乾 孝司 村上 浩司 橋本 泰一 内海 和夫 石川 正道
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.24, no.6, pp.469-479, 2009 (Released:2009-08-07)

This paper presents a method for boosting the performance of the organization name recognition, which is a part of named entity recognition (NER). Although gazetteers (lists of the NEs) have been known as one of the effective features for supervised machine learning approaches on the NER task, the previous methods which have applied the gazetteers to the NER were very simple. The gazetteers have been used just for searching the exact matches between input text and NEs included in them. The proposed method generates regular expression rules from gazetteers, and, with these rules, it can realize a high-coverage searches based on looser matches between input text and NEs. To generate these rules, we focus on the two well-known characteristics of NE expressions; 1) most of NE expressions can be divided into two parts, class-reference part and instance-reference part, 2) for most of NE expressions the class-reference parts are located at the suffix position of them. A pattern mining algorithm runs on the set of NEs in the gazetteers, and some frequent word sequences from which NEs are constructed are found. Then, we employ only word sequences which have the class-reference part at the suffix position as suffix rules. Experimental results showed that our proposed method improved the performance of the organization name recognition, and achieved the 84.58 F-value for evaluation data.
橋本 康弘 陳Yu 大橋弘忠
情報処理学会研究報告数理モデル化と問題解決(MPS) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2008, no.85, pp.63-66, 2008-09-11

本研究ではソーシャルコミュニケーションの時系列データからネットワークの時系列を構築し,コミュニティ検出によってコミュニティ構造の時間発展を捉える.そして,分裂・融合を繰り返すコミュニティの遍歴を視覚的に理解するためのインタラクティブ性の高い可視化手法を実現することで,人間行動をモデル化する前段階としてのシナリオを語る枠組みを提案する.We introduce a new framework that enables us to discuss a probable scenario derived from insights on human behavior by developing a highly interactive visualization method for visualizing human community evolution. First, we create a number of successive networks from the time-series data on social communication, and then, extract and visualize a hidden dynamic structure of evolving communities by integrating some recently developed methods.
筒井 雄一郎 橋本 正明 廣田 豊彦 片峯 恵一
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. KBSE, 知能ソフトウェア工学 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.101, no.502, pp.25-31, 2001-12-06

中山 英久 角田 裕 太田 耕平 鈴木 明宏 西山 大樹 永富 良一 橋本 和夫 和泉 勇治 キニ グレン マンスフィールド 根元 義章 加藤 寧
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. CS, 通信方式 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.109, no.4, pp.1-6, 2009-04-09

橋本 敬造
関西大学東西学術研究所紀要 (ISSN:02878151)
vol.40, pp.A21-A38, 2007-04

The author discusses the conflict at the introduction of the Western method into the traditional Chinese calendar system in the beginning of the Qing Dynasty. It was not only the question of how to prepare the traditional Chinese calendar, which was the Luni-solar system, according to the Western astronomical system, but also the problem of how to justify to adopt the Western system instead of the traditional Chinese. This is not a new problem. But, here, we should like to discuss the issue from the point of view of the Western learning, Xixue 西学, as well as the Tianxue 天学, which means Christianity. This is because the author's main concern here is in the development of the Rites Controversy in the early Qing period. So far this issue concerning the Qing calendar has been called the Calendar Accusation, Liyu 暦獄. The author regards the prosecution had the nature of the religious one. First of all the discussions begin with the astronomical controversies, raised by the prosecutors, Yang Guangxian 楊光先et al. He carried on his campaign against the missionaries. In 1664, he submitted to the Board of Rites the document in which he charged Johann Adam Schall von Bell, Tang Ruowang 湯若望, with several alleged errors in astronomical calculations and accused the missionaries of plotting against the state and of indoctrinating the people with false ideas. He referred to the view mentioned in the Tianxue chuankai 天學傅概 [History of Christian Church in China], written in 1664 by the convert, Li Zubai李祖白. He developed the ideas that man had originated in Judea and that a branch of the human family migrated to China under the leader, tentatively identified as Fuxi 伏羲. He also asserted that in ancient China God had been worshipped under the name Tian天or Shangdi 上帝, which was known as the Tianxue 天学, which was eventually to be revived by Ricci. This was repugnant to Yang. Including this idea, Yang produced other articles as the evidences for the accusation of the religion and the missionaries with their followers. Finally Yang lodged against Schall the more serious-though in fact erroneous-charge that he had deliberately fixed on the inauspicious day in 1658 for the burial of the infant prince, Rong Qinwang 榮親王, in order to cast spells on the parents (i.e., Emperor Shizu 世祖and Empress Xiaoxian 孝賢). For the critical issues against the New Method, Xinfa 新法, now F. Verbiest, Nan Huairen 南壊仁, following Adam Schall von Bell, successfully defended, because he had so far well prepared astronomically. Immediately after this prosecution, the Western astronomical system, Xifa 西法, became exclusively called the New Method. On the other hand, the religious issues were mainly treated by the senior missionary, L. Buglio (Li Leisi 利類思). Here we discuss the conflict from the aspects of the both sides, religious and astronomical.
板倉 正佳 相沢 雅彦 大照 完 橋本 周司
vol.42, pp.321-322, 1991-02-25

橋本 賢一
國民經濟雜誌 (ISSN:03873129)
vol.196, no.6, pp.81-91, 2007-12
野口 陽来 松井 利樹 橋本 隼一 橋本 剛
情報処理学会研究報告ゲーム情報学(GI) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2008, no.59, pp.31-35, 2008-06-20

現在,コンピュータ囲碁ではモンテカルロ法を用いた探索法が主流となっている.その中でより強いプログラムを作るためにプレイアウトの精度を上げる研究が盛んに行われている.その中でパターンを用いてプレイアウトの精度を高める方法が,その方法を使ったプログラムが大きな大会で優勝したため注目されている.本研究では大きさの異なる二つのパターンを棋譜より抽出し,それらのパターンを使用したプレイアウトの性能を比較した。その結果大きいパターンを使用したプレイアウトの方がパターンを使用しないそれより高い性能を示すことがわかった。またパターンはそれに応じた使い方をしなければ効果が出ないことが予想された。Today, Monte-Carlo method is mainly used in the domain of computer go. There are many studies that improve the accuracy of the Monte-Carlo playout. In this paper, we extract two set of patterns of different size from game records and compare the performances of these patterns. The experimental results show that the bigger patterns have performance better in the playout. Moreover the performance depend on how the patterns are used.
吉田 哲也 五十嵐 敏文 朝倉 國臣 宮前 博子 彌富 信義 橋本 晃一
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
資源と素材 (ISSN:09161740)
vol.120, no.10,11, pp.577-583, 2004 (Released:2006-05-09)
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To reduce the volume of precipitates generated by the neutralization of acid mine drainage (AMD) containing high concentrations of Fe and As, ferritization of the precipitates was attempted by a two-step neutralization process in which magnesium oxide (MgO) was used as the first neutralizer and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) as the second. Batch neutralization experiments with MgO and continuous flow experiments by the two-step neutralization were conducted in laboratories and an AMD treatment plant. The results showed that the precipitates by the neutralization were magnetized in the continuous flow experiments, although there was Al and Si that prevented the generation of ferrite in the AMD. This indicates that ferrite was formed from the precipitates after removing most of the soluble Al and Si by the first neutralization. In addition, aging of the precipitates under reducing conditions and returning the aged precipitates to a ferrite tank were required to form ferrite. The molar ratio of As to Fe in the precipitates reached a constant value at pH>3.5. This suggests the coprecipitation of As and Fe.
橋本 晴満 中西 雅典 渡辺 紀 田嶋 康宏 下 貴裕 市瀬 司 永野 尚登
公益社団法人 日本放射線技術学会
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.63, no.5, pp.595-602, 2007-05-20 (Released:2007-05-31)
1 1

The DD-System is a dose-distribution system for analyzing the film method with a general-purpose flatbed image scanner. By analyzing the analogue digital conversion(ADC)value of each pixel acquired by the DD-system, we examined the technical problems of measurement with the scanner when making a dose-density table. When film of uniform density was measured, the ADC values distributed normally. Deviation of the values at the same pixel point on another time was about one-ten thousandth of the average. Deviation of the values from the time the scanner was turned on was in the same range. Although it may be negligible, the values measured at a peripheral area on the flatbed deviated about 2SD from the average measured at the central area. Further, deviation of the value obtained with a shade covering the outside of the irradiation field from that taken without the shade was about one thousandth. These deviations are not negligible. In the case of making a dose-density table with a DD-System and a general-purpose flatbed image scanner, the film should be set in the center of the flatbed, and the sampling area should be selected from those areas where the ADC values are distributed normally. Then proper data can be obtained and more accurate tables can be made.
新井 賢 藤本 憲二 橋本 竹二郎 滝島 常雄 小屋 佐久次
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.107, no.4, pp.279-286, 1987-04-25

In order to identify the constituents of ethanol-extractable amino acids from Pinus densiflora SIEB. et ZUCC. leaves, high performance liquid chromatography (JASCO TWINCLE amino acids analyzer system) was used. According to the results obtained, ethanol-extractable amino acids confirmed to be such 19 different kinds, as Asp, Thr, Ser, Asn, Glu, Gln, Pro, Gly, Ala, Val, Met, Ile, Leu, Tyr, Phe, Lys, His, Arg and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). There was a seasonal fluctuation in the amount of free amino acids constituent, and three different patterns of changing in the amount were noticed. The major constituents of free amino acids were found to be GABA and Ala. There were similarities in the patterns of free amino acids contents among new buds, one year leaves and two year leaves. However few amount of Met and His were detected from the stage of the new buds than any other. Basic amino acids were found more in the one year leaves and the two year leaves than in the new buds. The contents of Gln, Lys and Arg increased in the germination stage of the new buds, and the contents of GABA, Pro, Ala and Asn decreased in the growing stage of the new shoots. The above facts lead to the conjecture of that these free amino acids were involved deeply in the growth of Pinus densiflora SIEB. et ZUCC. leaves.
橋本 渉 吉田 恭平
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.10, no.2, pp.183-189, 2005

Immersive display is the device that can provide an immersive viewing experience by surrounding around user. The typical problem of the display is that the device occupies huge space and it is hard to move the whole environment. This paper proposes an transportable immersive display. Our environment uses existing walls as screen. In order to avoid the focus problem when the projector image displays on non-planer surface, we utilizes a convex mirror to increase the length of the projector's focal depth. In addition, the mirror helps the projecter's image to spread the wide area. This paper also reports the distortion correction method of the projected image on the various shapes of the wall.
李 周浩 森岡 一幸 セメシ ペーター 黄 吉卿 上村 聡志 安藤 慶昭 橋本 秀紀
vol.2003, 2003

森岡 一幸 李 周浩 橋本 秀紀
The Robotics Society of Japan
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.22, no.1, pp.103-111, 2004-01-15
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In the environment that human and robots coexist, mobile robots have to approach human as much as possible in order to provide human with physical services. For friendly interaction with human, the robots should be able to afford human-affinitive movement. In this paper, human following, as one of human-affinitive movements, of robot is achieved. The human following robot requires several techniques; the recognition of the target human, the recognition of the environment around the robot, and the control strategy for stable human following. In this research, Intelligent Space, where many sensors and intelligent devices are distributed, is used for the recognition of the target human and the environment around the robot. The control law based on the virtual spring model is proposed to mitigate the difference of movement between the human and the mobile robot. The proposed control law is applied to Intelligent Space and its performance is verified by computer simulation and experiment.