若生 広子 高橋 伸夫 松井 圭介
The Geographic Education Society of Japan
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.49, no.3, pp.12-33, 2001

The purpose of this study is to investigate the spatial structure and characteristics of tourism activities of women living in northern residential area of Sendai City. What we are concerned particularly here are the changes in women's tourism activities by life-stage. A questionnaire survey on one-day recreation, lodging tourism and overseas tourism in the past one year was held in July, 1999 for this study.<br>The results of our study can be summarized as follows.<br>All the destinations of one-day recreation concentrate within a sphere with 180km radius from home. But, the spatial structure of lodging tourism presents different patterns according to the time periods. The destinations of one-night lodging tourism concentrate within a sphere with 350km radius from home, while some destinations of two-nights lodging tourism distribute in the nationwide range. On the one hand, destinations of two or fewer nights lodging tourism concentrate along the south-north axis composed by the Tohoku Expressway and Shinkansen. On the other hand, the destinations of three or more nights lodging tourism distribute throughout the whole country.<br>We can find the relationship between destination selection and purpose, companion, transport approaches and seasons. Furthermore, women's intention such as for shopping and food can also be found in destination selection.<br>There exists a significant relationship between women's tourism activities and their life-stage, which is divided by marriage, the birth of the first child and the age of the youngest child. With less domestic constraint, both unmarried women and childless married women have a kind of higher frequency and wider space tourism activities. And most of unmarried women take tour with their friends.<br>Compare with it, the tourism activities of married women with children present a kind of lower frequency and narrower space pattern if their youngest children are still infants. And the majority of their companions are limited to their family members. Although their tourism activities become higher in frequency and wider in space as their youngest children grow up, their companions don't change. This phenomenon suggests that the tourism activities of married women with children have been influenced greatly by childcare.<br>The tourism activities of married women with children begin to change when their children entered junior high school. Their tourism activity spaces turn to be narrower and they always tour with their husbands or friends as their children grow up. They can decide their tourism purposes by themselves. It can be thought as a result of the independence of their children.
若生 広子 高橋 伸夫 松井 圭介
新地理 : 日本地理教育學會會誌 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.49, no.3, pp.12-33, 2001-12-25
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the spatial structure and characteristics of tourism activities of women living in northern residential area of Sendai City. What we are concerned particularly here are the changes in women's tourism activities by life-stage. A questionnaire survey on one-day recreation, lodging tourism and overseas tourism in the past one year was held in July, 1999 for this study.<br>The results of our study can be summarized as follows.<br>All the destinations of one-day recreation concentrate within a sphere with 180km radius from home. But, the spatial structure of lodging tourism presents different patterns according to the time periods. The destinations of one-night lodging tourism concentrate within a sphere with 350km radius from home, while some destinations of two-nights lodging tourism distribute in the nationwide range. On the one hand, destinations of two or fewer nights lodging tourism concentrate along the south-north axis composed by the Tohoku Expressway and Shinkansen. On the other hand, the destinations of three or more nights lodging tourism distribute throughout the whole country.<br>We can find the relationship between destination selection and purpose, companion, transport approaches and seasons. Furthermore, women's intention such as for shopping and food can also be found in destination selection.<br>There exists a significant relationship between women's tourism activities and their life-stage, which is divided by marriage, the birth of the first child and the age of the youngest child. With less domestic constraint, both unmarried women and childless married women have a kind of higher frequency and wider space tourism activities. And most of unmarried women take tour with their friends.<br>Compare with it, the tourism activities of married women with children present a kind of lower frequency and narrower space pattern if their youngest children are still infants. And the majority of their companions are limited to their family members. Although their tourism activities become higher in frequency and wider in space as their youngest children grow up, their companions don't change. This phenomenon suggests that the tourism activities of married women with children have been influenced greatly by childcare.<br>The tourism activities of married women with children begin to change when their children entered junior high school. Their tourism activity spaces turn to be narrower and they always tour with their husbands or friends as their children grow up. They can decide their tourism purposes by themselves. It can be thought as a result of the independence of their children.
日野 正輝 富田 和暁 伊東 理 西原 純 村山 祐司 津川 康雄 山崎 健 伊藤 悟 藤井 正 松田 隆典 根田 克彦 千葉 昭彦 寺谷 亮司 山下 宗利 由井 義通 石丸 哲史 香川 貴志 大塚 俊幸 古賀 慎二 豊田 哲也 橋本 雄一 松井 圭介 山田 浩久 山下 博樹 藤塚 吉浩 山下 潤 芳賀 博文 杜 国慶 須田 昌弥 朴 チョン玄 堤 純 伊藤 健司 宮澤 仁 兼子 純 土屋 純 磯田 弦 山神 達也 稲垣 稜 小原 直人 矢部 直人 久保 倫子 小泉 諒 阿部 隆 阿部 和俊 谷 謙二

1990年代後半が日本の都市化において時代を画する時期と位置づけられる。これを「ポスト成長都市」の到来と捉えて、持続可能な都市空間の形成に向けた都市地理学の課題を検討した。その結果、 大都市圏における人口の都心回帰、通勤圏の縮小、ライフサイクルからライフスタイルに対応した居住地移動へのシフト、空き家の増大と都心周辺部でのジェントリフィケーションの併進、中心市街地における住環境整備の在り方、市町村合併と地域自治の在り方、今後の都市研究の方向性などが取組むべき課題として特定された。
山中 弘 木村 勝彦 木村 武史 笹尾 典代 寺石 悦章 松井 圭介

山中 弘 木村 勝彦 木村 武史 笹尾 典代 寺石 悦章 松井 圭介 平良 直

村山 祐司 山下 清海 森本 健弘 兼子 純 呉羽 正昭 松井 圭介 仁平 尊明 山下 亜紀郎 田林 明 手塚 章
