4 0 0 0 武道日本

森川哲郎 [編]
vol.[上], 1964
水野 史人 秋田 利明 森岡 浩一 三上 直宣 野口 康久 小畑 貴司 四方 裕夫
特定非営利活動法人 日本心臓血管外科学会
日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:02851474)
vol.42, no.5, pp.395-398, 2013-09-15 (Released:2013-10-16)

症例は31歳,女性.胸痛,呼吸苦を主訴に来院,右房内腫瘍を認め,循環器内科入院となった.入院後,心タンポナーデとなり,心嚢ドレナージを施行された.上大静脈の高度狭窄および三尖弁への腫瘍の嵌頓が危惧され,組織診断未定のまま準緊急的に右房亜全摘および上大静脈切除,Xenomedica patchによる右房再建,人工血管による上大静脈再建を行った.病理所見は血管肉腫であった.心臓原発血管肉腫は稀な腫瘍であり,生存期間4~9カ月と予後不良であるが,本症例では手術を行うことでいったん退院でき,術後約5カ月間の生存期間を得ることができたので報告する.
立入 久和 森原 徹 仲川 春彦 木田 圭重 祐成 毅 堀井 基行 久保 俊一 三浦 雄一郎 福島 秀晃 黒川 正夫
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.35, no.3, pp.719-722, 2011 (Released:2011-12-21)

Shrug exercise, which is one of the treatments for stiff shoulder and rotator cuff tear, is commonly performed. This exercise is also performed to relax the shoulder after surgery for rotator cuff repair. The effectiveness of shrug exercise for the rotator cuff has not been analyzed. The purpose of this study was to analyze the shrug exercise and to evaluate the usefulness of the shrug. Five asymptomatic male volunteers who had no history of shoulder abnormalities were examined. SSP (supraspinatus) muscle was measured by fine-wire electrodes and ISP (infraspinatus) muscle was measured by surface electrodes. At the time of non-shrug (group N) and shrug (group S), %MVC (maximal voluntary contraction) was calculated in the position of 0, 30, 60, 90 degrees flexion. %MVC of SSP in the position of 0,30,60,90 degrees flexion were 2,8,13,15% in group N, and 32,35,23,32% in group S. %MVC of SSP were increased at each angle. %MVC of ISP were 6,16,25,38% in group N, and 10,17,25,42% in group S. It has been reported that %MVC over 20% is high activity. %MVC of SSP showed over 20% at shrug position in this study, which was considered that shrug motion caused eccentric contraction of SSP muscle with the scapula elevating. From this study, it is considered that shrug excise is useful for cuff training, but may be overloaded on SSP in the early stage after surgery.
森川 鐵朗 西山 保子 Tetsuo Morikawa Yasuko Nishiyama
上越教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09158162)
vol.17, no.1, pp.365-375, 1997-09

山室 匡史 岡田 侑己 瀬川 尋貴 桑山 健次 辻川 健治 金森 達之 岩田 祐子
日本法科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:18801323)
vol.27, no.1, pp.73-83, 2022 (Released:2022-01-31)

In Japan, possession of germinable cannabis seeds for cultivation purposes is subject to prosecution. Cannabis seeds are marketed after being treated to prevent germination (heated or crushed). Currently, forensic examination of cannabis seeds is conducted by cultivating the seeds after germination tests for several weeks and then performing morphological observation and chemical analysis on the true leaves. In this study, we attempted to construct a rapid and simple method for the identification of cannabis seeds by combining the color reaction using 2,3,5-Triphenyl-2H-tetrazolium Chloride (TTC), a reagent that discriminates between living and dead cells, and DNA testing using a commercially available simple kit. The color reaction using TTC can determine the viability of peeled embryos within 20 min at 45 ℃ as previously reported. This method is effective for quickly determining whether a seed has been heat-treated or not. However, in the color reaction, a commercial health food seed that claimed to be unheated showed some coloration. This sample had been crushed to prevent germination and was easily identified as non-germinable by morphological examination. After the color reaction, the embryos could be directly used for DNA extraction without washing, and the DNA testing could be carried out in about 2 hours by following the instruction manual of the kit. By following the above procedure, it was possible to identify in one day whether a seed was a germinable cannabis or not, without the need to cultivate the plant. This method is expected to make a significant contribution to improving the efficiency of cannabis seed analysis.

4 0 0 0 OA 青森県史

青森県 編
vol.第6卷, 1926
森田 のり子
映像学 (ISSN:02860279)
vol.104, pp.198-218, 2020-07-25 (Released:2020-08-25)

本論はアジア・太平洋戦争期の日本において、それまで左翼思想を背景とした記録映画の表現方法に取り組んできた作り手らが、戦時国策プロパガンダの要請に対して自らの議論と製作実践をどのように変容させていったのかという問題を、「主観」的表現という論点に着目して考察するものである。具体的な対象として、当時国内最大のドキュメンタリー映像分野の国策映画製作会社であった、日本映画社の撮影技師・坂斎小一郎と演出家・桑野茂の両活動に照準する。まず、1940年代初頭までに記録映画の表現における「主観」「客観」の関係性をめぐる議論と実践が充実していたことを確認した上で、アジア・太平洋戦争期になると国民としての「主観」を持つ「戦記映画」が求められていったことを論じる。こうした状況のなかで、『陸軍航空戦記 ビルマ篇』(1943)の撮影を担った坂斎は戦地の現実に向き合うこと自体に積極的意義を見いだしたものの、完成作品はその認識とギャップを呈していた。一方、『基地の建設』(1943)の演出を担った桑野は、戦争当事者の立場で想定したような現実に対面できなかったことで、結果的に自らの認識を生かした作品を手がけることとなった。それぞれの条件の下で異なる展開をたどりながら、両者とも表現する主体としての「作家」であろうとする問題意識に基づき、自らの左翼思想によって培った「主観」と戦時国家に要請される「主観」とを接続しようと試みたことを明らかにする。
森下 正明
一般社団法人 日本生態学会
日本生態学会誌 (ISSN:00215007)
vol.4, no.2, pp.71-79, 1954-07-31 (Released:2017-04-07)

1. The relations between the population densities and the rates of dispersion in the experimental populations of the ant-lion and some other insects were examined. 2. For the observation of dispersion of the ant-lion, soil was spread uniformly on the floor, covering the area of 120cm×120cm with the thickness of 2cm on which the individuals were liberated. 3. Two types of behavior of the ant-lion on the experimental field were seen ; one is the normal type, the individuals of which usually make their pits at short distances from the released point when the population density is low, and the other the "unstable" type, in which the individual pit-formation takes place after migration over long distances even in low density. A remarkable increase in the number of unstable individuals was seen when food was not supplied for two or more weeks. 4. When the normal individuals are released in the centre of the field, the rate of dispersion increases with the increase of initial number of individuals. The following equation which relation agrees well with the empirical data : [numerical formula] where y is the number of individuals found in the area S, and N the individuals introduced initially, while b and c are constants. 5. To indicate the degree of population pressure which accelerates the dispersion, an index P was proposed, which is calculated by [numerical formula] 6. Using the data obtained by KONO (1952) with the rice-weevil (Calandra oryzae) and by WATANABE et al. (1952) with the azuki-bean weevil (Callosobruchus chinensis), the change of the dispersion rate with the elapse of time was examined. As the result, it was found that this change is related to the change of the value of c in the equation (1), the relation being as : [numerical formula] where t is the time, and u, v are constants. Thus, the equation of the "density-time-area dispersion curve" is given as : [numerical formula] 7. The change of dispersion rate when the dispersion is disturbed by a barrier was also studied experimentally using the ant-lion. The result showed that the decrease of dispersion rate caused by the barrier is expressed by the increase of the value of c when t→∞. Thus, the degree of barrier effect to the spatial distribution can be represented by the index α, the value of which is given by [numerical formula] where u_1 is the value of u when the barrier exists, and u_0 is the value when no barrier exists. Similarly, the degree of barrier effect to the velocity of dispersion may be represented by the index β, the value of which is given by [numerical formula] 8. By comparing the values of P of three species of insect, it was shown that, the population pressure in unit area is largest in the ant-lion, and smallest in the rice-weevil, while it is intermediate in the azuki-bean weevil, when the population densities are equal to one another.
高森 順子 諏訪 晃一
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
vol.54, no.1, pp.25-39, 2014 (Released:2014-08-29)
