志水 宏吉
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.40, pp.193-207, 285-286, 1985-09-30

The aim of this paper is to re-evaluate the "New sociology of education." In the 1970s, an academic movement called "New sociology of education" arose in England. What made the moment was Young's readings, Knowledge and Control. Young criticized the "traditional" sociology of education on two points: (1) It takes for granted the reality of schooling and the presuppositions which make it existing; (2) It devotes itself to extract the relationships between inputs and outputs, so that it sees the "process" of schooling as a blackbox. Then, grasping the school as a culture-transmitting agency, he asserted that we have to call the organizing principles of the school (not only on knowledge but also on students) in question. We can say that the main character of the "New sociology of education" is its application of the "interpretive approach" for schooling. Its origins exist in Schutz's phenomenological sociology and Mead's symbolic interactionism, and it sees schooling as the negotiation process between teachers and students. One uses participant observations, interviews, video-cameras to understand the reality of schooling. Criticisms against the "New sociology of education" are as follows: it over-emphasizes the discontinuity with its tradition; it stands on super-relativism which puts values nowhere; it lacks the contact with the "structural" factors; its tecnique of data-analysis is unestablished and its findings are not suitable for generalization. Responding to these criticisms, the "New sociology of education" has been unfolding itself towards two directions: one direction that focuses on the micro process of schooling from the standpoint of symbolic interactionism and another direction that focuses on the macro constraint to the micro process from the standpoint of Marxism. In these circumstances, Willis's "Cultural reproduction theory" attracts our attention. Using the interpretive approach, it tries to reveal the interrelations between structural factors and interactional practices in a particular social setting. His study implies theoretical and methodological potentialities contained in the "New sociology of education" and its substance, that is, the interpretive approach.
山田 隆
東海女子大学紀要 (ISSN:02870525)
vol.22, pp.159-175, 2003-03-31

藤澤 博康
英語英文學研究 (ISSN:02882876)
vol.56, pp.27-38, 2012

Since the appearance of Alain Corbin's The Foul and The Fragrant, many studies on the history of senses have been published. Some Shakespearean scholars have just begun to learn from these studies and apply their achievements to the interdisciplinary studies of Shakespeare, along with the study of the topos, the "banquet of sense" in Elizabethan poetry. This essay first glimpses Francois Quiviger's point that "smell was considered an intermediary sense between the corporeal world of taste and touch and the spatial universe of sight and hearing," and that the smell gradually comes to be associated with the brain, which improved its status in the hierarchy of the five senses. As for the importance of sight in the Age of Enlightenment, the essay also mentions Constance Classen's study of the shift in the use of roses from the material of perfumes to the objects of visual appreciation. It never forgets to remind us of Stuart Clark's remark that the sixteenth century English poetry was the rich source of suspicions about the eyes." Owing much to these historians' points, this essay focuses on the representations of the sense of smell in William Shakespeare's The Sonnets and tries to show how this sense functions within the poetry.Next, this essay analyses many sonnets designed to praise the beautiful appearance and virtues of the young man through the sense of sight in The Sonnets. Despite the numerous admirations of him, the poet similarly expresses his anxiety of failing to understand the young man's heart and his disgust at the excessive ornaments and luxurious clothes that take away from the young man's natural beauty. These are the cases, this paper maintains, that prove the poet's disbeliefs in sight.Given this, the essay goes on to suggest that the poet is very confident in what he perceives not through the eyes but through smell throughout the work. For the poet, the young man is the example of the smell by which he can judge everything according to whatever odour it emits. In terms of the advantages of the smell in The Sonnets, this essay chooses the topic of distillation as a typical instance of the poet's distinguishing genuine nobleness from vulgar fellows. We can extract the essence of, say, roses, by distillation. The poet is keenly aware of the mysterious process of the art and makes the most of it to emphasise the difference of the noble nature of the young man compared with others. He also employs the theme as a strategy for running counter to Time' s destruction.Following the discussions about the young man, the paper shifts its focus from him to the dark mistress, the other love of the poet. It calls our attention to the surprising fact that the poet never praises the dark mistress' smell throughout The Sonnets. Although the poet attempts to use the topos of a "banquet of sense" in order to represent her, he later declines it, saying that no senses "desire to be invited / To any sensual feast with thee alone." ('Sonnet 141' 8) Taking that fact into account, this essay argues that it is true that no senses including the sense of smell fascinate the poet, but that 'Sonnet 141' is dramatically successful in completely subverting the poet's evaluation of the dark mistress by making him confess honestly, "But my five wits nor my five senses can / Dissuade one foolish heart from serving thee..." (Sonnet 141' 9-10)Besides the examples that deal with sight and smell, the paper points out that representations of taste and touch in The Sonnets are mainly concerned with the dark mistress, not the young man, and that in those sonnets dedicated to her, the poet does not hesitate to openly express his carnal desire or hopes to touch her while he merely worships or fears the betrayal of the young man in the other sonnets of the work.In conclusion, the essay maintains that sense of smell makes the most of its "intermediary" nature classified just between the high sensorium such as seeing and hearing and the low sensorium like taste and touching and supplements the defects of sight that often fails to perceive the young man's heart. It is true that the poet may oscillate between the high and the low sensoria which the two main masks in The Sonnets, the young man and the dark lady, respectively correspond to. However, he firmly believes in the power of sense of smell in that he can intuitively sense through it what the essence and truth is represented in the form of the young man.
中山 浩太郎 原 隆浩 西尾 章治郎
情報処理学会研究報告デジタルドキュメント(DD) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2006, no.128, pp.115-122, 2006-11-30

Wikipediaは,WWW上に構築された百科事典であり,誰もが簡単にWebブラウザを通じて編集可能であるために,膨大な数の記事が投稿,公開されている.しかし,2005年末から2006年初頭にかけて,虚偽の記事が投稿されるような事件が発端となり,コンテンツの信頼性が大きな問題となってきた.筆者らは,これまでの研究でWikipediaにおける記事同士の関係性を抽出する手法について提案し,その有効性を証明してきたが,このように不特定多数のユーザがコンテンツを管理するような環境においては,信頼性を考慮した解析手法が重要となる.本研究では,Wikipediaのダイナミクスと信頼性の問題を分析するとともに,リンク構造解析アルゴリズムについて検討し,記事関連性抽出における信頼性の高い情報抽出方法を模索する.Wikipedia is a Web-based dictionary that can easily be edited through Web browsers by any Internet user. Thus huge amounts of articles are published and managed on it. However, after a number of article reliability issues, the trust problem on Wikipedia is still in controversy. In previous works, we proved the effectiveness and potential of the article association extraction based on Wikipedia mining. In this paper, we first analyze the link structure of Wikipedia and dynamics of Wikipedia. Then, we present an effective method for link structure mining for Wikipedia and describe how link structure mining for Wikipedia is helpful for extracting trusted information.
浅田 伸彦 岩村 雅一 黄瀬 浩一
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. PRMU, パターン認識・メディア理解 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.110, no.467, pp.183-188, 2011-03-03

本稿では,環境中のあらゆる文字・単語を認識する「全方位認識」の実現のために,厳しい射影歪みに対応する手法について検討する.我々は実時間認識可能,レイアウトフリー,射影歪みに頑健といった3つの要件を満たすカメラベースの単語認識手法を提案している.この手法は斜め45度から撮影した文字を認識できる頑健さを持つが,前述の全方位認識に際しては,射影歪みに対する更なる頑健性が求められる.そこで本稿では,前述の単語認識手法の文字認識誤りをオープンソースのスペルチェッカであるGNU Aspellを利用して補正する.その際,Aspellが持つ音素の類似性に基づくMetaphoneという仕組みを文字誤認識傾向に基くMetashapeに置き換える.提案手法を用いて実験を行った結果,文字が書かれた紙面に対して撮影角度が20度のときに単語認識精度には最大で約24%から約74%の向上が見られた.
Takashi KAMEDA Kazuo OHKUMA Nozomu ISHII Natsuki SANO Hideo OGURA Kazuto TERADA
Dental Materials Journal (ISSN:02874547)
vol.31, no.5, pp.856-862, 2012-10-02 (Released:2012-10-02)
3 5 4

Magnetic fields can represent a health problem, especially low frequency electromagnetic fields sometimes induced by electric current in metallic objects worn or used in or on the body (as opposed to high frequency electromagnetic fields that produce heat). Electric toothbrushes are widely used because of their convenience, but the electric motors that power them may produce electromagnetic waves. In this study, we showed that electric toothbrushes generate low frequency (1-2000 Hz) magnetic fields and induce electric current in dental appliances (e. g. orthodontic and prosthetic appliances and dental implants). Current induced by electric toothbrushes might be dependent on the quantity and types of metals used, and the shape of the appliances. Furthermore, these induced currents in dental appliances could impact upon human oral health, producing pain and discomfort.
井川 良雄 熊谷 憲
Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy
粉体および粉末冶金 (ISSN:05328799)
vol.38, no.4, pp.552-556, 1991

The Osprey Process introduced here is a kind of spray deposition, available for manufacturing bulk preform of high density and high strength by one process straight from molten metals.<BR>The characteristics of this osprey preform are as follows;<BR>(1) Osprey preform density as deposit is higher than 99.4% for high speed steel (Disc preform) and higher than 99.3% for high carbon high speed steel (Tube preform).<BR>(2) The transverse rupture strength of Osprey preform after forged is superior to that of wrought alloy.<BR>(3) The transverse rupture strength of Osprey preform after HIP treatment is 2 times as high as that of conventional cast.<BR>(4) The density and strength of Osprey preform which were adequately deposited, worked and heat treated are expected to be improved further.
田川 明広
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 (ISSN:13472879)
vol.11, no.2, pp.111-117, 2012 (Released:2012-05-15)
2 3

The Japan Atomic Energy Agency decontaminated schools, playgrounds, swimming pools, and houses in nonevacuated, less-contaminated areas in Fukushima for environmental restoration. A small, 150 m2 playground lot in the residential area was chosen for decontamination demonstration, which used routinely available tools and commodities to carry out the work. The surfaces of playground lot equipment, such as swings, slides, and horizontal iron bars, were completely decontaminated by brushing with water and/or detergent. Side gutters around the playground lot were cleaned by removing the mud and then brushed and washed with a high-pressure water jet (7 MPa). The air dose rate at the playground lot was dominated by radiation from the ground surface and adjacent surroundings, such as apartments and rice fields. Two or three centimeters of the surface soil contaminated with cesium was removed manually with shovels, hoes, and other gardening tools. This significantly reduced the average air dose rate of the entire playground lot from 1.5 μSv/h before decontamination to 0.6 μSv/h. These results showed that ground surface decontamination can contribute measurably to the reduction in air dose rate in relatively small areas in residential areas.
葉室 和親 荒牧 重雄 藤岡 換太郎 石井 輝秋 田中 武男 宇都 浩三
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.58, no.2, pp.527-557, 1983-10-22


3 0 0 0 OA 官報

大蔵省印刷局 [編]
vol.1947年03月18日, 1947-03-18
小澤 正直

初田 香成
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.69, no.579, pp.105-110, 2004
1 2

The purpose of this paper is to review the urban redevelopment history of postwar Tokyo from the view point of wooden barrack pub area. Wooden barrack pub area was rooted in postwar black market, and mainly transformed during postwar reconstruction and high growth. In former age it continued as same form, but in later age it changed in various elements such as trade style, institution of redevelopment, trend of business owners, and structure of land ownership. Consequently the urban space especially around the railroad station was transformed. Wooden barrack pub area functioned as an incubator through which newcomers assimilated into the big city, and walked ahead of new urban redevelopment and urban space.
武藤 大志 多田 匡志 岩村 雅一 黄瀬 浩一
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. CQ, コミュニケーションクオリティ (ISSN:09135685)
vol.109, no.373, pp.109-114, 2010-01-14

佐藤 亮洋

報告番号: ; 学位授与年月日: 2010-03-24 ; 学位の種別: 修士 ; 学位の種類: 修士(環境学) ; 学位記番号: 修創域第3534号 ; 研究科・専攻: 新領域創成科学研究科社会文化環境学専攻