高橋 雅人
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
vol.17, pp.37-53, 2003-03-31

It is well known that Plato insists in the Books II-III of his Republic that guardians' education should be consisted of both music and gymnastics. While one of these, i. e. music (or poetry), is widely and thoroughly argued in this dialogue, the other, i. e. gymnastics, is much less discussed. However, this does not lead us to the conclusion that gymnastics is not so important for the education. In this paper I analyze 403c9-412bl of Republic III, 'the gymnastics part', with two purposes : first, to show the unity of 'the gymnastics part', which is at first sight seemed to have a digression ; second, to clarify the feature of gymnastics in Plato's educational system. Before analyzing 'the gymnastics part', I check how Plato uses the word 'rouvaotikn (gymnastics) in all of his dialogues. According to these data, when he argues art as itself (as in mainly Gorgias), he always treats gymnastics with medicine. On the other hand, when his concern is about the application of art (as in Republic and in Laws), Plato never discusses gymnastics without music. In the next section I propose the unity of 'the gymnastics part', which can be divided into three segments. This reading shows that the second segment (405al-410a6) is not digressive but significant for our understanding of Plato's treatment of gymnastics. The reason why he discusses medicine here is that gymnastics is important not only for childhood and youth but also for a person's whole life in order that one does not need physicians except unavoidable wounds or seasonal diseases. And Plato's critic against Herodicus, who mixed gymnastics with medicine, is to be linked with the final segment (410a7-412bl) in which he tells us that the mixture of gymnastics with music is good and desirable. In this blend the other and main purpose of gymnastics is newly uncovered. In the first segment (403c9-404e6) gymnastics is said to be for physical strength, but in the final it is declared to be for psychic harmony. The last section of my paper deals with the question how and by whom gymnastics can be mixed with music. That a 'philosopher' can mingle the two arts most befittingly with his wisdom is my answer.
石橋 理恵子 丸山 千寿子 田中 利枝 南 昌江 島田 朗 内潟 安子 黒田 暁生 横野 浩一 筒井 理裕 目黒 周 小山 一憲 大村 栄治 清水 一紀 高橋 和眞 中村 佳子 益子 茂 丸山 太郎
糖尿病 = JOurnal of the Japan Diabetes Society (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.48, no.3, pp.189-195, 2005-03-30

1型糖尿病患者の治療および, 食生活の実態を明らかにすることを目的に調査を行った. 糖尿病専門医14名に計463部の調査票を配布し, 外来時に1型糖尿病患者に渡してもらい, 留め置き法で回収者に直接郵送してもらった (回収率54.4%). コントロールとして, 健常者166名に食生活習慣調査を実施した. 健常者に比べ, 1型糖尿病患者は望ましい食生活習慣が形成されていたが, 食事にストレスを感じる者が多かった. さらに, 1型糖尿病患者を食事療法実践意識により4群に分類したところ, 食事療法実践意識が高い者は他群に比較して有意にカロリーに配慮する者が多く, 野菜摂取量も多く, 海藻や果物, 低脂肪乳摂取頻度も高かったことから, 食事療法を遵守していると考えられた. しかし, 食事療法実践意識によりHbA<sub>1</sub>cや低血糖回数に差はみられず, 1型糖尿病の食事療法の教育内容を検討しなおし, ストレス軽減に考慮した栄養教育を展開していく必要があると思われた.
前田 辰昭 高橋 豊美 上野 元一
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.47, no.6, pp.741-746, 1981
2 7 7

Once a month from February 1974 to February 1975, adult Alaska pollack <i>Theragra chalcogramma</i> (PALLAS) were caught by bottom gill nets at four definite stations in the adjacent waters of the Funka Bay, Hokkaido. The authors examined several biological factors of the Alaska pollack, density of the fish shoal, and distribution fo the eggs. As a result, the annual life cycle of the adult Alaska pollack from February 1974 to February 1975 was diveided into four periods as follows.<br> 1) Spawning period, judging from the value of gonad index and the maturation stage of the adult Alaska pollack, was from December to March, and the peak in the period was from December to February.<br> 2) Feeding period, judging from the value of feeding index, percentage of empty stomach and the value of liver index, was from May to October, and the peak was during July and August.<br> 3) As the transitional periods, the terms from the end of spawning period to the beginning of feeding period and from the end of feeding period to the beginnign of spawning period were assigned. The former was from the last of March to the last of April, and the latter was from the last of October to the last of November.
高橋 文徳
尚絅学園研究紀要. B, 自然科学編 (ISSN:18817386)
vol.1, pp.1-10, 2007-03

谷崎 勝朗 駒越 春樹 周藤 真康 大谷 純 多田 慎也 高橋 清 木村 郁郎
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
vol.35, no.1, pp.60-66, 1986

抗原およびcomp.48/80刺激時のラット腹腔肥満細胞の ^<45>Ca uptake, およびヒスタミン遊離に対するtranilastの抑制効果について検討を加えた.1.肥満細胞の^<45>Ca uptakeおよびヒスタミン遊離に対するtranilastの抑制効果は, preincubation time20分で最高となり, 以後preincubation timeが長くなるにつれて減弱する傾向がみられた.2.抗原刺激による肥満細胞の ^<45>Ca uptakeおよびヒスタミン遊離に対して, tranilastは濃度依存性の抑制効果を示した.その最高% inhibitonは ^<45>Ca uptakeに対しては42.0±3.3%, ヒスタミン遊離に対しては50.4%±1.9%であった.また抗原とphosphatidylserine(PS)の同時刺激時には, ^<45>Ca uptakeに対する抑制効果は減弱傾向を示したが, ヒスタミン遊離に対する効果はPS添加による影響をあまり受けなかった.3.comp.48/80刺激による肥満細胞の ^<45>Ca uptakeおよびヒスタミン遊離に対するtranilastの抑制効果は, 抗原刺激時に比べかなり弱いことが示された.
横山 裕 小野 英哲 稲垣 太郎 高橋 宏樹
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.60, no.478, pp.35-44, 1995
7 1

The change of evaluation of floor slipperiness resulted from the change of gait with aging was investigated in this paper. At first, we developped an outfitting equipment for the young to simulate geriatric gait. Secondly, the sensory test was carried out using young panels with and without the equipment. The psychological scale of evaluation relating to slipperiness of sample floors employed for the test was constructed. Then, C. S. R which was the physical value corresponding to slipperiness was measured using "O-Y Pull Slip Meter". Thirdly, based on the correlation between the psychological scale and C. S. R, the difference of the aged from the young in evaluating slipperiness was investigated.
高橋 周作 疋田 真一 笠井 健
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. MBE, MEとバイオサイバネティックス (ISSN:09135685)
vol.100, no.684, pp.61-68, 2001-03-14

頭部並進運動時の補償性眼球運動は Linear VOR(LVOR)と呼ばれている。頭部を正弦波状に往復運動させ、空間固定の視標を注視している最中に、この視標を消去し、これを想起させると眼球速度は急速に減少するものの、その速度の緩徐相成分は視標消去後10[sec]以内ではゼロにはならないことが報告されている。本実験の目的は、なぜこのようななめらかな眼球速度が残るのか、またどれくらいの間持続するのかを調べることである。スムーズパシュートのみでターゲットを注視し、これを消去すると、正弦波状の速度波形が見られたが、その速度は20[sec]以内でゼロになった。それに対してLVORでは視線を消去してから45[sec]経過した後でも眼球速度の緩徐相成分が残留することがわかった。この結果からスムーズパシュート系には連続的な運動を記憶する機構が存在するのではないかと考えられる。
重藤 えり子 佐藤 裕恵 重藤 紀和 鎌田 達 阿部 千代治 高橋 光良 森 亨
結核 (ISSN:00229776)
vol.70, no.5, pp.347-354, 1995

A twenty-four year old male Peruvian of Japanese origin, who came to Japan in September 1990 and had been working in a minor factory in a rural area, was admitted to a hospital in March '91 with severe cough. Smear examination of his sputum smear was positive for acid-fast bacilli and his chest X-ray showed multiple cavities (Index case). Subsequent contact examination identified further four patients with pulmonary tuber culosis among his colleagues in the factory, all of whom lived in the same house with the index case.<BR>During following three years, further six patients with mycobacteriosis, two Peruvians and four Japanese, were found among the employee of that factory. M. tuberculosis was cultured from the sputa obtained from seven of these eleven patients. Another patient was diagnosed as non-tuberculous mycobacteriosis.<BR>Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis carried out with five strains of M. tuberculosis isolated from these patients revealed the identical RFLP pattern which is uncommon in Japan. Still more, an isolate from another patient was subjected to RFLP analysis by chance, and was found to show the same RFLP pattern. Later epidemiological study revealed that the last patient, a 53 year-old saleswoman of boxlunch, might have some contact with the index case at her booth.<BR>Though RFLP analysis was not done for the isolate from the index case, from the identity of RFLP patterns of other isolates, clinical course and epidemiological study, it is considered that six patients were certainly, and two others were probably infected from the index case. One of the patients had a history of surgical treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis and, as RFLP analysis could not be carried out, it is not possible to determine whether his disease was due to reactivation or re-infection.<BR>Tuberculin skin test survey of 133 workers in the factory was carried out in March '91. The diameter of erythema showed bimodal distribution pattern for the Japanese workers. Considering that most of the young Japanese have been vaccinated with BCG, it is assumed that at least 40% (10/23) of Japanese workers younger than thirty years old were infected in this epidemic. All the Peruvians, who had not been vaccinated with BCG, showed positive reaction to PPD (mean diameter was 41.9mm) and were assumed to had been infected newly in this epidemics or in the past. Chemoprophylaxis were indicated for two young Peruvians only. Subsequent patients were diagnosed among the strong tuberculin reactors (For Japanese ≥50 mm, for Peruvians ≥30mm in diameter).<BR>Total delay in the diagnosis of the index case was considered to be about six months. Though he was coughing on his entrance to Japan on September '90, no reliable medical checkup was done until he was pointed out the abnormal findings on his chest X-ray image at a routine medical checkup in November '90. At that time he was recommended to go to some hospital or clinics, but he did not obey this recommendation promptly. Such a delay may cause this outbreak.
吉川 諒 中村 尚彦 高橋 直樹 浜 克己
函館工業高等専門学校紀要 (ISSN:02865491)
vol.44, pp.1-6, 2010

Recently, many researchers have developed rescue robots in order to assist rescue team by searching survivors in need of help. These robots actually can climb obstacles in broken houses or buildings such as stairs, wreckage. However, most of them require manual control for achieving the task. And this manual control requires operators from rescue team the mutual control for the robot. Because of the complicated control of robots, these robots are difficult to success in real fields. The goal of this research is to develop an uneven terrain rover without any manual control for climbing obstacles for searching survivors in need of help in broken houses or buildings. The rover which we are developing does not need any manual control for climbing obstacles such as stairs, wreckages and so on. In this paper, first, we propose an easy control uneven terrain rover. Then, possibilities/suitability of shrimp mechanism and triangle wheels for our rover are discussed, and, validity of shrimp mechanism and triangle wheels are shown by experimental results with small models. Finally, prototype of the rover is designed based on the experimental results and control system of the rover is also designed.
vol.41, pp.297-300, 1999
尾台 昌治 高橋 敏治 鈴木 伸明 加藤 聖哲 松本 英俊 高田 良三
家畜の管理 (ISSN:03888207)
vol.19, no.3, pp.68-73, 1984-02-27

ロ一夕リーミルキソグパーラーの合理的な使用法を確立する目的で試験を行なっているが, 今回はターンテーブルの回転速度を1.4,1.9,2.5m/分(1回転に要する時間はそれぞれ16分22秒, 13分55秒, 9分48秒), と極端におそくした場合に, 搾乳所要侍間・作業者の移動距離などがどのように変化するかを調査し, 次の結果を得た。1)搾乳所要時間は, ターンテーブルの回転速度が速くなるにしたがって短かくなり, 1.4m/分に比較して, 朝搾乳時は1.9m/分で13%, 2.5m/分では23%, 夕搾乳時では1.9m/分で15%, 2.5m/分では32%短縮した。回転速度は, 1.9m/分で21%, 2.5m/分で42%速くなったが, 搾乳所要時間の短縮とは一致しなかった。2)回転速度が速くなるにしたがって, 作業待ち, タールテーブル洗浄などの時間は減少したが, 他の直接搾乳に関係する作業時間は回転速度が変っても大きな影響は受けなかった。3)回転速度が速くなるにしたがって, 作業者の移動距離は長くなり, 1.4m/分に比べ夕搾乳では1.9m/分で20%, 2.5mでは27%, 朝搾乳時はそれぞれ24%, 36%増加した。4)乳の流出速度の遅い牛がいると, ターンテーブルの回転速度が速くなるにしたがって, ターンテーブルを停止する回数・時間が多くなるとともに, ミルカー離脱位置がパーラー全体に拡まり, 作業者の移動距離が長くなった。
高橋 弘太 蔦木 圭悟 吉原 亨
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NLC, 言語理解とコミュニケーション (ISSN:09135685)
vol.108, no.337, pp.227-232, 2008-12-02
