early works include pertinent insight into the limits of Walrasian-Hicksian approach. hey saw economy as a time-consuming circular process accompanied with complicated interrelations between its various agents and sectors. One of the reasons why they were not impressed with Sraffa might be that they had already established circulation-based view of economy. On Marxian value and exploitation theory, there were no substantial disagreement between them. Rejecting the Say's Law clearly, Okishio and Morishima built their theory on the principle of effective demand. They regard the movement of capital stocks as one of basic factors determining the dynamics of capitalist economy. However, advocacy of Keynes brought disharmony into their theoretical systems. Okishio's Keynesian short-term theory is not consistently connected with Marxian longterm theory. There remained a large gap between Morishima's vision of "the anti-Say's Law system" and his formalized Neumann-type model. Clarification of these common features would be significant as a preparation for more comprehensive comparison of their economics.
吉岡 真治 落合 翔平
公益社団法人 精密工学会
精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2007年度精密工学会秋季大会
pp.513-514, 2007 (Released:2008-03-28)

中﨑 公仁 岡 真一 佐々木 祐典 本望 修
一般社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科頭頸部外科学会
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.118, no.2, pp.93-97, 2015-02-20 (Released:2015-03-05)

われわれは基礎研究と臨床研究において, 脳梗塞に対して, 骨髄間葉系幹細胞の経静脈的投与により, 機能回復が得られることを報告してきた. 2007年より自家骨髄間葉系幹細胞を用いた, 脳梗塞に対する臨床研究を行い, 同治療の安全性と有効性を報告した. その結果を踏まえて, 2013年より, 医師主導治験 (Phase III) に取り組んでいる. この治験は, 薬事法 (平成26年11月25日より,「医薬品, 医療機器等の品質, 有効性及び安全性の確保等に関する法律」に改名) に基づき, 厳格な品質管理のもと, 細胞医薬品 (細胞生物製剤: 自己骨髄間葉系幹細胞) を製造し, 適応となった症例を実薬群, プラセボ群へランダム化二重盲検法で割り付けて, 同治療の有効性を検証し, 薬事承認を目指している. 本稿では, 脳梗塞に対する骨髄間葉系幹細胞移植治療の臨床研究と, 現在進行中の医師主導治験の概要について報告する.
森岡 真史
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.48, no.1, pp.26-38, 2011-04-20 (Released:2017-04-25)

This paper argues what socialism was in the last two centuries and what it still can be in the coming age through reconsideration of the relation among three aspects of Marxism, that is, scientific recognition of reality, struggle for social change, and norms which leads value judgment. Early socialists saw in capitalist society an extreme differentiation over wealth and labor. They criticized capitalism based on the norms that everyone has the right to exist and develop humanly and that everyone has the duty to live not on privately owned property but on his or her own labor. With a few exceptions, most of early socialists advocated universal labor obligation and proclaimed radical reform including the abolition of market and wage labor. While Marx started from this tradition, he drastically transformed the historical nature of socialism. According to Marx's historical materialism, the transition from capitalism to socialism is not a social reform realizing specific norms, but a historical inevitability governed by the objective law of social development. At the same time he admitted that human's conscious actions can affect this transition within a certain bounds. From this viewpoint, the ultimate justice lies in the activity to promote this transition based on scientific recognition of the law. Therefore in Marxism the development of productive force and the victory of labor class in classstruggle are the highest norms which have priority over any other norms. Lenin added following three original propositions to classical Marxism. First, only the party of Marxist revolutionaries is able to lead labor class based on precise recognition of their genuine interests. Secondly, there is no moral restridion in the choice of means of struggle as far as it is necessary for revolution. Thirdly, on the outbreak of the imperialist war the age of world socialist revolution on a global scale begins. These propositions justified communist parties of any country to raise a revolution regardless of the stage of domestic economic development and to use unlimited revolutionary violence against class-enemy. The socialist system of the 20-th century was Leninist regime in that the communist party anointed itself as the permanent and omnipotent master of the people. It also embraced Marxist ideology in that it pursued rapid development of the productive force and political struggle to defeat domestic and foreign class-enemy as the highest norms. Furthermore, this system partially realized the ideal of early socialism in that abolished unearned income and guaranteed its citizen a minimum level of existence. In order for socialism to be a thought which can contribute to social change in the 21-st century, first of all we must separate it off from the dogma of historical inevitability. This task is naturally associated with clarification of the socialist norms which are to be realized through social reform. Considering the past history where the pursuit of labor obligation resulted in the persecution of "non-worker" and the creation of forced labor system, clarification of the norms should be made in the direction to put the right to exist and develop humanly at the center of socialist norms and to reconsider the relation between this right and other norms relating freedom, equality, democracy and economic development.
佐々木 雄一 佐々木 祐典 佐々木 優子 中崎 公仁 岡 真一 浪岡 隆洋 浪岡 愛 柿澤 雅史 本望 修
脳循環代謝(日本脳循環代謝学会機関誌) (ISSN:09159401)
vol.28, no.2, pp.281-289, 2017 (Released:2017-08-25)

脳梗塞は本邦における要介護者の原因疾患第1位であり,新しい治療法の開発が望まれてきた.我々は骨髄間葉系幹細胞(mesenchymal stem cell: MSC)の移植が,脳梗塞を含む神経疾患に対して治療効果を発揮することを報告してきた.現在,基礎・臨床研究の良好な結果を受けて,自己培養MSCの静脈投与による医師主導治験を,脳梗塞および脊髄損傷に対して実施している.MSC移植の治療効果によって,失われた運動・感覚機能が回復する過程には,脳の可塑性の変化が大きく関わっていることが示唆されている.また,我々は実験的脳梗塞モデルに対するMSC移植にリハビリテーションを付加した結果,運動能力のさらなる回復が得られることを報告した.この基礎研究の結果から,MSC治療が臨床で実用化された暁には,再生医療におけるリハビリテーションの役割はますます重要になると考えられる.
川本 庸太 田山 剛崇 佐和 章弘 門出 孝美 佐島 進 吉岡 真理 三宅 勝志 森田 修之 木平 健治
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.128, no.8, pp.1221-1226, 2008-08-01 (Released:2008-08-01)
2 3

Impetigo contagiosa staphylogenes is commonly treated by administering a combination of nadifloxacin and tetracycline ointments. However, it is not clear whether nadifloxacin and tetracycline are stable after mixing. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the stability of these agents in combination. We also evaluated changes in antibacterial activity after mixing. Mixing the two ointments caused tetracycline to change from yellow to brown in the admixture. Furthermore, the tetracycline content in the ointment decreased in a time-dependent manner, to about 40% at 288 h after mixing. In addition, the nadifloxacin content in the ointment did not change 288 h after mixing. In an alkaline environment (pH 9.0 and 11.0), the tetracycline content decreased and the color of tetracycline changed to brown. These results suggest that sodium hydroxide, which is an additive in nadifloxacin ointment, influences the content of tetracycline. We evaluated the chemical sensitivity of Staphylococcus aureus using disk tests. Nadifloxacin and tetracycline ointment showed the largest radius of inhibition circle, followed by the admixture 0 h after mixing and the admixture 72 h after mixing. These results suggest that the antibacterial activity is inhibited by the admixture. We propose that pharmacists should avoid mixing nadifloxacin with tetracycline ointment in the treatment of impetigo contagiosa staphylogenes and should take care to avoid interactions caused by additives in the ointments.
岡 真一郎 池田 拓郎 吉田 誠也 近藤 遥奈 筒井 友美 田中 晴菜 後藤 和彦 光武 翼 後藤 純信
神経眼科 (ISSN:02897024)
vol.36, no.1, pp.36-43, 2019-03-25 (Released:2019-04-23)

高橋 佑介 横本 大輔 宇津呂 武仁 吉岡 真治
vol.2011, no.6, pp.1-6, 2011-11-14

本論文では,時系列ニュースを対象として,情報集約を行うための二種類の方式として,バースト解析およびトピックモデルの2つの手法の考え方を組み合わせることにより,トピックのバーストを検出する方式を提案する.時系列ニュースにおけるバーストとは,世の中における特異な出来事に対応して,ある時期からその出来事に関連するニュース記事が急激に増加する現象を指す.バーストを検出するための代表的な手法として,Kleinbergのバースト解析が挙げられる.この手法においては,一般的に,バーストの検出はキーワード単位で行われる.一方,文書集合におけるトピックの分布を推定するものとしてLDA (latent Dirichlet allocation) やDTM (dynamic topic model) に代表されるトピックモデルがある.トピックモデルを適用することにより,ニュース記事集合全体の情報を,いくつかのトピックに集約することができる.以上の既存技術をふまえて,本論文では,DTMを用いて推定したトピックに対してバースト度を付与することで,トピック単位のバーストが検出可能であることを示す.Among various types of recent information explosion, that in news stream is also a kind of serious problems. This paper studies issues regarding two types of modeling of information flow in news stream, namely, burst analysis and topic modeling. First, when one wants to detect a kind of topics that are paid much more attention than usual, it is usually necessary for him/her to carefully watch every article in news stream at every moment. In such a situation, it is well known in the field of time series analysis that Kleinberg's modeling of bursts is quite effective in detecting burst of keywords. Second, topic models such as LDA (latent Dirichlet allocation) and DTM (dynamic topic model) are also quite effective in estimating distribution of topics over a document collection such as articles in news stream. This paper focuses on the fact that Kleinberg's modeling of bursts is usually applied only to bursts of keywords but not to those of topics. Then, based on Kleinberg's modeling of bursts of keywords, we propose how to measure bursts of topics estimated by a topic model such as LDA and DTM.
岡 真一郎 新郷 怜 濱地 望 池田 拓郎 光武 翼
一般社団法人 日本基礎理学療法学会
基礎理学療法学 (ISSN:24366382)
vol.25, no.1, pp.1-9, 2022 (Released:2022-10-17)

腰部への持続的圧迫刺激(以下,CPS)後の自律神経活動が腸音(以下,BS)の変化に与える影響を検討した。対象者は健康な若年成人男性10 名とした。BS は,左下腹部に聴診器をあて録音し,周波数解析により音圧を算出した。自律神経活動の評価は,心電図RR 間隔を用いて心拍変動解析を行った。循環動態は血圧を測定した。CPS は,T12 からL2 棘突起の3.5 cm 外側に50 mmHg で押圧を開始し,10 分間持続した。CPS 後10 分で313 Hz のBS の音圧が上昇した。CPS後5分のBS,LF/HF,DBP の変化がCPS 後10分のBS の上昇に影響していた(CMIN =1.214,p =0.750,GFI =0.941, RMSEA <0.001)。これらの結果は,CPS が心臓や末梢血管の副交感神経活動を修飾し,腸の蠕動運動を促進することを示唆している。
橋本 紀子 井上 惠美子 田代 美江子 井谷 惠子 木村 浩則 杉田 真衣 艮 香織 茂木 輝順 水崎 富美 森岡 真梨 丸井 淑美

本研究は、校歌・校訓の変遷の歴史的調査、人々の男女共学・別学観のインタビュー調査、高校生とOG/ OBの意識調査、学校参与観察、フィンランド・イギリス・韓国での海外調査等々、幅広い視点から行われた。その結果、ジェンダー平等教育の発展・普及のための、以下の重点課題が浮き彫りとなった。(1)新しいジェンダー平等教育の内容づくりを教育課程の見直しも含めて行うこと。(2)そのためには、教材や授業記録等も含めて、これまでの教育実践の掘り起こし、優れた実践の典型化をはかり、テキスト作成に結びつけること、などである。
鶴岡 真弓

前年度に続き、2021年度も、コロナ禍が全世界で終息の兆しがみえず、本研究の重要な目的の1つである、ロシアやカナダなど海外の博物館・美術館おいて、美術史・考古学・宗教民俗学的なアプローチからおこなう「鹿」信仰」の調査、なかでも、「角」を神聖視する「鹿角」信仰の背景を現地調査の実行ができないまま推移した。また21年度末の2月下旬には戦争も勃発し、世界情勢は予測できなかった事態となった。特に本研究の主題であるスキタイ美術の筆頭たる作例「黄金の鹿」(ロシア南西部、黒海東岸、クラスノダール地方コストロムスカヤ、第1号墳出土、前7世紀後半-前6世紀初頭)は、ロシアの博物館(エルミタージュ博物館:サンクト・ペテルブルク)に所蔵されている。初年度から継続させるべき、本作と他の博物館所蔵の「鹿造形」の「様式」「形態」「素材」に関する現地での実見・観察の機会はなお阻まれている。しかし現地には赴けないなかにも、「黄金の鹿」が出土した黒海沿岸からみると、遥か東方の「南シベリア」の巨大古墳から出土した、スキタイの早期の「動物意匠」と比較することによって、「黄金の鹿」が生まれた最盛期を準備した、初期段階の動物意匠の分析できた。そこから「黄金の鹿」の「角」の部位を特徴づけている「湾曲」形態の由来、ならびに早期と成熟期の形態上の差異を解明することを集中的におこなえた。それを証明する遺跡は、スキタイ時代の古墳として最大の、現トゥバ共和国に所在する「アルジャン古墳」である。これはユーラシアの遊牧社会に築かれた「クルガン=大古墳」で、首都クイズイルの北西部のウユク川 (エニセイ川支流) 流域のスキタイ時代 (前8―3世紀頃) に属し、ここから「鹿」「豹」などを象った金工の動物意匠が出土させているので、スキタイ美術の動物意匠の出発点を、「角」の「湾曲」形態の特質に光を当て明らかにできた。
片岡 真史 岩井 大輔 佐藤 宏介
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.132, no.12, pp.1999-2006, 2012-12-01 (Released:2012-12-01)

This paper proposes a novel stage lighting controller in which users can change stage lighting effects by selecting impressions through Kansei words. First, the paper describes a mathematical model that calculates output brightness value of each stage light by emotions to be perceived by audiences and by light information that includes position/orientation, color, and shape of each stage light. Second, a subjective evaluation of stage lightings was carried out in which the subjects observed computer graphics of various stage lightings on a projector screen and answered perceived emotions. Third, a stage lighting system is proposed and implemented, which automatically calculates the output brightness value of each stage light. A user of the system only has to input desired emotions and the light information of each stage light. To evaluate the proposed system, a user study was carried out in which the subjects observed stage lightings generated by the system in a real stage set. The subjects gave positive feedbacks on the usefulness of the system.