斎藤 克 庄田 隆 谷 昭博 吉原 一 天野 完 島田 信宏 西島 正博
日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 (ISSN:03009165)
vol.51, no.7, pp.474-478, 1999

The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of metreurynter with laminaria tents as a pre-induction priming method for unripe cervix. Fifty-six nulliparous women with a Bishop score of ≦ 4 were enrolled and received either metod in the evening before elective induction. All cases were singleton and vertex pressentation. The cervical ripening effect was more prominent in the metreurynter group. And also the incidence of induction of delivery time of > 12h and the Cesarean section rate were significantly lower in the metreurynter group than in the laminaria group.
島田 ひろき

13年度の研究成果より,マウスにおいてパラコート(PQ)解毒系として,肝臓の薬物代謝系酵素(NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductaseおよびCYP3A,2B)が働いていることがin vivo実験で明らかとなった。そこで,本年度はPQ代謝経路がどの様に関わっているかを更に詳細に明らかにするため,マウス肝ホモジネートよりポストミトコンドリア画分,ミクロソーム画分およびサイトゾルを調製し,in vitroでのPQ代謝活性を測定した。マウス肝ホモジネートをPQとNADPHとともに反応させると,PQが減少し,代謝中間体であるparaquat-monopyridone(PM)が生成した。CYP3A阻害剤であるtroleandomycinはPQの減少を抑制し,PMを増加させた。また,PMはミクロソーム画分ではなくサイトゾルで生成していた。フェニトインによってマウス肝のCYP3Aおよび2Bを誘導すると,ポストミトコンドリア画分でのPM生成が減少したが,サイトゾルでは変化が見られなかった。これらの結果より,PQはサイトゾルでPMとなった後,小胞体薬物代謝酵素系によって水酸化解毒されることが明らかとなった。これまでに我々はPQ毒性発現がミトコンドリアにおけるフリーラジカル生成によるものであること,細胞膜透過性フリーラジカルスカベンジャーが毒性を抑制することを明らかにしている。そこで次に,リファンピシンやフェニトイン処理によってCYPを誘導したマウスにPQを投与し,引き続きフリーラジカルスカベンジャーであるα-トコフェロール(α-T)を繰り返し静注投与した。その結果,PQ単独投与では生存率が40%だったのに対し,CYP誘導とα-T投与によって100%にまで回復した。以上のことから,PQ中毒においてCYP誘導とα-T投与が有効な治療となりうることが強く示唆された。
島田 周平
史苑 (ISSN:03869318)
vol.53, no.1, pp.158-160, 1992-07
中本 宏 杉沢 肇 佐藤 友彦 島田 和基 五十嵐 孝義 深瀬 康公 西山 實
日本補綴歯科學會雜誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.40, no.6, pp.1084-1089, 1996-12-01

歯冠修復物マージンの支台歯フィニッシュラインに対する適合性の良否は,その予後を左右する重要な因子である.本研究は,研究者によりまちまちに分類,表現されているこの適合状態を,その観察および測定するための方法,装置の進歩に伴い,これらを整理,統合し,より合理的に分類,命名することと,修復物の適合状態の観察,測定のために走査型レーザー顕微鏡の有用性を検討することを目的とした. 適合状態は,(1) Ideal,(2) Open-Closed,(3) Extra-Lined-Intra,(4) Overlapped,の4つの評価基準で,(1) Ideal,(2) Open-Extra,(3) Open-Lined,(4) Open-Intra,(5) Open-Extra-Overlapped,(6) Closed-Extra,(7)Closed-Intra,(8) Closed-Extra-Overlappedの8つの適合状態に分類,命名した.また,走査型レーザー顕微鏡はきわめて合目的性の装置であることが実証された.
金城 和俊 島田 晴加
一般社団法人 日本粘土学会
vol.56, no.1, pp.1-7, 2017

<p>Minami-daito island, which is situated in a sub-tropical area, contains red-yellow soil. Recently, grayish white-colored soil was discovered around dead roots in the subsoil on the island. In general, grayish white-colored soil is formed via iron dissolution by a low molecular-weight aliphatic carboxylic acid solution (LACA) in a cold setting; however, there were few studies regarding the formation of white-colored soil in sub-tropical areas. The objective of this study is to elucidate the mechanism of grayish white-colored soil formation in the sub-tropical setting of Minami-daito island. Soil samples (horizons Ap<sub>1</sub>, Ap<sub>2</sub>, B<sub>1</sub>, and B<sub>2</sub>) were obtained from a pumpkin field on Minami-daito island. Grayish white-colored soil was discovered around dead roots in the B<sub>2</sub> horizon, which was also collected. From X-ray analysis, the clay minerals were kaolin minerals, mica, vermiculite, vermiculite–chlorite integrate, and goethite in the A and B horizons; however, goethite was not present in the white-colored soil. This result indicates that the grayish white-colored soil was formed by the dissolution of goethite around dead roots. It is likely that LACA is necessary for the dissolution of goethite in soil. To prove this hypothesis, a leaching test was conducted. Oxalic acid, formic acid, and acetic acid in LACA and samples of the B<sub>2</sub> soil horizon were used for the leaching test. Compared with H<sub>2</sub>O treatment, Al and Fe were dissolved using LACA treatment and oxalic acid solution treatment. From X-ray analysis, it was observed that the gibbsite and goethite peaks obtained using LACA treatment were smaller than that using H<sub>2</sub>O treatment. In particular, the goethite peak disappeared after oxalic acid treatment. Previous studies have demonstrated that oxalic acid has a high ability to dissolve goethite. It is concluded that the grayish white-colored soil on Minami-daito island was formed via the dissolution of goethite by oxalic acid from plant dead roots.</p>
田中 章 永島田 義則 原 次夫 池田 和俊 池浦 孫次郎
九州病害虫研究会報 (ISSN:03856410)
vol.33, pp.230-233, 1987-10-30 (Released:2009-05-22)

島田 佳広 佐藤陽一 中西 亮 品川 高廣 吉澤 康文
情報処理学会研究報告グループウェアとネットワークサービス(GN) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2006, no.9, pp.125-132, 2006-01-27

大量の動画像情報をディスクから読込み,クライアントに送信するVODサーバでは人気タイトルの情報をメモリ内にキャッシュする工夫によりディスクI/Oの負荷を低減することができる.しかしこの工夫が成功しても,通信回線を通して送信するオーバヘッドの低減はできない.そこで,P2Pプロトコルを用いて,クライアントの通信回線,CPU,メモリ等を利用し,VODサーバの負荷を低減する方式を提案する.本方式は,人気タイトルに要求が集中して発生する際に有効と考える.本稿では,本方式を採用したVODサーバとクライアントの処理方式を報告する.VOD servers that read a large amount of dynamic image data and send it to clients can reduce load of disk I/O with caching data of popular title. However, even if this attempt succeeds, overhead caused by transmitting data via communication lines cannot be reduced. Then, we propose the method to reduce the load of VOD servers by using the P2P protocol, and using client's network bandwidth, CPU power, and memory etc. Our method is effective, when the demand concentrates on a popular title. In this paper, We report how VOD server and the client will work with our method.
石井 克枝 土田 美登世 西村 敏英 沖谷 明紘 中川 敦子 畑江 敬子 島田 淳子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.46, no.3, pp.229-234, 1995

夏秋 嶺 渡邉 学 大木 真人 本岡 毅 鈴木 新一 島田 政信
社団法人 日本リモートセンシング学会
日本リモートセンシング学会誌 (ISSN:02897911)
vol.37, no.1, pp.1-12, 2017-01-31 (Released:2017-08-23)

In this paper, we evaluate the potential accuracy for the volcanic ash coverage using interferometric coherence of the Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar-2 (PALSAR-2) aboard the Advanced Land Observing Satellite-2 (ALOS-2, “DAICHI-2”). In order to detect the disaster affected area from interferometric coherence, we require pre-disaster and co-disaster pairs. That is, we require at least two interferometric archives taken before the disaster in addition to one archive after the disaster. The ideal multi-temporal analysis is performed with of course, highest resolution pairs. However, we do not always have enough number of the archive especially in the early stage of the satellite mission. Here, we use not only Stripmap but also ScanSAR mode archive in order to achieve enough number of pairs. The combination of the Stripmap and ScanSAR archives will help to increase the interferometric pair while it suffers the spatial resolution and coherency. Especially for ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 data, it has not been evaluated the potential accuracy of such Stripmap-ScanSAR interferometry method. In this paper, we use the volcanic eruption event in May 2015 at Kuchinoerabu-jima Island, Kagoshima prefecture, Japan for the case study. We evaluated the proposed method with the truth data which was achieved by manual classification using aerial photography. Experimental results showed that the proposed method marked approximately 91% overall accuracy with 0.64 Kappa coefficients to detect the dense volcanic ash coverage.
箸方 紘子 島田 謙 山本 公一 朝隈 禎隆 片岡 祐一 相馬 一亥
Japanese Society for Abdominal Emergency Medicine
日本腹部救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13402242)
vol.32, no.7, pp.1251-1254, 2012

患者は61歳,男性。大量飲酒後自宅屋外階段から転落し近医に搬送された。同院での腹部CTで腹腔内出血が疑われ,当院救命救急センターに転送された。検査上,胆嚢損傷,contusionと診断,保存的治療を選択した。第5病日に腹膜刺激症状が出現し,腹部造影CTで遅発性胆嚢穿孔(laceration)を疑い緊急開腹手術を施行した。開腹所見では胆汁性腹水がみられ胆嚢摘出術と術中胆道造影を施行したが胆嚢穿孔や胆管損傷はみられずいわゆるtraumatic BPWORと診断した。胆汁性腹膜炎は胆嚢粘膜剥離による胆汁の浸み出しが原因と考えられた。胆嚢は解剖学的位置関係から損傷を受け難いとされている。本症例では泥酔状態による腹壁緊張の低下に加え,転落時に十分な防御姿勢がとられなかったことが推測され,さらに飲酒後で胆嚢の緊満やOddi括約筋緊張亢進により胆嚢・胆管内圧上昇が胆嚢損傷に影響したものと考えられた。
上原 由美 島田 美樹子 柳澤 和美 内山 和彦 竹内 茂 野際 英司 中里見 征央 鈴野 弘子 石田 裕
一般社団法人 日本透析医学会
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.47, no.9, pp.553-561, 2014 (Released:2014-09-28)
1 1

慢性腎臓病の食事療法として, 病気の進行によりP・K・たんぱく質の制限が必要になる. 透析患者の高齢化も進み, 簡便で継続可能な食事療法が必要と考える. 一般的には栄養指導の際, P・K含有量を抑えた治療用米飯の利用を推奨するが, 自作米中心の地域においては, 高価な治療食の購入には至らないことが多い. そこで, 洗米条件を調整することによりP・K・たんぱく質の低減が可能か否かを検討した. また, 透析患者の米の使用実態を把握するためにアンケート調査を実施した. 洗米におけるPの洗出率は5回目までは回数ごとに有意差が認められ (p<0.05), Kおよびたんぱく質の洗出率は4回目まで有意差がみられた (p<0.05). したがって, 洗米回数5回まで低減効果が期待できることがわかった. 5回洗米までにPの洗出率は, 50.2±3.02%, Kは46.0±3.89%, たんぱく質は5.40±0.42%となった. 透析患者のアンケート結果では, 洗米回数は3~4回の回答者が多く, 水を取り換えるまでの洗米時間も10秒前後とP・Kの低減を目的とした洗米条件としては不十分であった. 洗米において, 1回20秒間, 水を換えて5回行うことによってP・Kの低減効果があることが認められた. この方法は, 食品の制限や量の調整など多くのストレスを抱えている患者にとって, 簡便で持続可能な食事管理の一手段となり得ると考えられた. さらに毎日行う洗米に際し, 「P・Kを除去する」という意識を持つことによって, 怠慢になりがちな日常の食事管理に対する意識の醸成もなされ, QOL向上の一助となると思われた.
江口 和男 苅尾 七臣 島田 和幸
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.92, no.2, pp.202-207, 2003-02-10 (Released:2008-06-12)

新谷 昌之 内藤 勇太 山田 信吾 野村 祐吾 周 勝 中島田 豊 細見 正明
The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
化学工学論文集 (ISSN:0386216X)
vol.34, no.5, pp.539-544, 2008-09-20
3 15

残留性有機汚染物質(POPs)として懸念される有機フッ素化合物,ペルフルオロオクタンスルホン酸(PFOS)およびペルフルオロオクタン酸(PFOA)のメカノケミカル(MC)処理に注目した.酸化カルシウム(CaO)を反応助剤とし,小型遊星ボールミル(ミル回転数700 rpm)を用いておよそCa/F(mol比)=2でPFOS,PFOAのMC処理を行った結果,どちらの物質とも3時間の処理で80%以上分解することが明らかとなった.処理後は,炭酸カルシウム(CaCO<sub>3</sub>)やフッ化カルシウム(CaF<sub>2</sub>)の生成が確認され,C–F結合やC–C結合の開裂反応によって分解反応が促進することが示された.また,有価なCaF<sub>2</sub>の生成により,マテリアルリサイクルの可能性も見出された.
島田 智哉子 植沢 芳広 Ishii-Nozawa Reiko 石原 真理子 Kagaya Hajime 金本 大成 寺久保 繁美 中島 秀喜 高尾 浩一 杉田 義昭 坂上 宏
International Institute of Anticancer Research
Anticancer Research (ISSN:2507005)
vol.34, no.10, pp.5405-5412, 2014-10

Background: Fifteen 3-styrylchromones were subjected to quantitative structure?activity relationship (QSAR) analysis based on their cytotoxicity, tumor selectivity and anti-HIV activity, in order to explore their biological activities. Materials and Methods: Cytotoxicity against four human oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) cell lines and three human oral normal cells was determined by the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) method. Tumor-selectivity was evaluated by the ratio of the mean CC50 (50% cytotoxic concentration) against normal human oral cells to that against OSCC cell lines. Anti-HIV activity was evaluated by the ratio of CC50 to EC50 (50% cytoprotective concentration from HIV infection). Physicochemical, structural and quantum-chemical parameters were calculated based on the conformations optimized by the LowModeMD method followed by the density functional theory (DFT) method. Results: All 3-styrylchromone derivatives showed moderate-to-high tumor selectivity. Especially, compounds that have a methoxy group at 6-position of the chromone ring and hydroxyl group at 4'-position of phenyl group in styryl moiety [11] showed the highest tumor-selectivity. On the other hand, their cytotoxicity against normal cells showed good correlation to the descriptors that reflect hydrophobic interaction and molecular shapes. Conclusion: Multivariate statistics with chemical descriptors for the location of substituted group, molecular shape and electrostatic interaction may be useful for designing the most favorable compound with higher tumor selectivity.
岩井 四郎 木下 房男 木内 一巳 小松 ★ 仁科 良夫 大木 正夫 島田 安太郎 千村 重平 梅村 弘 阿高 康行 遠藤 輝 藤田 敬 郷原 保真 石橋 俊明 石田 聖 小坂 共栄 熊井 久雄 三上 進 三谷 豊 水野 学 岡部 孝次 酒井 潤一 沢村 寛 下野 正博 新海 正博 杉山 茂 田辺 芳宏 田中 俊広 渡辺 晃二 山下 昇 矢野 孝雄 吉野 博厚
地質学論集 (ISSN:03858545)
no.7, pp.297-304, 1972-12-25

The Matsumoto Basin Research Group was organized in March, 1971, to clarify the geological history of the Matsumoto Basin. The results of studies obtained during the last year are as follows. 1) A geological map on the Quaternary of the Matsumoto Basin was constructed for the first time. 2) The crystal ash beds in the Nashinoki Loam Formation are correlated to the so-called biotite pumice beds (B_1, B_2, B_3) around Yatsugatake Volcano, while the crystal ash may had been erupted from the volcano around Kumonotaira to the north of Mt. Mitsumatarenge in the midst of the granitic rock area of the Japanese Northern Alps. 5) The Nashinoki Gravel Formation is the products of the first, large scale deposits filling up of the Basin with gravel. It shows that the formation of the Basin set out first in that age. 4) Simultaneously with the accumulation of the Nashinoki Gravel (or the subsidence of the Basin), the Northern Alps began to rise and the peculiar volcano (with the crystal ash) started its activity.
鹿島田 景子
学習院大学人文科学論集 (ISSN:09190791)
no.25, pp.237-258, 2016

The Purpose of this study is to fi nd a way of realizing the meaning of a sandplay expression by him/herself. The "story-making approach to Sandplay Therapy" is said to be one of ways to understand the sandplay maker's internal world. But the therapy is typically considered to be a non-verbal technique, therefore there's a possibility that non-verbal world in sandplay is confi ned by expressed words. Recently Sandplay Therapy and Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy are considered to have similarities. Felt sense and a sense of fi tting to subjective experiences in Sandplay Therapy are said to be nearly equal, so that as a pilot study, Combined Application of Sandplay Technique and Focusing (STF) could be a way of realizing the meaning of a sandplay expression by him/herself without losing the essence of Sandplay Therapy. To clarify the effectiveness and mechanism of STF, the author used 2 questionnaires : ① STAI②generalization of the focusing manner of experiencing in daily life. To investigate a process of STF, 11 graduate students majoring in clinical psychology made sandplay, had a focusing session as test objects, then were interviewed the STF experience. 11 participants had 2 STF sessions. Each sessions were recorded. An examination of the results suggests that STF has the following 6 points. 1) STF is able to decrease state anxiety signifi cantly. 2) STF is able to not signifi cantly, but expectedly increase "generalization of the focusing manner of experiencing in daily life" (total) and 3 factors ("valuing one's experiencing", "criticizing oneself too much", "keeping psychological distance from one's problem"), so STF makes it possible to facilitate generalization of the focusing manner of experiencing in daily life. 3) Each participants had really unique personal experiences through STF. STF is a very effective method to facilitate a sandplay maker's selfawareness, self-understanding and also self-healing, therefore STF is a possible way of realizing the meaning of a sandplay expression by him/ herself and understanding his/her own inner world. 4) STF is easier than the standard procedure focusing. 5) The sandplay expressions in STF sometimes have a role of a "handle" called in Focusing. 6) STF can be a new technique of psychotherapy.
山本 利雄 島田 弥
溶接学会誌 (ISSN:00214787)
vol.39, no.11, pp.1171-1179, 1970-11-25

Various penetration shapes formed in the plates of copper, aluminum, mild steel and stainless steel by the fixed TIG arc at reduced argon pressures are discussed in relation to the electrical and thermal characteristics of the arc mentioned in the previous reports, where the arc is formed between the 2% thoriated tungsten cathode of 4mm in diameter shaped like a pencil form and a directly or indirectly water cooled anode plate under the following conditions. Gas Pressure : 18 to 760mmHg Arc Current : 250,400,450A Arc Length (Distance between Electrodes) : 4,9,15,25mm The facts elucidated are as follows (1) At reduced gas pressure, "cathode zone" (a bright spherical zone) is observed at the neighborhood of the cathode. When the cathode zone touches the anode specimen, the contact zone on the anode surface melts rapidly and a large "conduction type penetration" is formed in the specimen. Then the cathode zone is presumed to have a higher energy density compared to the arc column. (2) In the specimen of low thermal conductivity, the "peripheral type penetration" is formed due to the convectional flow in the molten pool when the energy density of the arc is considerably high. It happens sometimes that the depth of the conduction type penetration formed at small current is deeper than that of the peripheral type penetration of larger current. (3) At higher pressure the molten pool beneath the arc depresses and the "finger type penetration" is formed in this case. For directly water cooled specimen, the shape of the molten pool is conserved down to room temperature and a hollow part is often formed when the arc length is sufficiently long. At the bottom of the hollow part a solid surface is exposed and no solidified layer is observed on it. (4) The penetration in low thermal conducters such as mild steel and stainless steel varies from the "conduction type" to the "peripheral type" and further to the combined type of "peripheral type" and "finger type", with an increase in the energy density and the plasma stream at the specimen surface. For high thermal conductors like copper and aluminum, the "conduction type" is easily formed by the thermal conduction mechanism. Although the "finger type" is likely to appear when the arc energy density is considerably high, no "peripheral type" penetration is observed.