山崎 竜弥
日本情報経営学会誌 (ISSN:18822614)
vol.39, no.4, pp.37-51, 2020 (Released:2020-07-20)

In the current computerised society, where state-of-the-art information and communication technologies (ICT) such as artificial intelligence pervade every corner of economy and society, ICT engineers’ responsibility, in particular accountability, for computing has been becoming ambiguous more and more. This would cause a serious situation in which no one takes any responsibility for the development and operation of ICT-based information systems, even though the systems can provide harmful impacts for individuals and society. To cope with this situation, ICT professionalism suitable for the contemporary ICT environment should be established, and a wide variety of stakeholders involved in ICT development and usage have to build their professional attitudes towards computing.
北島 宣 山本 雅史 伊藤 謙 米森 敬三 深尾 葉子 安冨 歩 中崎 鉄也 山崎 安津 清水 徳朗 中野 道治 岳 修平 林 維真 鐘 國芳 中野 道治 長田 俊樹 渡邉 和男 河瀬 真琴 山下 満智子 前山 和範 中村 彰宏

湯淺 和博 鶴崎 敬大 山崎 成
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.82, no.741, pp.949-955, 2017 (Released:2017-11-30)

The demands of photovoltaic generation (PV) are increasing as the public eco-awareness grows, but there is concern of enormous volume disposal of PV panels in the near future. It is calculated by Ministry of the Environment that if the PV panels life expectancy were 25 years, its final disposal amount reaches 800,000 ton in 2040. And its disposal amount is equivalent to 6% of the present final disposal amount of whole Japan. Considering the load to future's final disposal site, its influence can't be ignored any more. For this reason, some companies are already working to develop the recycling method of PV panels in Japan. However, details of its reductive effect of environmental load is not so certain. So the purpose of this study is to uncover the reduction in CO2 emissions by the recycling of PV panel's glasses (main constituent materials of PV panels are glasses which accounts for more than 50 % by the weight ratio.) through the inventory analysis. At first, we carried out hearing survey on PV panels disposal service vendors, recycled products manufacturers and so on, in order to grasp component materials of PV panels (5 kinds of PV panels were targeted in this research), manufacturing process of recycled products, specification of prosessing apparatus, etc. Then we set two flow charts based on hearing survey. First are proposal procedures that are processes of PV panel's glasses recycling to ceramic tiles, paving blocks, and sound proof panels. Second is currently procedure as a comparison that is process of PV panels recycling to roadbed materials (we also considered that currently procedure is landfill disposing without PV panel's glass recycling). We calculated respective procedure's CO2 emissions per PV panel ton treatment by the inventory analysis. The followings are the main findings of this study: ·Each of PV panels are composed of different materials ratio, so there are difference of reduction in CO2 emissions between respective PV panels. ·At the time of recycling to ceramic tiles, it was confirmed that the fuel consumption in the baking process can be reduced 33 % by using glass, not a natural raw material like a feldspar. Therefore, the substantial CO2 reduction effect was suggested. ·Recycling to ceramic tiles, paving blocks and sound proof panels using glass of PV panels gave more than 10 % CO2 reduction ratio, even when any PV panels were subjected. It was the case when CIGS PV panels are recycled to sound proof panel that the CO2 reduction ratio becomes biggest, and its CO2 reduction ratio was 61%. ·We showed that which productization or occasion of PV panel kinds are able to get the amount of CO2 reduction beyond 140kg-CO2. It was the case when CIGS PV panels are recycled to ceramic tiles that the amount of CO2 reduction becomes biggest, and its amount of CO2 reduction was 441.6kg-CO2. ·Amount of CO2 reduction didn't become substantial minus effects in the comparison even when the currently procedure is landfill disposing. Combined with the volume reduction of final waste, it is suggested that PV panel recycling reads to significant reduction of environmental load.
山崎 正勝
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.53, no.270, pp.199, 2014 (Released:2020-12-09)

Japan and the United States signed in 1968 a new atomic energy agreement through which US light-water nuclear reactors, including those of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant of Tokyo Electric Power Company, were to be introduced into Japan. This paper studies the history of negotiations for the 1968 agreement using documents declassified in the 1990s in the US and Japan. After the success of the Chinese nuclear test in October 1964, the United States became seriously concerned about nuclear armament of other countries in Asia including Japan. Expecting that Japan would not have its own nuclear weapons, the US offered to help the country to demonstrate its superiority in some fields of science including peaceful nuclear energy to counter the psychological effect of the Chinese nuclear armament. Driven by his own political agenda, the newly appointed Prime Minister Eisaku Sato responded to the US expectation favorably. When he met in January 1965 with President Johnson, Sato made it clear that Japan would not pursue nuclear weapons. Although the US continued its support after this visit, it nevertheless gave priority to the control of nuclear technology in Japan through the bilateral peaceful nuclear agreement. This paper argues that the 1968 agreement implicitly meant a strategic measure to prevent Japan from going nuclear and also a tactic to persuade Japan to join the Nuclear Non -Proliferation Treaty.
岡本 明久 小野瀬 亜樹 梅垣 岳志 浜野 宣行 山崎 悦子 阪本 幸世 西 憲一郎 新宮 興
一般社団法人 日本集中治療医学会
日本集中治療医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13407988)
vol.20, no.1, pp.34-37, 2013-01-01 (Released:2013-04-23)

妊娠を契機にして発症した血栓性血小板減少性紫斑病(thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, TTP)の症例を経験した。妊娠23週の37歳の女性で意識障害,重度の貧血,血小板減少が見られ入院となった。A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, member13(ADAMTS13)活性の低値,ADAMTS13インヒビター陽性を認めたため,血漿交換を6回施行した。ステロイドパルス療法,抗血小板薬の投与も行ったところ,速やかに血小板数増加とADAMTS13活性の改善を認め,インヒビターも陰性となった。その後定期的にADAMTS13活性を測定したが,低下は認められず,再発を疑わせる所見はなかった。ADAMTS13活性の定期測定がTTPの管理や血漿交換の適用の判断にも有用であった。
土井 修一 山崎 貴司 安岡 茂和 甲斐 拓也 梶原 剛史 夘野木 昇平
公益財団法人 高輝度光科学研究センター
vol.9, no.1, pp.96-98, 2021

正極活物質に大気中の酸素を用いる次世代二次電池「水素/空気二次電池」において、ガス拡散電極(空気極)は、酸素を還元・発生させる役割を担うため、水素/空気二次電池の特性に大きな影響を与える。本研究では、放射光を利用した高分解能X線CTを用いて、Bi<sub>2</sub>Ru<sub>2</sub>O<sub>7</sub> 触媒、Ni 粉末及びポリテトラフルオロエチレン (PTFE) で構成される空気極の内部構造の調査を目的として、非破壊観察を試みた。また、実際にX線CT像を取得しながら観察用の試料作製方法を検討した結果、試料をキャピラリーに充填する方法が良いことが分かった。測定の結果、空気極内部に触媒粒子の凝集物や大きな空隙が存在しており、空気極の課題を抽出することができた。
伊藤 裕久 濱 定史 小見山 慧子 山崎 美樹
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
no.774, pp.1829-1839, 2020-08

<p> This paper seeks to clarify the transition of the townscape and the dwelling pattern of Shake-machi (Shinto priest town) of the Kasuga Taisha Shinto Shrine in the pre-modern times through the analyses of the Toma family's house which was built in the late 18th century and the existent archival materials from Toma family archives. We especially examined the formative process of the dwelling pattern of Negi (the lower-class Shinto priest) in Shake-machi during the Edo era, while paying attention to the difference before and after the Great Fire of Takabatake in 1717. The contents are as follows.</p><p> Introduction.</p><p> 1. Spatial composition and the dwelling pattern of Shake-machi at the beginning of the Meiji era.</p><p> The organization of the Kasuga Taisha Shinto shrine was constructed by the two hierarchies of the Shinto priest called Shake (the upper-class) and Negi(the lower-class). They lived in the north and south settlements separately. The north (Noda) declined, and the south (Takabatake) developed in the Edo era and 21 Shake and 93 Negi families lived in Takabatake in 1872. The houses of Negi were aligned along both sides of the main street there. Their dwelling lots of Tanzakugata-jiwari (Strip shaped land allotment) were divided into three types of the frontage dimensions (Narrow3ken/Middle5ken /Wide7-10ken). Middle and wide types accounted for most of their dwelling lots.</p><p> 2. Changing process of Shake-machi in the pre-modern times and its dwelling pattern.</p><p> In 1698, 30 Shake and 205 Negi families (double in 1872) lived in Takabatake and more over there were many Negi families which did not own their dwellings but were the tenants. Negi families did not only conduct exclusively religious services but also worked as actors, craftsmen and merchants like common people of the city. Therefore, the dwelling pattern of Negi was similar to Machiya (traditional town house of common people) style. Half of the Shake-machi was burned down in the Great Fire of Takabatake in 1717. Small Negi families without possessions or wealth were overwhelmed, and it was estimated that the new dwelling lots of a large frontage size increased by integrating their narrow dwelling lots after the Great Fire in 1717 and the new townscape with the dignity as Shake-machi was reconstructed by the sequence of the large frontage of mud walls and front gates along the street.</p><p> 3. Architectural characteristics of the house of Toma Family who was the Negi and its reconstructive study.</p><p> Toma family's house is surrounded by Tsuijibei (mud wall with a roof) with Yakui-mon Gate on its north side, and the main building has the large gable roof and Shikidai (the formal entrance). These features show the high formality of an influential Negi family. According to the reconstructive study, it was revealed that Toma family's house had been built in the late 18th century and the 2rows×3rooms plan with the earthen floor passage was originally the1row×3rooms plan connecting the lower ridge style Zashiki (2rooms). It resembles to the old Machiya of Nara-machi in the late 18th century. In this way, it is worthy of notice that Negi family's house had been developed from Machiya style by the reduction of small Negi families and the integration of their dwelling lots after the Great Fire of Takabatake in 1717.</p><p> Conclusion.</p>
佐藤 忠信 山崎 文雄 睦好 宏史 東畑 郁生
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集 (ISSN:02897806)
vol.1995, no.507, pp.291-303, 1995

1993年8月8日にマグニチュード8.1の地震に襲われたグアム島の現地震害調査を行った. また断層の破壊過程から地盤加速度を予測した. グアム島の地盤は全般的に良好で, 液状化や崖崩れの発生は一部地域に限定され, 道路や橋梁の被害も軽微であった. しかし, 一部の鉄筋コンクリート建物や発電所が被害を受けた. このため島内の電力供給は2,3日間停止し, 上水道も揚水できなくなった. グアム島は頻繁に台風に襲われるため, 家屋の構造, ライフラインのバックアップ, 緊急対応などの面で備えがよく, 地震による影響を小さくした.
多田 敦子 杉本 直樹 古庄 紀子 石附 京子 佐藤 恭子 山崎 壮 棚元 憲一
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.16, no.2, pp.92-96, 2009-08-24 (Released:2017-01-27)

Ozokerite, a natural gum base used as a food additive, is described as a purified wax substance found in veins of wax shale and is composed mainly of C29-C53 hydrocarbons, in the Notice (1996) relating to existing food additives in Japan. In order to evaluate the quality of commercially available ozokerite, we have analyzed the constituents. GC/MS analysis of ozokerite showed that the main components were saturated C22-C38 hydrocarbons, while the minor components were saturated C39-C58 hydrocarbons. The range of carbon numbers observed in the main saturated hydrocarbons was lower than those referred to in the Notice. The total concentration of the main saturated C22-C38 hydrocarbons was found, by GC/FID analysis, to be 81%.

1 0 0 0 OA 西洋又南洋

山崎直方 著
長塩 真也 山崎 和彦
vol.62, 2015

藤 眞裕 山崎 実 本郷 健 松崎 寛幸 山下 成明
no.12, pp.144-145, 1996

山崎 大輔 鱸 俊朗 山本 哲章
中部日本整形外科災害外科学会学術集会 抄録集
vol.105, pp.171, 2005
