鈴木 円 Madoka SUZUKI 昭和女子大学初等教育学科
學苑 = GAKUEN (ISSN:13480103)
vol.892, pp.83-95, 2015-02-01

The term Spartan education, translated into Japanese as "Suparuta kyoiku" is widely used nowadays to mean "severe education." This paper reviews 12 Japanese books or articles on Spartan education published from the 1870s to the 1970s and examines how the authors have understood Spartan education and in what context they have used the term. The above materials, published from the early Meiji to post-war period, suggest that Japanese learned about the education system of ancient Sparta from Western academic sources. However, after the influential bestseller, Shintaro Ishihara's Suparuta Kyoiku(Spartan Education; A book for raising tough kids), was published, leading Japanese educators seem to have begun using the term "Suparuta kyoiku" to mean Japanese militaristic education. Historically, Western classical scholars have acknowledged the value of Spartan public education in contrast to Athenian individualistic education. However, Japanese educators seem to have failed to understand the value of Spartan education because of the change in the understanding of the term "Suparuta kyoiku." The author concludes that educators ought to have used that term with that original sense in mind.
伊藤 秀史
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.49, no.2, pp.52-62, 2007-12

The purpose of this article is to offer an overview of contract theory, a highly successful and active research area in microeconomics, with particular emphasis on its history and influence on modern economics. According to Bolton and Dewatripont (2005), currently a standard textbook in this field, the theory of incentives, information, and economic institutions is generally referred to in short as contract theory. Contract theory is thus a theory of imperfect markets, mainly because of asymmetric information such as moral hazard and adverse selection. Contract theory is also a theory of economic institutions and as such applies far beyond markets. The basic model of moral hazard and that of adverse selection both use agency (or principal-agent) relationships as the main analytical framework, in response to various attempts to lay open the black-box nature of the firm in the standard neoclassical model. Furthermore, theories of boundaries of the firm, originating out of Coase's classical work, are today analyzed in the framework of incomplete contracts that leads to the third basic model of contract theory, along with those of moral hazard and adverse selection. Although these basic models are games with specific extensive forms, they are formulated as optimization problems subject to incentive compatibility and participation conditions, and are solved without explicit reference to equilibrium concepts. Contract theory is thus related to both price theory and game theory, but it has developed its own analytical frameworks and tools to solve problems under conditions of asymmetric information or incomplete contracts. Contract theory is also a theory of incentive design. Incentive design is not important under perfect competition but is crucial when there is asymmetric information or contractual incompleteness. Myerson claims that today, "economists can define their field more broadly, as being about the analysis of incentives in all social institutions." (Myerson 1999) I argue that it is contract theory that enables us to define today's field more broadly.
井上 藤 永山 スミ子 広田 志津子 等 信子 橋爪 敬子
vol.2, pp.21-32, 1966-07-01

マリオッティ マルチェッラ
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.44, no.2, pp.19-35,147, 1999

Rather than focusing on adult, teenage or child anime, this paper analyses Soreike! Anpanman, a popular anime for toddlers (1-4 year olds) in Japan. Anpanman, with its prodigious gadgets market, has become a fixture in daily life. Childcare institutions and parents appreciate its "educational features". In this essay, I first analyze Anpanman as a text, defining its value system which earned it such positive acceptance. Second, I indicate what kind of discursive and non-discursive possibilities /limits are implied in its specific hierarchy of values, and how they can be related to the socializing process of infancy.<br> The cartoon series depicts the eternal struggle between the hero Anpanman (Bean Bread-Kid) and the anti-hero Baikinman (Bacteria-Kid). Anpanman is the flying patrolman of the community's order (groupism, food-organic life, work) , while Baikinman is the aggressive threat to it (egoism, germ-mechanical life, leisure). The community, labelled as minna (everybody) and nakayoshi (amicable, chummy) , is the resource of legitimation/delegitimation and inclusion/exclusion of the characters' actions. In actuality, the specific personification of minna's ultimate authority is the only male human character, the always smiling old chef-baker Jamojisan (Uncle Jam). He is the father-creator of Anpanman, the patriarch who retains both the legislative authority and the executive power.<br> I interpret the kid-characters Anpanman and Baikinman as "still unrealised human possibilities" - the positive one necessarily determined by the exclusion of the negative one - and the adult human character Jamojisan as the legitimated, but unilateral realization of these opposing possibilities. Such a value system can be read as a symbolical socializing process proposed to the infant viewer, and has a great similarity to the socializing process children undergo in childcare institutions.<br> Furthermore, in regard to the more general and practical dimension of socialization, due to the limited autonomy of the infant viewer in the access, choice, and use of Anpanman-products, I also point out the necessary interrelation of infants, childcare institutions and parents: this will be the core of my future research.
増田 俊夫 早見 崇 中條 大志 Hayami Takashi 中條 大志 Nakajo Hiroshi 原 道寛 Hara Michihiro 佐藤 潤一 Sato Junichi 寺本 好邦 Teramoto Yoshikuni 西尾 嘉之 Nishio Yoshiyuki
福井工業大学研究紀要 Memoirs of Fukui University of Technology (ISSN:18844456)
no.43, pp.284-292, 2013

Ethy1cellulose (EC) exhibits interesting behavior in the formation of liquid crystals. Early observations indicated that most cellulosics formed right-handed cholesteric structure. However, EC in chloroform and acetic acid (AA) solutions took left-handed cholesteric liquid crystals, whereas EC in dichloroacetic acid (DCA) solution had right-handed ones. In the present study, (phenylacetyl)ethylcellulose (PA-EC) was prepared by the reaction of phenylacetyl chloride with EC having a degree of ethyl substitution (DSEt) of 2.26 in N,N-dimethylacetamide solution using triethylamine as proton scavenger. Reactions were usually carried out at room temperature for one week, which provided a variety of phenylacetyl contents (degree of substitution of phenylacetyl (DSPa) = 0.02, 0.11, 0.32, and 0.43). The chloroform and AA solutions of PA-EC with DSPa = 0.32 displayed a right-handed cholesteric liquid crystalline phase, while the DCA solution showed a left-handed one.
守 如子
関西大学社会学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University (ISSN:02876817)
vol.49, no.1, pp.137-158, 2017-10

There are two significant genres of pornographic manga for young female readers in contemporary Japan. One is called "Teens' Love" (or "Ladies' Comics"), and the other is called "Boys' Love". The purpose of this study is to clarify the characteristic traits of female consumers of pornographic manga, focusing on the Seventh National Survey of Sexuality among Young People (2011). These surveys are conducted every six years by the Japanese Association for Sex Education (JASE). The study compares the girls aged 12 to 22 whose source of information about sex was manga with those who cited other sources. The former had a positive image of sex and sexual open-mindedness, and demonstrated more knowledge of sex. Extrapolating from this data, I argue that pornography for young female readers can have a positive effect. 日本には女性向けのポルノコミックがジャンルとして成立している。一つは、「レディコミ」あるいは「TL(ティーンズラブ)」で、もう一つは「BL(ボーイズラブ)」である。そのほかにもさまざまな少女・女性向けコミックのうちに性的表現が広く広がっている。本稿は、少女・女性向けマンガのうちに広がる性的表現の女性読者に着目し、その実態にせまる。具体的には、「第7 回青少年の性全国調査」のデータに基づき、性の情報源がマンガである女子とそうではない女子を比較する。性の情報源がマンガの女子は、セックスに対するポジティブなイメージと、性に対する寛容性をもつと同時に、性知識も高かった。このようなデータを通じて、ポルノグラフィが女性の読者にもつ有用性を明らかにする。
田川 拓海
筑波応用言語学研究 (ISSN:13424823)
no.9, pp.15-28, 2002

最近、次のような表現が日本語母語話者によって使用されることがある。(1)イチゴが売っている。(2)今日買い物に行くと氷砂糖が売っているのを見つけた。「売る」は他動詞であるから、「[対象]ガ~他動詞(以下Vtと略す)テイル」という ...
丸山 千歌
ICU 日本語教育研究センター紀要 = The Research Center for Japanese Language Education Annual Bulletin (ISSN:13447181)
no.6, pp.15-42, 1997-03-31

小林 武志 木村 凡 藤井 建夫
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.69, no.5, pp.782-786, 853, 2003-09-15
1 3

山口 真一
公益財団法人 情報通信学会
情報通信学会誌 (ISSN:02894513)
vol.33, no.2, pp.53-65, 2015
