山本 啓二 Keiji Yamamoto 京都産業大学文化学部
京都産業大学総合学術研究所所報 (ISSN:13488465)
no.10, pp.49-57, 2015-07

Center for Academic Publications Japan
Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (ISSN:03014800)
vol.64, no.4, pp.301-304, 2018 (Released:2018-08-31)

Blackcurrants (Ribes nigrum L.) have various benefits for human health. In particular, a polysaccharide derived from blackcurrant was found to be an immunostimulating food ingredient in a mouse model. We named a polysaccharide derived from blackcurrant cassis polysaccharide (CAPS). In a previous clinical study, we reported that CAPS affects skin dehydration, demonstrating its effectiveness against skin inflammation was related to atopic dermatitis; skin inflammation caused skin dehydration. However, there are no studies regarding CAPS effectiveness against skin dehydration. The current study aimed to investigate CAPS effectiveness against skin dehydration. We further demonstrate the effect of oral administration of CAPS on skin dehydration caused by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation-induced inflammation in mice. We found that CAPS administration suppresses skin dehydration caused by UV irradiation. We also found that CAPS decreases interleukin-6 and matrix metalloproteinase transcription levels in the mouse skin. These results show that CAPS improves skin hydration in UV-irradiated mice.
Junkichi Kanda Nobuo Izumo Yoshiko Kobayashi Kenji Onodera Taketoshi Shimakura Noriaki Yamamoto Hideaki E. Takahashi Hiroyuki Wakabayashi
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:09186158)
vol.40, no.11, pp.1934-1940, 2017-11-01 (Released:2017-11-01)
1 24

Long-term treatment with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) is accompanied by reduced bone mass that is associated with an increased risk of bone fractures. Although phenytoin has been reported to adversely influence bone metabolism, little is known pertaining to more recent AEDs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of gabapentin or levetiracetam on bone strength, bone mass, and bone turnover in rats. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were orally administered phenytoin (20 mg/kg), gabapentin (30 or 150 mg/kg), or levetiracetam (50 or 200 mg/kg) daily for 12 weeks. Bone histomorphometric analysis of the tibia was performed and femoral bone strength was evaluated using a three-point bending method. Bone mineral density (BMD) of the femur and tibia was measured using quantitative computed tomography. Administration of phenytoin significantly decreased bone strength and BMD, which was associated with enhanced bone resorption. In contrast, treatment with gabapentin (150 mg/kg) significantly decreased bone volume and increased trabecular separation, as shown by bone histomorphometric analysis. Moreover, the bone formation parameters, osteoid volume and mineralizing surface, decreased after gabapentin treatment, whereas the bone resorption parameters, osteoclast surface and number, increased. Levetiracetam treatment did not affect bone strength, bone mass, and bone turnover. Our data suggested that gabapentin induced the rarefaction of cancellous bone, which was associated with decreased bone formation and enhanced bone resorption, and may affect bone strength and BMD after chronic exposure. To prevent the risk of bone fractures, patients prescribed a long-term administration of gabapentin should be regularly monitored for changes in bone mass.
Keisuke Kuwahara Toru Honda Tohru Nakagawa Shuichiro Yamamoto Takeshi Hayashi Tetsuya Mizoue
Japan Epidemiological Association
Journal of Epidemiology (ISSN:09175040)
vol.28, no.2, pp.94-98, 2018-02-05 (Released:2018-02-05)
6 11

Background: Data on the effect of physical activity intensity on depression is scarce. We investigated the prospective association between intensity of leisure-time exercise and risk of depressive symptoms among Japanese workers.Methods: The participants were 29,052 employees (24,653 men and 4,399 women) aged 20 to 64 years without psychiatric disease including depressive symptoms at health checkup in 2006–2007 and were followed up until 2014–2015. Details of leisure-time exercise were ascertained via a questionnaire. Depressive states were assessed using a 13-item questionnaire. Multivariable-adjusted hazard ratio of depressive symptoms was estimated using Cox regression analysis.Results: During a mean follow-up of 5.8 years with 168,203 person-years, 6,847 workers developed depressive symptoms. Compared with workers who engaged in no exercise during leisure-time (0 MET-hours per week), hazard ratios (95% confidence intervals) associated with >0 to <7.5, 7.5 to <15.0, and ≥15.0 MET-hours of leisure-time exercise were 0.88 (0.82–0.94), 0.85 (0.76–0.94), and 0.78 (0.68–0.88) among workers who engaged in moderate-intensity exercise alone; 0.93 (0.82–1.06), 0.82 (0.68–0.98), and 0.83 (0.71–0.98) among workers who engaged in vigorous-intensity exercise alone; and 0.96 (0.80–1.15), 0.80 (0.67–0.95), and 0.76 (0.66–0.87) among workers who engaged in both moderate- and vigorous-intensity exercise with adjustment for age, sex, lifestyles, work-related and socioeconomic factors, and body mass index. Additional adjustment for baseline depression score attenuated the inverse association, especially among those who engaged in moderate-intensity exercise alone.Conclusions: The results suggest that vigorous-intensity exercise alone or vigorous-intensity combined with moderate-intensity exercise would prevent depressive symptoms among Japanese workers.
Keiji Nakamura Satoshi Ide Sho Saito Noriko Kinoshita Satoshi Kutsuna Yuki Moriyama Tetsuya Suzuki Masayuki Ota Hidetoshi Nomoto Tetsuya Mizoue Masayuki Hojo Jin Takasaki Yusuke Asai Mari Terada Yutaro Akiyama Yusuke Miyazato Takato Nakamoto Yuji Wakimoto Mugen Ujiie Kei Yamamoto Masahiro Ishikane Shinichiro Morioka Kayoko Hayakawa Haruhito Sugiyama Norio Ohmagari
National Center for Global Health and Medicine
Global Health & Medicine (ISSN:24349186)
vol.2, no.3, pp.174-177, 2020-06-30 (Released:2020-07-04)

Since the initial report of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) from the City of Wuhan, China in December 2019, there have been multiple cases globally. Reported here are 11 cases of COVID-19 at this hospital; all of the patients in question presented with relative bradycardia. The severity of the disease was classified into four grades. Of the patients studied, 3 with mild COVID-19 and 3 with moderate COVID-19 improved spontaneously. Lopinavir/ritonavir was administered to 3 patients with severe COVID-19 and 2 with critical COVID-19. Both patients with critical COVID-19 required mechanical ventilation and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Both patients with critical COVID-19 had a higher fever that persisted for longer than patients with milder COVID-19. The respiratory status of patients with critical COVID-19 worsened rapidly 7 days after the onset of symptoms. Relative bradycardia may be useful in distinguishing between COVID-19 and bacterial community-acquired pneumonia. In patients who have had a fever for > 7 days, the condition might worsen suddenly.
片岡 龍峰 山本 和明 藤原 康徳 塩見 こずえ 國分 亙彦 Ryuho KATAOKA Kazuaki YAMAMOTO Yasunori FUJIWARA Kozue SHIOMI Nobuo KOKUBUN
総合研究大学院大学文化科学研究科 / 葉山町(神奈川県)
総研大文化科学研究 = Sokendai review of cultural and social studies (ISSN:1883096X)
no.16, pp.17-29, 2020-03

日本最古の天文現象の記録は、『日本書紀』巻二十二、推古二十八年十二月一日(西暦六二〇年十二月三十日)の條に記される「十二月庚寅朔、天有赤気。長一丈餘。形似雉尾」という一節である。「赤気」は、彗星の類と理解され、日本古典文学や歴史学などの研究では悪い兆候を示すもの、といった理解がなされてきた。その一方、地球物理学においては、オーロラと理解され、オーロラの最も早い事例としてこの『日本書紀』が位置づけられてきた経緯がある。今回の考察では、「赤気」だけではなく、文中の「雉尾」という言葉にも着目し、『日本書紀』諸本での記述を踏まえたうえで、扇形をした赤いオーロラが日本などの中緯度で観察されやすく、真夜中より前に見られ、かつ雉の尾に似た形状をし、「長一丈」に該当する角距離十度相当で見えるという最も構造が際立った形態であるということを、雉の生態など、鳥類学の研究も踏まえて明らかにした。文献学的な考察に加え、雉の生態や尾羽の特徴を理解する鳥類学、彗星に関する古天文学の知識も合わせて新たな考察を加えたことによって、『日本書紀』の編纂に当たった人々の記述に対する責任感や知性、私たち日本人のルーツとなった倭の人々の観察眼や感性を伺い知るうえで一定の視点を与えることに寄与しうるものである。The oldest record of an astronomical phenomenon in Japan was recorded in the Nihon-shoki as follows: "On December 30 in 620, a red sign appeared in heaven. The length was more than 1 jo (10 degrees). The shape was similar to a pheasant tail (Suiko-Tennou, 28)". The appearance of a red sign has been recognized as an expression of a bad omen in literature, while it has been interpreted as the northern lights in geophysics. First we examine the description of the pheasant tail in detail. We then introduce the latest scientific findings that the northern lights show a fan-shaped appearance with a red background when appearing over Japan. After showing that the fan-shape is similar to a pheasant tail, also pointing out the low possibility of comets, we conclude that the oldest record of the red sign is consistent with the appearance of the northern lights over Japan. We hope that this examination contributes to increasing awareness of the sensitivity of Japanese people 1400-years-ago who compared a beautiful behavior of birds with a magnificent and rare natural phenomenon.
Ko Yamamoto Hiroki Shiomi Takeshi Morimoto Hiroki Watanabe Akiyoshi Miyazawa Kyohei Yamaji Masanobu Ohya Sunao Nakamura Satoru Mitomo Satoru Suwa Takenori Domei Shojiro Tatsushima Koh Ono Hiroki Sakamoto Kiyotaka Shimamura Masataka Shigetoshi Ryoji Taniguchi Yuji Nishimoto Hideki Okayama Kensho Matsuda Kenji Nakatsuma Yohei Takayama Jun Kuribara Hidekuni Kirigaya Kohei Yoneda Yuta Imai Umihiko Kaneko Hiroshi Ueda Kota Komiyama Naotaka Okamoto Satoru Sasaki Kengo Tanabe Mitsuru Abe Kiyoshi Hibi Kazushige Kadota Kenji Ando Takeshi Kimura on behalf of the OPTIVUS-Complex PCI Investigators
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
pp.CJ-22-0837, (Released:2023-03-11)

Background: There is a paucity of data on the effect of optimal intravascular ultrasound (IVUS)-guided percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) compared with standard PCI or coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) in patients with multivessel disease.Methods and Results: The OPTIVUS-Complex PCI study multivessel cohort was a prospective multicenter single-arm study enrolling 1,021 patients undergoing multivessel PCI including the left anterior descending coronary artery using IVUS aiming to meet the prespecified criteria for optimal stent expansion. We conducted propensity score matching analyses between the OPTIVUS group and historical PCI or CABG control groups from the CREDO-Kyoto registry cohort-3 (1,565 and 899 patients) fulfilling the inclusion criteria for this study. The primary endpoint was a composite of death, myocardial infarction, stroke, or any coronary revascularization. In the propensity score-matched cohort (OPTIVUS vs. historical PCI control: 926 patients in each group; OPTIVUS vs. historical CABG control: 436 patients in each group), the cumulative 1-year incidence of the primary endpoint was significantly lower in the OPTIVUS group than in the historical PCI control group (10.4% vs. 23.3%; log-rank P<0.001) or the historical CABG control group (11.8% vs. 16.5%; log-rank P=0.02).Conclusions: IVUS-guided PCI targeting the OPTIVUS criteria combined with contemporary clinical practice was associated with superior clinical outcomes at 1 year compared with not only the historical PCI control, but also the historical CABG control.
Itaru Kobayashi Masaki Yamamoto Yoshihiro Fujiwara Shinji Tsuchida Toshihiko Fujita
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.27, no.2, pp.251-258, 2022-07-29 (Released:2022-07-29)

We describe a new species of the rare and deep-sea family Myxasteridae from Japanese waters. This is the first record of this family in the western North Pacific. The new species, Asthenactis agni n. sp., differs from all congeners in having seven arms with an R/r ratio of 7.2, primary radial plates with convex distal edges, and two to three actinolateral spines that are up to 4.7 mm long.
Masayoshi Yamamoto Shinya Shirai Senanayake Thilak Jun Imaoka Ryosuke Ishido Yuta Okawauchi Ken Nakahara
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (ISSN:09168508)
pp.2021GCI0001, (Released:2021-11-26)

In response to fast charging systems, Silicon Carbide (SiC) power semiconductor devices are of great interest of the automotive power electronics applications as the next generation of fast charging systems require high voltage batteries. For high voltage battery EVs (Electric Vehicles) over 800V, SiC power semiconductor devices are suitable for 3-phase inverters, battery chargers, and isolated DC-DC converters due to their high voltage rating and high efficiency performance. However, SiC-MOSFETs have two characteristics that interfere with high-speed switching and high efficiency performance operations for SiC MOS-FET applications in automotive power electronics systems. One characteristic is the low voltage rating of the gate-source terminal, and the other is the large internal gate-resistance of SiC MOS-FET. The purpose of this work was to evaluate a proposed hybrid gate drive circuit that could ignore the internal gate-resistance and maintain the gate-source terminal stability of the SiC-MOSFET applications. It has been found that the proposed hybrid gate drive circuit can achieve faster and lower loss switching performance than conventional gate drive circuits by using the current source gate drive characteristics. In addition, the proposed gate drive circuit can use the voltage source gate drive characteristics to protect the gate-source terminals despite the low voltage rating of the SiC MOS-FET gate-source terminals.
Hiroe Sato Noriaki Iino Riuko Ohashi Takako Saeki Tomoyuki Ito Maki Saito Yutaka Tsubata Suguru Yamamoto Shuichi Murakami Takeshi Kuroda Yoshinari Tanabe Junichi Fujisawa Takehiro Murai Masaaki Nakano Ichiei Narita Fumitake Gejyo
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine (ISSN:09182918)
vol.51, no.4, pp.425-429, 2012 (Released:2012-02-15)
6 14 2

Hypogammaglobulinemia is a reduction or absence of immunoglobulin, which may be congenital or associated with immunosuppressive therapy. In addition to infectious diseases, autoimmune diseases have also been reported in patients with hypogammaglobulinemia. A 26-year-old man with hypogammaglobulinemia had multiple joint pain and swelling with erosive changes in the proximal interphalangeal joint of the right middle finger on X-ray film, mimicking rheumatoid arthritis (RA). As polyarthritis remained after immunoglobulin replacement therapy and there was no finding indicating any infection at that time, a diagnosis of RA was made. Prednisolone and etanercept were started. However, his polyarthritis did not improve and he developed meningitis and massive brain ischemia. Finally, a diagnosis of disseminated Mycoplasma hominis infection was made. The differential diagnosis of polyarthritis in patients with hypogammaglobulinemia should strictly exclude Mycoplasma infection by culture with special media or longer anaerobic culture, and molecular methods for mycoplasma.
Yuhei Yamamoto Hirohiko Ishikawa
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.14, pp.179-184, 2018 (Released:2018-11-20)

This paper provides the first attempt to investigate the spatial variability of diurnal change patterns of land surface temperature (LST) in urban areas of Japan by applying principal component analysis on LST data retrieved from Himawari-8 geostationary satellite data. The Tokyo and Osaka metropolitan areas were the focus of the analysis, and the target days were days with zero cloud cover in summer and winter. The results of the analysis showed that diurnal cycles of LST are mainly formed by two temporal change patterns in both seasons. For the summer case, the first two principal components (PCs) represented the temporal change patterns related to the amplitude and phase, respectively. For the winter case, the first two PCs represented the temporal change patterns related to the amplitude and gradual change in LST throughout the day, respectively. Results suggest that these temporal change patterns in both seasons have spatial variability partially dictated by land use and wind speed/direction.
公益社団法人 日本獣医学会
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.14-0641, (Released:2015-04-04)
1 11

Malignant melanoma is one of the most common and aggressive tumors in the oral cavity of dog. The tumor has a poor prognosis, and methods for diagnosis and prediction of prognosis after treatment are required. Here, we examined metabolite profiling using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) for development of a discriminant model for evaluation of prognosis. Metabolite profiles were evaluated in healthy and melanoma plasma samples using orthogonal projection to latent structure using discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA). Cases that were predicted to be healthy using the OPLS discriminant model had no advanced lesions after radiation therapy. These results indicate that metabolite profiling may be useful in diagnosis and prediction of prognosis of canine malignant melanoma.
Seiji Takashio Teiji Kato Hikaru Tashima Hiroki Irie Yoshihiro Komohara Tetsuya Oguni Kei Morikawa Naoto Kuyama Noriaki Tabata Shinsuke Hanatani Eiichiro Yamamoto Kenichi Matsushita Mitsuharu Ueda Kenichi Tsujita
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
vol.87, no.8, pp.1047-1055, 2023-07-25 (Released:2023-07-25)

Background: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is considered an early sign of cardiac amyloidosis (CA) because amyloid deposition is often confirmed in the tenosynovium removed during carpal tunnel release (CTR); however, the prevalence of concomitant CA is unclear.Methods and Results: We prospectively examined 700 patients who underwent CTR and evaluated amyloid deposition after tenosynovium removal. Amyloid deposition was observed in 261 (37%) patients, who were significantly older and predominantly male (P<0.05). Of them, 120 agreed to cardiac screening. We performed 99 mTc-labeled pyrophosphate (99 mTc-PYP) scintigraphy in 12 patients who met either of the following criteria: (1) interventricular septal diameter (IVSd) ≥14 mm or (2) 12 mm ≤ IVSd < 14 mm with above-normal limits in high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs-cTnT). Six patients (50%) had positive findings on 99 mTc-PYP scintigraphy and were diagnosed with wild-type transthyretin CA. Concomitant CA was observed in 6/120 (5%) CTR patients with amyloid deposition and 50% (6/12) in patients with left ventricular hypertrophy (≥12 mm) with increased hs-cTnT levels.Conclusions: Amyloid deposition was frequently observed in the removed tenosynovium of elderly men with CTS. Cardiac screening may be useful for early diagnosis of CA in patients undergoing CTR with amyloid deposition.
Taisuke Akimoto Makoto Ohtake Takafumi Kawasaki Shuto Fushimi Wataru Shimohigoshi Hiroshi Manaka Takashi Kawasaki Katsumi Sakata Ichiro Takeuchi Tetsuya Yamamoto
The Japanese Society for Neuroendovascular Therapy
Journal of Neuroendovascular Therapy (ISSN:18824072)
pp.oa.2022-0043, (Released:2023-01-07)

Objective: To identify factors associated with the outcome and prognosis of coil embolization for poor-grade aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH).Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 118 patients with World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) grade IV or V subarachnoid hemorrhage at our institute between January 2010 and December 2020. Outcomes were assessed using modified Rankin Scale (mRS) scores at discharge and at six months after aSAH onset. In addition, patient background, aneurysm characteristics, and treatment outcome were compared between patients showing favorable (mRS scores: 0–2) and unfavorable (mRS scores: 3–6) outcomes at six months. Factors for change of mRS during follow-up were explored, and cut off values were calculated for age using the receiver operating characteristic analysis.Results: Endovascular treatment was performed in 51 of the 118 enrolled patients. Data were analyzed for 43 of these patients who underwent coil embolization of ruptured aneurysms and had complete datasets. The mean age was 61.7 years and 24 (55.8%) patients had WFNS grade V aSAH. Coil embolization-related complications were observed in three patients. There were no treatment-related deaths; however, eight patients (18.6%) died at three months. Multivariate analysis showed that the maximum diameter of the aneurysm (p=0.041) and the postoperative dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) (p=0.040) were associated with unfavorable and favorable outcomes, respectively. Older age (p=0.033) was independently associated with mRS score deterioration following discharge. Age 72 years and older was the cut off value for mRS deterioration.Conclusion: Aneurysm size and postoperative DAPT might be associated with outcomes at 6 months. Moreover, we identified older age as an independent factor that influences mRS deterioration following discharge; thus, especially in cases of elderly patients over 72 years of age, it is highly likely that long-term care to prevent disuse and regular follow-up on imaging will be necessary.
Yuka Sumikawa Noriko Yamamoto-Mitani
International Research and Cooperation Association for Bio & Socio-Sciences Advancement
BioScience Trends (ISSN:18817815)
vol.15, no.1, pp.55-57, 2021-02-28 (Released:2021-03-15)

Transitional care is indispensable in successfully transitioning patients from hospital to home and preventing adverse events during this process. There were restricted services in several hospitals for minimizing the spread of COVID-19. Therefore, hospitals could not provide adequate transitional care that possibly resulted in poor post-discharge outcomes in patients. Some hospitals have now combined infection prevention with face-to-face opportunities, i.e., requiring reservations for transitional care consultation and restricting pre-discharge conferences. Several hospitals started providing pre-discharge conferences using apps, where patients/family caregivers and care teams could have face-to-face discussions about medical and nursing care plans, goals, and preferences. However, building a relationship between patient/family and medical/nursing staff and providing decision-making, psychological support, and risk assessment generally performed in person are still in demand. New hybrid strategies should be developed and evaluated to provide transitional care while using online systems and minimal face-to-face support during the pandemic.