平井 啓 山村 麻予 鈴木 那納実 小川 朝生
Palliative Care Research (ISSN:18805302)
vol.16, no.1, pp.27-34, 2021 (Released:2021-02-05)

遠藤 由紀子 Yukiko Endo
女性文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:09160957)
no.35, pp.25-41, 2008-03

Heima Kajiwara, who was the chief retainer of the Aizu-han in the last days of the Edo period, disappeared suddenly in the beginning of the Meiji period. He had a child with Futaba Yamakawa in the Edo period and some children with Tei Mizuno in the Meiji period. Futaba had been brought up under strictly 'Samurai' ethic of woman in the Aizu-han and worked in the Tokyo Women's College of Education. Tei was an advanced woman who founded a free, private elementary school in Nemuro, Hokkaido and worked to promote the importance of Education. Recently the re-evaluation of Tei's work brought with it the discovery of the location of Heima's tomb. The discovery clarified what happened at the end of Heima's life. Both Futaba and Tei brought up their children while working and single. Both women did not adhere to the traditional conventions of marriage, and lived their lives without depending on their husband.
Kenji Fujino Yoshihiro Kawahara Kanako O. Koyanagi Kenta Shirasawa
Japanese Society of Breeding
Breeding Science (ISSN:13447610)
pp.20089, (Released:2021-02-17)

Understanding genetic diversity among local populations is a primary goal of modern crop breeding programs. Here, we demonstrated the genetic relationships of rice varieties in Hokkaido, Japan, one of the northern limits of rice cultivation around the world. Furthermore, artificial selection during rice breeding programs has been characterized using genome sequences. We utilized 8,565 single nucleotide polymorphisms and insertion/deletion markers distributed across the genome in genotype-by-sequencing for genetic diversity analyses. Phylogenetics, genetic population structure, and principal component analysis showed that a total of 110 varieties were classified into four distinct clusters according to different populations geographically and historically. Furthermore, the genome sequences of 19 rice varieties along with historic representations in Hokkaido, nucleotide diversity and FST values in each cluster revealed that artificial selection of elite phenotypes focused on chromosomal regions. These results clearly demonstrated the history of the selections on agronomic traits as genome sequences among current rice varieties from Hokkaido.
服部 英雄
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.111, no.9, pp.1470-1499,1589, 2002

Inu-Oumono 犬追物, the sport of shooting dogs with bow and arrow, was a popular martial art during the Middle Ages in Japan. Its popularity among not only the warrior elite of the shogunate and provincial magistrates (Shugo 守護) but also ordinary samurai during the Muromachi period is attested to by the large number of place names, Inu-no-Baba (the gaming field for the sport), that still exist in Japan. today. Inu-oumono has been mainly studied as a traditional custom among the samurai class but in this paper the author discusses it as a social phenomenon, dealing in particular with the role played by groups of social infe- riors, kawara-no-mono 河原ノ者, who were diseriminated against, in staging inu-oumono events. The task given to kawara-no-mono groups was to supply on the average 200-300 (sometimes as many as a thousand) target dogs for each event, manage the dogs during the game, then dispose of the wounded animals afterwards. They became involved in the sport due to the fact that the samurai promoters could not supply such large amounts of dogs on their own at such short notice. So they turned to kawara-no-mono who worked keeping streets clean and safe, which included capturing stray dogs. During the events, kawara-no-mono were put in charge of surrounding and freezing dogs that jumped out of the roped-off target circle running wild all over the 70 × 70-meter field. Despite that fact that the bamboo sticks that they carried marked them as inferior "dog-catchers" kawara-no-mono were well-paid for 'their services : in one case 350 kan 貫 (equivalent to about 50 million yen today). This was ample recognition of the hard work required to catch and keep enough dogs for muoumono events that could attract as many as ten thousand spectators and make large profits for the samurai who held them.

10 0 0 0 OA カンチロリン

知念 渉
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.91, pp.73-94, 2012-11-30 (Released:2014-02-11)

本稿では,貧困・生活不安定層出身である〈ヤンチャな子ら〉の学校経験を描くことによって,①生徒のストラテジーの実証研究がない,②教師のストラテジーが生徒の学校生活に与える影響が明らかにされていない,というストラテジー研究の課題について検討した。 分析結果は次の三点である。第一に,〈ヤンチャな子ら〉は,家庭の文化に依拠して学校文化を異化しつつも,親たちの人生に自らの人生を重ね合わせず,高卒資格の意義を認めていた。学校文化への異化と同化の間で構造的ジレンマを抱えていたのである。第二に,そのジレンマに対処するため,彼らは「時間と空間のコントロール」,「非対称な関係性の組み替え」,「学校の意味世界の変換」というコーピング・ストラテジーを編み出していた。それに対して,教師たちは「時間と空間の再コントロール」,「組み替えられた関係性の資源化」,「生徒の意味世界の取り込み」というペタゴジカル・ストラテジーによって,彼らを教育活動に巻き込んでいた。第三に,教師たちのストラテジーにより,〈ヤンチャな子ら〉は教師を肯定的に評価しており,その評価は登校継続に積極的な影響を与えていた。だが,学校から一度離れたケースでは,教師への肯定的評価が登校継続に逆効果をもっていた。 以上より,生徒が構造的ジレンマのなかで様々なストラテジーを用いて学校生活を過ごしていること,教師のストラテジーの効果は生徒の解釈や状況に依存することが明らかとなった。
Atsushi Sugiyama Sue Duval Yuji Nakamura Katsunori Yoshihara Demetris Yannopoulos
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
vol.80, no.10, pp.2124-2132, 2016-09-23 (Released:2016-09-23)
7 22

Background:The quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) has been recently shown to affect clinical outcome. The Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Prehospital Resuscitation Impedance Valve and Early Versus Delayed Analysis (PRIMED) trial showed no differences in outcomes with an active vs. sham impedance threshold device (ITD), a CPR adjunct that enhances circulation. It was hypothesized the active ITD would improve survival with favorable neurological outcomes in witnessed out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients when used with high-quality CPR.Methods and Results:Using the publicly accessible ROC PRIMED database, a post-hoc analysis was performed on all witnessed subjects with both compression rate and depth data (n=1,808) who received CPR within the study protocol definition of adequate CPR quality (compression rate 80–120/min and depth 4–6 cm; n=929). Demographics were similar between sham and active ITD groups. In witnessed subjects who received quality CPR, survival with favorable neurological function was 11.9% for the active ITD subjects (56/470) vs. 7.4% for the sham (34/459) (odds ratio 1.69 [95% confidence interval 1.08, 2.64]). There were no statistically significant differences for this primary outcome when CPR was performed outside the boundaries of the definition of adequate CPR quality. Multivariable models did not change these associations.Conclusions:An active ITD combined with adequate-quality conventional CPR has the potential to significantly improve survival after witnessed cardiac arrest. (Circ J 2016; 80: 2124–2132)
田中 麻紗子 市川 伸一
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.51, pp.203-215, 2011

How should we (researchers) conduct and present a good review study? Although graduate students receive some guidance on how to write a research paper, they are rarely provided instruction about how to perform a review study. Due to their limited knowledge and experience, many students tend to think that a good review simply comprises reference to many previous research studies. In this paper, we point out that a good review study needs to be original, comprehensive, and easy to understand. Moreover, we offer directions for conducting a good review study, and provide key points drawn from interview data with young psychology researchers who have published review studies in peer-reviewed journals.
安成 英文
一般社団法人 日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会
日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会誌 (ISSN:21852928)
vol.37, no.3, pp.285-288, 2014 (Released:2014-09-26)

在宅や施設における終末期ケアに関わるようになり本人や家族と同様ケアに当たるスタッフの不安を目にした. そこで, 病院以外の場所での看取りのケア向上のために多職種, 多事業所で看取りの経験を振り返る作業を試みた. 参加者からの意見収集方法に改善を加えた結果, 多様な意見を収集でき継続的に開催可能な手法を紹介する. 本手法はケア当事者には振り返りの作業, 参加者には模擬体験, そして参加者同士の相互承認の場に, ひいては地域住民の地域肯定感へと寄与しうると考えている.
小長谷 有紀 Yuki Konagaya
太田 剛 森本 容介 加藤 浩
日本教育工学会論文誌 (ISSN:13498290)
vol.40, no.3, pp.197-208, 2016-12-24 (Released:2017-03-23)

三尾 稔 福内 千絵 木下 彰子 中谷 純江 Minoru Mio Chie Fukuuchi Akiko Kinoshita Sumie Nakatani

会期・会場: 2011年9月22日-11月29日 国立民族学博物館 編集 財団法人 千里文化財団
田中 智晃
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.47, no.1, pp.1_49-1_74, 2012 (Released:2016-01-27)

The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of technical innovation on marketing channels and the Yamaha Music School under the mature Japanese piano market since the 1980s. The dilemma of the piano industry (e.g., the low diffusion rate, about 25%) drastically changed due to digital technology. In this new competitive environment, Yamaha carried out the three strategic changes: releasing low cost digital instruments, recasting sales channels, and reconsidering the Yamaha Music School's management policy.In the early 1980s, newcomer Casio began producing and selling the Casiotone, a low cost digital instrument. Although Yamaha did not want to release cheap keyboard instruments which might decrease the demand for their leading products (the piano and electronic organ), in the late 1980s they launched Portasound (a Yamaha-made cheap keyboard) to compete against the Casio product. Moreover, Yamaha distributed this new product through the same mass retailers which dealt in Casiotones. Recasting their sales channel this way caused the old channel, the traditional exclusive distributor system, to struggle. However, it was important for Yamaha to maintain the traditional system, because exclusive distributors were skillful at selling expensive goods (pianos etc.) through consulting sales. Therefore, Yamaha reinforced the exclusive distributors by changing their form of profit-earning music schools from one in which the schools supported Yamaha through sales, to one in which Yamaha supported the schools through licensing. These schools became an important source of income in the face of reduced piano demand from 1980.Yamaha maintained their position as market leader through these three strategic changes in spite of the technological paradigm shift in which they lost the first mover advantage. Although the double structure of their sales channel (comprising exclusive distributors and mass retailers) resulted in lower sales capacity for their exclusive distributors, the exclusive distributors were able to change their primary focus to the music education business. Yamaha's unique sales channel, with educational facilities, continues to transform while developing new keyboard instrument businesses.
矢島 桂
Business History Society of Japan
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.44, no.2, pp.2_59-2_84, 2009 (Released:2012-03-23)

This article analyzes the basic characteristic of the investment in Korean railways, centering on a relationship between the colonial Government and the investors. We deal with the case of a merger with six railway companies in 1923 as an example.In Korea in the era of colonization, a lot of railway companies were established in 1918-20. But, after the crisis of the postwar period, they could not make profits on their business. The Government had given the railway companies protections and aids to encourage establishing a network of railways, and railway companies, given the Government grants, could keep paying dividends.Early 1920s, the railway companies had difficulties of their business, and their investors were made fluctuated. The government enacted the Private Railway Aid Act to calm down the investors. On the other hand, railway companies bargained about merger as a means of breaking difficulties of their business. Although the Government, at first, opposed it, under the curtailed budget, it became to back up the merger.The railway company which was merged with six companies in 1923, wanted the Government to take burdens to break its difficulties. Kaichi Watanabe who was the president—director of the company, urged that the Government should set up the big project including buying out the lines of the railway companies. He tried to make its difficulties broken by the nationalization of the lines.The Government needed private companies to build a part of railways network. The investors wanted colonial government to take burdens in order to break difficulties of their business. Thus, there was a relationship between colonial government and investors, which restricted each other. While the Government should secure the investments in railways, the investors could parasitize on the Government budget in this scheme.