森本 忠興
特定非営利活動法人 日本乳癌検診学会
日本乳癌検診学会誌 (ISSN:09180729)
vol.18, no.3, pp.211-231, 2009-10-30 (Released:2010-07-15)
10 10

西川 稿 土屋 昭彦 高森 頼雪 原田 容治 堀部 俊哉 広津 崇亮
一般社団法人 日本消化器がん検診学会
日本消化器がん検診学会雑誌 (ISSN:18807666)
pp.20016, (Released:2021-04-15)

【背景】がんの早期発見は重要であり,簡便で高精度ながん検査が求められている。広津らによって開発されたNematode-NOSE(以後N-NOSE)は,尿を検体として線虫Caenorhabditis elegans(以後C. elegans)の優れた嗅覚を利用した簡便ながん検査であり,先行研究では95.0%の特異度と95.8%の感度が報告されている。【対象】本研究では消化器系がん74例と非がん30例の尿検体を用いN-NOSEの性能の検証を行った。【結果】N-NOSEインデックスは,がんと非がんで有意差p<0.0001が認められ,ROC解析ではAUC=0.774が示された。がんの感度は81.1%と高く,特異度は70.0%であった。がん種別の感度は食道癌80.0%,胃癌68.8%,大腸癌80.0%,肝細胞癌90.9%,胆道癌100%,膵臓癌80.0%,ステージ別ではIで76.9%,IIで90.9%と早期から高い感度を示し,腫瘍マーカーとの大きな違いが見られた。N-NOSEインデックスと,被験者の年齢,性別,合併症,肝機能,腎機能,尿一般定性には有意な関係性は見られなかった。【結語】これらよりN-NOSEは非侵襲で高感度かつ簡便ながんのリスク検査となり得ることが示唆された。
藤森 かよこ Kayoko Fujimori
英米評論 = ENGLISH REVIEW (ISSN:09170200)
no.21, pp.55-82, 2007-03-15

What is called "American feminism" in this article means liberal feminismor radical feminism. Many critics, especially French ones such as ElizabethBadinter and Emmanuel Todd, underestimate American feminism in the pointthat its pro-violence tendency hinders feminism from its mature developmentand further prevalence. This article does not share their view. As explainedlater, the pro-violence attitude of American feminism might be able to present aprototype of "a citizen of the world" in the coming (?) borderless, post-nationstatesworld promoted by globalization. Here "globalization" does not mean thelatest stage of American imperialism. Here globalization is "the process of increasinginterconnectedness between societies such that events in one part ofthe world more and more have effects on peoples and societies far away."It is true that not a few of American feminists regard violence as one of theiroptions to protect themselves. American radical feminists such as Naomi Wolfand D. A. Clarke assert that women should not hesitate to counterattack againstdomestic violence and other sexual violence. Paxton Quigley recommendswomen's owing guns against crimes. Martha McCaughey, a physical feminist, advocateswomen's going into training in martial arts for self-defense. The NationalOrganization for Women (NOW), which is a representative of liberal feminists inUSA, is positive about woman soldiers' service in war battles for national defense.Yet they are not especially pro-violent, because their attitude is necessarilyresulted from American core values.Some American feminists regard their position as "militia" or contemporarycitizen soldiers. Militia is a military force that engages in a rebel or terrorist activitiesin opposition to a regular army. Militiamen, ordinary people with theirown guns used for their hunting for food (never for pleasure) won the victory inthe American War of Independence, though some researches say that it is nothingbut a myth, not a historical fact. Myth or fact, in this point, militia symbolizesAmerican core values : freedom, independence, individualism, equality and democracy.Once American people feel that their "unalienable Rights, that amongthese are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" are threatened by others,governments or any organizations or individuals, they might be ready to use theirown weapons. Weapon ownership is a key aspect of citizenship under democraticgovernment for some American people. They believe that the Constitution ofthe United States of America supports their view.Certainly Amendment 2 of Bill of Rights enacted in 1791 says "A well regulatedMilitia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the peopleto keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The survey of ABC News in2002 shows that seventy three percent of the American citizens think thatAmendment 2 guarantees their right to keep and bear weapons for self defense.American people against gun control are not only what antigun critics call "gunenthusiasts." According to one research, gun owners believe that society is aviolent place; so they prepare for the possibility of doing violence themselves ;they view this position to be the most responsible one they have to take in relationto their own safety ; they are also aware that many oppressive governmentsdo not permit firearms to be owned by the general people, because gun ownershipcan potentially threaten the government through a citizens' revolt. SomeAmerican feminists share this view with gun owners.This article does not mean that American feminists' pro violence attitudeshould be positively considered because their views are resulted from Americancore values. Even if American feminists regard themselves as militiawomen,contemporary citizen soldiers, such kind of attitude can be called caricatural.There is a hypothesis that the peripheral members in a given society try to moreradically embody the society's most sweeping ideologies than the central members.American feminists who try to be regular citizens, never "second citizens",may be more stimulated to achieve American core values as completely as possible.We should notice that this kind of caricatural American feminists providesus with a prototype of a citizen of the coming world developed by globalization,where order in world politics emerges not from a balance of power among nationstatesbut from the interactions between many layers of governing arrangements.Nation-states demand its constituency to be subject to their policies andlaws, and in exchange for its subordination, they are supposed to offer their peoplebenefits and protection. But history has been showing the examples thatnation-states could be the worst oppressor and violator for people. However,globlization might permit people to traffic the many layers of governing institutions,depending on their own needs and profits. Then, nation-states will be ableto be optional, not fatal.The political philosophy of the coming, globalized world is the most radicalform of republicanism, also called civic humanism. The coming world might beable to be the most expanded republic, a new world order governed by and forthe people. Then, people will not be able to rely on nation-states as their protectors,if people don't want state interference. In other words, future citizens ofthe world must be ready to be citizen soldiers, caricatured form of militia,"American feminists." As citizens of a republic, American feminists who premisethat they can't trust the government and its agents, do not invite the state to beresponsible for their safety, even though dependency is so seductive.Some people wonder if such a world can be the greatest prison, the mostelaborate "Matrix" controlled by invisible power. Whether the biggest republic,the new world order may be utopian dystopian, a pro-violent, pro-counterattackAmerican feminist is a prototype of a citizen of the post-nation-states world.
小森 義峯
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.3, pp.1-24, 1996-06-28 (Released:2018-01-10)

According to the provisions of the Japanese Imperial House Law, the right of succession to the Imperial Throne is limited to men in the male line of the Emperor. On the other hand, the existence of a Queen (Empress) is accepted in all European monarchy at present. Additionally, there were no doubt 8 empresses in Japanese constitutional history. Therefore, in this thesis, I proposed adoption of the English style of the system of succession to the Imperial Throne in Japan.
森田 英利
公益財団法人 腸内細菌学会
腸内細菌学雑誌 (ISSN:13430882)
vol.34, no.1, pp.13-18, 2020 (Released:2020-01-31)

伊藤 まり子 金森 悟
日本産業看護学会誌 (ISSN:21886377)
vol.9, no.2, pp.62-69, 2022 (Released:2022-11-08)

鈴木 香峰理 永野 靖彦 森 隆太郎 國崎 主税 今田 敏夫 嶋田 紘
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:13452843)
vol.69, no.8, pp.1955-1959, 2008 (Released:2009-02-05)

症例は59歳,男性.2004年10月 右季肋部痛を主訴に当院を受診した.同部位に著明な圧痛,反跳痛を認め,また,腹部CTでは回腸周囲のfat densityの上昇および右側腹直筋の肥厚を認め大腸憩室炎と診断された.入院後絶飲食,抗生剤投与を行い症状は一時改善したが,経口摂取開始後再び発熱と上腹部痛を認め開腹手術を施行した.圧痛部位の直下に手拳大の腫瘤を認め,空腸,横行結腸が巻き込まれていたため,腫瘤を含め小腸部分切除及び横行結腸部分切除術を施行した.腫瘤内部は膿瘍を形成しており,内部に小腸と交通する爪楊枝を認め,爪楊枝による消化管穿孔と診断した.爪楊枝による消化管穿孔は稀で,病歴から誤飲の有無を聞き出せないことも多く,診断に難渋する.本症例は,急性腹症の鑑別診断のひとつとして重要な症例と考え報告した.
森嶋 桃子
大学図書館研究 (ISSN:03860507)
vol.121, pp.2141, 2022-08-31 (Released:2022-08-26)

森重 昌之
vol.5, pp.1-20, 2009-05-15

森岡 次郎
The Japanese Society for the Philosophy of Education
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
no.93, pp.102-121, 2006

The purpose of this paper is to examine new eugenics and education.<BR>For the last several years, such ideas as "Designers Baby" and "Perfect Baby" have been discussed in terms of "New Eugenics". This idea means the artificial production of babies by genetic technology according to the desire of parents. If educational values can be realized to some extent by genetic technology, new eugenics will necessitate our views on education to change. From this perspective, this paper examines the implications of new eugenics for education.<BR>First of all, the history of eugenics is surveyed and new eugenics is positioned historically. Here, new eugenics can be positioned in an eugenical trend after the 1970s. Next, the theoretical features of new eugenics are clarified in its contrast to old eugenics. This makes it clear that new eugenics is based on the principle of selfdetermination and on the principle of scientific validity. (2) <BR>Then, the criticisms of new eugenics are reviewed. Here, by considering Glen McGee's and others' arguments, it becomes clear that any fatal criticism of new eugenics does not exist yet. However, in the argument by Jürgen Habermas, education and new eugenics are distinguished in view of the existence of "others." It enables us to find out a positive value to the conditions of "others" in education that cannot be fully satisfied. (3) <BR>Finally, it is clarified from the standpoint of the system theory of Niklas Luhmann that children as "others" are indispensable as the media in an educational system. Based on Emmanuel Levinas' concept of "désir", I present the point of view of "the desire for others", one that gives a positive value to the "existence of others". (4) <BR>"New eugenics" and education have affinity in terms of operational intervention in children. However, from the point of view of "the desire for others", it becomes clear that both are fundamentally in conflict.
清水 陽子 中山 徹 清水 裕子 森田 尋子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.87, no.800, pp.1964-1974, 2022-10-01 (Released:2022-10-01)

The purpose of this study is to compare the trends between moving in and out and moving within the city. The results are as follows. It can be classified into six categories based on the trend of dynamics. Movements had a great deal to do with social dynamics in the region. According to the trends by age group, even if the population is increasing, the future aging of the population and its impact on the local community should be taken into consideration. Even if the population is declining, it does not affect the number of households.
古金 遼也 藤野 明浩 内田 佳子 狩野 元宏 野坂 俊介 金森 豊 笠原 群生 梅澤 明弘 義岡 孝子 要 匡
特定非営利活動法人 日本小児外科学会
日本小児外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0288609X)
vol.58, no.5, pp.838-845, 2022-08-20 (Released:2022-08-20)

田村 慎 笠原 稔 森谷 武男
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.55, no.4, pp.337-350, 2003-03-15 (Released:2010-03-09)
4 4

We have studied micro-seismicity in the northern part of Hokkaido (north above 44°N) from June to November in 1998 combining eleven temporal seismic stations with seven and five routine ones operated by Institute of Seismology and Volcanology (ISV) in Hokkaido University and Sapporo Meteorological Observatory, Japan Meteorological Agency (SMO), respectively.Firstly we determined 91 hypocenters of local earthquakes in this period using the dense network. These hypocenters are about three times of the number of those from the routine network alone. One-dimensional P-wave velocity structure assuming four-layer model (assumed thickness of 2, 8, 10km and infinite) and station corrections were estimated using a P-wave travel time inversion method with 735 P-wave arrival time records of 81 events. The velocity of each layer was determined to be 2.83km/sec for the first layer, 5.32km/sec for the second one, 6.32km/sec for the third one and 6.69km/sec for the bottom half space. From the P-wave station corrections we obtained, this region can be classified into three zones parallel in the north-south direction; the western islands region in the Sea of Japan, the western part of mainland, and the eastern part of mainland. Each zone shows the value of less than-0.5sec, +0.1-+0.4sec, and-0.1--0.5sec, respectively.Next, the hypocenters with the inverted velocity structure and the station corrections are relocated. As the results show, some hypocenters in the anomalous delayed station correction zone, i. e. the western part of mainland, are clearly located at the depth range from 20 to 25 km. Focal mechanism solutions of these deep events show normal fault type, while shallower events less than 20 km depth show strike-slip and reverse fault types. We also relocated 381 earthquake hypocenters which were routinely determined by ISV from October 1996 to December 2000. According to the relocated hypocenter distribution, a high seismic zone is shown in the western part of mainland with about 50km wide along a north-south direction. On the other hand, the eastern part of mainland is strongly characterized as aseismic zone. The boundary between the seismic and aseismic zones corresponds to the geological boundary between Kamuikotan metamorphic belt and Hidaka belt.
実森 正子
動物心理学研究 (ISSN:09168419)
vol.59, no.1, pp.37-45, 2009 (Released:2009-07-28)

Dogs have shared a common environment and similar selective pressures with humans through the time of domestication. About 60 years ago, Lorenz (1949) proposed that in many ways dogs are possibly more human-like than any other animals, including nonhuman primates. Only recently, however, scientific studies have evinced the specialized social skills of dogs. The relationships between humans and domestic dogs have deepened and changed, which highlighted or rather increased practical and ethical problems on the relationship between these two species. Some dogs are considered as members of the family, while some others are ill-treated and abandoned due to their behavior problems. In an attempt to examine how animal psychology can contribute to the dog-human relationship in modern society, this article reviews the application of behavior technology to behavior problems of dogs, the problems arising from the massive disparities in the treatment of dogs, and the view and traditional attitude towards animals in the theories of animal ethics.