後藤 さゆり
共愛学園前橋国際大学論集 = Maebashi Kyoai Gakuen College ronshu (ISSN:2187333X)
no.16, pp.117-125, 2016


平成29年度は、平成28年度の研究、すなわち、「平常時」から(部分的にせよ)かけ離れたカタストロフィ後の世界において、分配的正義を支える価値や理念がいかなる身分を有するのかについて精査し、そのうえでカタストロフィ後の世界に適用可能な価値の構成や適用順序について明らかにする研究をふまえて、わが国を含む様々な国や地域の不平等や不正義の問題への応答を試みた。具体的には、政治哲学パート(井上彰が担当)では、これまでの復興にかかわる分配的正義をめぐる原理的議論を分析哲学の手法を用いて批判的に吟味し、経済哲学パート(後藤玲子が担当)では、復興にかかわるような格差を生む分配メカニズムについての考察を、経済学や社会的選択理論の知見をふまえるかたちで進め、社会哲学パート(Paul Dumouchelが担当)では、カタストロフィ後の経済社会のあり方、ありうべき姿について社会思想史やロボット哲学・倫理学の観点から検討した。その研究成果の一部として、研究代表者の井上が主催するかたちで、2018年1月19日に、Questioning Methods, Theory, and Practice in History and Politicsと題するシンポジウム(Strategic Partnership Program: The Australian National University and the University of Tokyo, Australian National University-University of Tokyo Joint Research Seminar)を東京大学駒場キャンパス(東京大学大学院総合文化研究科グローバル地域研究機構アメリカ太平洋地域研究センター)にて開催し、政治や歴史をめぐる方法論的反省とその刷新可能性について分野横断的に議論した。
後藤 義明 相良 二朗 田中 直人 中島 康生 田中 真二 堀田 明裕
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.63, no.512, pp.145-151, 1998-10-30 (Released:2017-02-02)
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Smooth action of a wheel chair user and a helper in transferring to a stool and taking a shower by a shower chair was examined by experiments. 14 experimental spaces for transferring to a stool and 20 experimental spaces for taking a shower were set up by combining size of room and door, and door position. For each space action of transfering and taking a shower by a wheel chair user pretending hermplegia and a helper was done simulatedly. Analyzing data recorded by video camera, it was confirmed that action in the 1400mm×1600mm toilet room and 1800mm×1800mm bathroom was smooth under every condition. And especially door position was important for smooth action.
中村 眞理子 後藤 葉子
日本調理科学会大会研究発表要旨集 平成27年度大会(一社)日本調理科学会
pp.205, 2015 (Released:2015-08-24)

李 永桓 後藤 春彦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.72, no.613, pp.143-150, 2007

This study had analyzed eye fixation objects, eye fixation directions, and eye fixation times of the sequential urbanscape at the night, which shows the different fixation characters compared to that of the day, in order to clarify the eye fixation characters of the night. Scenery observed from car window was focused in this study due to its popularity as the mean of transportation. Scenery from car window is the urbanscape of a strongly public nature, shared by many users. As a result, informational urbanscape factors were clarified to be the important eye fixation target at the night, showing the largess transition rate among all. Data of eye fixation directions showed less response to the spatial features, concentrating the gaze point: mainly to the foreground view. Eye fixation movements in both night and day had a tendency to gain their range in horizontal directions compared to that of vertical. Such range of eye fixation movement was most influenced by the presence and absence of the sky in the view.
岡本 淳 後藤 春彦 李 彰浩 関口 信行 植田 竜司
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
vol.40, pp.150, 2005

青柳 寛司 後藤 桜井 晶子 藤野 竜也 伊永 隆史
日本食品科学工学会誌 : Nippon shokuhin kagaku kogaku kaishi = Journal of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology (ISSN:1341027X)
vol.60, no.3, pp.138-141, 2013-03-15

国内に流通する国産ブランド牛肉の産地判別を念頭に,2 つのブランド牛(松阪牛と飛騨牛)の炭素,窒素,酸素の安定同位体比を調査した.その結果,炭素安定同位体比において両者の間で明確な差が認められ,その差の大きさは両者の飼料の炭素同位体比の差とほぼ一致した.このように,松坂牛や飛騨牛に限らずブランド牛では,それぞれの生育環境に加え,ブランドごとで管理されている飼料の同位体比を強く反映することが予想される.
矢部 沙織 高橋 博之 後藤田 裕子 森 孝之 井川 裕之 工藤 ひとみ 松本 哲 紅粉 睦男 関口 雅友
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.58, no.1, pp.34-40, 2015-01-30 (Released:2015-02-04)

62歳男性.30歳時に糖尿病を発症しインスリン治療を開始され,10年前より1日4回のインスリン強化療法を施行していた.62歳時,糖尿病性壊疽のため左足第I趾切断術目的に当院の心臓血管外科に入院.術後創部治癒は良好であったが,空腹時血糖値が50~500 mg/dl台と激しく変動したため,血糖コントロール目的に当科転科となった.インスリンを増量したが,600 mg/dl以上の高血糖が数日間持続した.腹部の診察をしたところインスリン注射部位に,径4 cm大の皮下硬結を2カ所認めた.皮膚生検の結果,インスリン頻回注射部位に形成された皮下限局性アミロイド沈着と診断した.注射部位変更後,血糖コントロールは著明に改善し,総インスリン量は減少した.長期インスリン治療患者に対しては注射手技指導を徹底し,さらに血糖コントロール不良例では,皮下限局性アミロイド沈着の形成を念頭に置いた丹念な身体診察が重要である.
桃沢 愛 且井 宏和 伊藤 暁彦 後藤 孝
一般社団法人 粉体粉末冶金協会
粉体および粉末冶金 (ISSN:05328799)
vol.63, no.3, pp.128-131, 2016-03-15 (Released:2016-04-09)

TiO2 is widely used in dental materials as orthopedic and dental implant thanks to its good properties and biocompatibility. Rutile- and anatase-type TiO2 films were prepared by laser chemical vapor deposition using Nd:YAG laser. The TiO2 films showed cauliflower like microstructures at laser power of 160 W. The highest deposition rate was 17.1 μm/h at the total pressure of 800 Pa. Rutile- and anatase-type TiO2 was formed at the total pressure of 210 Pa, anatase-type at 800 Pa and rutile-type at 1500 Pa. The degree of osseointegration in the early stages is critical for determining the mechanical stability of the implant. The cell attachment behaviors of TiO2 films, in particular, the cell density and aspect ratio of osteoblast cells on TiO2 films were evaluated. Microstructure of the surface and photocatalytic performance of anatase-type TiO2 may be effective for cell attachment.

1 0 0 0 OA 改正音訓五經

vol.[2], 1784
後藤 春彦 松井 勝紀
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.59, no.466, pp.103-112, 1994-12-30 (Released:2017-01-27)

This paper aims to discuss the administrative problem of reducing the billboards in "the sequence seen from Shinkansen window" for the maintenance of a beautiful spectacle. The conclusions in this paper are as follows; 1) A large number of billboards set up along the Shinkansen, and the billboard is the harmful element in "the sequence seen from Shinkansen window". 2) The distribution of billboards varies in different locates. Western Japan has more billboards than Eastern, and they are set up by Western companies in many case. 3) The local governments have to manage the billboards as the administrative problem for scenic beauty.
若林 満 WAKABAYASHI Mitsuru 後藤 宗理 GOTO Motomichi 鹿内 啓子 SHIKANAI Keiko
名古屋大學教育學部紀要. 教育心理学科 (ISSN:03874796)
vol.30, pp.63-98, 1983-12-24

The present study is aimed at exploring complex relationships between aspects of self concept, occupational attitudes and occupational choice itself. For this purpose, a set of instruments for measuring self concept and occupational attitudes were developed, based on subjects who were consisted of 875 female junior college students majoring in three different fields of professionalization: kindergartners (n=393), hospital nurses (n=227) and nonprofessional, humanity course students (n=255). They were asked to respond the questionnaire which contained 8 instruments stated as follows. (1) Occupational readiness included 30 statements regarding student's readiness for initiating her occupational life. Subjects rated each one by using a 4-point scale. A composite occupational readiness scale was created by combining 21 items selected by a series of item analyses. (2) The job orientation instrument consisted of 30 items which subjects might want to have as important goals or conditions for their occupations. They were asked to rate each one by using a 5-point scale. This instrument produced 3 orthogonal factors that were labelled as job challenge, human relations and working conditions respectively. (3) The student self-image included 23 adjectives each with a 7-point scale. This instrument produced masculinity and feminimity (M-F) scales by combining a set of adjectives identified to have a stereotyped masculine and a feminine character respectively. (4) Self-evaluated competence consisted of 22 ability dimensions considered to be necessary to lead an occupational life. Subjects were asked to evaluate themselves and to give ratings on each dimension by using a 7-point scale. This instrument produced 3 orthogonal factors labelled as competency, harmoniousness and reliability. (5) Occupational self-image was measured based on the 20 adjective pairs that were presented with a semantic differential format. This instrument was reduced to two composite scales, potency and affinity scales, by combining relevant SD scales. (6) The social-role attitude included 15 statements regarding roles of women in the society, and subjects were asked to rate each one by using a 7-point scale. All items were integrated into a single composite scale named equality in social roles. (7) Satisfaction with college life was measured by using 6 items based on a 7-point scale. (8) Career choice used a single item that asked subject's determination to continue an occupational career life. (9) Finally, the choice of occupation asked subjects to state occupational titles they wanted to be in after graduating from the college, together with the perceived probability (in percentage) of their actually engaging in those occupations. Major results of the analyses conducted by using composite scales described above can be summarized as follows. (1) Inter-correlations among 8 subscales of self concet (masculinity, femininity, competency, harmoniousness, reliability, potency, affinity, and equality in roles) were found all positive and mostly significant statistically. The same pattern of correlations was observed across three subject groups. (2) Correlation coefficients among 4 occupational attitude scales (occupational readiness, job challenges, human relations, working conditions) were found also high and statistically significant. However, the pattern of correlations for the nonprofessional, humanity course students showed an important difference compared to the students in other professionalized fields: kindergartner and nurse students. (3) Some aspects of self concept, particularly potency, mascurinity and role equality scales, showed a strong association with the achievement-oriented occupational scales, i.e., occupational readiness and job challenge. On the other hand, harmoniousness and affinity aspects of self concept showed significant correlations with human relations in job orientation. In addition, the femininity scale was found closely associated with orientation to working conditions. By cross-tabulating the dichotomized masculinity and femininity scales, the following 4 sex-role types were created: high masculinity - high femininity (M-F or androgynous) type, high masculinity - low femininity (Mf or masculine) type, low masculinity - high femininity (mF or feminine) type, and low masculinity and low femininity (mf of undifferentiated) type. Multiple comparisons were attempted based on these four groups with respect to aspects of self concept and occupational scales. Results of the analysis can be summarized as follows. (1) The androgynous, MF type students were shown as having the highest scores on both self conectp and occupational scales, while the undifferentiated, mf type students scored the lowest on these scales. (2) The MF and Mf type students showed the high scores on masculinity,'competency and potency scales, while the MF and mF type students showed high scores on femininity, harmoniousness, reliability and affinity scales. (3) The MF and Mf groups were found to have high scores on occupational readiness and job challenge scales, compared to their mF and mf type colleagues. These results suggest that the masculinity dimension within the female student's ego identity provides the strong basis upon which positive self concept and occupational attitudes can be developed. The relationship between self concept scales and occupational attitude scales was explored more extensively by using the canonical correlation analysis. Three canonical solusions were found statistially significant. The first canonical variate represented the interrelations between competence in self concept (masculinity) and self-actualization in occupation (high job challenge and occupational readiness). The second variate reflected close relationship between harmoniousness in self concept and human relations orientation in occupation. The third variate indicated an association between feminine self concept and orientation to the working conditions in one's occupational life. Additional analyses were attempted to further examine relationships between self concept and occupational attitude scales. First, on the basis of occupational readiness scores, subjects were divided into three subgroups: high, mid and low readiness groups. It was found that the high readiness group showed also high scores on job challenge orientation, masculinity, potent self-image and self-evaluated competency, followed by the mid and low readiness groups. Second, those who reported strong willingness to continue occupational lives were found to show the same pattern of results as exhibited by the readiness analysis. Third, on the basis of probability that the student would be engaged in the liked occupation, subjects were divided into the high, mid and low probability groups. Comparisons between these groups indicated that among kindergartener students the high probability group tends to show high occupational challenge, positive self-image and high evaluation of one's abilities. However, among non-professional, humanity students results were opposite: the low probability group showed high challenge and support for equality in social roles. In conclusion, results of the present study provided strong supportive evidence to the notion that there exists close relationships between aspects of self concept and occupational attitudes and orientations. However, the pattern of correlations between the two sets of scales were found somewhat different depending upon differences in the field of professionalization from which our female junior college subjects were derived. Therefore, it is suggested that to understand occupational choice processes among female college students, examination of the difference in contents of occupational socialization within the educational institution needs to be done, based on the longitudinal monitoring of choice processes over time.
末田 泰二郎 福永 信太郎 浜中 喜晴 松浦 雄一郎 後藤 誠 佐藤 雅文 右原 義久 吉本 文雄 土谷 太郎
一般社団法人 日本人工臓器学会
vol.20, no.2, pp.381-384, 1991

平嶋 昇 田中 靖人 小林 慶子 島田 昌明 岩瀬 弘明 後藤 秀実
The Japan Society of Hepatology
肝臓 (ISSN:04514203)
vol.50, no.11, pp.644-649, 2009-11-25
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症例は26才女性.2007年11月21日,AST235 U/L,ALT636 U/L,T-Bil.3.5 mg/d<i>l</i>で紹介を受けた.HBs抗原・IgM-HA抗体・HCV抗体陰性であったがHCV RNA定性(アンプリコア法)は陽性であった.ALTは正常化せず,08年2月8日HCVグループ2,RNA定量3.0 Log IU/m<i>l</i>(リアルタイム法),3月21日肝生検F1A1であったため,3月25日からペグインターフェロンα2aを12週投与してHCV RNAは陰性化した.尚,07年8月頃から付き合い始めたフィアンセは刺青を有し07年11月C型急性肝炎を発生,11月28日HCVグループ2,RNA定量430 KIU/m<i>l</i>(ハイレンジ法)であった.保存血清を用いて分子系統樹解析を名古屋市立大学臨床分子情報医学教室において行ったところ患者とフィアンセはおなじ感染ルートであることが推測された.日本のC型慢性肝炎は高齢化し治療に難渋しているが,若い世代を中心に麻薬や刺青によるC型肝炎感染が散見され性交渉によってさらに拡大しているとも言われている.C型肝炎は感染早期にインターフェロンを投与した方が治療効果は高く早期治療が望ましい.若い世代に対する積極的HCV対策も今後は必要である.<br>