鈴木 直恵 岡田 宣子
vol.41, no.10, pp.52-59, 2000-10-25

衣生活行動の自立へ向かう小学校3~6年生女子1,311名を対象に,心身の発達を考虚した,子供服の設計並びに子供の衣環境整備・被服教育のための基礎資料を得ることを目的として,質問紙調査法により衣生活行動の現状および問題点をとらえた.主な結果は次の通りである.1. 通学服の組み合わせを, 3年生では約70%, 6年生では90%以上が自分で決定しており,主に色の調和を考えて組み合わせを行っている.2. 体育のある日には更衣に配慮して,約40%がかぶり式上衣で登校する.また学年が進むにつれ家からブルマーをはいて行く人が増加する.3. 5,6年生になると,自己の体つきに対する意識が強まり,大腿部が見えるミニスカートやブルマーを嫌う傾向がみられ,スカート丈を気にするようになる.4. 5,6年生では,生理時に濃い色の服を着たり,ブラジャーが目立たないよう透けない服を着ようと配慮している.The purpose of this is to determine clothing preferences of 1,311 elementary school girls from grades 3 to 6 through questionnaires. As this level of an important stage in the development of mind and body, better design of clothing to meet the needs of these children is required. The results are follows:1) A 70% of the third grades and a 90% of the sixth grades girls select their clothing for school by themselves and with attention to matching colors.2) To changes easier their clothing to gymnastic uniform, about 40% of girls put on pullover shirts and upper grade girls put on bloomers before they leave for school.3) It was evident that fifth and sixth grade girls were very conscious of their own physique and cared about skirt length. The reason why girls dislike wearing miniskirts and bloomers was exposure of thighs.4) Fifth and sixth grade girls usually wear color clothing during menstruation and they use clothing in which their bras don't show through.
鈴木 真知子
藤女子大学人間生活学部紀要 (ISSN:21874689)
vol.52, pp.121-131, 2015-03-31

A playcenter is a child-rearing support system for children between birth and preschool age and their parents. The parents of children who attend are voluntarily involved in playcenter operation to provide places where children can interact through play. This child-rearing support system originated in New Zealand, and playcenters are now established throughout Japan. In Hokkaido,the city of Eniwa operates playcenters incorporating the support system. The author became interested in this system after visiting the Eniwa Playcenter in 2012, and in April 2014 also had the chance to visit playcenters in New Zealand. The history and current status of playcenters in New Zealand are reported here.
大川 勉 上西 司 平林 秀一 鈴木 亮 三井 浩康 小泉 寿男
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.129, no.9, pp.1747-1758, 2009-09-01 (Released:2009-09-01)

The business in the enterprise is closely related with the information system to such an extent that the business activities are difficult without the information system. The system design technique that considers the business process well, and that enables a quick system development is requested. In addition, the demand for the development cost is also severe than before. To cope with the current situation, the modeling technology named BPM(Business Process Management/Modeling)is drawing attention and becoming important as a key technology. BPM is a technology to model business activities as business processes and visualize them to improve the business efficiency. However, a general methodology to develop the information system using the analysis result of BPM doesn't exist, and a few development cases are reported. This paper proposes an information system development method combining business process modeling with executable modeling. In this paper we describe a guideline to support consistency of development and development efficiency and the framework enabling to develop the information system from model. We have prototyped the information system with the proposed method and our experience has shown that the methodology is valuable.
牧 輝弥 小林 史尚 柿川 真紀子 鈴木 振二 當房 豊 山田 丸 松木 篤 洪 天祥 長谷川 浩 岩坂 泰信
エアロゾル研究 (ISSN:09122834)
vol.25, no.1, pp.35-42, 2010-03-20 (Released:2010-03-25)

The microbial communities transported by Asian desert dust (KOSA) events have attracted much attention as bioaerosols, because the transported microorganisms are thought to influence the downwind ecosystems in Japan. In particular, halotolerant bacteria which are known to be tolerant to atmospheric environmental stresses were investigated for clarifying the long-range transport of microorganisms by KOSA. Bioaerosol samples were collected at high altitudes within the KOSA source area (Dunhuang City, China) and the KOSA arrival area (Suzu City, Japan). The microorganisms in bioaerosol samples grew in media containing up to 15 % NaCl, suggesting that bacteria tolerant to high salinities would remain viable in the atmosphere. The PCR-DGGE (Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) analysis using 16S rRNA genes sequences revealed that the halobacterial communities in bioaerosol samples belonged to the members of the genera Bacillus and Staphylococcus and that some bacterial species belonging to Bacillus subtilis group were similar among the samples of both cities. Moreover, some sequences of B. subtilis group were found to be identical for the species collected at high altitudes and on the ground surfaces. This suggests that active mixing of the boundary layer transports viable halotolerant bacteria up to the free atmosphere at the KOSA source area, while down to the ground surface at the KOSA arrival areas.
鈴木 徳郎
イタリア学会誌 (ISSN:03872947)
no.43, pp.104-127, 1993-10-20

Il sistema tradizionale e caratteristico del commercio marittimo di Venezia fu l'utilizzazione di due linee di navigazione : navigazione di galere da mercato, che fu organizzata e controllata dal governo, ed attivita di navi private. La seconda venne utilizzata per il trasporto degli articoli ordinari come grano, sale, legno e cotone, ecc. ; la prima, invece, si specializzo nel trasporto delle merci preziose quali pepe, seta ed altre sorte di spezie, perche coprissero l'elevato costo di navigazione. L'attivita delle galere si perfeziono, dividendosi in 7 linee alla meta del Quattrocento e funziono bene fino alla fine del secolo. Tuttavia, nel 1514 il Senato della Repubblica di Venezia emano una legge la quale, permettendo a tutte le navi veneziane di trasportare il pepe da Alessandria d'Egitto e Beirut a Venezia, segno irresistibilmente un mutamento del vecchio sistema commerciale marittimo della citta di Venezia. La legge, conosciuta tra gli storici che si occupano dell'attivita economica della Serenissima, e stata considerata men importante, di quanto fosse, perche l'attenzione degli storici era concentrata soprattutto sul rapporto fra gli effetti della circum-navigazione dei Portoghesi e la promulgazione della legge. La situazione in cui la legge fu emanata pero era assai complicata, per le guerre contro la lega di Combrai e contro i Turchi, e per i sistemi tributari della Serenissima. Infatti, una tassa imposta dai consoli veneti presso i porti importanti del Levante, secondo alcune fonti storiche, fu aggravata in modo insopportabile. Soggetti di questa imposta non furono soltanto le galere da mercato ma anche altri tipi di navi veneziane. Per le navi private veneziane che navigavano nel Mediterraneo l'imposta pote essere sopportabile poiche mercanti potevano recarsi ad un porto informandosi del clima mercantile locale ; invece, le rotte delle galere da mercato furono prefissate dall'autorita veneziana e non sottoposte a cambiamento. Lo scopo di questo saggio e di mettere in luce alcune cause dirette dell'emanazione di tale legge.
鈴木 紀彦
法学政治学論究 : 法律・政治・社会 (ISSN:0916278X)
no.96, pp.143-177, 2013

一 はじめに二 第一回地方官会議に対する木戸の認識三 議会運営と地方民会議案に対する木戸の動向四 地方民会議案における地方官の実相五 おわりに
田辺 和俊 鈴木 孝弘
情報知識学会誌 (ISSN:09171436)
vol.25, no.3, pp.223-242, 2015-09-28 (Released:2015-11-20)

鈴木 堅弘
総研大文化科学研究 (ISSN:1883096X)
no.7, pp.19-54, 2011-03

これまで春画といえば、性表現を扱った絵画として研究対象から除外されてきた。ところが近年、こうした傾向はしだいに改善され、春画に関する研究書が数多く出版されるようになり、春画の公開データベースが大学や研究所で作成されている。 こうした春画研究の進展を受けて、今回、国際日本文化研究センターに所蔵されている春画・艶本コレクションの三五〇〇画図を分析対象とし、江戸春画に描かれた図像表現を数量として把握することを目的とした。その方法として、一枚の春画から「性描写の有無」、「性交者の性別」、「性交者の立場(男性)」、「性交者の年齢(男性)」、「性交者の立場(女性)」、「性交者の年齢(女性)」、「第三者の有無」、「第三者の立場」、「第三者の年齢」、「第三者の行為」、「場所」、「場所の種類」、「場所の開放性の有無」の図像情報をカテゴリー別に抜き出し、その数量を数えることで、春画に描かれた人物(立場)、性別、場所などの割合を算出する。そのことで、江戸春画に描かれた図像表現の全貌を明らかにする。 また春画は性表現を多分に含んでいるがゆえに誤解も多く、ポルノグラフィと同意義に扱われたり、男色画や手淫画などが多く描かれていると考えられてきた。そこで本考察では、江戸春画の特色を正確に把握することで、こうした誤解をひとつひとつ解いていき、これまでの春画認識に新たな見解を示す。 なお本論では、春画の図像を分析する際に、同時代の風俗画や随筆類を積極的に参照した。江戸春画には当時の生活風景がありのままに描かれており、春画表現を通じて江戸時代の色恋の風俗を読み解くことも試みている。Heretofore, Shunga has been marginalized and excluded from academic research in favor of nature paintings. Recently, however, numerous book of research on Shunga have been published, and databases of Shunga have been established in universities and research institutes.This paper analyzes 3500 picture figures of the Shunga collections that are kept by the International Research Center for Japanese Studies and utilizes quantity analysis to examine the picture figures expressed in Shunga.Shunga is an often misunderstood form of artistic expression. For instance, there is a common misunderstanding that Shunga is the same as pornography and often depicts homosexual acts. This paper attempts to correct such misunderstandings by illuminating the characteristics of Edo Shunga.As the daily lives of ordinary people were often depicted in the Shunga of the Edo period, this paper also discusses the culture and customs in the Edo period by analyzing the Shunga of the era.
西本恵太 イヴァンタネヴ 下原勝憲 鈴木麗璽 有田隆也
vol.2012, no.8, pp.1-6, 2012-11-29

マイノリティゲームは複数個体による資源競争のモデルであり,ルールは単純でありながら創発的特徴を持つことで知られる.我々は,ゲーム選択に至る動的な調整過程に焦点をあてるため,選択肢を実数値化した上で意思決定前のコミュニケーションを導入した.調整過程における他個体の振る舞いに対する鋭敏性を社会的知能の典型的な表れと考え,その進化ダイナミクスを分析することを目的として,エージェントに搭載したニューラルネットワークを進化させる実験を行った.その結果,エージェント間に役割分化が発生することが示された.役割分化は, 1 つの遺伝子プールの鋭敏性が他のプールよりも高く進化した際,遺伝子プール間にも発生する.詳細な検討により,一方のプールが鋭敏性を減少させ,他方のプールがそれに合わせる形で役割が動的に切り替わるというメカニズムを明らかにした.
鈴木 重忠 能登谷 晶子
The Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics
音声言語医学 (ISSN:00302813)
vol.34, no.3, pp.257-263, 1993
6 5

主として重度聴覚障害児の言語指導法の確立のために, 私どもが20余年前から開発してきた金沢方式 (従来の聴覚-口話法に加えて, 文字や手指言語をも早期から指導する) に関する研究結果を総括し, 金沢方式を支持する先人の見解や最近の文献を紹介した.その結果, 次の原則を得た.1) 手指や文字言語も健聴幼児が音声言語を発達し始める時期とほぼ同時期から発達させることが可能.2) 音声・文字・手指言語モダリティ間の機能移行が可能であり, かつ多様の移行ルートを持つ.したがって, 3) 早期から親子間のコミュニケーションを成立させ, 音声言語の発達を促進するためには, 文字や手指言語を早期から活用することが必要.4) 個々の聴覚障害幼児と発達の特性を考慮した言語指導法の選択が重要.また, 聴覚障害幼児の言語指導と人工内耳や聴能の鑑別との関連および聴覚障害幼児の選別システムなどについての将来展望を述べた.
鈴木 裕美
日経レストラン (ISSN:09147845)
no.398, pp.68-72, 2008-05

4月1日の19時過ぎ。「高松が自慢できるとっておきの店」という評判を聞き、居酒屋「贔屓屋 かくれんぼ」へ向かおうとした記者を、1人の常連客が引き止めた。「この時間じゃあ入れるかどうか。もう少し遅くなってからでないと、店の外までお客が並んでるんじゃないかなあ」─。 平日の夜、116席の広さの飲み屋で、しかも車でないと行きにくいロードサイドの店である。