赤枝 香奈子
京都社会学年報 : KJS
vol.10, pp.83-100, 2002-12-25

Recent studies on sexuality have deconstructed `Seiai' (or romantic love) on an analytical basis that treats sexuality and love separately, focusing mainly on the former. Homosexuality has also become a common subject in contemporary sexuality studies. In this paper, I investigate intimate relationships between women of modern Japan, including those containing lesbianism. However I do not discuss such relationships as a matter of general sexuality, as the reality of the relationships shared among women of the day is not yet well known. IVIale homosexuality in modern Japan has been made considerably clear. On the other hand, we do not yet know how the concept of lesbianism in modern Japan was formed, how it functioned, and what types of relationships were associated with it. In this paper, I examine discourses about intimate relationships between women from the end of the Meiji era to the beginning of the Taisho era. I discuss what types of relationships are indicated and that the discourses between these women are really over sexuality. At the beginning of the investigation, I look at some close relationships between women described in the journal Safuran. Safuran was founded by I~azue Otake, a member of an earlier journal called Seito. Seito and its leading figure Raicho Hiratsuka were oriented towards heterosexuality. We cannot define the close relationships found in Safuran simply as the same as the homosexual relationships found today. I argue that the process of building relationships was understood as something sexual in accordance to their reference to western sexology. The discourses in the period mentioned above pay much attention to intimate relationships between women. A double suicide committed by two graduates of a girl's school pulled the trigger. People came to call such relationships `Dousei-no Ai' (love between two people of the same gender), and tended to recognize it as a matter of sexual desire. Nevertheless, it was `excessively-radical friendships' that gained more attention within the discourses. In other words, when criticizing women's homosexuality, authorized commentators were eager to classify friendship under the dichotomy of normaUabnormal, while the topic of sexuality was disregarded. What they then put stress on was to mould women in socially acceptable oriented affection.
谷津 栄寿
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.38, no.1, pp.43-46, 1965-01-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

スミス・ ネィール
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.52, no.1, pp.51-66, 2000-02-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
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石川 奈緒 田上 恵子 内田 滋夫
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 (ISSN:13472879)
vol.8, no.4, pp.313-319, 2009 (Released:2012-02-22)
2 1

Soil-to-plant transfer factor (TF) is one of the important parameters in radiation dose assessment models for the environmental transfer of radionuclides. Since TFs are affected by several factors, including radionuclides, plant species and soil properties, development of a method for estimation of TF using some soil and plant properties would be useful. In this study, we took a statistical approach to estimating the TF of stable strontium (TFSr) from selected soil properties and element concentrations in plants, which was used as an analogue of 90Sr. We collected the plant and soil samples used for the study from 142 agricultural fields throughout Japan. We applied a multiple linear regression analysis in order to get an empirical equation to estimate TFSr. TFSr could be estimated from the Sr concentration in soil (CSrsoil) and Ca concentration in crop (CCacrop) using the following equation: log TFSr=−0.88·log CSrsoil+0.93·log CCacrop −2.53. Then, we replaced our data with Ca concentrations in crops from a food composition database compiled by the Japanese government. Finally, we predicted TFSr using Sr concentration in soil from our data and Ca concentration in crops from the database of food composition.
三浦 太郎
明治大学図書館情報学研究会紀要 (ISSN:18847277)
no.3, pp.34-42, 2012

本稿の目的は,日本図書館史に関する研究の文献調査を行い,その整理・検討を通じて今日の研究動向を明らかにすることにある。研究への着目の柱として,(1) 図書館史研究の方法論的な問い直し,(2) 日本の戦後図書館史の位置づけ,(3) 人物への注目という3つの観点を中心に述べる。日本図書館史研究では,批判的な歴史認識が問い直され,人物研究をはじめとして,インタビューや一次文書の探求・活用が求められる時期を迎えている。
脇谷 祐子 坂爪 浩史
北海道大学農経論叢 (ISSN:03855961)
vol.66, pp.21-28, 2011-03-31

This paper's aim is to clarify the subsistence structure of processed and frozen food venders for school meals. The conclusions are as follows: 1) Processed and frozen foods are used for school meals all year round including the period when local products are in season. 2) The venders sell processed and frozen foods not only to school but also to restaurants and retailers. The prices at which venders sell school meals is decided by tender, and the terms of validity vary from one month to one year. The procurement price from factories fluctuates in line with raw product yields and the exchange rate, and venders take on the risks of such price fluctuation. The approximate volume of orders from schools is decided at the time of tender and the volume is fixed one week before delivery. The factories, however, need to put raw materials into production before they can receive a definite order, so the venders must order an estimated volume from factories. Thus the processed and frozen food venders subsist by taking on the risks of price and volume fluctuations between the school meals and factories.
横山 邦彦 柴 和弘

安田 豊 中山 雅哉
情報処理学会研究報告マルチメディア通信と分散処理(DPS) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.1999, no.56, pp.19-24, 1999-07-15

インターネットにおけるネットワークアプリケーションは一般にサービス能力のスケーラビリティを要求される。分散化はスケーラビリティを確保するための一つの方法であるが、本稿では1997年以来幾度か日蝕インターネット中継のためのWWW分散サーバ群を構築・運用してきたので、まずこれについて報告する。次に1999年2月の日蝕で試みた各分散サーバの処理分担率を動的に調整し得る手法を示し、アクセスログの分析結果からその有用性を検証する。Internet application will be required a scalability of it's service performance. Distribution is the one of technique to keep the scalability. This paper shows some distributed WWW servers system case for solar eclipse live from 1997. And the advantage of it is shown by the analyzing the access log of of Feb 1999 eclipse live. It contains the effectiveness evaluation of dynamic adjustment a rate of sharing.
横山 伸也 和泉 敏太郎 沖 一雄
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
日本エネルギー学会誌 (ISSN:09168753)
vol.90, no.12, pp.1183-1186, 2011 (Released:2011-12-28)
2 2

Radioactive species such as 137Cs were discharged from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant which was severely damaged by the enormous earthquake and tsunami. Cropland has been radioactively contaminated by 137Cs etc. and it seems impossible to plant rice due to the non-suitability for food. According to the reports, 137Cs transferred into the rice from soil is less than 1% on the average. Therefore, it is expected that the concentration of 137Cs in bioethanol will be well below the tentative restriction value even if bioethanol could be produced from the rice. It is proposed that the rice field should be filled with water to avoid the flow of runoff contaminated by radioactive cesium compounds because they are insoluble in aqueous phase and that bioethanol should be produced from the rice in order to maintain the multifunction of rice field and to continue the agriculture. If rice farming is halted and neglected, agricultural function of rice field as well as local community will be permanently destroyed.
Graham NEUBIG Masato MIMURA Shinsuke MORI Tatsuya KAWAHARA
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems (ISSN:09168532)
vol.E95.D, no.2, pp.614-625, 2012-02-01 (Released:2012-02-01)
11 24 6

We propose a novel scheme to learn a language model (LM) for automatic speech recognition (ASR) directly from continuous speech. In the proposed method, we first generate phoneme lattices using an acoustic model with no linguistic constraints, then perform training over these phoneme lattices, simultaneously learning both lexical units and an LM. As a statistical framework for this learning problem, we use non-parametric Bayesian statistics, which make it possible to balance the learned model's complexity (such as the size of the learned vocabulary) and expressive power, and provide a principled learning algorithm through the use of Gibbs sampling. Implementation is performed using weighted finite state transducers (WFSTs), which allow for the simple handling of lattice input. Experimental results on natural, adult-directed speech demonstrate that LMs built using only continuous speech are able to significantly reduce ASR phoneme error rates. The proposed technique of joint Bayesian learning of lexical units and an LM over lattices is shown to significantly contribute to this improvement.