萬 礼応 谷川 あゆみ 高橋 正樹
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
Dynamics & Design Conference
vol.2017, 2017

In this paper, dual-task performance assessment robot (DAR) using projection is developed. Falling is a common problem in the growing elderly population. Fall-risk assessment systems have proven to be helpful in community-based fall prevention programs. One of the risk factors of falling is the deterioration of a person’s dual-task performance. For example, gait training, which enhances both motor and cognitive functions, is a multi-target stepping task (MTST), in which participants step on assigned colored targets. To evaluate the dual-task performance during MTST in human living space, projection mapping and robot navigation to maintain a safe distance from the participant are key technologies. Projection mapping is used to evaluate the long-distance dual-task performance, where MTST target images are displayed on the floor by the moving DAR. To evaluate the accuracy of the projected target position, experiments for MTST target projection using the moving DAR and video analysis are carried out. Additionally, to verify the validity of the MTST by the moving DAR at a constant speed, experiments with several young participants are carried out.
安井 真也 高橋 正樹 石原 和弘 味喜 大介
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.52, no.3, pp.161-186, 2007-06-29 (Released:2017-03-20)

The 1914-1915 Sakurajima eruption was the largest eruption in Japan in the 20th century and erupted andesitic magma was about 1.5km3 DRE (Dense Rock Equivalent) in volume. Pumice fall and lava flows were generated from the fissure vents on the western and the eastern flanks of the volcano and pyroclastic cones were formed around the vents. Eruptive style changed with time. It is divided into three stages. After the initial, vigorous, Plinian eruption of about 36 hours (Stage 1), extrusion of lava associated with intermittent ash-emitting eruptions with or without detonations lasted for about 20 days on both sides (Stage 2), followed by an outflow of lava for more than 1.5 years on the eastern side (Stage 3). Consequently, the vast lava fields, which consist of a number of flow units formed on both sides of the volcano. Some units of lava show evidence of welded pyroclastic origin, suggesting clastogenic lava. In the western lava field, surface blocks characteristically consist of pyroclastic materials which show variable degrees of welding even within a single block. Typical eutaxitic textures and abundant broken crystals are also recognized under the microscope. Some flow units can be traced upstream to a pyroclastic cone. These features indicate that many flow units of lava on the western flank are clastogenic, which were generated by the initial, Plinian eruption of Stage 1. In the eastern lava field, evidence of pyroclastic origin is rarely discernable. However, the content of broken crystals varies widely from 20% to 80% in volume. Most lava flows, which were erupted in Stage 2 associated with frequent ash-emitting eruptions, contain broken crystals more or less than 50%. This fact indicates that magma in the conduit experienced repetitive fragmentation and coalescence due to intermittent explosions prior to outflow. Lava flows of Stage 3 contain much smaller amounts of broken crystals indicating gentle outflow of coherent lava. Relatively large-scale lava deltas developed toward the sea in the eastern lava field. Eyewitness account at that time reports that ocean entry of lava from several points started several months after the beginning of Stage 3. Although small-scale breakouts formed at the flow fronts of some lava on both sides, a large volume of the deltas can not be accounted for by secondary breakouts of ponded lava within the precedent flow lobes. It is considered that lava tube system fed lava to form the lava deltas.
萬 礼応 青山 朋樹 福本 貴彦 森口 智規 高橋 正樹
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.855, pp.17-00223-17-00223, 2017 (Released:2017-11-25)

Gait measurements and physical fitness tests are carried out in the community health activities for health promotion and care prevention services in the growing elderly population. In particular, the timed up and go test (TUG) is the clinical test most often used to evaluate functional mobility in many clinical institutions or local communities. To evaluate the functional mobility during the TUG, a gait measurement system (Laser-TUG system) using a laser range sensor (LRS) has been proposed. The system tracks both legs and measures the foot contact positions to obtain walking parameters such as stride length and step length. To reduce the false tracking and improve the measurement accuracy during the turning phase of the TUG, a data association considering gait phase and a spline-based interpolation have been proposed. However, the false tracking is likely to be occurred in the elderly and the measurement accuracy during the turning phase is still deteriorated because of occlusion and inaccurate observation of legs. Therefore, this paper presents a high-accuracy gait measurement system using multiple LRSs. Using multiple LRSs is able to reduce the situation of leg occlusion. However, the measurement accuracy of leg position depends on the distance from the LRS. To improve the measurement accuracy, an integrated leg detection method by a weighted mean of the observation candidates from each LRS data based on the distance from the LRS is proposed. We confirm that the proposed leg detection method can improve the success rate of leg tracking in the elderly and measurement accuracy of the leg trajectory and walking parameters.
高橋 正樹
エアロゾル研究 (ISSN:09122834)
vol.27, no.3, pp.278-283, 2012

Super-eruption release voluminous sulfuric gas into the atmosphere, which produce a large amount of sulfuric acid aerosol in the stratosphere. The sulfuric acid aerosol reflects incoming solar radiation, giving rise to the rapid climatic cooling called the "volcanic winter" on the Earth's surface. The Toba super-eruption 74,000 years ago, the largest eruption in a million years on the Earth, erupted as much as 2,800 km<sup>3</sup> of felsic magma. The average global temperature is estimated to have lowered more than 10°C by the Toba super-eruption, which is inferred to have caused a severe bottleneck of the human population. Modern civilized human society will also suffer fatal damage by "volcanic winter", if a super-eruption were to occur today.<br>
鈴木 崇文 高橋 正樹
自動制御連合講演会講演論文集 第52回自動制御連合講演会
pp.203, 2009 (Released:2010-01-22)

浜口 斉周 宮崎 勝 藤沢 寛 西村 敏 木村 徹 大竹 剛 望月 貴裕 高橋 正樹 米倉 律 小川 浩司 東山 一郎
一般社団法人 経営情報学会
経営情報学会 全国研究発表大会要旨集 2010年秋季全国研究発表大会
pp.66, 2010 (Released:2010-11-15)

能美 亜衣 高橋 正樹
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.81, no.826, pp.14-00297-14-00297, 2015 (Released:2015-06-25)

This paper proposes a design method of the fault-tolerant attitude control system for spacecraft. In recent years, there has been requirement for accurate and agile attitude control of spacecraft. To meet this demand there has been an increasing use of Control Moment Gyros (CMGs), which can generate much higher torque than reaction wheels that are used as conventional spacecraft actuators. Furthermore, it is important for attitude control systems to be fault-tolerant. In a conventional 4 CMGs system, the CMGs are placed in a pyramid mounting arrangement with a skew angle set to 54.74 degree. The maximum angular momentum of the CMG system is changed according to the skew angle. A suitable skew angle should be designed to consider normal and failure situations. Moreover, the suitable parameters of spacecraft attitude and CMG control systems are changed according to the skew angle. In the proposed method, the skew angle and the parameters of the control system are tuned simultaneously using a genetic algorithm. To verify the fault-tolerance of the proposed method, numerical simulations for the case when one CMG has failed are carried out.
高橋 正樹
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.39, no.4, pp.191-206, 1994-09-20

Late Quaternary polygenetic volcanoes in Japanese islands can be classified into two types based on the distance of vent migration : the stable and unstable vent types. The eruptive center of unstable vent type has migrated longer distance (exceeding 1.5 km within 10,000 years) than that of the stable one. The stable vent type constructs a symmetrical cone, contrarily the unstable vent type shows an elongated cluster of small stratovolcanoes. The unstable vent type is generally present in the regional or local extensional stress field, because independent open fractures are easily developed under the extensional stress regime ; the occurence of each type also depends on the crustal strain rate and/or strength of the basement. The eruption rate of stable vent type is larger than that of the unstable one ; it is probably because the high efficiency of magma transport to the surface can be realized by the stable vent.
佐口 太一 吉田 和夫 高橋 正樹
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.73, no.731, pp.2036-2041, 2007-07-25
2 2

Bicycle is the unstable system in itself. Although there are two methods of steering a handle and moving a weight in order to make a bicycle stable, it is shown that the former is more effective than the latter. This study deals with modeling and stabilizing control problems of a two-wheel bicycle. In the modeling, wheels side slip is taken into consideration. In the control, an optimal feedback control for stable running control is obtained. An autonomous bicycle robot is further developed. As a result of experiment, it is shown that the bicycle robot is able to run straight and turn stably. The effectiveness of the two-wheel bicycle model and control law are demonstrated.
遠藤 邦彦 宮地 直道 高橋 正樹 山川 修治 中山 裕則 大野 希一

松浦 正孝 山室 信一 浜 由樹子 土屋 光芳 中島 岳志 高橋 正樹 宮城 大蔵 WOLFF David 大庭 三枝 吉澤 誠一郎 姜 東局 大賀 哲 酒井 哲哉 後藤 乾一 都丸 潤子 関根 政美 矢口 祐人 高原 明生 遠藤 乾 松本 佐保
