若松 千裕 石合 純夫
神経心理学 (ISSN:09111085)
vol.34, no.4, pp.299-309, 2018

若水 潤
学習院大学スポーツ・健康科学センター紀要 (ISSN:13447521)
no.7, pp.27-38, 1999-02-01

With this report, I consider the point where some social meaning or a social model is covered on the back of diet. Andmake clear the reason that is thought about when will get thinner even if young women ruin health. I consider a characteristic by the reason why the material of design is a body of oneself. When there is a feeling of some starvation for the present situation in a heart of people and anticipates liberation 丘om it, A person rides the fashion. The woman was made to stand alone in a frame of home in 70’s. The women expected what was recognized more in the world. hhink that this is a feeling of starvation that a woman in 70’s has had. The charges, the aesthetic standard f6r a woman were voluptuous figures to bring a richer image then, In gross build of a woman became good, and the voluptuous woman became行nd much when became 70’s that was not in need of the eating habits. And it was assumed that a thin figure to have a weak image was beautifu1. The women were going to be recognized for the by people in the world by narrowing. And in 90’sAman is similar, and a woman comes to go into the world, too, and the aesthetic value that a woman is special is not recognized as value standard in the world, ability became demand in order to be replaced. As the index that the ability that did not look like an eye appeared furthermore, the thing that there was not became demand for corpulence. Women showed ability and had to geUhinner so that it was recognized. Next,describe the body which is the o切ect which is going to let change. A person has used a body, but has not owned a body. Because a body is same as a person, a person can not feel an own body directy. A person borrows ahelp of the other person with some method in order to feel an own body, and she feels it as an image. For this reason, an error occurs by the perception, and when the other peerson does not exist, the problem that infbrmation does not exist in, too occurs. And because a person is same as a body, she can not treat a body freely. According to the Sato a body of a person is a cultural exsistence which is based on a anatomical and physiolosical existence. On this reason, a person is going to get thinner and makes effort in various ways, but there are many cases that does not show result. And” anormal value”as an index for it to be recognized does not agree with a standard value to keep health, and this” nonnal value”is reative furthermore. And if a person thinks that she wants to be recognized than anyone of circumference, she must get thinner than anyone of circumference. Accordingly she must get sterile because of what is recognized than a peerson of circumference without an end so long as it is not filled up. And there is the danger that even health is ruined.
原周 一郎 別宮 若菜 松川 淳 佐々木 恵子 益子 尚子 関川 佳奈 佐藤 美和 齋藤 裕 浅田 弘法
日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会雑誌 (ISSN:18849938)
vol.35, no.1, pp.103-107, 2019

<p><b>Introduction:</b> Myomas are a common disorder in women of reproductive age, affecting 20%–50% of the population. The relationship between myomas and infertility is still unclear, and the effect of myomectomy on reproductive outcomes is uncertain. We retrospectively investigated patients with infertility who had laparoscopic myomectomy (LM) in our hospital and discussed the impact of LM on reproductive outcomes.</p><p><b>Methods:</b> A total of 54 patients with infertility who underwent LM in our hospital between January 2015 and September 2016 were analyzed. All patients received both preoperative and postoperative treatments for infertility, such as timed intercourse, intrauterine insemination (IUI), and assisted reproductive technology (ART).</p><p><b>Results:</b> Mean age was 37.0 (29–44, median 39) years. Of 54 patients, 34 (63.0%) conceived after LM (timed intercourse = 10, IUI = 1, and ART = 23). Mean duration between the operation and pregnancy was 9.2 (4–24, median 8.5) months. Uterine cavity distortion did not have an influence on reproductive outcomes. All pregnant women delivered by cesarean section. No uterine rupture was observed.</p><p><b>Conclusion:</b> LM may be offered to patients who do not become pregnant after infertility treatment.</p><p></p>
若山 育郎 高澤 直美 東郷 俊宏 津谷 喜一郎
社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会
全日本鍼灸学会雑誌 (ISSN:02859955)
vol.59, no.1, pp.47-51, 2009-02-01

2008年11月7日から3日間にわたって中国北京郊外の九華山荘においてWHO Congress on Traditional Medicine (WHO伝統医学会議) が開催された。 Opening ceremonyではWHO事務局長のDr. Margaret Chanが講演し、 Primary Health Careと予防医学における伝統医学・補完代替医療の重要性を訴えた。 また、 会議期間中に採択された北京宣言では、 各国政府主導による伝統医学のHealth Care Systemへの組み込みが必要であることが強調された。 <BR> 会議に並行して、 世界鍼灸学会連合会 (WFAS) をはじめ伝統医学関連の4つのサテライトシンポジウムが開催された。 WFASシンポジウムでは、 会議の主旨に従い、 各国における伝統医学・補完代替医療の現状や教育・研究・法整備などの実態に関するセッションが用意されていた。 WFAS執行理事会ではWFAS憲章の改訂などについて審議されたが、 その概要については別稿に譲る (本誌 p.52)。 昨年の北京シンポジウムにて予備的に開催されたUniversity Cooperation Working Committeeは、 今回も開催され、 当面の目標として国際的な教科書の制作を行っていきたいとの提案がなされた。
若菜 真実 山﨑 裕子 岩佐 太一朗 武藤 美紀子 部谷 祐紀 本間 和宏 田中 越郎 若菜 宣明
日本健康医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13430025)
vol.26, no.4, pp.222-231, 2018

<p>女性には,性周期が存在し,それにより,頭痛,眠気,排便困難など精神的・肉体的にもさまざまな影響を受ける。これらの不定愁訴は,月経前および月経期に強く出現している。本研究では,主観的な排便に対する意識と客観的便の形状について,性周期との関連性を解析した。対象者は,20-30歳の健康な女性17名とし,28日間にわたる排便記録・食事記録・月経記録,さらに初日に主観的な排便に対する意識アンケートと体組成計測を行った。排便記録は,排便時刻,1日の回数,およびブリストルスケールを用いて便の形状を記載させた。 主観的な排便に対する意識へのアンケートでは,15人(88%)に主観的変動があった。性周期による便の形状の変動では,黄体期後半に便秘気味になった者が10人(59%),月経期に下痢気味になった者が10人(59%)であった。ブリストルスケールによる客観的変動の平均は黄体期前半 4.2±0.6,黄体期後半3.8±1.0,月経期4.3±1.0,卵胞期 4.2±0.9であり,大きな変動は認められなかった。しかし9人(53%)において性周期を通して1.1ポイント以上の客観的変動があった。12人(71%)は主観的変動と客観的変動が一致していた。5人(29%)は主観のみの変動であった。排便回数では12人(70%)に変動が認められ,うち7人(41%)が黄体期後半に変動がみられた。このように多くの女性には,性周期によって主観的にも客観的にも排便に対する意識および便の形状の変動が認められた。</p>
小島 隆矢 若林 直子 白川 真裕 彭 博 伊丹 弘美
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.86, no.784, pp.578-589, 2021-06-30 (Released:2021-06-30)

1. Background and objectiveThis study examines the methodology of "individual scaling method" in order to value each person's vocabulary and viewpoints. "Individual scales" refers to evaluation items made by subjects' own terms. Thus, these scales are different from person to person. In the previous report, we proposed principal component analysis (PCA) method for evaluation data measured by individual scales. In this PCA method, evaluation object is regarded as observations, and individual scales of all subjects is regarded as variables. And, individual difference in vocabulary and viewpoint is described as difference in distribution of factor loadings vectors in principal component space. Therefore, it is difficult to analyze individual difference of each object. In this paper, methodology for analyzing individual differences of each object in individual scales method was studied and proposed.2. Methodology of analysisFor the above purpose, the application method of "partial score" used in the analysis method called MFA (MultipleFactor Analysis) was discussed. And the following method was proposed.1) Exclude subjects with low correlation between partial score and global score (principal component score).2) Use "standardized partial score" to analyze individual differences for each object.3) Correcting techniques for "ipsative data" may be necessary when analyzing individual or group differences between multiple objects.In addition, using "HCA (Hierarchical Component Analysis)" as the analysis method is expected to improve the performance of partial scores.3. Case studyAs a case study, a survey on positioning analysis for dental clinic was conducted. The background, purpose and method of this survey were described.4. Analysis and discussionPCA, MFA (Block-based PCA), and HCA were applied to the case study data, and the following results were obtained.1) The output principal component scores did not differ between the methods.2) HCA was the best in the performance of statistical tests for partial scores. This shows that reliability of partial score by HCA is higher than that of other methods.3) It was found that the positioning of the dental clinic is different between those who are positive for visiting dental clinic and those who are not.5. Consideration on Methodology of AnalysisBased on the results of analysis as a case study, methodology was further considered. First, as a criterion to exclude subjects with low correlation between partial score and global score , “R-square≧0.4” was proposed. Next, how to use FA and PCA properly was considered, and necessity of correcting techniques for "ipsative data" was discussed.6. Future tasks and prospectsThe future tasks are to apply the proposed method to many cases. And, using partial scores, it seems possible to analyze individual scale method data, including different objects for each person. It is also a future task to consider this method.
若林 佑 髙田 健次 木下 一之 坂井 豊彦 小坂 信之 木村 浩彦
日本インターベンショナルラジオロジー学会雑誌 (ISSN:13404520)
vol.35, no.4, pp.355-358, 2021 (Released:2021-06-22)

We report a case of large pancreatic duodenal artery aneurysm with fistula formation to superior mesenteric vein (SMV), which was successfully treated by coil embolization. This patient had a history of surgery for pancreatic pseudocyst approximately 30 years earlier, that might have been related to the arteriovenous fistula formation. Coil embolization was successfully per-formed for the aneurysm with the arteriovenous fistula to SMV. After the embolization, SMV thrombosis was temporarily observed but disappeared one month later on enhanced CT.
船曳 康子 北 徹 石井 賢二 日下 茂 袴田 康弘 若月 芳雄 村上 元庸 横出 正之 久米 典昭 堀内 久徳
一般社団法人 日本老年医学会
日本老年医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03009173)
vol.36, no.4, pp.274-278, 1999

症例は83歳男性. 1996年12月末より徐々に喀痰, 咳嗽, 全身倦怠感, 食欲低下みられ当院受診. 肺炎と診断され1997年1月7日入院となった. 入院時血圧70/48mmHg, PaO2 55.5mmHg, CRP20mg/dl, ラ音聴取, 黄色膿性痰みられ, 抗生剤を開始した, 血清抗体価の上昇より (入院時4倍→2週後128倍), インフルエンザA感染症の合併と診断した. 発熱, 呼吸困難は抗生剤治療に抵抗性であった. 血中よりアスペルギルス抗原を検出し (2+), 抗真菌剤治療により抗原は (1+) と改善したが, 2月20日, 喀血をきたし永眠された, アスペルギルス症は免疫不全患者が罹るとされているが, 本例では入院後数日間白血球数が低下しており, インフルエンザによる一時的免疫力低下がアスペルギルス症の発症に関与したと考えられた. また高齢者のインフルエンザ感染症の合併症の重篤さが示唆された.
永井 哲夫 藤野 雅美 若林 類 角田 博之 高森 康次 角田 和之 高木 謙一 中川 種昭 宮岡 等 片山 義郎
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.18, no.1, pp.37-40, 2003

A 53-year old woman complained of a diverse range of symptoms, including sharp pain at the side and root of the tongue, feelings of anxiety, parching, depression, and exhaustion, and early-morning awakening. She had a high score of D on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), and was diagnosed as suffering from light depression. Treated with 50mg/day of fluvoxamin, the insomnia was relieved after two weeks, the feelings of depression after four, and all symptoms, including the glossal pain, after eight. The dose was gradually reduced and then stopped altogether after six months. Fluvoxamin is easy to use in the ordinary dental clinical environment because it has almost no anticholinergic effects or cardiovascular side effects. It is thought to show promise for use as a medication for treating a variety of complaints in the oral area.
沈浩洋 日野英逸 村田昇 若尾真治
vol.2011-MPS-86, no.15, pp.1-6, 2011-11-24

太陽光発電,風力発電,及びコジェネレーションシステム (熱電併給システム) は,家庭の発電手段として実用化され,導入が進んでいるが,これらの発電手段にはそれぞれ長所と短所がある.実際にこれらの発電手段を導入する際には,家庭の電力消費パターンに応じて発電システムを最適に組み合わせる必要がある.本研究では,家庭の電力消費量の典型的なパターンを抽出する手法を提案する.一日の電気消費量を混合正規分布でフィッティングし,一般化 KL 情報量を用いて家庭の電力消費データを一日単位でクラスタリングする.Annex42 データセットを使い,提案手法により電気消費量の典型的なパターンを抽出できることを示す.
岡島 達雄 若山 滋 野田 勝久 小西 啓之
日本建築学会構造系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108025)
vol.369, pp.9-15, 1986

In a woody space, we feel at ease and calm. On visual effect, patterns of the grain of wood is often used to interior walls, ceilings and so on. The objects of this study are the following ; (1) Considering of the grain of wood as geometrical stripe patterns and making clear its visual characteristics. (2) Generating a system of stripe patterns of the grain of wood, that are able to vary continuously with every change of parameters.
岡島 達雄 若山 滋 野田 勝久 小西 啓之
日本建築学会構造系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108025)
vol.377, pp.1-7, 1987

The woody image consists of various elements such as the grain pattern, the color tone, the gloss, the structure of wood. Among them, only the stripe patterns of the grain were investigated and discussed. The object of the present study is to examine what kind of patterns make us feel woody, and to make clear visual characteristics of the grain patterns. Thirty-nine grain patterns generated from the computer after the svstem are evaluated by questionaire with eighteen adjective rating scales. The conclusion is the following ; (1) The grain patterns appearing to be woody rimind us a good image-affective, natural, familiar, at ease etc. (2) The grain patterns have moderate fluctuation of stripes. The coefficient of variation is considered to be good for the index of the fluctuation.
岡島 達雄 若山 滋 野田 勝久 小西 啓之
日本建築学会構造系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108025)
no.369, pp.9-15, 1986-11-30

In a woody space, we feel at ease and calm. On visual effect, patterns of the grain of wood is often used to interior walls, ceilings and so on. The objects of this study are the following ; (1) Considering of the grain of wood as geometrical stripe patterns and making clear its visual characteristics. (2) Generating a system of stripe patterns of the grain of wood, that are able to vary continuously with every change of parameters.
若松 栄史 和田 隆広
The Robotics Society of Japan
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.16, no.2, pp.145-148, 1998-03-15 (Released:2010-08-25)
1 3
若杉 亮 和泉 潔 平野 正徳
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第35回全国大会(2021)
pp.2I3GS5b04, 2021 (Released:2021-06-14)

山本 省吾 若菜 勇 中瀬 浩太 島谷 学
公益社団法人 土木学会
海岸工学論文集 (ISSN:09167897)
no.50, pp.611-615, 2003

北海道阿寒湖の特別天然記念物マリモは, 強風によって6~9年に1度の頻度で, 数万個が湖浜に打ち上げられている.マリモ打ち上げ時の波浪条件の定量的評価や打ち寄せ・打ち上げ機構を明らかにすることは, マリモの保全上重要である.本研究では, 2002年10月の大量打ち上げ発生時の現地風データから風波を推算し, 波・流れ場の平面2次元数値計算を実施した.さらに, 慣性力を考慮したシールズ数を用いたマリモの移動限界評価式を提案し, 現地打ち上げ観測記録との比較により, 評価式の妥当性を確認した.また, 波による振動流速下で移動状態になった球状体マリモが湖浜流により湾奥へ運ばれると推測した打ち寄せ・打ち上げ機構が実現象を十分説明できることも確認した.