池谷 のぞみ
情報処理学会研究報告情報システムと社会環境(IS) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.1999, no.60, pp.23-28, 1999-07-21

社会学の一アプローチであるエスノメソドロジーは、欧米を中心としてシステム開発関連の研究所に雇い入れられるなどの形でシステム設計者との協力関係が作られ、研究が進められている。研究領域は、CSCWが中心であるが、組織におけるコンピュータも含む協同作業という広い観点からなされていることが多く、情報システムの設計とも密接な関係がある。本報告では、状況における実践的行為の内在的な理解に感心を持つエスノメソドロジーを紹介した上で、情報システム設計との接点として、情報システム設計という行為がそれ自体協同作業であり、また規範を提示するという側面を持つこと、さらにエスノメソドロジーがめざす実践的行為の内在的理解がシステム設計に持ちうる意義、という二点を挙げ、それぞれについて考察を試みる。There have been some collaborative relationships developed between sociologists who take an approach called 'ethnomethodology' and researchers or practitioners in system development, especially in Europe and the U.S. The area is usually called CSCW(Computer Supported Cooperative Work) in the broad sense, not necessarily being confined to the development of such systems as groupware. Their interests in the development and use of systems situated in organisational settings where actors carry out cooperative work is closely related to some issues concerning the development of information system in the social context. In this paper, I first discuss ethnomethodological interest in understanding social actions from the actor's point of view, therefore, in understanding social action as practical action whereby social order is accomplished. Then, I show that the conduct of developing information system could be examined as practical action whereby engineers achieving social order in the form of system. It is also discussed that constructing rules for the user types and for their orderly conduct are carried out as part of designing system. Lastly, I point out how the understanding of system users' situated practical actions can be crucial for system development, which in fact is the kind of understanding ethnomethodologists seek to achieve out of their analysis of ethnographic data such as observational notes, recorded interview, or video taped data obtained from their fieldwork.
大澤 哲也 福田 直樹 飯島 正 山口 高平
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. KBSE, 知能ソフトウェア工学 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.104, no.588, pp.49-54, 2005-01-18

近年のWebの情報過多により、エンドユーザがタスクに対して適切なWebアプリケーションを見つけるのが困難となってきている。また、ユーザのタスクは提供されているWebアプリケーションよりも粒度が大きいものが多く、ユーザは提供されているWebアプリケーションに応じてタスクを分解し、複数のWebアプリケーションを実行しなければならない。本研究では、Semantic Web Serviceの観点から、エンドユーザのタスクに応じて、既存のWebアプリケーションを自動連携させ、タスクを自動処理する環境を構築することで、ユーザの手間を軽減することを目的とする。その際に、同様のサービスを提供するWebアプリケーションの中からユーザに適したWebアプリケーションを選択するために、評価関数を用いて連携の質を評価してユーザに提示するシステムを構築した。本システムと評価関数の有効性を見るために、2つのケーススタディを用いて動作実験を行った。
三井一平内田誠白山晋 内田 誠 白山 晋
情報処理学会研究報告知能と複雑系(ICS) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2006, no.84, pp.7-14, 2006-07-28

近年 ネットワークモデルが盛んに提唱されているが,その多くは人同士の繋がりのみをモデル化している.しかし,社会的ネットワークは,人同士の繋がりだけでなく,人と社会的コミュニティとの関係によっても規定される.例えば SNSにおいては,コミュニティと呼ばれる趣味や属性のグループが存在し,SNS内のネットワーク形成に重要な役割を果たしていると考えられる.一方,様々なネットワークに対して,潜在的にクラスター構造が存在することが指摘され,その構造を顕在化するための方法や方法論が提案されている.本研究では,陽なコミュニティを有するSNSのネットワークにおける,コミュニティとクラスター構造の関係を明らかにする.In the field of complex network resarch, many network models have been proposed, but most of them focused on modeling of link structure among dach indivisual.On the contrary,social networks are composed not only of such individual links but also of soocial communities. For example, one of the main functions on SNS is the Communitiy, which is like SIG(Special interest group) and also is explicit community. It is considered that the community in SNS will play an important role in formation of the network. Besids, this community may affect inherent community structure that has been found in some networks. In this paper, we focus on this community,and reveal the relationship beteen the community and inherent community structure.
高島 成二
公益社団法人 日本薬理学会
日本薬理学雑誌 (ISSN:00155691)
vol.124, no.2, pp.69-75, 2004 (Released:2004-07-26)

循環器領域においてアンジオテンシンIIは重要な役割を担うことが知られている.特に強い生理作用とあわせてシグナル阻害薬が高血圧や心不全の治療に使用されていることからその作用メカニズムを知ることは循環器疾患を考える上で重要である.心筋細胞におけるアンジオテンシンIIの役割はそのGタンパク共役型受容体を介すると考えられており,その結果として心筋細胞の肥大をきたす.しかし,タンパク合成を必要とする肥大反応にG共役型受容体を介する比較的一時的で敏速な細胞シグナルが関与することは特異的なシグナル経路の存在を示唆する.私はアンジオテンシンIIによる心筋肥大シグナルにEGFファミリーに属するHB-EGFという増殖因子が関与することを明らかにした.HB-EGF(heparine binding EGF-like Growth Factor)はG共役型受容体の刺激により細胞膜からメタロプロテアーゼにより分解して遊離され,心筋細胞の肥大を引き起こすことが明らかになった.さらにこのHB-EGFの細胞膜からの遊離が起こらない遺伝子改変マウスを作成すると,このマウスは生後4週ぐらいから徐々に心筋細胞の変性·脱落をきたし,心不全により早期に死亡した.これらの事実はHB-EGFが心筋細胞の肥大をきたすのみならず心筋細胞の代謝·維持に重要な働きを担うことを示唆する.AngiotensinIIなどの刺激によるシグナルはHB-EGFを介していかなる心筋細胞代謝を司るかを概説し,新しい心不全治療の可能性を検討する.
鈴木 基志 高橋 耐志 原井 洋明 小関 健
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 B (ISSN:13444697)
vol.J88-B, no.8, pp.1411-1421, 2005-08-01

山田 貴史
デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (ISSN:09108173)
no.48, pp.332-333, 2001-10-15

;Recently, digital fonts became to be designed easily by widespread use of computers.However, the font design process is not clear. So, in this study, the purpose is to make it clear by systematic approach. To design digital font, at first, it is necessary to decide on the design concept.This is one of the most important process.Afterwards, designing the typeface.This is divided into seven processes. 1)Configuring font environment 2)Making the font image 3)Designing font elements 4)Assembling font elements 5)Putting typeface into shape 6)Regulation of all 7)Assigning character code, and bringing digital font to completion.With these processes, I think that the font design process is more clear.
岩濱 数宏 土方 嘉徳 西田 正吾
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D (ISSN:09151915)
vol.J88-D1, no.3, pp.642-656, 2005-03-01

木下 尭博
九州産業大学芸術学部研究報告 (ISSN:02867818)
vol.29, pp.137-144, 1998

First printing media in Japan is one million of little pagodas-Hyakumatou-Dharani-pubulished in AD 770. There is the oldest printing matter existing in the world. It exists to the matter which the saving condition is bad from good printing matter by this Hyakumantou-Dharani preserving 3076 volume in Horyu Buddhist Temple in Nara Prefecture at present. Is printed the Hyakumantou-Dharani Pagodas by stamp system or block system and metal or wood materials? In West Branch of the Japanese Soc. of Printing Science and Technology these research results were opened to public in 1987. However, these are many uncertain circumstance on this printing system. The Tensho-Kenou Boys Mission had introduced metal type printing which Johannes Gutenberg invented from Portugal to Nagasaki in Japan at 1611. The publications that it called this the Amakusa edition had printed it in the metal type, and they exist in all over the world. Since the Christianity was forbidden in these period, Amakusa Book of the 13 volume for 6 years was published to the Macao exile of 1597. It is based of the metal type printing in the establishment of the letterpress manufacture by Shouzou Motoki in 1869. He thought that future development of Japan consists with printing technology and purchased printing machine, metal type, printing ink and paper from the Netherlands ship. The printing technology was widely spread by the research of the electroplate matrix. From China, Korea and Europe, the metal type printing technology in Japan was mainly accepted like this and succeeded with industrialization.
近藤 隆二郎 守谷 光平
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.66, no.5, pp.711-714, 2003 (Released:2003-09-24)
1 1

In this research, walking trail is analyzed from “sense of walking” paying attention to “the change nature of walking trail.” Analysis is precedence research in a soundscape. It carried out to reference from the viewpoint of a “sound”, a “phrase”, “harmony”, and a “melody.” This is because it is necessary to take in time progress about the correlation and analysis result of the composition element of “walking trail” seen from “sense of walking” to regard as a sequence. As a result of analysis, the acquired knowledge is summarized to below. (1) as the “harmony” of walking trail, eight types; “Circuit type”, “Relax type”, “Straight-flat type”, “Approach type”, “Well-textured straight-flat type”, “Acrobatic type”, “Up and down type”, and “Particular type” were extracted (2) consequently, high “harmony” of the rate for which it accounts on a “course”—“Circuit type” and “Relax type” (3) The type of six “melodies” was extracted as changes of “harmony.” (4) It became clear to correspond with the impression acquired by the feature of the type of the “harmony” obtained from “a sense of walking” actually walking that. When improving walk space, it can be said that the space which can obtain many feelings not only from vision but from body nature including “walk feeling” is very rich space.
椎野 信雄
文教大学国際学部紀要 (ISSN:09173072)
vol.11, no.2, pp.23-42, 2001-02

Various research programs in the "new" sociology of scientific knowledge emerged in the latter half of 1970s. British sociologists such as Barnes, Bloor, Mulkay, Collins and so forth were challenging the Mertonian functionalist sociology of science. The aim of the new sociology of scientific knowledge has been to investigate and explain the "contents" of scientific knowledge per se. Ethnomethodological studies of scientific practices were surrounded by the emergence of these "new" programs in social studies of science. Although ethnomethodological studies of science have often been understood without being distinguished from these "new" programs, it seems that ethnomethodological studies differ from these programs in their perspective on language, science and action. In spite of their commitments to a supposedly "radical" view of scientific knowledge, the new sociologies use some conventional social science terminologies and explanatory formulae, and seem caught in a trap concerning the usage of ordinary language in social science and philosophy. Garfinke's ethnomethodology appears to advocate a complete departure from these conventional views of language and science which the new programs have taken over. We will make sense of ethonomethodological studies of science by reviewing how ethonomethodology sees the "new" programs. In this paper we would like to leave a port to the sea of argumentation by regarding ethnomethodologist M. Lynch's studies of science as leading light. Ethnomethodology's agenda is, according to Lynch, to reconsider what it means to produce observations, descriptions and explanations of something "actual." Garfinkel's program is not interested in explaining scientific facts by reference to the social context of their production. The program does not try to construct comprehensive models of activities and institutions. Its objective is to examine how scientific works are produced from the disciplinary-specific Lebenswelt of scientific projects. The aim is not to explain "discovery" as a matter of "social construction" but to try to gain a better understanding of scientific work.
孫 成權:著 内田 尚子:訳
国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構
情報管理 (ISSN:00217298)
vol.44, no.10, pp.701-701, 2002 (Released:2002-01-01)
