井上 隆広 井上 三四郎 松延 知哉 岩崎 元気 菊池 直士 阿久根 広宣 丸塚 浩助
整形外科と災害外科 (ISSN:00371033)
vol.69, no.1, pp.154-156, 2020-03-25 (Released:2020-04-30)

蔵本 築 桑子 賢司 松下 哲 三船 順一郎 坂井 誠 岩崎 勤 賀来 俊 峰 雅宣 村上 元孝
一般社団法人 日本老年医学会
日本老年医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03009173)
vol.15, no.3, pp.267-273, 1978-05-30 (Released:2009-11-24)

脳出血, 脳梗塞に伴う心電図変化の成因を検討する目的で, 発作前1カ月内及び発作後の心電図, 臨床検査成績が得られ, 剖検上確認された老年者脳出血18例, 脳梗塞29例について, 発作前後の心電図, 臨床検査成績, 血圧の変化, 剖検による冠狭窄度, 脳病変の部位, 大きさ等を対比検討した.発作前後の心電図変化は脳出血88.9%, 脳梗塞89.7%に認められST, T変化がそれぞれ61.1%, 69.0%と高頻度に見られ, 高度な虚血性変化は脳梗塞で多く見られた. 不整脈は脳出血55.6%, 脳梗塞41.4%に見られ, 発作時の心房細動出現は脳梗塞にのみ10.3%に見られた. 期外収縮は脳出血に多く上室性22.1%, 心室性11.1%, 脳梗塞ではそれぞれ10.3%, 3.4%であった.脳卒中発作前後のヘマトクリット上昇は脳梗塞で大きい傾向があり, 虚血性ST, T変化を示した群では脳出血2.44±0.57, 脳梗塞6.04±1.74の上昇を示し, 著明なヘマトクリットの上昇による冠微小循環の障害が虚血性ST, T変化を斉すことを示唆した.脳卒中発作時の収縮期血圧上昇は脳出血では52.5±8.9mmHgで心電図変化の程度に拘らず200mmHg以上の高値を示したが脳梗塞では8.7±10.4とその変動は僅かで血圧上昇が心電図変化の原因とはいえなかった.冠動脈狭窄の程度は脳出血, 脳梗塞共各心電図変化群の間に狭窄指数の差が見られず, 虚血性心電図変化が太い冠動脈の狭窄によるものではないことを示した. 一方心筋梗塞の合併は脳出血5.6%に比し脳梗塞で50.0%と有意に高頻度であった.脳病変の部位, 大きさでは外側型脳出血に虚血性ST, T変化の多い傾向が見られたが, 脳梗塞では中大脳動脈領域の梗塞に於ても心電図変化に一定の傾向はなく, 部位による特徴は認められなかった. また両群共病巣の大きさと心電図変化には一定の傾向は見られなかった.脳出血, 脳梗塞の虚血性心電図変化は病巣の部位, 大きさ, 冠硬化, 血圧上昇等とは関連が認められず, ヘマトクリット上昇による冠微小循環の障害がその一因と考えられた.
松本 雄宇 岩崎 優 細川 恵 鈴木 司 井上 順 重村 泰毅 高野 克己 山本 祐司
公益社団法人 日本食品科学工学会
日本食品科学工学会誌 (ISSN:1341027X)
pp.NSKKK-D-22-00090, (Released:2023-02-17)

腎臓病患者の治療食として使用されている低タンパク米の製造工程で生じるERPの脂質代謝改善効果を検討した. 高脂肪食を与えた肥満モデルマウスにERPを摂取させたところ, 体重および精巣周囲脂肪重量の増加が抑制された. また, ERP摂取により糞中TG量が増加した. さらに, 血中ALT活性と肝臓中脂質量の結果から, ERP摂取は高脂肪食に起因する肝障害を抑制することが示された. 興味深いことに, ERP摂取によりインスリン抵抗性に関連するCerS6の発現量低下も観察された. ERPは主にペプチドと遊離アミノ酸から構成されていること, また一部の血中遊離アミノ酸濃度と精巣周囲脂肪重量との間に負の相関関係が認められたことから, 本研究で観察された効果はペプチドと遊離アミノ酸のどちらかないし両方を介していると考えられる. これらの結果から, ERPは抗肥満食品として有用な素材であることが示唆された.
岩崎 寛
環境技術 (ISSN:03889459)
vol.18, no.6, pp.348-355, 1989-06-30 (Released:2010-03-18)
柳田 亮 小川 洋二郎 水落 文夫 鈴木 典 高橋 正則 岩崎 賢一
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.67, no.3, pp.417-422, 2012 (Released:2012-06-26)

Objective: Altitude training is frequently used for athletes requiring competitive endurance in an attempt to improve their sea-level performance. However, there has been no study in which the mechanisms by which spontaneous arterial-cardiac baroreflex function changes was examined in responders or nonresponders of altitude training. The purpose of this study was to clarify the different effects of altitude training on baroreflex function between responders and nonresponders. Methods: Twelve university student cross-country skiers (6 men, 6 women; age, 19±1 years) participated in the altitude training in a camp for 3 weeks, which was carried out in accordance with the method of Living High-Training Low. Baroreflex function was estimated by transfer function analysis before and after the training. Results: The responders of the training were 3 men and 2 women, and the nonresponders were 3 men and 4 women. In the responders, the transfer function gain in the high-frequency range significantly increased after the training (28.9→46.5 ms/mmHg p=0.021). On the other hand, no significant change in this index was observed in the nonresponders (25.9→21.2 ms/mmHg p=0.405). Conclusion: As indicated by the results of transfer function gain in the high-frequency range, the baroreflex function in the responders increased significantly after the altitude training, whereas no significant change was observed in the nonresponders.
岩崎 雅美
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.44, no.1, pp.43-53, 1993-01-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

A costume worn by female elementary school teachers in the latter half of the Meiji Period was the one reformed from a traditional Japanese costume called a KIMONO. About 1900, the female teachers' custume was composed of an undivided HAKAMA called a MOBAKAMA like a Western pleated skirt, and a conventional KIMONO underneath. A broad sash, OBI, which was normally used to fasten the KIMONO, was not worn. And, the long-length KIMONO was replaced with a TSUTSUSODE which was a short-length reformed KIMONO with tighter sleeves like those of a Western clothes. The MOBAKAMA and the TSUTSUSODE were both made of cotton.Many of the female elementary school teachers were ordered to wear the above-mentioned costume by the ordinance of a prefecture, just as the male elementary school teachers were ordered to wear western-style uniform.The development of the female teachers' costume suggests the following : 1) In view of the fact that many prefectures adopted the above costume for female elementary school teachers, it can be inferred that educational leaders at that time must be significantly conscious of the nation-wide integration of a new educational society.2) In my previous report, I pointed out that male elementary school teachers were ordered to wear a western-style uniform made of wool which was high-priced material so as to show dignity to schoolchildren. On the contrary, the female teachers' costume was made of cotton, a poorer quality material, with the aim of raising the low attendance of schoolgirls of destitute families; the female teachers' plain costume was believed to make the threadbare girls feel more homey and accessible to school. However, it is quite true that the poorer appearance of the female teachers was openly exposing their lower salary and social status.3) The MOBAKAMA, which originated from men's HAKAMA, an equivalent of Western trousers for men, was found far more convenient for physical exercises. Some female teachers was dissatisfied with the extraordinary design of the TSUTSUSODE, but we have to admit that the TSUTSUSODE was easier for them to wash and take care of because of its simple design similar to a light Western blouse.Therefore, it can be concluded that the adoption of the costume for the female elementary school teachers gave significant favorable results to the development of school education in Japan.
衞藤 光明 加藤 博史 佐々木 次雄 佐々木 裕子 徳永 英博 岩崎 浩子 須田 郁夫
Journal of Toxicologic Pathology (ISSN:09149198)
vol.6, no.2, pp.233-240, 1993-09-30 (Released:2009-01-22)

Thimerosal (ethylmercuric thiosalicylic acid, sodium salt) in an organic mercury compound which has been used as a preservative in some vaccines and human immunoglobulin products for intramuscular use. This study was designed to examine the safety of thimerosal for mice. Thimerosal solutions of 0.2 ml at 0.01% (the concentration used in vaccines) or at 0.1% were injected twice a week into the intraperitoneal (IP) cavity or subcutaneous (SC) tissue of BALB/c mice. Clinical signs and symptoms such as crossing hind legs were observed in animals injected more than 17 times with the 0.1% thimerosal solution (total thimerosal dose; 70μg Hg/g body weight) into the IP cavity. But the IP administrations of 0.01% thimerosal did not effect the animals even after 35 injections, nor the SC administrations at any dose. At autopsy, nervous system, kidney, liver, heart, lung, spleen, intestine, and skin were examined under light-microscopy with hematoxylin and eosin stain and mercury-histochemistry by photoemulsion method. Peritonitis was observed in all animals that received IP injections with 0.1% thimerosal. Mercury granules were present in the kidney and spleen of the animals receiving IP injections of 7μg Hg/g body weight. Histochemically, mildly positive reaction to mercury was detected in the brain and the liver in the same group of mice. No peritonitis was found in this group of mice. The positive results observed in this series of experiments were obtained only with multiple injections of the high dose thimerosal solution. No toxic effects were found with the 0.01% dosis, which is the same concentration used in commercial vaccines. Thimerosal administered in mice was biotransformed into inorganic mercury, and it was readily degradated into inorganic mercury by four well-known reactive oxygen-producing systems, and the amounts of inorganic mercury produced from thimerosal were the same as those from ethyl mercury and were higher than those from methyl mercury.

1 0 0 0 OA 本草図譜

池田 克巳 引間 徹 楠 公仁 渡辺 幸男 藤橋 弘 日吉 貴一郎 菅沼 信夫 岩崎 浩一郎
特定非営利活動法人 日本歯周病学会
日本歯周病学会会誌 (ISSN:03850110)
vol.23, no.3, pp.437-450, 1981-09-28 (Released:2010-07-16)
3 3

In order to prevent the periodontal disease, it would be a matter of important fact to apply cleaning the teeth and giving massage on marginal gingiva by means of brushing and using dentifrices including effective ingredients.The aim of this study was to investigate on the effects of the dentifrice including tranexamic acid (T dentifrice) comparing with placebo (P dentifrice).Subjects were 242 students of Josai Dental University who had no serious oral disease.P-M-A index, redness, bleeding and dental plaque were selected as indices for clinical evaluation of periodontal disease. This study was conducted with double blind method.The results obtained were as follows:1) Subjects used for statistical analysis were 207 students. (104: T dentifrice group, 103: P dentifrice group).2) T dentifrice was significantly more superior in recovery of P-M-A index (p<0.01), redness (p<0.01) and bleeding (p<0.05). On the other hand, there was no significant difference in recovery of dental plaque between T dentifrice and P dentifrice.3) The mean reduction rates of T dentifrice and P dentifrice were 31.0% and 14.3% in P-M-A index, 36.3% and 19.6% in redness, 66.7% and 42.9% in bleeding, respectively.4) Significant difference was observed in the general improvement (p<0.01). The rates of the general improvement of T dentifrice and P dentifrice were 71.0% and 48.5%, respectively.5) No particular side effect was observed through this study.
岩崎 聡
一般社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.124, no.3, pp.176-182, 2021-03-20 (Released:2021-04-03)

伝音・混合性難聴に対する振動子が体内に埋め込まれる人工中耳 (Vibrant Soundbridge: VSB) と能動型骨導インプラント (Bonebridge: BB) の現状と将来について概説する. 1983年世界に先駆けて本邦からリオン型人工中耳が開発され, その後 VSB が2000年に感音難聴に対して FDA の認可を取得し, 2006年 Colletti らが伝音・混合性難聴に対して, 正円窓に振動子である FMT を設置する新たな応用方法を報告した. VSB 手術は, 現在 FMT の留置部位によって正円窓留置法と卵円窓留置法の2つのアプローチ法がある. FMT と内耳のカップリングの補助としてカプラーを使用することができる. 現在認可されている VORP503 は MRI 1.5 テスラ対応となっている. 能動的骨導インプラントである BB は VSB の振動装置が側頭骨内に埋め込まれる点が異なるだけで, 2012年には CE マークの承認が得られているが, 本邦ではまだ保険収載されていない. 先天性外耳道閉鎖症に対して臨床研究が実施されている. 先天性外耳道閉鎖症に対する音質の自覚的評価を VSB, BB, Baha に実施し, VSB で明らかに良好な結果が得られた. したがって, われわれは第1選択を VSB とし, 乳突腔の発育不良例などの症例には BB などの骨導インプラントを選択している. 今後は一側性伝音・混合性難聴への適応拡大が課題である.