工藤 孝幾
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.25, no.1, pp.13-20, 1980-06-01 (Released:2017-09-27)

Certain studies concerning human perception has revealed that vision dominates all the other sense modalities. This study tried to confirm the visual dominance over kinesthesis by taking a case of memorizing an arm movement which was visually monitored, and to record a score in an attempt to demonstrate the degree of visual dominance over kinesthesis. An arm positioning task was selected for this experiment, and its basic procedure of measurement will follow. First, subjects memorized a standard distance by vision and kinesthesis. While moving the right arm for a certain standard distance, they were allowed to observe the movement by vision. But some artificial conflicts were produced between these two sense modalities in this case. Then, subjects attempted to repeat the arm movement for the same standard distance, when the conflicts were removed. How much the reproduced distance was close to the visual or kinesthetic information which were conflicting with each other, was recorded, which was presented in per cent scores. The results indicated the followings: 1) Almost all subjects did not realize the conflicts. While the visual dominance score showed that vision dominated kinesthesis, the score also showed that the dominance, was not complete. 2) The longer the standard distance, the stronger was the visual dominance, which may be interpreted as follows. As the standard distance increased, the kinesthetic matching errors became greater, while the visual matching errors were relatively constant. These trends suggested that when the standard distance became longer, subjects depended on the visual information more strongly than when it was shorter. 3) Individual differences of visual dominance score were examined. The results did not necessarily support the existence of indivisual differences. But, further studies may be necessary to draw any definite conclusions on this matter.
河上 淳一 後藤 昌史 松浦 恒明 寄谷 彩 政所 和也 永松 隆 今井 孝樹 烏山 昌起 原田 伸哉 工藤 憂 志波 直人
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
vol.47, no.6, pp.587-592, 2020 (Released:2020-12-18)

【目的】本研究の目的は,腱板断裂患者に対し患者立脚評価を用いた治療方針の予測をすることである。【方法】対象は腱板断裂患者229 名で,初診1 ヵ月以降の治療方針(手術または保存)を目的変数,患者立脚評価を説明変数とした決定木分析と傾向スコア分析を行い,治療方針のオッズ比を算出した。【結果】決定木分析にてもっとも手術療法が選択される手術療法傾向群と,もっとも保存療法が選択される保存療法傾向群に分け,それ以外を中間群とした。傾向スコア分析を考慮したオッズ比は,保存療法傾向群に対して手術療法傾向群で11.50 倍,中間群に対して手術療法傾向群で3.47 倍の手術療法が選択された。【結論】腱板断裂患者の治療方針の予測には,SST における4 つの質問の重要性が示唆された。
工藤 雄一
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.9, no.2, pp.28-54, 1974-11-25 (Released:2009-10-19)

Private enterprise in Great Britain has caused problems of industrial pollution in local communities since the Industrial Revolution. For instance, the Leblanc soda industry established in the context of the Revolution, was one of the most notorious pollution-producing industries, because in its early days it allowed itself to escape “muriatic acid gases” (HCl), destroying property, comfort, and health of the local inhabitants and deteriorating their 'quality of life'. James Muspratt, who became the founder of the soda industry in Lancashire in 1823, was confronted with the problems of atmospheric pollution by HCl and the antipollution movements of the inhabitants around his works in Liverpool, St. Helens, and Newton, as his forerunners and his followers were. None of them took any means to prevent the gases from escaping into the atmosphere, while the French inventor of the soda process tried to do so by building a large ceramic container and a large lead chamber from the beginning of his operations. It was owing to considerable burdens of the prevention costs that they did not do so.The object of the present author is to elucidate what process the entrepreneur Muspratt applied to soda making, how he and his sons managed their chemical firm, what damages he did to his neighbours, how much he compensated for the damages, what means he took to prevent them, and whether they were effective for the purpose or not.In sum, the Muspratts were forced to close their works, remove them, and pay the compensations, and to adopt various means of abating the HCl nuisances. Thus they changed their business policy from externalisation of 'social losses' and the prevention costs in their early days of operations through mere internalisation of them to higher internalisation of them in the mid-nineteenth century. It seems that they tried to improve the inhabitants' 'quality of life' through pollution abatement and so perform 'social responsivity of private enterprise for local community' as possible as they could.They, however, had to deal still with the problems of soil, water, and air pollution by “alkali waste” which became nationally serious in the 1870s.
佐藤 淳也 大久保 春香 佐々木 ゆうき 横井 誠 荻野 沙也佳 工藤 賢三
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.43, no.6, pp.328-335, 2017-06-10 (Released:2018-06-10)
1 2

Urine containing anticancer drugs may be scattered outside the toilet bowl during urination, and these drugs may be spread when they are stepped on. The scattering of urine droplets is dependent on the shape of the toilet bowl, contact point of the urine with the toilet bowl, and the posture assumed for urination. However, this concept has not been well investigated. In this study, we investigated the scattering of urine using fluorescent dye in a urinal and a Western-style toilet.To represent urination in the standing position, we sprayed a fluorescein solution on the wall or the bottom of a urinal. We modeled urination in the standing and sitting positions in a Western-style toilet by spraying fluorescein into the toilet bowl and in three spots around the toilet bowl. The number of droplets, area, scattering distance, and scattering area around the toilet bowl were measured optically.The droplet scattering was more extensive around the toilet bowl when the liquid was aimed at the bottom of the urinal and the front edge bottom of the water in the Western-style toilet. There was no droplet scattering when using the Western-style toilet in the sitting position.If a male patient receiving chemotherapy urinates in the standing position, the anticancer drug will spread through scattered urine and become an environmental pollutant. Therefore, it is important to instruct male patients to urinate in a sitting position when using a Western-style toilet.
工藤 雄大 山下 瑶子 此木 敬一 長 由扶子 安元 健 山下 まり
vol.55, 2013

<p>テトロドトキシン (TTX, 1)は電位依存性ナトリウムチャネルを特異的に阻害する強力な神経毒である。TTXはフグから単離されたが、その後、カニや巻貝、ヒョウモンダコ、ヒラムシなどの多様な海洋生物、更には陸棲のイモリ、カエルからも同定された。高度に架橋した構造と強力な生理活性、広範な生物種に分布する特徴から、極めて興味深い化合物である。TTX生産細菌を報告し <sup>1)</sup>、その後も数多くの報告があるが、TTXの生合成に関わる出発物質、遺伝子は未だに同定できていない。我々はTTX天然類縁体が生合成経路解明の手がかりになると考え、フグやイモリから種々のTTX類縁体を単離・構造決定してきた <sup>2-4)</sup>。今回HILIC (Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography: 親水性相互作用) -LC-MSを用い <sup>5)</sup>、新規TTX類縁体を探索したところ、オキナワシリケンイモリ (Cynops ensicauda popei) 及びヒガンフグ (Takifugu pardalis)から新規TTX類縁体と推測される化合物が数種検出され、これらの単離・構造決定を行った。さらに、各種TTX含有生物における分布を調査し、TTXの生合成経路の推定を試みた。</p><p>1. イモリから得られた新規TTX類縁体の構造と分布</p><p>TTXの生合成中間体は生理活性を持たない可能性が高く、生理活性を指標としたスクリーニングは適切ではなかった。そこで、TTX類縁体の一斉分析が可能なHILIC-LC-MSを用い、既知のTTX類縁体のフラグメントイオンを指標として新規TTX類縁体を探索した。C. e. popeiを希酢酸加熱抽出し、活性炭カラムで粗精製した後、HILIC-LC-MSに供し、新規TTX類縁体を探索した。2種の新規TTX類縁体 (2, 3) (Fig. 1)が検出されたため、これらを弱酸性陽イオン交換カラムBio-Rex70 (Bio-Rad)、HITACHI GEL #3011-C、HITACHI GEL #3013-Cを用いて精製した。3は更なる精製が必要であったため、TSK-gel Amide-80 (Tosoh)を用いて精製した。2はC. e. popeiの全組織170 gから約250 μg得られた。3は内臓組織を除いた身体組織65 gから約300 μg、4,9-anhydroTTXとの混合物 (約1:1)として得られ、そのまま解析に用いた。2, 3の分子式はそれぞれESI-Q-TOF-MSを用いてC<sub>11</sub>H<sub>15</sub>N<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub>及びC<sub>11</sub>H<sub>15</sub>N<sub>3</sub>O<sub>6</sub>と決定した。2: [M+H]<sup>+</sup> m/z254.1136 (calcd. for C<sub>11</sub>H<sub>16</sub>N<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub>254.1135, error: 0.4 ppm), 3: [M+H]<sup>+</sup> m/z 286.1036 (calcd. for C<sub>11</sub>H<sub>16</sub>N<sub>3</sub>O<sub>6</sub>286.1034, error: 0.7 ppm)。</p><p>2の分子式は、4,9-anhydro-5,6,11-trideoxyTTX (4)と一致した。また、2を各種NMR (600 MHz, CD<sub>3</sub>COOD-D<sub>2</sub>O 4:96, v/v)に供したところ、そのシグナルは4 <sup>6</sup><sup>)</sup>に類似していたが、2ではH5のシグナルが一つしか示されず、かつH9の大きな高磁場シフト (-0.73 ppm)が観測された。C5、C10のケミカルシフト (50.7, 107.6 ppm)、及び、C5/H9, C10/H4a, C10/H6のHMBC相関が観測されたことから、2はこれまで報告例のない、C5とC10が直接結合した10-hemiketal構造を持つと考えられた。2のNOESY 1DではH4a/H6のNOEが観測されたが、H4a/H8, H6/H8のNOEは観測されなかった。このことからC6の立体化学はTTXと同じであり、C8位はイモリに特異的な8-epi体であると考えられた <sup>4)</sup>。以上より、2の構造を4,9-anhydro-10-hemiketal-8-epi- 5,6,11-trideoxyTTXと推定した (Fig. 1)。</p><p>(View PDFfor the rest of the abstract.)</p>
工藤 せい子 五十嵐 靖彦
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.24, pp.75-84, 2006-10-24 (Released:2018-02-01)

The purpose of this study was to attempt to determine general ideas for addressing ethical issues in nursing practice. The author interviewed nurses who had experienced cases involving care and related ethical issues. The interview data were analyzed using qualitative research methods. The subjects of analysis were the following three cases: 1. A client who was transferred to the hospital for reoperation but died shortly before operation; 2. A client who was in and out of the hospital for more than 10years because of incurable illness; and 3. A client whose last wish was fulfilled in the form of a Christmas party. Analysis showed that ideas for addressing ethical issues converged into two categories. The first included ethical issues, including "role as the client's advocate," "coordination between the client's wishes and the doctor's policy," and "paternalism and maternalism". The other category included issues related to caring, including "learning from the client," "formation of a strong bond resulting from mutual relationship," "involvement as a team," and "departure from medical rules". There were, in addition, three keys to addressing ethical issues that did not fit into either category: "hope for peaceful settlement of affairs," "hope for successful communication," and "wish to be treated indulgently". These three keys are useful both in care for patients and addressing ethical issues.
工藤 せい子
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.20, pp.174-183, 2002-11-10 (Released:2018-02-01)

The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to foster ethical sensitivity among nursing students. Nurses and nursing students face many moral and bioethical problems in clinical practice. The development of ethical sensitivity in nursing students has paralleled the development of nursing as a profession. The subjects (n=19) were students who entered the Training Course for High School Teachers of Nursing Faculty at Hirosaki University Japan in 1999. The method of this experience of death with people in their immediate circle while a small number of students had experiences of great impact. Some students were very sympathetic to the experiences of others and felt the experiences of their counterparts as their own experiences. The discussions about death were meaningful for the students. They are well motivated to be nurses in the future and therefone had to think about many kinds of death first person death, that is their own death, second person death, that is death of their relatives, and had no other choice but to be involved in many third persons deaths. They thought seriously about how to take third persons deaths and the discussion contained the essential points concerning what "death" is and "deaths of the first, second, and third persons." The discussions had a favorable impact on the students and motivated them to think more deeply about death. In concusion, discussions about death help to raise the ethical sensitivity of students.
工藤 喜作
科学基礎論研究 (ISSN:00227668)
vol.7, no.2, pp.53-60, 1965-02-28 (Released:2010-01-22)
松本 主之 新井 正美 岩間 達 樫田 博史 工藤 孝広 小泉 浩一 佐藤 康史 関根 茂樹 田中 信治 田中屋 宏爾 田村 和朗 平田 敬治 深堀 優 江﨑 幹宏 石川 秀樹 岩間 毅夫 岡﨑 康司 斎藤 豊 松浦 成昭 武藤 倫弘 冨田 尚裕 秋山 卓士 山本 敏樹 石田 秀行 中山 佳子
一般社団法人 日本遺伝性腫瘍学会
遺伝性腫瘍 (ISSN:24356808)
vol.20, no.2, pp.79-92, 2020 (Released:2020-09-25)

若年性ポリポーシス症候群は全消化管に過誤腫性ポリープである若年性ポリープが多発する,希少疾患である.SMAD4あるいはBMPR1A遺伝子の生殖細胞系列バリアントが原因として報告されている.約75%は常染色体優性遺伝形式を示すが,約25%は家族歴のない孤発例である.また,がん遺伝子パネル検査によって診断される可能性がある. ポリープの発生部位により全消化管型,大腸限局型,胃限局型に分けられ,胃限局型ではSMAD4の病的バリアントを原因とすることが多く,胃癌のリスクが高い.また,SMAD4の病的バリアントを有する症例では,遺伝性出血性毛細血管拡張症を高率に合併し,心大血管病変の定期検査も考慮する. 本診療ガイドラインでは,小児から成人にかけてシームレスに,正確な診断と適切な治療・サーベイランスが行われるよう, 基本的事項を解説し,3個のクリニカルクエスチョンと推奨を作成した.
佐田富 道雄 川原 顕磨呂 佐々木 祐一 工藤 博幸 加野 敬子
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会 年会・大会予稿集
vol.2005, pp.250, 2005
