吉田 義昭 鈴木 宏和 藤原 耕二 石原 好之
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌B(電力・エネルギー部門誌) (ISSN:03854213)
vol.134, no.5, pp.399-411, 2014 (Released:2014-05-01)

It is important that PV systems detect islanding caused by power system fault to ensure electrical safety. So, we propose a novel islanding detection method which detects harmonic impedance by injecting the harmonic currents synchronized with exciting current harmonics of the pole transformer. In case that an induction motor load is included in the load system, the basic experiments of islanding detection and simulation analysis are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.
福田 義昭
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.40, no.1, pp.139-154, 1997

Najib Mahfuz's <i>Tharthara fawq al-Nil</i>, published in 1966, has always been regarded as a "prophetic" novel of Egypt's defeat in the 1967 War. It is basically a satirical novel depicting Egyptian society and its intelligentsia under Nasser's regime in the 60's. It is, however, important to read <i>Tharthara</i> not as a mere political satire, but as a novel of universal nature which narrates artistically a story about the everlasting confrontation between "linear time" and "cyclical time" or between "sense" and "nonsense."<br>The whole structure of the novel can be reduced to the confrontation between (linear time-seriousness-sense-Samara) and (cyclical time-jest-nonsense-Anis). Although some critics say that Anis had changed his position and become serious at the end of the story, it is evident from a close reading of the text that he does not really want to do so. Rather, it is better to regard him as a fool or a trickster, and confine his role to that of giving a hint or an implication.<br>Another important aspect of this novel is its metafictional devices: Samara's scenario of a play and the characters' debate on the drama in Egypt. These devices violate the frame of the novel itself and deconstruct it to make every reading uncertain.<br>It should, then, be concluded that <i>Tharthara</i> is a novel which lays stress on uncertainty itself and that the "prophecy" of the novel, if there is any, originates from this very ambiguity.
大坪 義昭 伊藤 忠夫 飯田 秀重
The Remote Sensing Society of Japan
日本リモートセンシング学会誌 (ISSN:02897911)
vol.20, no.4, pp.440-448, 2000

古賀 義昭 永松 土巳
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.23, no.2, pp.43-48, 1967-07

During 5 years from 1959 to 1963, many reciprocal pollinations between diploid and autotetraploid rice plants using Japanese and foreign varieties were artificially carried on by hot water emasculation method, and results were as follows (Tables 2 and 3). From these crossings, besides plumply, well developed seeds, many shriveled and ill-developed seeds which contained no endosperm and were very light, 1/10~1/20 of normal seed in weight, were obtained. For convenience' sake, they were called perfect and imperfect seeds respectively. The perfect seeds set in very low percentage, that is about 1%, but they germinated well and grew to maturity. From the cytological observations, it was found that almost all of them were selfed seeds of female plants. As to the imperfect seeds, seed setting ratio was comparatively high, but they germinated in low percentage and if germinated they could not grow to seedlings. For the question whether these imperfect seeds were true hybrid seeds or parthenocarpically developed ones, some knowledges were already given in the first report. When diploid and tetraploid plants were castrated by hot water emasculation method and not pollinated afterwards, imperfect seeds did not set on diploid plants, and on tetraploid plants only 1.1% were set. This ratio was very low compared with the crossed results as shown in Tab. 2 and 3, so that the greater part of imperfect seeds in crossed case were seemed to be true hybrid seeds. Degree of seed set was typically different between reciprocal crossings, and some differences were also found between varieties. In Japanese varieties, when diploid was used as female parent imperfect seeds were less easily obtained, but in reversed crossings they were more easily obtained and more heavy in weight and germinable. On the other hand, in foreign varieties imperfect seeds were more easily obtained in the crossing 2X×4X than in reversed crossings. This tendency was very striking in the varieties O. sativa f. spontanea and Ba Thut Nuho T. T. B., but in the crosses with O. sativa f. spontanea germination was better than that in 4X×2X cross as in Japanese varieties. In foreign varieties, Ba Thut Nuho T. T. B. and Songa T. T. B. belong to the so-called Indica type, and O. sativa f. spontanea belongs to wild species. So that they were genetically different from Japanese varieties. From above facts, it was considered that the tendency of seed setting was not constant within varieties, and that this phenomenon was affected by genetic differences.1) イネの3倍体を作出することを目的として,日本稲および外国稲を用い,2倍体および同質4倍体間に相反交配を行ない,交配種子の着生について観察した. 2) 交配の結果,良く充実した完全種子は低率で約1%しか着生しなかつたが,発達が劣る不完全種子は多量に着生した. 3) 完全種子は大部分が母本の自殖種子であり,不完全種子が真正の雑種種子と考えられたので,不完全種子により相反交配および品種間の交雑成功度を検討した. 4) 交配種子の着生率は相反交配により異なり,日本稲では4x×2xが逆交配より高く,また種子重,発芽率とも大であつたが,外国稲では2x×4xの方が多く着生し,種子重には差が見られなかつた.しかし発芽率は4x×2xの方が良いようであつた.
島田 智哉子 植沢 芳広 Ishii-Nozawa Reiko 石原 真理子 Kagaya Hajime 金本 大成 寺久保 繁美 中島 秀喜 高尾 浩一 杉田 義昭 坂上 宏
International Institute of Anticancer Research
Anticancer Research (ISSN:2507005)
vol.34, no.10, pp.5405-5412, 2014-10

Background: Fifteen 3-styrylchromones were subjected to quantitative structure?activity relationship (QSAR) analysis based on their cytotoxicity, tumor selectivity and anti-HIV activity, in order to explore their biological activities. Materials and Methods: Cytotoxicity against four human oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) cell lines and three human oral normal cells was determined by the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) method. Tumor-selectivity was evaluated by the ratio of the mean CC50 (50% cytotoxic concentration) against normal human oral cells to that against OSCC cell lines. Anti-HIV activity was evaluated by the ratio of CC50 to EC50 (50% cytoprotective concentration from HIV infection). Physicochemical, structural and quantum-chemical parameters were calculated based on the conformations optimized by the LowModeMD method followed by the density functional theory (DFT) method. Results: All 3-styrylchromone derivatives showed moderate-to-high tumor selectivity. Especially, compounds that have a methoxy group at 6-position of the chromone ring and hydroxyl group at 4'-position of phenyl group in styryl moiety [11] showed the highest tumor-selectivity. On the other hand, their cytotoxicity against normal cells showed good correlation to the descriptors that reflect hydrophobic interaction and molecular shapes. Conclusion: Multivariate statistics with chemical descriptors for the location of substituted group, molecular shape and electrostatic interaction may be useful for designing the most favorable compound with higher tumor selectivity.
日置 佳之 百瀬 浩 水谷 義昭 松林 健一 鈴木 明子 太田 望洋
ランドスケープ研究 : 日本造園学会誌 : journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture (ISSN:13408984)
vol.63, no.5, pp.759-764, 2000-03-30
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石井 義昭 細田 純子 若山 文恵 安藤 正子
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.4, no.3, pp.147-155, 1978 (Released:2011-08-11)

Compatibility of futraful (FT-207) fine granules with 54 commercial preparations was tested under three conditions of constant temperature and relative humidity (A: 30°, 92%; B: 23°, 76%; C: 5°, 50%). As a result, no change was observed in FT-207 fine granules and 30 of 54 preparations under any condition. Some changes such as wetness, coagulation, coloration and liquefaction were observed in 24 preparations under condition A, 11 preparations under condition B and 2 preparations under condition C. Of 24 preparations, the following 4 preparations were considered to develop changes when compounded with FT-207 fine granules magnesium oxide, aminophylline, galantase and sodium bicarbonate. By thin layer chromatography, the decomposed compound (5-fluorouracil) of FT-207 was detected in combination with 10 preparations such as enzyme and vitamin. The rate of decomposition of FT-207 allowed for 30 days under condition A was 2.5-5 % in combination with Popon S and less than 1% in combination with other 9 preparations. But these changes in appearance and potency of FT-207 with packing were less than that without packing. Any of 54 preparations are thought to be compoundable with FT-207 fine granules when sufficient care is taken to protect them from moistening.
清水 哲也 水口 義昭 吉岡 正人 松下 晃 金子 恵子 川野 陽一 勝野 暁 神田 知洋 高田 英志 中村 慶春 谷合 信彦 真々田 裕宏 横室 茂樹 内田 英二
日本腹部救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13402242)
vol.36, no.1, pp.79-85, 2016-01-31 (Released:2016-04-26)

ERCPは胆膵疾患の診断に不可欠な手技となり,ERCPを応用したさまざまな手技が活用されている一方,ERCPの偶発症は重篤化しやすく慎重を要す手技である。ERCP合併症の中でも後腹膜穿孔は死亡率が高く,その診断と対処が重要である。1999年1月から2015年5月までのERCP自験例 4,076例のうちERCPの後腹膜穿孔を10例(0.25%)に認め,その原因と対応を検討した。穿孔部位は,乳頭部3例,胆管3例,膵管2例,十二指腸2例であり,原因は,乳頭部穿孔ではEST,胆管穿孔では砕石処置具の挿入,膵管穿孔ではカテーテル操作,十二指腸穿孔では内視鏡の挿入による損傷であった。後腹膜穿孔を疑う際にはENBDや胃管で減圧しCTで後腹膜穿孔の重症度を確認する。CTで後腹膜に液体貯留を認め,かつ発熱や疼痛のある症例は緊急手術を行う。後腹膜気腫のみ,もしくは少量の液体貯留のみで無症状の症例は保存的加療を行い経時的に疼痛や液体貯留をフォローし,所見の悪化がある際は緊急手術を考慮する。
岩坪 治雄 宮井 潔 岡田 義昭
一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会
日本内分泌学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290661)
vol.44, no.9, pp.987-992,963, 1968

The effects of stress, exercise and other factors on human growth hormone (HGH) secretion were investigated in normal subjects and various disorders. Plasma HGH was measured by chromatoelectrophoretic radioimmunoassay.<BR>1) Exercise : Exercise by double two step test of Master was associated with a slight increase of HGH secretion only in female, but successively 6 times of the test with a remarkable increase both in female and in male. This rise of plasma HGH level was accelerated by arginine infusion or beef ingestion.<BR>2) Operation : Major abdominal surgery under general anaesthesia with Fluothane and nitrous oxide was followed by a remarkable elevation of plasma HGH with a peak at 60-90 minutes after the operation started. On the other hand, brain operation under the same anaesthesia but with hypothermia did not lead to significant changes or rather led to decrease in plasma HGH while cooling, but to a remarkable increase as rewarming commenced.<BR>3) Cold Exposure : No increase in plasma HGH level was found during exposure of normal subjects to 4°C for 1-2 hours but a significant elevation of plasma HGH level was observed following recovery to room temperature (23°C).<BR>4) Drugs : Intravenous injection of 35 mg of histamine caused a moderate increase in plasma HGH. In 6 of 8 normal subjects, simultaneous injection of aminophylline enhanced the increased response of plasma HGH by insulin-induced hypoglycemia.<BR>5) HGH secretion in primary hypothyroidism : Plasma HGH response to hypoglycemia and exercise (two step test) was significantly lower in patients with untreated primary hypothyroidism than in normal subjects.<BR>6) HGH secretion in hypopituitarism : Studies on secretion of trophic hormones in hypopituitarism showed that, of 12 patients, panhypopituitarism was found in 3 cases, partial deficiency in 8 and selective ACTH deficiency in 1. Of 9 subjects with pituitary dwarfism, panhypopituitarism was found in 1 case, partial deficiency in 5 and isolated GH deficiency in 3, of which two cases were siblings.<BR>Some cases, of which basal HGH secretion was detectable at overnight fast and suppressed by glucose administration, showed a dissociative response to various stimuli : a significant elevation of HGH level by arginine infusion despite no responses to insulin or pyrogen injection. Others showed parallel responses to such various stimuli as insulin induced hypoglycemia, arginine infusion and or exercise.
鈴木 義昭
早稲田大学日本語研究教育センター紀要 (ISSN:0915440X)
vol.9, pp.99-110, 1997-03-31

中国において全集が出版されている作家, 例えば, 魯迅・郭沫若・郁達夫が日本に留学したのに対して, 聞一多と日本との繋がりは, アメリカ留学に赴く途中, 神戸・横浜に数日間滞在しただけで, 地縁的にも深い関係にあったとは言いがたい.ただ, 聞一多は横浜・東京を見物した折, 東京帝国大学英文科二年生の井上思外雄と知り合った.また, 1926年には小畑薫良の『李白詩集』について論評を行った.本稿では, 聞一多によって, 中国の人々の記憶に残ることとなった二人の日本人について述べたい.
神田 直 林 英人 小林 祥泰 古橋 紀久 田崎 義昭
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中学会
脳卒中 (ISSN:09120726)
vol.2, no.3, pp.299-306, 1980-09-25 (Released:2010-01-22)
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脳卒中急性期の交感神経活動を知る目的で発症48時間以内の患者64例を対象に血漿カテコールアミンの変動を観察した.血漿ノルエピネフリン (NE) 値は, 脳出血, くも膜下出血, 脳梗塞の順に高く, その平均値はそれぞれ753±116pg/ml, 630±291pg/ml, 397±65pg/mlであった.脳出血の平均値は脳梗塞と対照とした非神経疾患々老19例の平均値292±2gpg/mlよりも有意に高値を示したが, 脳梗塞と対照の間には有意差を認めなかった.血漿NEの上昇はとくに大血腫, 広範な梗塞を伴う重症例で著しかった.死亡した13例の血漿NEの平均値1,199±162pg/mlは生存43例の平均値362±39pg/mlより有意に高く, 入院時の血漿NEは患者の生命予後を良く反映した.血漿エピネフリンについても同様の傾向がみられた.脳卒中急性期には交感神経系の興奮と副腎髄質機能の尤進を伴い, とくに予後不良な重症例で著しい.脳卒中急性期には脈拍,血圧,呼吸,体温などのvital signにしぼしば著しい変化がみられ,また発汗過多,消化管出血などを伴うことが少くない.これら多彩な臨床症状の発現には自律神経系が密接に関与していると推定される.さらに脳卒中患者ではValsalva試験における反応異常, 起立性低血圧, 体位変換に伴う血中ノルエピネフリン (NE) 反応の低下など自律神経機能異常がみられることが報告されている.一方最近では脳循環の調節機序における自律神経系の役割が注目され, 脳卒中急性期にみられる脳循環代謝動態の異常にも自律神経異常を伴うことが推測されるが,現在のところこれを実証するような成績は得られていない.したがって脳卒中急性期の自律神経活動についての観察は, 脳卒中の病態を解明する上でのひとつのアプローチになると考える.血中NEは主として交感神経の末端に由来し, その変動は交感神経活動をかなり鋭敏に反映すると考えられている.脳卒中患者においては尿中カテコールアミン (CA) 排泄量の増加があり, さらに血中 CAレベルが上昇することが報告されている.また交感神経刺激によりNEと共にexocytosisによって放出されるといわれるドーパミン-β-水酸化酵素 (DEH) 活性も脳卒中急性期には血中で上昇する.血清DBH活性の変動からみても, 血中NEの変化は脳卒中発症数日以内の急性期に著しいことが予想されるが, これらの報告者の成績ではその検討が十分になされていない.また血中CAレベルと臨床症状との詳細な関係についても明らかでない.最近のCA測定法の進歩は目覚しく, 特異性と感度に優れた測定法が開発されつつある.一方CTスキャンの導入により脳血管障害の診断精度は著しく向上し, 出血と梗塞の鑑別はもとより, 病巣部位までかなり正確に診断が可能となった.そこで著者らはとくに脳卒中発症後極く早期の患者を対象に血中CAの変動を観察し, さらにその臨床的意義についても検討を行った.