早川 由紀夫
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.60, no.4, pp.507-592, 1986-03-31

The eruptive activity of Towada Volcano is documented by the tephrostratigraphic study. More than 20 eruptive episodes are described in detail with isopach maps and isograde maps of maximum pumice size, maximum lithic size, and median diameter for the individual fallout deposits. The activity of the volcano started about 200,000 years ago along the NE-SW trending line crossing the present lake Towadako and relatively small-scale volcanoes were formed. A caldera 11km×11km wide was formed as a result of several eruptive episodes during the period about 55,000 to 13,000 years ago, three of which included voluminous pyroclastic flow eruptions. The post-caldera activity occured at a rate of one eruptive episode every 1,000 to 2,000 years and a stratovolcano and two lava domes were formed in the caldera. The latest eruptive episode was dated 1,250 y B. P. by the radiocarbon method. Rocks of Towada Volcano cover a wide range from basaltic andesite to rhyodacite (SiO2 : 51-70wt.%) with phenocrysts of plagioclase, augite, hypersthene, and magnetite with occasional olivine. Horn-blende is characteristically found in the pyroclastic deposits of 13,000 years old and in some earlier deposits. Volumes, V, of two plinian deposits are determined by the crystal method : 6.7km3 for the Chuseri deposit and 2.2km3 for the Nambu deposit. Then an empirical formula, V=12.2 TS, is obtained for the practical volume estimation, where T is the thickness of an isopach and S is the area enclosed by the isopach. Application of the formula to the fallout deposits of Towada Volcano suggests that the total magma erupted during the past 55,000 years amounts to 1.5×1017g. This corresponds to the discharge rate of dense rock equivalent to 1.1km3 per thousand years. The cross-wind range, Rc, of the pyroclasts of a given size may be a good indicator of the maximum height reached by the pyroclasts in the eruption column. It is found that the Rc is relatively large for those deposits whose erupted masses are relatively large. The dispersal of a fallout deposit is also seriously affected by winds. A plausible solution of the eruption condition for the Nambu deposit is that 4mm size lithic fragments reached the maximum height of 15km in the eruption column, then they were detached from the column and displaced by winds having an average velocity of 30m/s. After a 20 min flight, they fell upon the ground 48km east of the source. Whole-deposit grain size populations are determined for the Chuseri and Nambu plinian deposits. The Chuseri population is similar to the New Zealand examples. However, the Nambu population is distinctly coarser than the others.
草田 裕紀 水田 孝信 早川 聡 和泉 潔
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
vol.30, no.5, pp.675-682, 2015

We analyzed the impact of position-based market maker, which tries to maintain its neutral position, to the competition among stock exchanges by an artificial market simulation approach. In the previous study, we built an artificial market model and investigated for the impact of non-position-based market maker's spread to the markets' shares of trading volumes. However it had the serious problem that the non-position-based market maker is too simple to manage its own position properly and so we could not judge weather the result of previous study is correct or not. Thus in this study, we made a position-based market maker and explored the competition, in terms of taking markets' shares of trading volumes, between two artificial financial markets that have exactly the same specifications except existing a market maker, the non-position-based market maker or the position-based market maker. As a result, we found that the position-based market maker can acquire the share of trading volumes from the competitor even though its spread is bigger than bid-offer-spread of the competitor. Moreover, we revealed that position-based market maker can get a profit even in the situation that its spread or tick sizes of the stock exchanges are small. In addition to that, position-based market maker made a profit in almost all experiments which we conducted in this research by changing its spread and tick sizes of markets. At last, we confirmed that position-based market maker can manage its position properly compared to non-position-based market maker. In conclusion, the position-based market maker can not only supply liquidity to stock exchanges and contribute to acquire the share from the competitor as well as the non-position-based market maker does, but also manage its own position properly and make a profit.

1 0 0 0 妊娠期

早川 智
日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 (ISSN:03009165)
vol.53, no.9, pp.N236-N240, 2001-09-01
早川 謙二 麻生 和義 大薄 悟 兼松 顕
vol.30, pp.387-394, 1988

Intramolecular cycloadditions of Allenes constitute the versatile methods for the stereocontrolled synthesis of variously functionalized polycyclic compounds. Especially, intramoleclar Diels-Alder reactions using allenic dienophiles can full enjoy the merits of the unique structure of allens and proceed with extraordinary ease. On the basis of this strategy, several new synthtic methodologies were developed; (1) the intramolecular Diels-Alder reaction of allenyl ethers followed by hydration andoxidation provided a new polycyclic lactone synthesis (Scheme 1). This method was successfully applied to the total synthesis of platyphyllide 30(Scheme 5). (2) The allenyl ether bearing a substituent at C-2 position (ex.,1c,1d) underwent the tandem [2+2] cycloaddition and [3,3] sigmatropic rearrangement to produce the novel product having an bicyclo [n.3.11 carbon ring system (ex., 5c, 5d) (Scheme 2).
早川 岳人 大東 出 神門 正城 静間 敏行 エンジェル クリストファー 大垣 英明 オメール モハマッド
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会 年会・大会予稿集
vol.2013, 2013

丸藤 哲 澤村 淳 早川 峰司 菅野 正寛 久保田 信彦 上垣 慎二 平安山 直美
一般社団法人 日本救急医学会
日本救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:0915924X)
vol.21, no.9, pp.765-778, 2010-09-15 (Released:2010-11-09)

外傷急性期の凝固線溶系の変化に関してEducational Initiative on Critical Bleeding in Trauma(EICBT)から新しい病態概念である「Coagulopathy of Trauma」と「Acute Coagulopathy of Trauma-Shock(ACoTS)」が提唱された。しかし,これらの診断基準は存在せず,両者の本態は従来から独立した病態として存在する線溶亢進型DIC(disseminated intra vascular coagulation)に一致する。診断基準がないことが同概念と線溶亢進型DICおよび類似病態との鑑別を不可能としている。これらの理由により「Coagulopathy of Trauma and ACoTS」は,独立した疾患・病態概念ではなく定義不能な臨床状態として位置づけることが可能である。このような曖昧な概念を外傷急性期の凝固線溶系変化の病態生理解明のために使用すべきではない。外傷急性期の凝固線溶系異常は線溶亢進型DICで説明可能であり,線溶亢進型DICは従来どおり正しく線溶亢進型DICと呼称されるべきである。
早川 泰弘 城野 誠治
保存科学 = Science for conservation
no.57, pp.91-100, 2018-03-23

The Illustrated Scrolls of the Legends of Shigisan (Shigisan engi emaki) held at Shigisan Chôgosonshiji temple is a major extant example of Heian period painting that presents pictorializations of many of the legends related to Myôren, a saintly monk credited with later having revived the temple. The set consists of three handscrolls, with the first scroll known as The Scroll of the Rich Man of Yamazaki (Yamazaki chôja no maki) or The Flying Granary Scroll, the second scroll known as The Scroll of the Rite of Spiritual Empowerment for the Engi-Era Emperor (Engi kaji no maki), and the third scroll known as The Scroll of the Nun (Amagimi no maki). The Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties conducted an analysis of the colorants used in all three scrolls by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) during 2011-2012. Measurements (dia. 2mm) were taken at 707 places over the three handscrolls by using a portable device. Both Ca and Fe were detected in the XRF analysis of the Shigisan engi emaki at almost all of the sites measured. Cu, Zn, Ag, Au, Hg and Pb were detected in the areas with pigment, depending on the colors used and the thickness of their application. Ca and Fe were discerned in areas that had almost no pigment usage. It was determined that these elements come from the paper ground itself. In one section of the Engi scroll, Fe-based yellow ochre pigment was used. Although Cu is a principal element in the green color of malachite and the blue color of azurite, Cu-based pigments containing small amounts of Zn were found in the blue areas of the Yamazaki scroll only. Au was particularly conspicuous on the bowl in the Yamazaki scroll, the Buddhist wheel (rimpô) in the Engi scroll, and the great Buddha (Daibutsu) in the Nun scroll, where the gleam of gold color is almost invisible to the naked eye today. Numerous instances of orange pigment appearing as an underlayer for gold-colored pigments could also be discerned, and thus it was determined that a Pb-based orange color pigment was used to heighten the gold color effect. Conversely, the sites where Ag was detected on the Engi scroll were further characterized by the concurrent discernment of small amounts of Hg, although it is not possible at present to identify the source of this Hg. Hg, which is a principal ingredient in red-colored pigment cinnabar, was detected at almost all of the sites where red color was confirmed on the Shigisan engi emaki. While there are many instances where only line drawing was used to depict the figures in the Shigisan engi emaki,there are numerous instances of sites where traces of Pb could be detected on faces, hands and other places. This portable XRF device has been previously used in pigment analysis on the National Treasure Tale of Genji scrolls (Tokugawa Art Museum and Gotoh Museum), and the National Treasure Ban Dainagon scrolls (Idemitsu Museum of Arts). The use of the same device and the same parameters means that the analysis results for the different artworks can be compared directly.
藤井 郁雄 阿部 昌之 早川 謙二 兼松 顕
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.32, no.11, pp.4670-4673, 1984-11-25 (Released:2008-03-31)
2 4

3, 4-Dimethoxy trans-6-morphinanone (1) and its cis isomer (2) were prepared stereoselectively from thebaine (3) and dihydrocodeinone (9), respectively. A general way of spectrally differentiating between these two stereoisomers is discussed.
早川 武志 石田 治久 百田 昌史 高木 佳子 生駒 英長 水田 聡美 橋口 鮎美 田尻 香織 本江 篤規 毛利 誠
九州理学療法士・作業療法士合同学会誌 第31回九州理学療法士・作業療法士合同学会 (ISSN:09152032)
pp.170, 2009 (Released:2009-12-01)

【はじめに】 パーキンソン病(以下PD)では長期の服薬に伴い日内変動と同様に日差変動も出現すると言われている。この日差変動は服薬が管理されているにも関わらず出現することも多く、日常生活やリハビリテーションの阻害因子となっている。しかし、日差変動に関する報告は未だ少ない。そこで今回、日差変動に影響を与えると思われる諸因子をいくつか取り上げその関係を調査したのでここに報告する。 【対象】 現在当院利用のPD患者31名中「日によって調子に差がある」と答えた23名(男性7名、女性16名、平均年齢63±13歳、Hoehn&yahr stageI:3名、II:5名、III:5名、IV:6名、V:4名)を対象として調査を行った。 【方法】 1日の症状変動を平均してvisual analogue scale(以下VAS)を用いて、10:最高に良い、5:普通、0:最も悪いとし5以下(普通より悪い)と答えた日に次の諸因子 1:睡眠障害(寝つけない、眠れない、頻繁に目が覚める)、2:便秘、3:精神的要素(普段は感じない不安、心配事、イライラなど)、4:気候・気温(寒暖や急激な変化)、5:疲労のうち当てはまっているものを選択してもらった。(複数回答可)。 【結果】 今回の調査においては、1:睡眠障害 11件、2:便秘 12件、3:精神的要素 14件、4:気候・気温 10件、5:疲労 6件であった。最も多かったのが精神的要素であった。また、Stage別に見るとIでは気候気温、IIでは精神的要素、IIIでは便秘、IVでは睡眠障害・便秘・精神的要素、Vでは睡眠障害が最も多かった。 【考察】 今回の結果をみてみると、全体では精神的要素が当てはまると答えた人が最も多く全体の約6割であった。PDでは精神的な緊張や興奮などが振戦を増強させるなど心理的な要素が身体に影響を及ぼす事はよく知られている。今回の結果も同様に精神的要素が身体に影響を与え、症状変動にも大きく影響を与えているのではないかと考えられた。また、stage別ではstageが進行するにつれて睡眠障害や便秘の割合が増えてくる。これは、睡眠障害は睡眠中にドーパミンが産生される、便秘は薬の腸からの吸収に影響する、など薬効や血中ドーパミン濃度と密接に関係しているためだと考えられる。PDではStageが進行するにつれて薬物に依存する割合が高くなってくるため、これらの因子が大きく影響を与えるものと推測される。従って、上記の症状を把握しアプローチしていく必要があると思われる。具体的には、早期からの精神的なフォロー、生活リズムの確立、便秘予防体操などを行うことにより、症状の変動を少しでも抑える事が出来るのではないかと考える。
宮坂 正三 早川 典久
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鉱業会誌 (ISSN:03694194)
vol.81, no.930, pp.886-893, 1965-10-25 (Released:2011-07-13)

There are many limonite deposits genetically related to the mineral springs at the vicinity of the Azuma Volcano, Fukushima Prefecture. Near the Nuruyu Spa three limonite deposits are found, and the mineral water shows highly acidity owing to the presence of sulphuric acid.This paper is concerned with studies on the chemical compositions of both mineral waters and limonites, and the relation between the pH of mineral water and limonite depositions. It seems probable, on the basis of the experimental evidence, that the optimum pH range for the iron depositions is 3.5-6.0 and that in this pH range iron precipitation is increased with higher pH. Differential thermal analysis curves and X-ray powder diffraction patterns show that the limonites deposited from the mineral springs essentially _consist of amorphous iron hydroxide containing a small quantities of goethite. Odo or yellow limonite from Akanuma and Fukuo shows the clear X-ray powder diffraction patterns of goethite.And as the result of experiments, it is shown that various minerals such as goethite, lepidocrocite, magnetite, and siderite are formed in accordance with the change of pH from 5.0 to 12.0 when NaOH or (NH4) 3CO3 solution is added to ferrous sulphate solution containing sulphuric acid or oxalic acid.
伊藤 美加 長井 誠 早川 裕二 小前 博文 村上 成人 四ッ谷 正一 浅倉 真吾 迫田 義博 喜田 宏
The journal of veterinary medical science (ISSN:09167250)
vol.70, no.9, pp.899-906, 2008-09-25

2007年8月,石川県金沢競馬場において馬インフルエンザが発生した.感染馬の症状は主に発熱(38.2-41.0℃)および鼻汁漏出で,呼吸器症状を示した馬はわずかであった.全ての競走馬は不活化ワクチンを接種しており,ワクチンにはH3N8馬インフルエンザウイルス,アメリカ系統のA/equine/La Plata/93株,同じくヨーロッパ系統のA/equine/Avesta/93株,およびH7N7馬インフルエンザのA/equine/Newmarket/1/77株が含まれていた.鼻腔スワブ材料からH3N8馬インフルエンザが分離され,A/equine/Kanazawa/1/2007と命名した.系統樹解析では,A/equine/Kanazawa/1/2007株はアメリカ系統のフロリダ亜系統に属した.さらに,HA1サブユニットのアミノ酸解析を行ったところ,同じアメリカ系統のワクチン株であるA/equine/La Plata/93株と比較して,BおよびEの抗原決定部位に4アミノ酸の置換が認められた.また,回復期の馬16頭から採材した血清を用いて赤血球凝集抑制反応を実施したところ,A/equine/Kanazawa/1/2007株とワクチン株間に1〜3管の差が認められた.これらの結果から,流行株とワクチン株に抗原性状の差が示唆されたが,わが国の現行市販ワクチンは罹患率の低下や発症期間の短縮に貢献したと思われた.