Chihiro Kodama Akira Kuwano-Yoshida Shingo Watanabe Takeshi Doi Hiroki Kashimura Tomoe Nasuno
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development (ISSN:18801153)
vol.28, pp.5-34, 2019-04-01 (Released:2019-04-03)

The JAMSTEC Model Intercomparison Project (JMIP) provides a first opportunity to systematically compare multiple global models developed and/or used in JAMSTEC with the aim of moving toward better weather and climate predictions. Here, we evaluate climate simulations obtained from atmospheric models (AFES and MIROC5), atmospheric model with slab ocean (NICAM.12), and fully coupled model (SINTEX-F1 and SINTEX-F2). In these simulations, the sea surface temperature is fixed (for AFES and MIROC5) or nudged (NICAM.12, SINTEX-F1, and SINTEX-F2) to the observed historical one. We focus on the climatology and variability of precipitation and its associated phenomena, including the basic state, the energy budget of the atmosphere, extratropical cyclones, teleconnection, and the Asian monsoon. We further discuss the possible causes of similarities and differences among the five JMIP models. Though some or most of the dynamical and physical packages in the JMIP models have been developed independently, common model biases are found among them. The AFES and MIROC5, and the SINTEX-F1 and SINTEX-F2, show strong similarities. In many respects, NICAM.12 shows unique characteristics, such as the distributions of precipitation, shortwave radiation, and explosive extratropical cyclones and the onset of the Asian summer monsoon. To some extent, the similarities and differences among the JMIP models overlap with those among the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase-5 (CMIP5) models, suggesting that JMIP can be used as a simple and in-depth version of CMIP to investigate the mechanisms of model bias. We suggest that this JMIP framework could be expanded to an intercomparison of weekly-to-seasonal scale weather forecasting; here, more fruitful discussion is expected through intensive collaboration among modeling and observation groups.
川野 徳幸
国際協力研究誌 (ISSN:13410903)
vol.8, no.1, pp.19-31, 2001

There are two aims of this paper. The first purpose is to explore major political outcomes brought about by slipsof the tongue of the ministers in Japan. The other is to attempt at their empirical demonstration. As far as we know,few earlier studies in political language have attempted an actual validation of alleged effects of political language. The present paper shows political functions, political effects and political responsibilities of slips of the tongue ofthe ministers in Japan. Three major political functions and effects are a point of attack against the Government par-ties by the oppositions, cause of a split in the diplomatic relations between Japan and the countries concerned, desta-bilization of the foundation of coalition government. These three political functions or influences can be found inmost cases of slips of the tongue of the ministers. This paper also clarifies the political responsibilities of the minis-ters concerned. The ministers in question have never been appointed to posts of minister or to important posts in theDiet or LDP once they resigned from the ministerial position because of the slip of the tongue. They have, however,never lost their positions as a member of the Diet. This is because slips of the tongue have little effect on the elec-tions of the ministers. Why do the opposition parties use these slips of the tongue as an object of attack against the Government parties?Support expansion and vote acquisition will be plausible answers. This paper attempts to show whether these twofunctions work or not. For this purpose, it discusses the result of a national election, especially the rates of votes andthe number of elected persons, of the House of Representatives. The result shows that the political functions of sup-port expansion and vote acquisition work hardly in the medium and small electoral districts. However, PrimeMinister Yoshiro Mori's verbal missteps have a considerable effect on the election of proportional representation.
山崎 浩之 森川 嘉之 小池 二三勝
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木学会論文集 (ISSN:02897806)
vol.2002, no.708, pp.199-210, 2002-06-21 (Released:2010-08-24)

サンドコンパクションパイル工法は, 密度増加による代表的な液状化対策工法である. 同工法の設計, すなわち圧入率あるいは置換率 (以下本論文では圧入率とする) とよばれる砂杭面積の原地盤に対する占有率の設定は, 原地盤N値, 細粒分含有率, 改良目標N値を用いる設計法で行われることが多い. 本論文では, 港湾・空港において行われた同工法の液状化対策としての実績を集め, 圧入率と改良後の杭間N値を調べ, 既存の設計法の妥当性を検討した. その結果, 実測値は圧入率が同一であれば改良前の原地盤N値が小さい方がN値の増加が大きくなっていたが, 既存の設計法はこの傾向を逆に評価することがわかった. そこで, 同工法の改良メカニズムについて繰返しせん断効果を考慮した方法を導入し, 圧入率設定のための新しい方法を提案した.
西尾 達雄 油野 利博
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.40, no.4, pp.205-220, 1995

Until now Michiaki Nagai has been regarded as a deserving person of school physical education reform, and there have been many studies about his school physical education theory. But no analysis has been made on the subject of his national physical education theory. Nagai who took a leading role in a school physical education reform from the late Meiji era to early years in the Taisyo did not have school physical education in mind as a problem limited to school. He described on his book titled "The Essence of School Gymnastics" published in 1913 that we could not realize a people of strong physique until the physical education should be practiced equally in families, schools, the military, and among the public with connection with and support from each other. In this paper an attempt is made to examine the process of development of his national physical education theory and to make clear its purpose, contents and method. The present study can be summarized as follows: 1) Nagai studied abroad to work out a policy for national physical education. And then with the experiences he would try to present a national physical education theory in an appropriate form to our country. The purpose of Nagai's national physical education is, physically, to build up a strong and active body with which people could survive a civilized society in which only the fittest can survive, and spiritually, to cultivate the samurai mentality that was a characteristic of our race, and then to encourage a foundation of Emperor's system through upbringing people of 'spirits'. 2) Nagai paid attention to the fact that in Europe and America, each government enforced public physical recreation as a public measure a long time ago, and planed to connect a school physical education both with public physical recreation and military physical education. In Europe and America people, very aware of the importance of physical education, exercised a family gymnastics vigorously. Nagai learned the contents and methods, and then he tried to execute national physical education in a way that family physical education was closely connected with physical education at schools and military institutions, and public physical recreation in Japan, too. But in our country people were retarded in awareness of the importance of public physical recreation and the economic situation was poor. So Nagai planed to fill up school physical education and to connect it with public physical recreation. 3) Nagai's plans of public physical recreation work were, firstly to found suitable facilities for physical recreation available for people from childhood to old age, secondly, to open school facilities, and thirdly, to invigorate young men's associations. And he thought that school teachers should take the lead and promote the plan in cooperation with the army and municipal authorities to attain these objectives. On the measures for public physical recreation, he took a serious view of young men's physical education. It was for the sake of the vitality of the nation and for the military in a broad sense, and for individuals in a narrow sense. 4) Nagai insisted on practice of family gymnastics to make up for a difficulty of public physical recreation work. He hoped that at first people of middle class and upper became an example of family physical education and then they should spread it to lower class. 5) Especially Nagai's serious point of view on exercise practice was to make people recognize a necessity of exercise rather than to make them take an interest in it. He insisted to practice national physical education as a discipline with an educational intention. Therefore Nagai's methods and contents of national physical education laid stress on a gymnastics.
vol.[5], 1368
元濱 涼一郎
総合研究所所報 (ISSN:09192999)
no.17, pp.41-54, 2009

日経ビジネス (ISSN:00290491)
no.1166, pp.138-143, 2002-11-11

独創的なアイデアで新しい研究や技術開発、事業に挑戦する日本のイノベーター。日経BP社ではそうした人たちの活躍を支援するため、「日本イノベーター大賞」を創設した。10月に最終選考委員会を開き、大賞と優秀賞、それに特別賞が決まった。 大賞に選ばれたのは徳間書店常務でスタジオジブリのプロデューサーである鈴木敏夫さん。
下地 理則 Shimoji Michinori
International journal of Okinawan studies (ISSN:21854882)
vol.1, no.2, pp.41-51, 2010-12

This study discusses the word class assignment of property-concept words (PC words)in Irabu Ryukyuan, with a particular focus on whether an inflecting word form containing a PC root is regarded as an adjective. My conclusion is that the inflecting PC word is nothing but a verb, with the word-internal morpheme–kaR being analyzed as a class-changing derivational affix or verbalizer affix. That is, unlike the previous assumption that–kaR is a distinctive morpheme that characterizes adjectival conjugation, I demonstrate that this morpheme belongs to a stem, and this stem is a verbal stem.
中野 卓
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.10, no.2, pp.114-127, 1960-03-30

In the year before the Meiji Restoration (1867), there was a series of ecstatic dancing throughout Japan. This movement was apparently originally inspired by some political agitators who had been intending to capitalize on the discontent among the masses which had been expressed in the very severe peasant riots of the previous years. In order to carry out this plan, at first they put some amulets into several fairly wealthy homes, unknown to the people there. Afterwards, the same incidents began to occur in large numbers of houses, not only the wealthy but the ordinary houses as well. When the people discoverd the amulets, they assumed that some supernatural spirits had selected their houses as an indication of some particular virtue, which would be rewarded with divine protection. <BR>This led to a series of movements which took place in different parts of the country at different times, from August of the year till the next January. <BR>This particular research is based on <I>Kyoto</I>, the Imperial capital, where the movement had paticular political significance. It began here around October 20th, as soon as several samurai started from <I>Kyoto</I> to their Daimyo with a secret Inperial order that the shogunate should be destroyed. They must gain time, and thought of, perhaps, the miracle. <BR>The people responded to the discovery of the amulets in a very ectatic way. They placed the deities on the alter in their houses to make a religious service, inviting their <I>Dozoku</I> and affinal families, the members of their <I>Chonai</I> (institutional neighborhood groups), and their friends to join in those religious servises, large feasts, drinking rice-wine, and dancing. There were also mutual invitations between those houses where &ldquo;the amulets had descended from the heaven&rdquo;. Even if uninvited, people who visited the alter to worship and to offer congratulations where welcomed. Later, some uninvited people took advantage of the festival by forcing themselves into the feasts, which sometimes led to aggressive mob behavior. <BR>The festivity soon extended beyond their houses, into the streets, and was characterized particulary by the frenzied dancing. At first, the people of the same <I>Dozoku</I> and the same <I>Chonai</I> etc. danced whithin the street of the <I>Chonai</I>, and later the dancing extended out from there. <BR>This type of dancing, &ldquo;<I>ee-ja-nai-ka odori</I>&rdquo; (literally, a dance with the refrain meaning &ldquo;eveything's 0. K., isn't it ?&rdquo;) had a history in the periodic pilgrimage made by commoners to <I>Amaterasu-O-mikami's</I> shrine at <I>Ise</I> about evey 60 years. This pilgrimage included ecstatic dancing and served as a release for the frustration of the common people under the feudal system of the <I>Tokugawa Shogunate.</I> Actually, 1867 was too early for the time of the periodic pilgrimage, but the special critical situation, directly &ldquo;the descent of the deity&rdquo; caused the analogous movement to develop at this time, even without the long pilgrimge to <I>Ise.</I><BR>Although for the first few days of this ecstatic celebration the deities were limited to <I>Amateras-O-mikami</I>, after this time, the celebration spread widely and included not only this <I>Shinto</I> goddess of the &ldquo;Imperial Ancestor&rdquo; which had been used by the original agitators to prove the divine protection on the Restoration, but also large numbers of other Shintoistic and Buddhistic folk gods as well. In those days, unidentified people, who put amulets, might be divided into various social classes : <I>samurai</I>, common people, priests etc..
竹内 里欧
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.56, no.3, pp.745-759, 2005-12-31

本稿では, 明治期から大正期の, 処世本, 礼儀作法書, 雑誌記事を資料に, 「西洋化」・「近代化」・「文明化」を象徴する人間像として機能した「紳士」という表象をめぐる言説を分析する.特に, 「紳士」を揶揄するレトリックや論じ方に注目し, その類型の整理を試みる.それにより, 近代日本において, 「西洋」, 「文明」の有していた力やそれへの対応について明らかにする.「紳士」をめぐる言説においては, 「真の紳士」に「似非紳士」を対置し, 「真の紳士」の視点から「似非紳士」を批判するレトリックが多くみられる.「西洋の真の紳士」という理念型から「日本の似非紳士」を揶揄する (=「『似非紳士』の構築」) のも, 「真の紳士」の対応物を「武士道」, 「江戸趣味」に見出すなど過去に理念型を求める (=「『真の紳士』の改編」) のも, どちらも, 現在の時空間ではないところにユートピアを設定しそこから批判することを通じて「現実」を構成するという論理構造を共有している.「真の紳士」という「理念」と「似非紳士」という「現実」を共に仮構するという理想的人間像への対応は, 抽象化された (それ故「武士道」などと等値可能になる) 「西洋」という目標に向かい邁進する日本の近代化の構造を反映している.それは, 近代化・西洋化の要請と, 「日本」のアイデンティティの連続性の創出・維持という, 当時の矛盾を含んだ2つの課題に対応する文化戦略であったことが透視される.
阿部 岳 稲村 伸二 赤須 通範
公益社団法人 日本薬理学会
日本薬理学雑誌 (ISSN:00155691)
vol.98, no.5, pp.327-336, 1991 (Released:2007-02-13)
4 7

片山 (須川) 洋子
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.38, no.9, pp.787-792, 1987-09-20 (Released:2010-03-10)

This study is designed to clarify the changes of composition and enzyme activities of the small intestinal mucosa in fasted rats.Starvation for 3 days caused marked decreases in body weight, DNA and protein of small intestinal mucosa, and the activities of digestive enzymes.After starvation for 3 days, rats were refed with the laboratory chow for 1, 3 and 7 days.1) The body weight of rats recovered in 3 days.2) The recovery of the small intestinal mucosa was very rapid, especially its dry weight and DNA.3) Both sucrase and alkaline phosphatase activities increased markedly, then returned to the control level in 7 days.
田村 景子
表現学部紀要 (ISSN:13463470)
no.16, pp.202-192, 2015

『豊饒の海』四部作は、一九七〇年十一月二十五日、きわめて劇的に人生の幕引きをやってのけた作家三島由紀夫の、長大な遺作である。同時にこの意図された遺作は、「世界の解釈」をめざして時間をかけて練り上げられた物語でもある。三島由紀夫における能楽受容を考えてきた筆者にとって、『豊饒の海』は避けてとおれない。第二次戦後派に数えられつつ日本浪曼派の特異な継承者であった季節はずれの作家による、季節はずれの試みすなわち戦後における前近代の破壊的再提示は、『近代能楽集』シリーズと同じく戦後という時代の最奥へと届いたのか? それとも、『近代能楽集』シリーズをも越えた場所へ到達したか? 本稿と次稿の目的は、謡曲「松風」および「羽衣」を介して『豊饒の海』に新たな読解の地平を開き、決して報われないからこそ生きられた徹底的な悲恋の物語――三島由紀夫の「世界の解釈」を言祝ぐことにある。