河野 哲也 福島 千鶴 松瀬 厚人 土田 朋子 尾長谷 靖

河野 哲子 Kono Tetsuko
IVY (ISSN:09142266)
vol.51, pp.1-26, 2018-11-30

Christopher Nolan is a master of puzzling narrative films including Memento, The Dark Knight, and Interstellar, among his many other blockbusters. In 2017, he released Dunkirk, his first war film, which he defines as a survival story. This article examines the film’s complicated narrative, with special focus on Mr. Dawson as a key person. It also analyzes the film’s kinesthetically affective style, to pin down its stylistic and aesthetic qualities and explore their possible function of establishing the audience’s reception of memories of the historical evacuation of Dunkirk in the early days of the Second World War. The world of Dunkirk can be broken into three areas, the land (which is in fact “the mole”), the sea, and the sky. Each of them, however, has a different time span, one week, one day, and one hour, respectively. They intertwine alternately to compose the whole puzzling sequence. This hectic time scheme is one of the most idiosyncratic features of Dunkirk, preventing the chronological flow of the story, and demanding the audience’s repeated viewing for understanding. From a narratological viewpoint, Nolan’s Dunkirk can be said to have a touch of “puzzle films”, as exemplified by Warren Buckland, with its contingencies and deceptions brought by frantic but strategic cuts in the film. If what happens on Dawson’s boat is rearranged chronologically with some twists in the film sorted out, the symbolic meaning of his existence will emerge as a hub to hold the whole narrative of Dunkirk. His emblematic predominance is aptly and necessarily contrived because the original historical facts of Dunkirk are mainly related to the miracle of “little boats”. Among the main characters in the film, only Dawson is given background information, especially that his eldest son died serving as an RAF pilot, and his discernment is delineated as influenced by the aftermath of the Great War. Dawson is assigned to function as a hinge to link two generations together, as well as to unify the people contingently meeting in Dunkirk. As for its aesthetic style, there are three aspects of note in Dunkirk. First, its depiction of explosion and firefight is sometimes so excessive that vibrations are felt in the theater seats. Its effect is greatly enhanced by the IMAX projecting system, which Nolan strongly recommends. With its spectacular stimulation, Dunkirk offers genuinely sensual or physical sensation and shock for pleasure, in which case the audience is exempted from moral impropriety in appreciating the expression of violence. Nolan’s Dunkirk is greatly dependent on this kind of kinesthetic pleasure, traced in the early cinema of attractions and explained originally by Tom Gunning. The near absence of German soldiers as the second stylistic feature of Dunkirk is effective in suppressing inappropriate excitement and agitation on the side of the audience. The ethical conundrum for the audience, usually brought about by the dichotomy of “friend or foe” or “us or them” in the framework of a war story, is prevented mainly with actual German soldiers being obscured in Dunkirk. The third feature is concerned with the beauty and cleanliness predominant throughout the whole story of Dunkirk . The soldiers fatally shot just fall down without much bloodshed and their dying process is not depicted in detail. This is completely different from depictions in Saving Private Ryan and The Thin Red Line. Especially in Saving Private Ryan the brutally wounded soldiers have their intestines exposed or their arms and legs mutilated. The body of the audience and that of wounded soldiers in the films are closely linked in the sense that they are so vulnerable to violence and brutality of war. The excessive aesthetic quality in Dunkirk, however, has the effect of covering up the crude essence of war inflicting brutal damage to the human body. This kind of concealment or suppression is relevant to the aestheticization of war that could be politically abused, dependent on the situation. This seems to be the only crucial moral hazard potentially contained in Dunkirk. Since the 50’s, the film industry has seriously declined in the United Kingdom. A spectacle film featuring Dunkirk evacuation would be impossible without financing from an American film company which trusts Nolan’s potential for making successful films. This background may have certain influence on the content and style of the film, which was intended to be received by as large an audience as possible. In addition to those stylistic features mentioned above, another characteristic should be referred to as an effective factor for making the film agreeable. The mode of narration in Dunkirk is not thrusting, far less thrusting than in Saving Private Ryan and The Thin Red Line, at least. The historical story of cooperation by English people may be amazing, but the message from the story is open to interpretation and acceptance on the side of the audience. Viewed in an IMAX theater, Dunkirk will provide its full kinesthetic and aesthetic impact to the audience. On tablets and other small devices, however, it will tell another story, which is enclosed in its complicated and intense narrative-- the story of a father who tries to save as many young soldiers as possible, feeling deeply remorseful for his generation starting the war and his own son getting killed in it.
河野 哲宏

元資料の権利情報 : この資料の著作権は、資料の著作者または学校法人中央大学に帰属します。著作権法が定める私的利用・引用を超える使用を希望される場合には、公開者へお問い合わせください。
河野 哲郎 松浦 講平 本田 律生 西村 弘 田中 信幸 岡村 均
一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会
日本内分泌学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290661)
vol.68, no.11, pp.1188-1196, 1992-11-20 (Released:2012-09-24)

To investigate the usefulness of a semi-quantitative assay of urinary luteinizing hormone (LH) for predicting ovulation, the relationship among urinary LH, serum LH, serum estradiol (E2) and ultrasonographic observations of follicles were examined in 32 infertile women (35 cycles) at spontaneous (7), clomiphene (13) or cyclofenil (3) induced or hMG (12) induced cycles. Their urine samples were collected 3 times a day for LH assay, starting from about the 10th cycle day or when follicles having a diameter of 10mm or more were detected to the day of ultrasonographical confirmation of follicle ruptures. In the morning on these days, blood was taken twice daily for LH and E2 determination at intervals of 30 min. In spontaneous cycles, urinary LH was (P<0.001) correlated to a significant extent with the serum LH and E2 levels, and follicle rupture was observed 1.9 days after the urine LH surge. In contrast, there was no significant correlation between the urine LH and serum LH or E2 levels in the ovulation induced cycles. In addition, the period from urine LH positive to follicle rupture was significantly (P<0.05) prolonged in those cycles compared with that in spontaneous cycles. These results suggested that the urine LH determination was good for predicting ovulation in spontaneous cycles, but it was also necessary to monitor the follicle sizes by ultrasonography in ovulation induced cycles.
能川 元一 河野 哲也 中村 雅之 信原 幸弘

河野 哲夫
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
テレビジョン (ISSN:18849644)
vol.14, no.11, pp.507-513, 1960-11-01 (Released:2011-03-14)

対流圏散乱によるテレビの遠距離伝送の要求に際し, 散乱波のような多重路伝播によって, テレビの広帯域情報をひずみなく伝送することが, 果してどの程度まで可能であろうか, という疑問が生ずる.この伝播様式の欠点の一つである非常に大きな伝送損失は, 将来大電力送信と低雑音受信の技術が発達すれば, ある程度補償される可能性は多いが, 伝送可能帯域幅を十分広くとれないという欠点は将来ともかなり厄介な問題として残されると思う.そこで本文では実験用の散乱回線について伝送可能帯域幅を測定した結果と, その改善対策について述べ, 一方この回線で行なったテレビ伝送の予備試験の概況を報告してある.
河野 哲也 今 尚之 佐藤 馨一
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木史研究 (ISSN:09167293)
vol.17, pp.207-214, 1997-06-05 (Released:2010-06-15)

This paper make it clear that the two truss girders across the Daiya river were constructed across the Horomui river and across the Ikusyunbetsu river by Horonai railway in 1884-1885. We discovered unknown pictures of them taken in Meiji era and found that they have same shapes as the truss girders across the Daiya. We investigated official documents of Horonai railway to find out their date of construction and their specification. And we evaluate the value of them from a view point of civil engineering archaeology.
村田 純一 河野 哲也 染谷 昌義 池上 高志 長滝 祥司 吉澤 望 石原 孝二 柳澤 田実 佐々木 正人 三嶋 博之 工藤 和俊 柴田 崇 丸山 慎

和泉 ちえ 森 一郎 飯田 隆 小手川 正二郎 秋葉 剛史 河野 哲也 笠木 雅史 池田 喬 鈴木 伸国 村上 祐子 大河内 泰樹 佐藤 靜 加藤 泰史 吉原 雅子 小島 優子 菅原 裕輝

1.男女共同参画推進および若手研究者支援に関して先駆的取り組みを展開している英国哲学会理事のJoe Morrison博士を日本に招聘し,第76回日本哲学会大会ワークショップ「どう変わる!日本哲学会」(2017年5月21日,於・一橋大学)において啓発的な講演と率直な議論を重ねる機会を企画実践した。またMorrison博士によるレクチャーは,千葉大学,東北大学,京都大学においても開催され,幅広い層の研究者たちと共に議論を深めることができた。特に男女共同参画を確実に実践するために英国哲学会が策定した「Good Practice Scheme」について哲学的視点に基づく論拠をMorrison博士を交えて再検討する機会を得たことは有意義であった。日本の哲学分野における男女共同参画および若手研究者支援に関して,今後も英国哲学会と緊密に連絡を取り合いながら積極的に推進する方針が確認された。2.哲学分野で活動する若手研究者を対象に実施した大規模アンケート結果を分析・公表すると共に,諸方策について提言をとりまとめた。3.日本学術会議総合ジェンダー分科会と協力しながら,日本哲学会大会の時機に合わせた人文・社会科学系学協会男女共同推進連絡会の正式発足会合に向けて実質的な貢献を積み重ねた。また日本学術会議公開シンポジウムにおいても哲学分野における男女共同参画推進・若手研究者支援の取り組みについて報告と提案を行った。4.国際会議「ジェンダー研究と哲学史」(於・一橋大学)を共催開催した。5.若手研究者を対象にした査読論文指導ワークショップを開催した(於・立教大学)。6.日本全国の諸大学における哲学分野の専任教員ポストに関して調査を行った。7.日本哲学会の機関誌『哲学』第69号特別企画「ハラスメントとは何か?ー哲学・倫理学からのアプローチ」を取りまとめ諸論点を提起した。
河野 哲也 永田 茂 小島 清嗣 北野 哲司 河合 亜紀
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
地震工学研究発表会講演論文集 (ISSN:18848435)
vol.25, pp.129-132, 1999

名古屋周辺では, 都市ガスの供給における地震時緊急対応を目的として約100台の地震計 (SIセンサー) が高密度に設置され, 地震動分布や被害評価に活用されている.本報告では, <I>Kriging</I> 法を用いた地震動分布推定への適用を前提として, 高密度地震観測網で観測された愛知県東部地震, 岐阜県美濃中西部地震の最大加速度とSI値の観測記録を基に, これらの距離相関特性について検討を行った.さらに, 評価された距離相関モデルをもとに<I>Kriging</I>法により地震動分布予測を行い, 他の機関によって観測された最大加速度やSI値との比較から推定精度に関する検討を行った.
重松 孝昌 河野 哲也
公益社団法人 土木学会
海岸工学論文集 (ISSN:09167897)
vol.53, pp.136-140, 2006-10-10 (Released:2010-06-04)
2 1

土砂粒子群が水中を運動する際に誘起される水面波の諸特性およびその生成過程を解明するために, 水理模型実験を行った. 水深, 斜面角度, 粒子量, 粒子の初期位置をパラメトリックに変えて実験を行い, 発生波の波高および周期の推定式を誘導した. また, 流跡線連結法なる新たな画像計測アルゴリズムを開発して高濃度固液混相流場における流体運動の計測手法を提案し, その有用性を示すとともに, 水面波の生成過程における流体と粒子群の運動の詳細について検討した.
河野 哲也
The Philosophy of Science Society, Japan
科学哲学 (ISSN:02893428)
vol.52, no.2, pp.1-19, 2020-03-30 (Released:2020-07-03)

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the essential features of psychological categories used in the mind sciences such as psychology, cognitive science, and neuroscience from the perspective of theoretical psychology. I shall focus especially on the category of “emotion”. Firstly, I shall examine how psychology and philosophy have categorized emotions in referring to the history of philosophy and psychology and demonstrate that psychological categorization in general is laden with practical and social meanings. I shall proceed to highlight the problems regarding psychological methodology and basic theoretical assumptions, assumptions that are modeled on physical science, resulting in a de-contextualization and de-temporalization. In conclusion, I shall propose some possible solutions to overcome these problems in the mind sciences.
河野 哲
日本応用動物昆虫学会誌 (ISSN:00214914)
vol.33, no.3, pp.128-133, 1989-08-25
1 33

ポット植えしたダイズに3種のカメムシを放飼し,放飼時のカメムシの齢期と被害,放飼時のダイズの生育期と被害,カメムシの種類と被害などの関係,さらに品質・収量への影響について検討した。<br>1) ホソヘリカメムシによる被害粒率は,1・2齢ではごくわずかであったが,3齢になると急増し,雌成虫が最大となった。被害程度の重い子実の占める割合の高いのは,4齢,雌成虫,雄成虫であり,3齢以下の幼虫ではその割合は低かった。<br>2) ホソヘリカメムシならびにイチモンジカメムシによるダイズ子実の吸汁被害は,莢伸長中期∼子実肥大初期が最も大きく,それ以降は子実の肥大ならびに硬化にともなって減少した。<br>3) ホソヘリカメムシの雌成虫による被害粒率はブチヒゲカメムシより高かったが,雌雄の平均で比較すると両種の被害粒率はほぼ同じであった。被害程度の大きい子実はホソヘリカメムシのほうがブチヒゲカメムシより多く,イチモンジカメムシによる被害は,子実肥大初期以外ではホソヘリカメムシとほぼ同じであった。<br>4) 1日1頭当り加害粒数は,ホソヘリカメムシの発育態では,雌成虫(2.07個)が,ダイズの生育期では莢伸長中期(雌雄込みにして1.7個)が最大であった。ブチヒゲカメムシは子実肥大初期には1日1頭当り雌雄とも約1個の加害能力があった。<br>5) ホソヘリカメムシによる莢伸長中期の加害が収量に最も強く影響し,28.1%の減収となったが,品質においては,その時期よりもやや莢の発達した子実肥大初期の影響が大きい傾向がみられた。
河野 哲子 Kono Tetsuko
IVY (ISSN:09142266)
no.51, pp.1-26, 2018-11-30

Christopher Nolan is a master of puzzling narrative films including Memento, The Dark Knight, and Interstellar, among his many other blockbusters. In 2017, he released Dunkirk, his first war film, which he defines as a survival story. This article examines the film's complicated narrative, with special focus on Mr. Dawson as a key person. It also analyzes the film's kinesthetically affective style, to pin down its stylistic and aesthetic qualities and explore their possible function of establishing the audience's reception of memories of the historical evacuation of Dunkirk in the early days of the Second World War. The world of Dunkirk can be broken into three areas, the land (which is in fact "the mole"), the sea, and the sky. Each of them, however, has a different time span, one week, one day, and one hour, respectively. They intertwine alternately to compose the whole puzzling sequence. This hectic time scheme is one of the most idiosyncratic features of Dunkirk, preventing the chronological flow of the story, and demanding the audience's repeated viewing for understanding. From a narratological viewpoint, Nolan's Dunkirk can be said to have a touch of "puzzle films", as exemplified by Warren Buckland, with its contingencies and deceptions brought by frantic but strategic cuts in the film. If what happens on Dawson's boat is rearranged chronologically with some twists in the film sorted out, the symbolic meaning of his existence will emerge as a hub to hold the whole narrative of Dunkirk. His emblematic predominance is aptly and necessarily contrived because the original historical facts of Dunkirk are mainly related to the miracle of "little boats". Among the main characters in the film, only Dawson is given background information, especially that his eldest son died serving as an RAF pilot, and his discernment is delineated as influenced by the aftermath of the Great War. Dawson is assigned to function as a hinge to link two generations together, as well as to unify the people contingently meeting in Dunkirk. As for its aesthetic style, there are three aspects of note in Dunkirk. First, its depiction of explosion and firefight is sometimes so excessive that vibrations are felt in the theater seats. Its effect is greatly enhanced by the IMAX projecting system, which Nolan strongly recommends. With its spectacular stimulation, Dunkirk offers genuinely sensual or physical sensation and shock for pleasure, in which case the audience is exempted from moral impropriety in appreciating the expression of violence. Nolan's Dunkirk is greatly dependent on this kind of kinesthetic pleasure, traced in the early cinema of attractions and explained originally by Tom Gunning. The near absence of German soldiers as the second stylistic feature of Dunkirk is effective in suppressing inappropriate excitement and agitation on the side of the audience. The ethical conundrum for the audience, usually brought about by the dichotomy of "friend or foe" or "us or them" in the framework of a war story, is prevented mainly with actual German soldiers being obscured in Dunkirk. The third feature is concerned with the beauty and cleanliness predominant throughout the whole story of Dunkirk . The soldiers fatally shot just fall down without much bloodshed and their dying process is not depicted in detail. This is completely different from depictions in Saving Private Ryan and The Thin Red Line. Especially in Saving Private Ryan the brutally wounded soldiers have their intestines exposed or their arms and legs mutilated. The body of the audience and that of wounded soldiers in the films are closely linked in the sense that they are so vulnerable to violence and brutality of war. The excessive aesthetic quality in Dunkirk, however, has the effect of covering up the crude essence of war inflicting brutal damage to the human body. This kind of concealment or suppression is relevant to the aestheticization of war that could be politically abused, dependent on the situation. This seems to be the only crucial moral hazard potentially contained in Dunkirk. Since the 50's, the film industry has seriously declined in the United Kingdom. A spectacle film featuring Dunkirk evacuation would be impossible without financing from an American film company which trusts Nolan's potential for making successful films. This background may have certain influence on the content and style of the film, which was intended to be received by as large an audience as possible. In addition to those stylistic features mentioned above, another characteristic should be referred to as an effective factor for making the film agreeable. The mode of narration in Dunkirk is not thrusting, far less thrusting than in Saving Private Ryan and The Thin Red Line, at least. The historical story of cooperation by English people may be amazing, but the message from the story is open to interpretation and acceptance on the side of the audience. Viewed in an IMAX theater, Dunkirk will provide its full kinesthetic and aesthetic impact to the audience. On tablets and other small devices, however, it will tell another story, which is enclosed in its complicated and intense narrative-- the story of a father who tries to save as many young soldiers as possible, feeling deeply remorseful for his generation starting the war and his own son getting killed in it.