中村 修也
教育学部紀要 = Annual Report of The Faculty of Education (ISSN:03882144)
no.52, pp.332-322, 2018-12-20

草野 吉雅 中村 一尊 沖野 健太
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. SR, ソフトウェア無線 : IEICE technical report (ISSN:09135685)
vol.110, no.252, pp.135-140, 2010-10-20

本稿ではマクロセル内に小型低出力基地局を設置するLTE(Long Term Evolution)/LTF-Advanced HetNet(Heterogeneous Network)に適した置局戦略と運用技術を議論する.低送信電力によって基地局価格や電力消費量,基地局サイズを小さくできるため,小型低出力基地局を用いるとマクロ基地局と比べ柔軟かつ低コストでシステム・キャパシティを向上させられる.低出力に起因する小さいセル径のため,推奨される置極戦略は,小型小出力基地局をトラフィック需要の高いエリアに設置することと,送信電力を希望するカバレッジの広さに応じて定めることである.小さいセル径であっても小型低出力基地局設置による利得を増加させるには,CRE(Cell Range Expansion)とeICIC(enhanced Inter-Cell Interence Coordination)が鍵となる技術である.CREはユーザを受信電力が最大でない基地局にも接続できるようにし,マクロ基地局から小型低出力基地局への負荷分散を増やすことでシステム・キャパシティを向上させる.eICICはCREによって小型低出力基地局に接続するようになったユーザが受ける強い干渉を制御するための技術であり,LTE Release 10において標準化が行われている.本稿ではCREとeICICをLTEおよびLTE-Advancedに適用する際の指針とその性能利得を示す.
中村 祥子 Shoko Nakamura 桃山学院大学文学部
英米評論 (ISSN:09170200)
no.19, pp.133-163, 2005-02

The short story, "The Doom of the Griffiths" was written by Elizabeth Gaskell in 1857, more than one year after her former fictional creation, "The Poor Clare". The story presents a conflict between two types of landlords ; a landlord who may prosper and one who may not. This is the author's first treatment of an issue that becomes a major theme in her later works. "The Doom of the Griffiths" is a tale about the fall of the Griffiths family, people of the landlord class. At the beginning of the story is an explanation of why the Griffiths were doomed to fall. When Owen Glendower, a Welsh hero in the Middle Ages, rebelled against Henry IV, an ancestor of the Griffiths named Rhys ap Gryfydd betrayed Owen, who believed in him. It means that Rhys ap Gryfydd was shrewd, and that he tried to side with those most likely to be victorious. In great anger, Owen, who was said to be able to use magic, cursed the traitor and his descendants. As a result, members of the Griffiths family were doomed by Owen to fail and disappear after nine generations. Owen prophesied that at that time a son should slay his father, the ninth Griffiths. After this brief explanation the main plot begins. Two generations are described ; the ninth named Robert Griffiths and his son, Owen Griffiths. They are father and son, but are quite different in manners. Robert is the second son and inherits the estate of the Griffiths as a result of his elder brother's death. He is gifted and able to create his own future. On the other hand, Owen is the only son who is an heir to the estate from the moment of his birth. He has no choice but to succeed his father. Therefore, he is passive and does not try to take a step forward, even though he becomes under the necessity of earning a living. Their attitudes toward marriage also differ. The father gets married to a rich attorney's daughter after he inherited his family's estate. And after his first wife, who is Owen's mother, died, he marrys again a beautiful young widow with a little boy named Robert, who, coincidentally, has his stepfather's name. The son, on the other hand, secretly gets married to the beautiful daughter of a man who works as a half farmer and half fisherman. The girl's name is Nest. They have a baby named Owen. Because the young couple cannot make a living, the wife and their baby live with her father in his cottage. Owen frequently and surreptitiously comes to the house from his father's manor house. The wife's father, who is a tenant of the Griffiths estate, endures this irregular situation, believing that his daughter will be Lady Griffiths in the future. Robert's new wife schemes to drive Owen out of the mansion and make her child Robert inherit the family's estate. As a result of her scheming, her husband becomes estranged from his son and begins to favor his stepson. One day she tries to irreparably break the relationship between Robert and his biological son to make sure of her biological son's inheritance, and she exposes Owen's secret marriage to her husband, lying and insinuating that Nest is a prostitute. The angry father goes to his son's secret home to require him to separate from his wife, and snatches the little Owen from Owen's arms to throw the baby back at Nest. As a result, the baby falls to the floor and dies. At last, Owen decides to leave his father's mansion for ever to live with his wife in a big city, earning his bread. It is, however, too late. After some troubles, the father moves into action. He and his son are placed in a situation in which they struggle on the edge of a precipice. A push of the son to escape from the father's grip causes the father to fall off the cliff, to hit his head against the edge of a boat, and to die. Though it seems that this is a fulfillment of the prophecy, the author denies the supernatural element, emphasizing that the father's death is accidental. As a squire, Robert, a person who is shrewd and selfish like his ancestor Rhys ap Gryfydd, prospers, but he is also very cruel, while Owen, a passive liberal, is disqualified as a landlord. Through the story, the author is critical of the father. The last of the story deals with Owen, his wife, and her father, who should leave the country before the dead body of the squire is found. They venture out on a stormy sea to disappear into the night. The author partly suggests that the three are shipwrecked and die. She, however, leaves room for another interpretation. The three might safely arrive in Liverpool, where Owen could "gain a livelihood by his own exertions." The author accepts Owen's way of living when he leaves the status of a landlord. That is the reason that Owen is the younger of the two central characters. It is important that the name of the second son Roger in Wives and Daughters, who is Robert's successor, has the initial "R", and that of the elder son Osborne in the same novel, who is Owen's successor, has also the initial "O". It means that "The Doom of the Griffiths" developed into Wives and Daughters.
花田 彰 蓑毛 研 中村 章 西田 泰章 天野 裕治 小林 和正 中須 英輔 渡辺 馨 榎並 和雅
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
映像情報メディア学会技術報告 (ISSN:13426893)
vol.26, pp.13-16, 2002

中村 裕義 木村 真春 山形 眞一 中村 均 大森 栄 北田 光一
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.23, no.5, pp.437-444, 1997-10-10 (Released:2011-08-11)

In the present study, we examined the effects of light, temperature and humidity on the residual rate of alfacalcidol in four commercially available preparations of alfacalcidol (Alfarol® capsules, Alfarol® powder, Warkmin® capsules and Onealfa® tablets). The tests were performed for up to 10 weeks with PTP seals, or without PTP seals. The changes in residual rate of alfacalcidol in Alfarol® powder packaged with cellophane-laminate paper, and Onealfa® tablets packaged with cellophane-laminate paper after crushing were also examined.The residual rate of alfacalcidol decreased in Alfarol® capsules packaged with PTP seals under fluorescent lighting (1000 lux) and in Alfarol® powder without an aluminum seal under all conditions. There were no changes in the contents of alfacalcidol in Alfarol® capsules with PTP seals and Alfarol® powder packaged by aluminum seal. A slight decrease in the residual rate of alfacalcidol in Warkmin® capsules was found under fluorescent lighting. The residual rate of alfacalcidol decreased in Onealfa® tablets under high temperature and/or high humidity. Alfarol® powder packaged with cellophane-laminate paper and Onealfa® tablets packaged with cellophane-laminete paper after crushing were found to be unstable, indicating that long-term storage should be avoided when these formulations are prepared.
中村 達也 藤本 淳平 鹿島 典子 豊田 隆茂 鮎澤 浩一 小沢 浩
一般社団法人 日本摂食嚥下リハビリテーション学会
日本摂食嚥下リハビリテーション学会雑誌 (ISSN:13438441)
vol.22, no.3, pp.185-192, 2018-12-31 (Released:2019-04-30)

【目的】重症心身障害児者の舌骨は,嚥下造影検査(VF)で鮮明に投影されないことも多く,咽頭期嚥下の特徴が不明確である.そこで,本研究では,重症心身障害児者の咽頭期嚥下の特徴を明らかにするために,舌根部と咽頭後壁の接触時の食塊先端部の位置を健常成人と比較した.【対象と方法】健常成人19名(健常群)と重症心身障害児者41名(障害群)について,ペースト食品3~5 mLの自由嚥下時のVFを撮影し,30フレーム /秒で動画記録した.VF動画をフレームごとに解析し,舌骨挙上開始時と舌根部と咽頭後壁の接触時の特定,舌骨挙上開始時の特定が可能だった者の舌骨挙上開始時から舌根部と咽頭後壁の接触時までの時間間隔の測定,誤嚥の有無の評価をした.さらに,舌骨挙上開始時および舌根部と咽頭後壁の接触時の食塊先端部の位置を,喉頭蓋谷を基準に到達前・到達・通過後の3段階で評定した.統計解析は,一元配置分散分析およびFisher’s exact testを用いて比較した.【結果および考察】舌骨挙上開始時から舌根部と咽頭後壁の接触時までの時間間隔の群間差は認めなかった.各群の平均値は0.105~0.231秒であり,舌骨挙上開始時と舌根部と咽頭後壁の接触時の食塊先端部の位置は92.8%の対象者で一致していた. 舌根部と咽頭後壁の接触時の食塊先端部の位置は,健常群では到達前:7名(36.8%)・到達:12名(58.3%)・通過後:0名,障害群では到達前:2名(4.9%)・到達:18名(43.9%)・通過後:21名(51.2%)であり,群間差を認めた.これより,障害群は健常群に比較して,嚥下開始前に食塊が深部に到達しやすいと考えられた.【結論】重症心身障害児者は健常成人よりも,ペースト食品を嚥下する際に,舌根部と咽頭後壁の接触時の食塊先端部の位置が喉頭蓋谷を通過する対象者数が多かった.
関 桂子 小野 知二 中村 佳菜恵 森下 聡 村越 倫明
日本プロテオーム学会誌 (ISSN:24322776)
vol.1, no.1, pp.25-35, 2016 (Released:2018-05-21)

森谷 ★ 小田 史郎 中村 裕美 矢野 悦子 角田 英男
バイオフィードバック研究 (ISSN:03861856)
vol.28, pp.61-70, 2002-09-22 (Released:2017-05-23)

中村 照子
特定非営利活動法人 日本バイオレオロジー学会
日本バイオレオロジー学会誌 (ISSN:09134778)
vol.17, no.1, pp.29-35, 2003-03-30 (Released:2012-09-24)

Silkworms that feed on mulberry leaves contain a markedly larger amount of amino acids and almost the same amount of unsaturated fatty acids in comparison with mulberry leaves. Silkworms in beginning stage of the fifth period contain a larger amount of those nutrients compared with silkworms in the final stage of it. The rheological characteristics of silkworm blood were remarkably changed during growing process of silkworm, viscosity of silkworm blood in beginning stage of the fifth period is lower than that in the final stage of it. Here, it should be noted that the rheological characteristics of silkworm blood reflect physiolosical circulation of silkworm, suggesting that the physiolosical condition of silkworm in beginning stage of the fifth period is better than that in the final stage of it. Thus, based on these results, it was found that silkworm powder could be a new health food when silkworms in beginning stage of the fifth period were used.
牛山 美奈 池田 龍二 新田 哲也 田實 裕介 宮脇 昭彦 山口 辰哉 下堂薗 権洋 牛之濱 風見 松井 竜太郎 杉原 一正 中村 典史 山田 勝士
歯科薬物療法 (ISSN:02881012)
vol.27, no.3, pp.143-150, 2008-12-01 (Released:2010-06-08)

In our hospital, hospital preparations of Azunol Saline Gargle (AS, saline solution containing 0.006% sodium gualenate hydrate), and Azunol Lidocaine Saline Gargle (ALS, AS with lidocaine) are used as a treatment for oral cancer with oral mucositis. However, little is known about the stability and microbiological safety of AS and ALS. In this study, the stability and microbiological safety of AS and ALS were assessed as the pH and the percent of sodium gualenate hydrate remaining in both preparations after exposure to various light and temperature conditions and the colony formation, respectively. As a result, we found that under fluorescent lamp lighting, AS and ALS were stable for 7 days at 4°C compared with 25t or room temperature. Furthermore, by light shielding, they were stable for at least 14 days at 4°C. Bacterial contamination of AS was prevented by preserving at 4°C for 14 days.We have demonstrated the stability and microbiological safety of AS and ALS and established an appropriate preservation method. This study provides useful information regarding the management of oral mucositis in oral cancer patients.
斉藤 勇樹 中村 陽介 三上 浩司 近藤 邦雄
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
映像情報メディア学会技術報告 (ISSN:13426893)
vol.37, pp.167-168, 2013

長津 結一郎 髙坂 葉月 中村 美亜 尾本 章
芸術工学研究 (ISSN:13490915)
vol.26, pp.65-78, 2018-01-22

This paper examines the role of local radio in relation to inter-regional community development. Collaborative action research was conducted as a project based on a partnership between academia and local radio in Fukuoka, Japan. Research was undertaken in the following steps; 1) co-production of a radio program that invited local creative talent, and a participatory exhibition themed on the connection of urban and rural regions, 2) post-project interviews, 3) analysis and modeling of the two projects and the relationships between various actors. It was found that, some urban listeners built empathy for rural regional issues aired on the program, and spurred them to action, leading to the development of communities. Empathy for local issues, as felt by the radio host, emerged as an important factor influencing listener involvement. Through this research, the potentiality of radio was demonstrated as an affective medium for interregional community development.