布田 花子 森田 修一 山田 秀樹 花田 晃治 齊藤 力 高木 律男
特定非営利活動法人 日本顎変形症学会
日本顎変形症学会雑誌 (ISSN:09167048)
vol.12, no.3, pp.85-93, 2002-12-15 (Released:2011-02-09)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of the soft tissue profile in the nose following Le Fort I osteotomy in skeletal Class III patients.The subjects were 30 females who underwent twojaw surgery to correct anterior reversed occlusion, and who were classified into three groups according to the directions of surgical displacement of the maxilla.1. Advancement-Impaction group (n=11)2. Advancement group (n=12)3. Advancement-Downgraft group (n=7)For each patient, lateral cephalograms, taken preoperatively and postoperatively, were traced and superimposed, and linear and angular measurements were obtained. And, alinasal width was measured on frontal facial photographs taken preoperatively and postoperatively. These data from the three groups were compared.The results were as follows:1. In the Advancement-Impaction group, Pronasale and Subnasale were displaced in the upward and forward direction after Le Fort I osteotomy.2. In the Advancement group, Pronasale and Subnasale were displaced in the forward direction after surgery.3. In the Advancement-Downgraft group, Pronasale was displaced in the forward direction, and Subnasale was displaced in the downward direction.4. Alinasal width was increased in the three groups with advancement of the maxilla.In conclusion, there were differences in the postoperative changes of the nose, with different movement of the maxilla.
川本 庸太 田山 剛崇 佐和 章弘 門出 孝美 佐島 進 吉岡 真理 三宅 勝志 森田 修之 木平 健治
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.128, no.8, pp.1221-1226, 2008-08-01 (Released:2008-08-01)
2 3

Impetigo contagiosa staphylogenes is commonly treated by administering a combination of nadifloxacin and tetracycline ointments. However, it is not clear whether nadifloxacin and tetracycline are stable after mixing. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the stability of these agents in combination. We also evaluated changes in antibacterial activity after mixing. Mixing the two ointments caused tetracycline to change from yellow to brown in the admixture. Furthermore, the tetracycline content in the ointment decreased in a time-dependent manner, to about 40% at 288 h after mixing. In addition, the nadifloxacin content in the ointment did not change 288 h after mixing. In an alkaline environment (pH 9.0 and 11.0), the tetracycline content decreased and the color of tetracycline changed to brown. These results suggest that sodium hydroxide, which is an additive in nadifloxacin ointment, influences the content of tetracycline. We evaluated the chemical sensitivity of Staphylococcus aureus using disk tests. Nadifloxacin and tetracycline ointment showed the largest radius of inhibition circle, followed by the admixture 0 h after mixing and the admixture 72 h after mixing. These results suggest that the antibacterial activity is inhibited by the admixture. We propose that pharmacists should avoid mixing nadifloxacin with tetracycline ointment in the treatment of impetigo contagiosa staphylogenes and should take care to avoid interactions caused by additives in the ointments.
山田 人恒 森田 修朗
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.14, no.2, pp.73-81, 1969-11-30 (Released:2016-12-31)

In order to achieve accommodation of the eye which influences predominantly upon the kinetic visual acuity which chiefly relates to the accuracy in the timing action, the following studies were performed; that is, at the certain period of time, training to the velocity of accommodation was done repeatedly in every day, and the effect of training and the variations in the kinetic visual acuity accompanying with the training effect were determined. The results were obtained as described here, 1) By the training of accommodation of the eye, the accommodative contraction time shortened and the higher value of the kinetic visual acuity was obtained. 2) Relationship between the daily change in the accommodative contraction time and that in the kinetic visual acuity was due to chiefly to the degree of training for the optimal reaction to the moving object, where the subject himself performed in his daily life.
伊藤 かさね 高井 ろみた 大嶋 鴻太 中原 亜莉沙 布施 佑馬 森田 修司 澤井 和彦
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.32, no.3, pp.3_257-3_267, 2022-07-01 (Released:2022-07-23)

In recent years, regional migration has become an important policy theme in Japan from the perspectives of correcting the concentration of population in Tokyo and regional revitalization. Based on the previous studies, not only public policies and institutions but also the “social capital” of the destination region and migrants are considered important to promote migration and support migrants. On the other hand, fans and supporters of community-based professional sports clubs have high social capital, suggesting that they may play a new public role as social public goods. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the use of J. League clubs to promote immigration and support immigrants. Based on interviews with people who have immigrated to rural areas and people involved with J. League clubs, etc., it was considered that the following elements are important to promote and support migration: “community” and “human resources” to connect migrants to local informal networks, and “place” and “content” to expand such opportunities. In particular, the problem is how to procure communities and human resources with “bridging social capital”. On the other hand, it was suggested that supporters of J. League clubs and their communities have bridging social capital, which could be a potential management resource for the development of migration support mechanisms. Based on the above findings and analysis, the authors proposed a “J. League Clubs’ Authorized Welcome Café”, operated in collaboration with J. League Clubs, supporters, and local governments to promote regional migration and support migrants at the “Sports Policy for Japan 2020”, a conference on sports policy conducted by university students held in November 2020. The café will be a “place where anyone can stop by casually”, including not only soccer fans but also local residents and prospective immigrants. If the social capital of J Club supporters can function as a “bridge”, such cafes have the potential to reach a wide range of people. One of the important findings of this study is the potential of J-club fans/supporters to become a management resource for the community when viewed from the perspective of social capital. These findings may be applicable not only to the promotion of migration, but also to the solution of various local issues.
鈴木 宏正 原 雄司 瀬戸 康史 森田 修史
公益社団法人 精密工学会
vol.2010, pp.161-162, 2010

河添 仁 飯原 なおみ 土居 智明 森田 修之
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.125, no.12, pp.959-969, 2005-12-01

The proclamation of April 2002 of a Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare ordinance has enabled doctors to prescribe drugs for an outpatient without a limit on the length of prescription terms except for a few drugs. There is a concern that the prescription-term deregulation could cause careless drug therapy management in order to extend the interval between patient hospital visits. The purpose of this study is to make pre- and post-deregulation comparisons of two items, prescription terms and implementation of clinical examination that complied with package-insert precautions, and to discuss the approaches to increase safety. Prescription terms have lengthened progressively. In the preregulation period of January to March 2002, the mean prescription term was 19.9 days; in the post-regulation period of July to September 2002, it was 24.9 days; and in July to September 2003, 28.6 days. Even for anti-tumor agents, there were prescriptions over 90 days after deregulation. There was no significant difference between the pre- and post-deregulation compliance ratios for the package-insert precautions in eight drugs of investigated nine. However, one case had a delay in detection of liver dysfunction, which was caused by deviation from the once-a-month testing indicated in the package-insert precautions for prolonged prescription terms. The evidence suggested that the deregulation led to negligent drug therapy management. To assure safe therapy, the following should be addressed : first, sufficient function of a computerized prescriber order entry system and second, creation of a new framework with pharmacists' active involvement such as collaborative therapy management with physicians.
原田 美紀 猪子 芳美 清水 公夫 森田 修己
Japan Prosthodontic Society
日本補綴歯科學會雜誌 = The journal of the Japan Prosthodontic Society (ISSN:03895386)
vol.48, no.5, pp.733-740, 2004-10-10
5 5

目的: 本研究は, 閉塞型睡眠時無呼吸症候群 (OSAS) 患者に下顎前方位型口腔内装置 (PMA) を用い, 切歯点の移動と口腔咽頭腔前後径が直接関係するという仮説を検証し, PMAの治療効果を示す睡眠時の動脈血酸素飽和度を検討することである.<BR>方法: OSAS患者19名にPMAを適用し, PMA装着前と装着時における側方頭部X線規格写真撮影と動脈血酸素飽和度測定を行い, 側方頭部X線規格写真より, 口腔咽頭腔前後径 (PNS-AS, SPAS, MAS, IAS) と切歯点の移動量を計測し, 動脈血酸素飽和度より動脈血酸素飽和度低下指数 (ODI) 4%値および晦中飽和酸素濃度90%未満低下時間比 (CT<SUB>90</SUB>) を算出した.分析は, 切歯点移動量と咽頭腔前後径変化量についてはSpearmanの順位相関を, PMA装着前と装着時のODI4%値, CT<SUB>90</SUB>, 咽頭腔前後径についてはWilcoxonの符号付順位検定を用いて検討した.<BR>結果: 切歯点の前方移動量と口腔咽頭腔前後径のIAS部増加量との間に相関が認められた (r=0.61, p=0.01).PMA装着時のODI4%値とCT<SUB>90</SUB>は有意に減少し (p<0.01), 咽頭腔前後径のSPAS, MAS, IASは, 有意に増加した (P<0.01).<BR>結論: OSAS患者に対するPMA装着による下顎前方移動は, 口腔咽頭腔前後径を拡大させ, 動脈血酸素飽和度の改善に寄与することが示された.
安岡 利恵 藤木 博 森田 修司 満尾 学 門澤 秀一 埴岡 啓介 門谷 洋一
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:13452843)
vol.70, no.10, pp.3011-3017, 2009 (Released:2010-03-05)

森田 修二
vol.18, no.3/4, pp.65-78, 1944-07-30
西京大学学術報告 農学 (ISSN:03709329)
no.8, pp.26-33, 1956-09

種々の粘土鉱物に石英砂を混合してカチオン置換容量を一定とし添加養分量も等量として, 之等に水稲を栽培し養分の吸収を研究した。吸収された全窒素量はベントナイト区の植物に於て最高で, カオリナイト区の植物に於て最低であつた。吸収された全燐量はベントナイト区に於て最高, カオリナイト区に於て最低であつた。しかし此の差は粘土鉱物石英砂混合物のアニオン置換容量から予想されるよりも遥かに小であつた。初期に於て追肥として加へた燐は水稲によつて多量に吸収された。カオリナイト区の植物によつて吸収された全加里量はベントナイト区, イライト区の植物による吸収量よりも遥かに大であつた。此の吸収量の相違は粘土鉱物の結晶格子の構造の差異に基くのであろう。水稲による石灰, 苦土の吸収は生長と共に増加した。生育初期に於ては吸収された石灰の量は苦土の量よりも小であつたが, 生育の後期では吸収された石灰量は苦土量よりも大であつた。
佐々 友章 西岡 亨 舞原 文女 本多 泰揮 山根 雅之 森田 修 西山 直宏
日本毒性学会学術年会 第42回日本毒性学会学術年会
pp.P-208, 2015 (Released:2015-08-03)

国際的な化学物質管理に関する戦略的アプローチ(SAICM)に沿って化学物質を適正に管理するためには、化学物質の有害性と暴露を定量的に評価し、ヒト健康と環境影響に関するリスクを科学的に解析することが重要である。直鎖アルキルベンゼンスルホン酸ナトリウム(LAS)は、衣料用洗剤に配合される陰イオン性界面活性剤である。LASは近年、化審法優先評価化学物質に指定されたほか、環境省の水生生物保全環境基準に追加されたことにより、その河川水中濃度や環境影響への関心が高くなっている。一般に、河川などに存在する化学物質の実態把握はモニタリング調査により行われるが、環境濃度推定モデルを用いることでより広範囲かつ短時間に環境濃度を把握することが出来る。今回演者らは、(独)産業技術総合研究所が開発した水系暴露解析モデル AIST-SHANEL (以下、SHANEL) を用いてLASの河川水中濃度を日本国内全ての一級河川109水系を対象に推定した。SHANEL によって得られた推定値とモニタリング値はFactor 10(10分の1から10倍の範囲)で良好に一致することを確認した。一致性の低かったごく一部の地点については、同一地点における継続的な環境濃度の推移や汚水処理施設の普及状況などから要因を調査した。その結果、得られたLASの推定値は、水生生物に対する予測無影響濃度や環境省が定めた水生生物保全環境基準値を下回ることが明らかとなった。暴露実態の解析手法および解析結果に基づくヒト健康および環境リスクアセスメントについて議論する。
森田 修
法学協会雑誌 (ISSN:00226815)
vol.127, no.10, pp.1602-1694, 2010-10
竹山 雅規 森田 修一 山田 秀樹 武藤 祐一 齊藤 力 高木 律男 花田 晃治
特定非営利活動法人 日本顎変形症学会
日本顎変形症学会雑誌 (ISSN:09167048)
vol.13, no.3, pp.105-110, 2003-12-15 (Released:2011-02-09)

This study investigated the soft tissue profile change of the chin following genioplasty. The subjects were 20 females who underwent genioplasty. They were divided into two groups depending on the directions of surgical displacement of the chin. In 11 patients anterior repositioning was made (forward movement group) and in 9 patients posterior repositioning was made (backward movement group).For each patient, lateral cephalograms taken preand postoperatively were traced and superimposed, and then linear measurements were obtained.The results were as follows: 1. There were differences in soft tissue reaction to hard tissue displacement between the forward movement group and backward movement group.2. In the forward movement group, the size of the chin increased as a result of further forward displacement of soft tissue pogonion in spite of forward displacement of lower labial sulcus. In the backward movement group, the size of the chin decreased as a result of backward displacement of soft tissue pogonion and forward displacement of lower labial sulcus.3. The horizontal displacement ratio of soft tissue pogonion to pogonion was 148% in the forward movement group, and 33% in the backward movement group.4. There was a significant positive correlation between the horizontal change of pogonion and soft tissue pogonion, horizontal change of menton and soft tissue menton, horizontal change of pogonion and the size of the chin, and horizontal change of menton and the size of the chin. On the other hand, in the forward movement group, there was no correlation between skeletal changes and soft tissue changes of the chin.
高橋 功次朗 丹原 惇 森田 修一 小林 正治 池田 順行 林 孝文 齋藤 功
特定非営利活動法人 日本顎変形症学会
vol.27, no.1, pp.1-7, 2017

Cephalometric prediction is still widely used for treatment planning in surgical orthodontic patients. However, there have been few reports on the relationship between mandibular midline changes by orthognathic surgery and the amount of bilateral setback movement on lateral cephalograms. The aim of this study was to clarify the relationships between the difference in mandibular setback amount for deviated and non-deviated sides and the amount of middle region displacement on cephalometric prediction in patients with mandibular prognathism and deviation.<br>The subjects comprised 15 patients diagnosed as mandibular prognathism with skeletal deviation at the orthodontic clinic, Niigata University Medical and Dental Hospital. All patients underwent only mandibular setback surgery involving midline correction by sagittal split ramus osteotomy(SSRO). Frontal and lateral cephalograms taken just before and immediately after orthognathic surgery were used for measurements. X-Y coordinates were constructed using the occlusal plane on the preoperative lateral cephalogram for the X coordinate and the perpendicular line drawn intersecting the X line at the Sella for the Y coordinate. The amount of posterior movement of the distal segment and middle region displacement were determined by superimposition of pre-and postoperative lateral cephalograms. The postoperative midline changes were measured linearly using a study model taken at just before orthognathic surgery. We examined the relationship between the average amount of operative movement for deviated and non-deviated sides and the amount of anteroposterior changes of the incisal region. The relationship between the difference in operative movement for deviated and non-deviated sides and postoperative midline changes was also examined.<br>Significant correlations were found between the bilateral difference of operative movement and the amount of anteroposterior changes of the incisal region. A significant correlation was also revealed between the bilateral difference of operative movement and horizontal middle region. In addition, a significant regression formula was obtained as β=0.65α+1.17(α: bilateral difference of mandibular posterior movement (mm), β: lateral movement of mandibular midline(mm))by regression analysis.<br>The present results suggest that, in cases with skeletal deviation, it is possible to regard the average value of anteroposterior movement of distal segments on both sides as a predictive factor for the posterior position of the incisal region. Also, the results suggest that the amount of midline correction can be predicted from the bilateral difference of operative movement. Since there is diversity and much variation in the movement of distal segments, it is not easy to predict the amount of midline displacement during orthognathic surgery. However, this regression formula may be useful for orthodontists and surgeons to plan surgical orthodontic treatment.