岩井 儀雄 松村 朱里 伊藤 陽生 清水 敏之 不殿 健治 横地 裕次 山崎 隆一 山本 隆史 村山 健二 池田 聖
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. PRMU, パターン認識・メディア理解 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.101, no.525, pp.125-132, 2001-12-14

村山 研一
地域ブランド研究 (ISSN:18812155)
vol.1, pp.5-32, 2005-12-04

村山 雅美 楠 宏 川口 貞男
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.43, pp.1-7, 1972-03

村山 優子 齊藤 義仰 西岡 大 佐藤 英彦 向井 未来
vol.2013-SPT-5, no.19, pp.1-7, 2013-05-09

本予稿では,本研究では,災害発生直後から必要な当事者間の意思疎通である緊急時のクライシスコミュニケーションを災害コミュニケーションと呼び,関連する研究課題を 4 件紹介する.災害から 4 ヵ月後に,被災者が避難所から移動した仮設住宅では,未だに立地条件の悪さから不便な生活が続いている.今回,無人の商店システムを運用した結果を報告する.また,復旧時には,情報の提供や取得に通信環境が整わない間,twitter が活用された.しかし,誤報も多く,その解決のために,何故,人は,他人のツイート・メッセージを転送 (リツイート) するかを調査したので,報告する.また,復興状況を逐次確認できる定点観測のシステム,復興ウォッチャーについて報告する.さらに,津波の脅威を後世に伝えるための試みの,オンライン津波資料館の研究課題を述べる.以上,実践的な災害コミュニケーション支援の研究課題を紹介する.
磯田 豊 村山 達朗 玉井 孝昭
沿岸海洋研究ノート (ISSN:09143882)
vol.29, no.2, pp.197-205, 1992-02-29

村山 雅美
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.27, pp.2153-2175, 1966-12

(1) The basic plan of the 7th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition was the reopening of the Syowa Station, the establishment of a permanent station and preparations for inland survey. The routine observations of the wintering team were to engage in the study of aurora, airglow, geomagnetism, ionosphere, natural earthquake observation and tidology at the station while high level scientific researches were to be made on auroral intensity, auroral spectrum, auroral radio noise emission, geomagnetic pulsation, ionospheric absorption, biology and thermal process in the upper atmosphere. Emphasis in the researches of the 7th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition was to be placed on the study of upper atmospheric physics and biology in line with the International Quiet Sun Year (I Q S Y) and the International Biological Program (I B P), respectively The basic policy for inland survey was to be based on magnetic meridian which passes through the Syowa Station, and on geosciences, also glaciology and magnetism to be conducted between appropriate points on the magnetic meridian and the South Pole, were to be taken up as important subjects. Preparatory operations were to be made by the 7th wintering team with the target set on a South Pole traverse trip by the 10th expedition While testing the large sized snow car specially developed for such traverse, the wintering team was to conduct inland terrestrial magnetism and meteorological observations and also construct fuel depots for the team to accomplish the traverse. On the other hand, aboard the icebreaker FUJI, observations were conducted on upper stmosphere physics, oceanography, geochemistry and biology. (2) The icebreaker FUJI, which left Tokyo on November 20, 1965, entered the sea of ice floes off the Soviet Station Mirny on December 19 after touching at Fremantle, Australia. After proceeding westward, the FUJI arrived at the edge of close pack ice at a point 65°S, 45°E Compared with the conventional course via Gape Town, the time required to navigate the distance between Tokyo and the sea near Syowa Station was reduced by approximately two weeks Furthermore, because the condition of the ice in Lutzow-Holm Bay is greatly influenced by the ice condition in the area between Enderby Land and the Prince Olav Coast, the FUJI during her voyage was able to carry out effective survey on the condition of the ice in this area. The Prince Olav Coast, west of Enderby Land, is well known for its numerous icebergs which were found in a long row about 30 miles off that coast along a line of the top margin of the continental shelf It was also presumed that an open sea existed along the Prince Olav Coast northwest of the row of icebergs The open sea was spotted by a Sikorsky 61A helicopter which is capable of long distance reconnaissance flight The FUJI entered this open sea and, after cruising in a southwesterly direction, arrived at the edge of fast ice some 40 milts NNE off the Syowa Station on East Ongul Island However, this was one wintei fast ice which had been formed since April of the preceding year Because this ice was considered too soft to hold a large sized snow car and also because it would take the FUJI a long time to break through, it was decided ro carry out an transportation (3) The buildings, antenna and vehicles at the Syowa Station which had been closed since February 1962, seemed in good condition outwardly, but the summer of the preceding year, which had changed the many wintered fast ice of Lutzow-Holm Bay into new fast ice, also had played havoc with the base and the buildings which were caught in frozen waters In particular the powei hut and mess hut weie damaged When closing the base in 1962, I had left two 20 KVA diesel electric generators which I believe would take only about 48 hours to restore the operational condition, but the fact was that it took nearly a week to clean the ice off the generators, dry and reassemble them The 12,000 horse power FUJI, unlike its predecessor the SOYA, was able to advance up to five miles from the Prince Olav Coast by developing only about 25% of her full power However, the reason why the FUJI was able to approach so close to the coast was partly attributable to the favorable ice condition Air transportation of provisions and equipments began from the end of December and was completed at the beginning of Februay under a polar high atmospheric piessuie and under the same weather condition as at the Syowa Station During this period, the operational rate of the two helicopters reached a high 50% out of days feasible to fly Various huts to accoinodate the equipments were constiucted, including the power hut assembled from metal pannels which housed two 45 KVA diesel electric geneiatois, a pie-heating hut housing a circulation flush toilet and a pre-hcatmg tank, radio and tiansmittei huts The buildings weie connected by passageway made of corrugated iron pipe with a diameter of two meters Thus, the Syowa Station was completely revitalized About 80 kilohters diesel oil is consumed in one year at the base for the diesel electric geneiators, excluding the fuel in diums to be used for inland survey tups This time the transportation of diesel oil for geneiators was earned in bulk from the FUJI to the base, i e , in two 1-kilohter tanks installed in the helicopter and delivered to six newlv constructed 10-kiloliter rubber pillow tanks and one 20-kilohter aluminum tank A rhombic antenna was constiucted on an island off East Ongul Island, with directional beams toward Tokyo and the mother station, Mawson. The establishment of telegraph and telephone services with Tokyo using a 1 KW transmitter was completed on January 27. On the other side, the FUJI started her voyage southward by breaking through the blue ice on the western side of Ongul Island. The ship advanced further in the Ongul Straits and finally succeeded in berthing at East Ongul Island More than 400 tons of cargo had been air-lifted from the FUJI to the base, but the FUJI berthed near the base in search of ice strong enough to hold the snow car to be sent ashore. The snow car was the KD 60, which was developed specially for traverse trip between the base and the South Pole It has the following specifications and capacities, resistant to cold up to 60 degrees below zero centigrade, operatable up to a height of 4,000 meters above sea level, durable 6,000 kilometers trip, equipped with seismic sounding instrument, gravity meter, 50 W SSB transmitter, gyrocompass and straight steering navigation system It is also equipped with berthes and a kitchen for a crew of four and is capable of pulling a load of seven to nine tons at speed range of 10km per hour to 15 km on even snow Facilities and instruments for observations in upper atmosphere physics such as multicolor photometer, all-sky camera, spectrograph, aurora radar, riometer, continuous measurement of VLF emission, magnetic recorder and hiss recorder were completed To increase the meteorograph system, the automatic Rawin system was successfully installed, inaddition to a hydrogen gas generator and a tide gauge. On February 1, I nominated eighteen members of the wintering team led by Dr. A. MUTO. (4) The FUJI sailed eastward along the Prince Olav Coast, reached some 25 miles northwest of Molodezhnaya Station (67°50'S, 45°50'E), and berthed here where the Soviet relief ship OB lied already alongside. The fast ice on the Prince Olav Coast, 10 to 20 miles wide during the past month and the northern line of the ice floes at about 40 to 50 miles from the coast, had turned to an area of loose ice with an ice concentration of 3 to 5 The FUJI stopped some 15 miles north-northwest off the Molodezhnaya on the edge of fast ice and paid a visit to the station by helicopters on the night of February 3. We were welcomed by Dr. N. N OUCHINNIKOV, the leader of Molodezhnaya, who personally guided us throughout the station, our nearest neighbor. Next day, we visited OB, which was moored to the continental ice, and were welcomed by Captain KUPRI and Dr. MAKSUTOV, the leader of the 11th Soviet Antarctic Expedition. In return, Captain KUPRI, Dr. MAKSUTOV and Dr OUCHINNIKOV paid a visit to the FUJI where a mutual-welcome party was held by the members of the Japanese and Soviet Antarctic expeditions The FUJI started her westward cruise on February 6 and arrived at a point 45 miles north of the Syowa Station A helicopter was flown to Syowa to bring back five summer personnel who had been left there, and we baid farewell to the eighteen members of the wintering team The FUJI continued her survey cruise from Princess Ragnhild Coast through ice floes some 20/60 miles wide from the ice front in a west-southwest direction On February 9, the FUJI pushed southward through the loose ice floe filled with an ice concentration of 2 to 3 and discovered oil drums on the shelf ice indicating the place where the MAGA DAN, a relief ship chartered by the Belgian-Dutch Antarctic Expedition, had berthed seveial days before We cast anchor at Glacier Bay and on the night of Februaiy 10, we were visited by Mr AUTENBOER, leader of the Belgian-Dutch Antarctic Expedition, and his men from Roi Baudoum Station The following night, four Japanese members, including myself, paid a visit to Roi Baudoum with Mr AUTENBOER on his snocat, and were given the opportunity of touring the station The Belgo-Netherland party gave us very cordial reception and hospitality during our stay at Roi Baudouin Early in the morning of February 12, the FUJI continued her westwaid voyage along the Princess Astrid Coast and on the night of the 13th, she took northward ciuise for home via Cape Town
桜井 直樹 元村 佳恵 寺崎 章二 村山 秀樹

振動法の基本である第2共鳴周波数の振動モードが分かり、弾性値と粘性値を計算する理論的背景が証明された。つぎに、レーザードップラー(LDV)の手法で、果実の軟化を弾性値と粘性値から評価するプログラムを作成し、計測の自動化が実現できた。この結果、0.1秒で1個の個体を計測する高速化に取り組むことが可能となった。細胞壁多糖類の分析結果から、果実が軟化するとき果実細胞壁のペクチンの分解が粘性の低下を、キシログルカンの分解が弾性の低下を引き起こしていることが推察された。リンゴ6品種を用い、従来の破壊法とLDV法を比較し、4品種については極めて高い相関があることが分かった。また、臭化メチル処理で内部褐変が起こると、LDVでその欠陥を検出できることが分かった。セイヨウナシは収穫直後から追熟させると、キウイと同じように2段階の軟化を示すことが分かった。セイヨウナシは低温保存すると、最終的には1段階の弾性低下を示すようになる、2週間低温保存した場合最も評価の高い肉質(メルティング)になるが、LDVではその変化を捉えることができなかった。そのため、新しい物理的測定法(AMC法、Acoustic Measurement of Crispness)を考案した(特許出願)。プローブを果肉に貫入させそのときに生じる振動を検出し、フーリエ変換した。AMC法でいわゆるシャキシャキ感を数値化できることが分かった(特許出願)。この手法で、セイヨウナシ、メロンなどの肉質のトロミ感を数値にできることが分かった。次に数値化したAMCのパラメータとLDVの振動スペクトルの対応を、主成分分析及び重回帰で行った。その結果、LDVで得たスペクトルデータから、AMCで得られるシャキシャキ感が推測できることが分かり、LDV法が単に果実の弾性・粘性だけでなく、果実の肉質の精妙な変化も検出できることが分かった。
高尾 洋之 山本 誠 大塚 忍 鈴木 貴士 増田 俊輔 村山 雄一 阿部 俊昭
脳神経外科ジャーナル (ISSN:0917950X)
vol.21, no.4, pp.298-305, 2012-04-20

近年,数値流体解析(CFD)技術はさまざまな分野で応用され,医学の分野において,多くの論文で数値流体解析の結果が報告されている.現在,脳動脈瘤の発生,増大および破裂のメカニズムは十分に理解されていない.それに対し,CFDを用いてそれらに関わる流体力学的パラメーター(wall shear stress : WSS, shear strain rate : SSR, oscillatory shear index : OSI, energy loss : EL, pressure loss coefficient : PLC)を検討した論文が数多く存在し,中でもWSSが注目されているが,相反する両論が存在している状況である.本論文では,そのパラメーターをいくつか紹介し,われわれのCFD解析結果の報告に加え,われわれの結果と最近の他の論文の結果を比較する.
斉藤 和雄 瀬古 弘 川畑 拓矢 青梨 和正 小司 禎教 村山 泰啓 古本 淳一 岩崎 俊樹 大塚 道子 折口 征二 国井 勝 横田 祥 石元 裕史 鈴木 修 原 昌弘 荒木 健太郎 岩井 宏徳 佐藤 晋介 三好 建正 幾田 泰酵 小野 耕介

村山 敏郎
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. FTS, フォールトトレラントシステム
vol.98, no.368, pp.1-7, 1998-10-26

東京電力(株)柏崎刈羽原子力発電所6/7号機は世界初の改良型沸騰型原子炉(Advanced Boiling Water Reactor:以下ABWR)として、1996年11月7日、1997年7月2日にそれぞれ営業運転を開始した。このABWRは従来型BWRの運転経験から得られた知見を基に種の改良を行い安全性・信頼性の向上、運転性の向上、経済性の向上を図ったBWRの集大成となる原子力発電プラントである。計測制御装置についても設備の信頼性・保守性、運転機能の向上を図り最先端技術を採用した新型総合デジタル中央監視制御システムを採用した。
村山 治太
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.31, no.1, pp.67-76, 1987-03

第26次日本南極地域観測隊越冬隊(1985年)は環境科学モニタリング観測計画の一環として, 昭和基地周辺にて大型動物モニタリングを行った。アデリーペンギン, ウェッデルアザラシ, コウテイペンギン, ナンキョクオオトウゾクカモメ, その他の海鳥を対象とした目視観察を実施した。オングル島周辺の海氷は1985年3月に割れはじめ, 4月9日にすべて流出した。オングル海狭が再び完全に結氷したのは5月であり, 雪上車の氷上走行が可能となったのは6月であった。アデリーペンギンは4月27日に視認したのを最後に冬期間は観察されなかった。9月29日にアデリーペンギンのものと思われる足跡を認めた後, 10月21日に再びその姿を確認した。11月16日に産卵, 12月23日に雛を確認した。7つのルッカリーでの最大個体数は合計2143羽であった。ウェッデルアザラシも4月-9月はほとんど見られなかった。9月末から1頭から数頭の群をしばしば見かけ, 10月10日には出産直後の子を見た。大きな群は3月25日にとっつき岬の近くで, それぞれ約100頭の3群を見た。10月下旬にはルンパの近くで30頭以上の雌が集団で出産していた。最多数は親34頭, 子26頭であった。コウテイペンギンは3月末から4月初めにとっつき岬までのルートで, 数羽から10羽の群を10以上(計数10羽)視認した。基地周辺では10月23日に10羽を確認しただけだった。ナンキョクオオトオゾクカモメは5月中旬に姿を消し, 10月20日以降基地で毎日見られた。最大出現個体数は23羽であった。この他ユキドリ, ナンキョクフルマカモメ, マダラフルマカモメ, イワツバメを視認した。