間宮 郁子
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.77, no.2, pp.306-318, 2012-09-30

Japan has more in-patient days than any other country, as well as the highest number of beds in mental hospitals as a ratio of the total population. People with mental disorders used to be hidden away under the law, either in the medical or welfare system, and suffered from a social stigma. In recent years, however, mental patients have left such isolated medical institutions and started to live among the general community, not as psychiatric patients but as persons whose will is respected and who can get social-welfare support. As that drastic paradigm shift happened rapidly, Japanese institutions for persons with mental illness have come to design various support systems in response. This paper describes the experiences of several schizophrenic persons who utilize a social welfare facility in Hokkaido: Bethel's House in Urakawa, which has developed unique ideas about dealing with schizophrenic symptoms. The members of Bethel's House diagnose their own symptoms on their own terms, and are able to study their physical conditions, sensuous feelings, and mental worlds through their own experiences of living in the community. They carry out that work studies with friends - the other members of Bethel's House - and develop and train skills for communication with their friends and the rest of the real world. The paper looks at the case of a woman at Bethel's House who had difficulty holding down a job because of voices she heard and hallucinatory delusions she saw. She only realized that the voices and hallucinations might be coming from her own mind after talking with the other members of the house. Although she suffered from the voices, she gradually gained skills to communicate with her "friends." The staff members of Bethel's House did not try to ignore the voices, but instead were told to greet them (the "friends" were just the voices that she had heard). The staff members also urged her to try to experiencing talking with her friends using those greetings. Through such daily communications, schizophrenic persons at Bethel's House, such as this woman, learn to have specific physical experiences using their own words, thereby constructing practical communities. We also found that medical institutions and welfare facilities in Japan have kept away schizophrenic experiences, having removed patients from the community in the context of psychiatric treatment, responsible individuals, and human rights. In contrast, Bethel's House lets schizophrenic persons live with their voices and hallucinations, meaning that they live in a continuous world that includes both the hospital and the outside world. On the other hand, some residents in Urakawa Town wanted to exclude Bethel's House from the community because they felt it was accommodating "irresponsible" or "suspicious" persons, or subsidizing non-working people with public monies from the town budget. Although individual daily contact was maintained between Urakawa residents and the members of Bethel's House, those exclusionary attitudes against social institutions meant that Bethel's House has come to function as an asylum for schizophrenic people in such situations, increasing the feeling of isolation in schizophrenic persons' lives, both internally and externally.
近藤 佳代子
宮城教育大学紀要 = Bulletin of Miyagi University of Education (ISSN:13461621)
vol.49, pp.354-368, 2015-01-28

現行民法第750条は、「夫婦は、婚姻の際に定めるところに従い、夫又は妻の氏を称する。」と規定し、「夫婦同氏制」を採用している。夫の氏又は妻の氏のどちらを婚氏=夫婦の氏とするかは、当事者の選択に任されているが、現実には、約96パーセントの夫婦が夫の氏を選択している。他方、この規定は、夫婦同氏を「強制」するものでもある。いずれかの氏を選択しなければ、婚姻届は受理されないのである。この同氏強制を不都合とする夫婦が、次第に増加してきた。 本稿は、日本近・現代国家の家族政策を、「氏」とくに「夫婦の氏」の視点から考察する。明治初年、民法典編纂過程、戦後改革、そして現代に至る迄を考察対象とする。本巻においては、民法典の成立までを考察する。1996年(平成8)、法制審議会は、選択的夫婦別氏制を含む民法改正要綱をとりまとめ、法務大臣に答申を行った。しかし、改正は未だ実現していない。現在では「当然」のように言われている夫婦同氏制は、1898(明治31)年の民法施行に始まる。日本は、それまで、夫婦別氏制の国であった。夫婦別氏から同氏への制度転換は、どのような意図を持って為されたのか。そもそも、「氏」が、近代国家政策において、どのような意義を持たされたのか。
山本 章加 大蔵 雅夫 重本 津多子
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
vol.84, pp.85-91, 2012-09

In Japan, a lot of people used to be prejudiced against gay men, lesbians or bisexuals despite the fact that "homosexuality" as a category was eliminated from diagnostic criteria. Still, there is little investigation into the relations between individual's personality, his/her images and the attitudes toward homosexuals. A total of 164 heterosexual students of health and welfare (94 men and 70 women) with a mean age of 20.0 (SD=2.3) years participated in the questionnaire survey. They were asked to complete the Index of Attitudes toward Homosexuals (IAH), a 24-item questionnaire on the image of homosexuals using semantic differential method and a short form of Five Factor Personality Questionnaire as well as an inquiry about their history of encounters with homosexuals. Factor analysis of IAH resulted in three-factor solutions with factors identified as "avoidance of homosexual neighbors", "avoidance of contacts with homosexuals" and "avoidance of approach from homosexuals". Similarly, image questionnaire included two factors identified as "external image" and "internal image". Logistic regression analysis showed that "attachment" (OR=.93, 95%CI= .87-.99) was a predictor of positive "internal image", and that "encounters with homosexuals" (=yes, OR=.04, 95%CI: .01-.21) and personality traits such as "extroversion" (OR=1.15, 95%CI: 1.07-1.23), "emotionality" (OR=1.16, 95%CI: 1.09-1.25) and "playfulness" (OR=.87, 95%CI: .80-.95) were predictors of "avoidance of homosexual neighbors". Similarly, "avoidance of contacts withhomosexuals" was associated with "external image" (OR=2.00, 95%CI: 1.31-3.06) and "playfulness" (OR=.94, 95%CI: .88-.99), and "avoidance of approach from homosexuals" was associated with sex (=male, OR=9.54, 95%CI: 3.83-23.79) and "internal image" (OR=1.80, 95%CI: 1.04-3.14). These results indicate that personality traits weakly but significantly influence the development of image and attitude toward homosexuals among Japanese adolescents.
桂井 麻里衣 大向 一輝 梶原 智之

百瀬 響
北海道教育大学紀要. 人文科学・社会科学編 (ISSN:13442562)
vol.71, no.1, pp.93-108, 2020-08

松岡 亮二
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.96, pp.241-262, 2015-05-29 (Released:2016-07-19)
8 1

近年,国内データを用いた教育分野における社会関係資本研究は増えつつあるが,社会関係資本の可変性を考慮した上で教育不平等との関連を検討した実証研究は未だに行われていない。そこで本稿は,厚生労働省が収集する21世紀出生児縦断調査の個票データを使用し,(1)家庭の社会経済的地位,(2)父母の学校における社会関係資本,(3)子どもの社会関係資本を含む学校適応の関連を実証的に検討した。 大規模な3時点の縦断データを用いたハイブリッド固定効果モデルによる分析の結果によると,世帯収入(経済資本)と父母学歴(文化資本)が,父母それぞれの学校行事出席・保護者活動参加で指標化された学校社会関係資本を分化していた。これらの学校社会関係資本の多寡は子ども間の学校適応差異を部分的に説明し,資本量の変化は観察されない異質性を統制しても子どもの社会関係資本を含む学校適応の変化と関連していた。世帯収入と親学歴の学校社会関係資本を介した学校適応への影響は強くはないものの,社会関係資本の差異を通した不平等の再生産という傾向は確認された。 縦断データを用いた本稿の実証結果は,階層的基盤を有する父母の学校活動関与で示される社会関係資本が子どもの学校適応を促していることを示している。一方で,本稿の知見は,父母の学校関与という「つながり」の増加を通して対人関係を含む学校適応を促すことができる可能性も示唆している。