三宅 琢 林 知茂 野田 知子 柏瀬 光寿
vol.21, pp.128-128, 2012

<B>【背景】</B><BR> Apple社製の多機能電子端末であるiPadは、9.7インチの大きな画面を持ち、極めて直観的かつシンプルな操作で拡大・縮小表示の切り替えや基本機能が使用可能なデバイスである。近年のバージョンアップにより音声入力や音声読み上げ機能(VoiceOver)、画面表示の白黒反転等の様々なアクセシビリティ機能が最適化され、より視覚や聴覚の障害者を意識したデバイスとなっており、ロービジョンのエイドとしての利用が試みられている。われわれはiPad本体の背面カメラを利用した簡易拡大読書器としての有用性を報告した(2011年、臨眼)。その後背面カメラの解像度や音声入力機能の向上があり、より実用的なエイドとして利用可能なユーザー層が拡大してきている。<BR><BR><B>【目的】</B><BR> より多くの視覚障害者にiPadを体験してもらうことで、電子端末に対する抵抗感を軽減させ、現状の視機能を補助するさまざまな活用方法を啓発すること。<BR><BR><B>【方法】</B><BR> iPad関連の情報および視覚障害者むけの情報発信を目的として情報発信サイトGift Handsを設立した。このサイトではiPadを活用するための様々なアプリケーションの紹介や視覚障害者むけの各施設の案内等の情報を発信している。またこれまでiPad2を簡易拡大読書器として利用する際に問題であった背面カメラの解像度を向上させるレンズを開発、販売を行っている。<BR> その他にiPadの直営店であるアップルストア(銀座)内を始め多施設で、視覚障害者に向けたiPadの活用方法の体験セミナーを行う事で、より多くの視覚障害者がiPad使用に関する抵抗感を軽減させ、各人においてiPadが現実的なロービジョンエイドとして機能するかを体験できるセミナーを行っている。これら自身の活動の現状を報告する。
野田 敦子 野田 浩司 今村 孝史 小野 行雄 森田 美華 甲斐 麻美子 嶺 佐知子 後藤 茂
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.111, no.9, pp.499-503, 1991-09-25 (Released:2008-05-30)
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Pentanthrene type heterocyclic compounds, which contain oxazole, isoxazole, oxadiazole, thiazole, isothiazole, thiadiazole or pyrrole ring as C-ring, and naphthalene, quinoline, isoquinoline or quinoxaline ring as A·B-ring, were prepared, and their monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitory activities were examined. As expected from our previous investigation on the structure-activity relationship of this series, most of them showed strong inhibitory potency to both MAO-A and MAO-B. However, a few indicated highly selective inhibition for either of MAO subtypes.
甲斐 麻美子 野田 敦子 野田 浩司 後藤 茂
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.36, no.9, pp.3604-3608, 1988-09-25 (Released:2008-03-31)
8 11

This study was undertaken to evaluate the relationship between the structure and monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitory activity of a new series of tricyclic compounds, represented by tetrazolo-[5, 1-a]phthalazine (Tetra-P), which are based on the pentanthrene skeleton (Fig. 1.). Eleven tricyclic compounds analogous to Tetra-P were synthesized and tested as MAO inhibitors in vitro. Some of them, 1, 2, 3-triazolo[1, 5-a]quinoline (Tri-Q), tetrazolo[5, 1-a]isoquinoline (Tetra-I), 1, 2, 3-triazolo-[5, 1-a]isoquinoline (Tri-I2) and 1H-naphtho[1, 2-d]triazole (Tri-N), were found to have potent MAO inhibitory effects almost equal to that of iproniazid or nialamide. In this series of compounds, the addition of the C ring to the bicyclic skeleton seemed to produce an increase in MAO inhibitory potency compared with the corresponding bicyclic compounds. The sequence of nitrogen atoms of the C ring appeared to be important for the MAO inhibitory effect. It was concluded that the electronic conditions around the C ring are critical for the interaction between MAO and these inhibitors.
甲斐 麻美子 野田 敦子 野田 浩司 後藤 茂
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.33, no.12, pp.5585-5588, 1985-12-25 (Released:2008-03-31)
5 6

A new series of monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors structurally analogous to tetrazolo [5, 1-a] phthalazine (Tetra-P) was detected using rat brain mitochondrial MAO. In the tricyclic group, naphtetrazole (NTE) indicated a marked potency of MAO inhibition almost equal to that of iproniazid, and naphtriazole (NTR) showed similar potency as did Tetra-P. The nonselective and competitive inhibition for both types, MAO-A and MAO-B, was observed in some Tetra-P analogues.
野田 幸裕 毛利 彰宏 鍋島 俊隆 尾崎 紀夫

内田 智也 松本 晋太朗 小松 稔 野田 優希 石田 美弥 佃 美智留 中山 良太 武田 雄大 平川 理映子 武藤 貢平 大久保 吏司 古川 裕之 藤田 健司
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.65, no.2, pp.237-242, 2016-04-01 (Released:2016-03-18)

Recently, the problem of the high incidence of throwing injuries in young people has been gaining attention. Identifying high-risk players before the onset of the throwing injury is important for prevention. One of the most widely used screening tests for sports-related injuries is the Functional Movement Screen (FMS), which assesses the quality of movement; however, its correlation with throwing injuries has not been established. The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between the FMS score and throwing injuries. The FMS was used during the medical check for two hundred and thirty junior high school baseball players. We allotted those who had experienced throwing injuries multiple times to the injury group and those who had never experienced throwing injury to the control group. We then calculated the FMS cutoff value using the receiver operating characteristic curve. In addition, we investigated differences in the incidence of throwing injury between above and below the cutoff value using chi-square test. The FMS cutoff score was 17. Players who scored ≤17 had a significantly higher incidence of throwing injuries than those who scored ≥18. Conclusion: We believe that FMS score is correlated to throwing injuries. In addition, the results suggest that throwing injuries might be prevented in junior high school baseball players who scored ≤17 on the FMS if they undergo training in the correct movement patterns.
森田 椋也 後藤 春彦 山崎 義人 野田 満
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.81, no.730, pp.2731-2740, 2016

&nbsp;The aim of this paper is to clarify the reality of the reviving of shrine ritual in order not only to rethink ongoing projects implemented under the word &ldquo;Earthquake Disaster Reconstruction&rdquo; but to think post-earthquake rebuilding of town in future tsunami-prone areas.<br>&nbsp;The results are the following:<br>&nbsp;(1) Damage and Post-Earthquake Movement of the Shrines Hit by Tsunami:<br>&nbsp;Most of the shrines hit by tsunami have been rebuilt or rehabilitated by the time of the survey. In some cases, the shrines got support from outside.<br>&nbsp;(2) Relationship between Shrine Rituals and Folk Cultural Assets in Yamada-Town:<br>&nbsp;In Yamada-town, the shrines play an important role in sustaining the folk cultural assets.<br>&nbsp;(3) Movement of Ohsugi Shrine Annual Festival Before and After the Earthquake:<br>&nbsp;Ohsugi shrine has been rebuilt until two years after the earthquake. After further a year, the annual festival was held with the traditional content.<br>&nbsp;(4) Processes and Problems of Reviving of the Groups of Folk Performing Artists:<br>&nbsp;Most of the groups of folk performing artists participated in Yamada Festival a half year after the earthquake, and have finished getting an almost full set of equipment until four years after the earthquake, the time of the survey.<br>&nbsp;(5) Processes and Problems of Reviving of the Group of Mikoshi Bearers:<br>&nbsp;The group of mikoshi bearers was reorganized for its reviving a year and a half after the earthquake. After further two years, it participated in Yamada Festival in the traditional format once again. When the group of mikoshi bearers was reorganized, the chief priest of Ohsugi shrine became the top adviser of it. Carrying mikoshi in the annual festival is not the same as before in several points because rebuilding of dwelling environment is not going along smoothly.<br>&nbsp;(6) Relationship between the Rebuilding of Town and the Reviving of Shrine Ritual in Yamada-Town:<br>&nbsp;The rebuilding of dwelling environment and the industrial recovery reached major milestones at almost the same time as the reviving of shrine ritual. The buildings for the sake of industrial recovery have been used as bases of the group of folk performing artists and the group of mikoshi bearers.<br>&nbsp;We consider that disaster victims could feel that Reconstruction is going along if annual events were held with the traditional content without suspension. In that sense, it can be said important to hold annual festivals with the possibly same content as before the earthquake since the early stage of rebuilding of town. Although restoring and carrying Mikoshi require a high amount of funds, we infer that support for reviving should be provided as soon after earthquake as possible. Besides, we found that it is especially necessary to make a point for each group to get bases commensurate with its size in likely place.<br>&nbsp;We also argue the importance of the role played by the chief priest of shrine in rebuilding and sustaining of town to contribute to sustaining the groups of folk performing artists, the group of mikoshi bearers and therefore the community based on above-referenced groups.<br>&nbsp;Interestingly, the reviving of shrine ritual reached major milestones to coincide with the shifts of dwelling environment from shelter to temporary housing, or from temporary housing to disaster public housing.<br>&nbsp;Not only in Yamada-town but in general reconstruction, it is hoped that as well as being a memorial for victims of the disaster, shrine ritual would be revived while linking it organically to rebuilding of dwelling environment and industrial recovery to which it is indivisibly related.
湯本 健司 辻 邦和 二藤 彰 野田 政樹
炎症・再生 (ISSN:13468022)
vol.23, no.4, pp.237-239, 2003 (Released:2006-12-01)

We review here regarding the observations that expression of osteopontin (OPN) was enhanced in the joints of rheumatoid arthritis patients. OPN in arthritic joints had not been clear previously. We published in 2002 that joint destruction in the arthritis model induced by a mixture of anti-type II collagen monoclonal antibodies and LPS (mAbs/LPS) injection was suppressed in the OPN-deficient mice. OPN is a phosphorylated glycoprotein interacts with integrins and CD44, promote the cell attachment and migration. OPN is highly expressed in bone, kidney and ovary and also produced by osteoclasts, endotherial cells, activated T cells and macrophages. One of the functions of OPN in the inflammatory condition is to bring inflammatory cells to the sites of injury and OPN is also a survival factor for the endotherial cells and enhances angiogenesis by promoting the vascular tube formation. Infiltration of inflammatory cells and angiogenesis in synovium in the arthritis model was suppressed in OPN-deficient mice. Additionally, apoptosis of chondrocytes in articular cartilage was reduced and destruction of articular cartilage was suppressed in the arthritis model in OPN-deficient mice. These data suggested that OPN might be a new target for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
田中 和重 落合 裕之 野田 喜寛 勝見 良子 小林 智子 石丸 智之 土屋 隆之
九州理学療法士・作業療法士合同学会誌 第25回九州理学療法士・作業療法士合同学会誌 (ISSN:09152032)
pp.54, 2003 (Released:2004-01-08)

山田 秀哉 小野田 千明
日本デジタル教科書学会発表予稿集 日本デジタル教科書学会第7回年次大会 (ISSN:24326127)
pp.61-62, 2018 (Released:2018-10-03)

岸 知二 石田 裕三 坂田 祐司 中西 恒夫 野田 夏子 野中 誠 林 好一 久住 憲嗣 山内 和幸 吉村 健太郎 鷲崎 弘宜
vol.2013, no.32, pp.1-3, 2013-10-17

ソフトウェアプロダクトライン国際会議(SPLC2013)が東京で開催されたので,会議の状況について報告する.We report on the 17th Software Product Line Conference was held in Tokyo, Japan.
宮﨑 達二郎 井上 卓真 野田 尚昭 佐野 義一
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.84, no.864, pp.18-00013-18-00013, 2018

<p>In this paper, convenient analysis methods are proposed for analyzing the singular index and the intensity of singular stress field (ISSF) at the vertex on the interface in the three dimensional (3D) bonded body. The analysis methods focus on FEM stresses at and around the vertex. The singular index is determined from the FEM stress ratio at the vertex obtained by performing FEM analyses for the finely and coarsely meshed models. Then, the ISSF is determined from the average FEM stresses around the vertex obtained for the reference and unknown models by applying the similar mesh pattern. The validity of the present methods is examined by comparing the results of 3D bonded models with/without fixed free surfaces. It is found that the obtained singular index has the same accuracy as the FEM eigenvalue analysis. The asymptotic solutions with the singular index and ISSF obtained by the present method correspond to FEM stress distributions. Since the ISSF obtained by the body force method (BFM) is used as the reference solution, the present method for ISSF has the same accuracy as BFM. Moreover, the critical ISSF values are calculated from the experimental results of the butt joints under various adhesive thicknesses. The critical ISSF at the side of 3D butt joint is in good agreement with the critical ISSF of 2D butt joint model. It is shown that the critical ISSF at the vertex of 3D joint is constant as well as the critical 2D ISSF independent of the adhesive thickness.</p>
宮﨑 達二郎 井上 卓真 野田 尚昭 佐野 義一
一般社団法人 日本機械学会

<p>In this paper, convenient analysis methods are proposed for analyzing the singular index and the intensity of singular stress field (ISSF) at the vertex on the interface in the three dimensional (3D) bonded body. The analysis methods focus on FEM stresses at and around the vertex. The singular index is determined from the FEM stress ratio at the vertex obtained by performing FEM analyses for the finely and coarsely meshed models. Then, the ISSF is determined from the average FEM stresses around the vertex obtained for the reference and unknown models by applying the similar mesh pattern. The validity of the present methods is examined by comparing the results of 3D bonded models with/without fixed free surfaces. It is found that the obtained singular index has the same accuracy as the FEM eigenvalue analysis. The asymptotic solutions with the singular index and ISSF obtained by the present method correspond to FEM stress distributions. Since the ISSF obtained by the body force method (BFM) is used as the reference solution, the present method for ISSF has the same accuracy as BFM. Moreover, the critical ISSF values are calculated from the experimental results of the butt joints under various adhesive thicknesses. The critical ISSF at the side of 3D butt joint is in good agreement with the critical ISSF of 2D butt joint model. It is shown that the critical ISSF at the vertex of 3D joint is constant as well as the critical 2D ISSF independent of the adhesive thickness.</p>
野田 晃宏/荊木 裕司/原口 克博/川上 智史/宮田 武彦/横内 厚雄/大沼 修一/尾立 達治/長岡 央/小出 賢治/舛潟 尚樹/飯岡 淳子/笹渕 博子/川嶋 利明/松田 浩一 ノダ アキヒロ/イバラキ ユウジ/ハラグチ カツヒロ/カワカミ トモフミ/ミヤタ タケヒコ/ヨコウチ アツオ/オオヌマ シュイチ/オダチ タツジ/ナガオカ ヒロシ/コイデ ケンジ/マスガタ ナオキ/イイオカ アツコ/ササブチ ヒロコ/カワシマ トシアキ/マツダ コウイチ NODA Akihiro/IBARAKI Yuji/HARAGUCHI Katsuhiro/KAWAKAMI Tomofumi/MIYATA Takehiko/YOKOUCHI Atsuo/OHNUMA Syuichi/ODACHI Tatsuji/NAGAOKA Hiroshi/KOIDE Kenji/MASUGATA Naoki/IIOKA Atsuko/SASABUCHI Hiroko/KAWASIMA Tosiaki/MATSUDA Koichi
vol.11, no.2, pp.217-223, 1992-12-31

Clinical practice has been assigned as a final and very important aspect of study and practice in dental education. In our university, the students are exposed to clinical practice from the latter term of the fifth year. This report investigated the protocols of clinical cases by a mutual practice system of dental treatment from the seventh to the tenth class of graduates. The mutual practice of dental treatment is a system where students act as docter and patient mutually. The results obtained were as follows: 1) The seventh class graduates averaged 1.45 clinical cases of mutual practice system. The eighth, ninth and tenth classes averaged 2.3, 2.9, and 1.7. 2) 65 percents of all cases on restorations were cast restorations. Composite resin restorations increased and comprised 35 percents of all cases. However amalgam fillings did not take place.
野田 大地 佐藤 尚文 尾形 敏郎 五十嵐 清美 井上 昭彦 良永 康雄 茜部 久美 飯島 広和 前原 康延
The KITAKANTO medical journal (ISSN:13432826)
vol.58, no.2, pp.221-227, 2008-05-01
1 1

横山 眞樹 北山 哲士 河本 基一郎 野田 拓也 宮坂 卓嗣 越後 雄斗
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.84, no.863, pp.18-00162, 2018 (Released:2018-07-25)

In sheet forming, the blank holder force (BHF) has a direct influence on product quality. A high BHF leads to tearing, whereas a low one results in wrinkling. For successful sheet forming, the BHF should be adjusted. Recently, the variable BHF (VBHF) that the BHF varies through stroke is recognized as one of the advanced sheet forming technologies. On the other hand, slide velocity (SV) that controls the die velocity is rarely discussed in the literature, and the SV should also be taken into account for the successful sheet forming. A high SV can achieve the high productivity, but wrinkling occurs. The VBHF trajectory and SV are unknown in advance, and the trial and error method is widely used. In this paper, design optimization approach using computational intelligence is adopted to determine them for achieving the high productivity. The processing time is taken as the objective function to be minimized for the high productivity. Numerical simulation in sheet forming is so intensive that a sequential approximate optimization using radial basis function network is adopted to determine the optimal solution. Based on the numerical result, the experiment using AC servo press (H1F200-2, Komatsu Industries Corp.) is carried out. Through the numerical and experimental result, the validity of proposed approach is examined.