今井 俊吾 難波 正志 柏木 仁 佐藤 夕紀 武隈 洋 菅原 満
一般社団法人 日本薬局学会
薬局薬学 (ISSN:18843077)
vol.13, no.1, pp.68-78, 2021 (Released:2021-04-27)

薬剤師は安全な薬物療法の提供のために,患者から必要な情報を「聞き取る」ことが重要である.しかし,薬局薬剤師の「聞き取り」に対し,一部の一般市民は厳しい視線を投げかけており,患者の理解を促すためのエビデンス構築が急務である.本研究は「患者への聞き取り」に基づき実施された疑義照会に着目し,その実態解明と医療安全への貢献度評価を試みた.解析には北海道大学病院の近隣薬局の疑義照会データを用いた.その結果,聞き取りに基づく疑義照会は「薬学的疑義照会の 33.3%を占め,高い許諾割合(98.5%)を有し,用法や用量などの疑義照会分類において,医療安全への貢献度が高い」ことが見いだされた.また,このうち「医師からの説明と処方内容が食い違う」ことが発端となった事例が,特に医療安全へ貢献していることが示された.「患者への聞き取り」に基づく疑義照会の有用性を広く調査するための基礎となる知見が創出された.
小林 透 深江 一輝 今井 哲郎 荒井 研一 宮崎 禎一郎 辻野 彰
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D (ISSN:18804535)
vol.J105-D, no.10, pp.533-545, 2022-10-01

阿部 稚里 今井 具子 瀬崎 彩也子 宮本 恵子 川瀬 文哉 白井 禎朗 眞田 正世 位田 文香 加藤 匠 下方 浩史
名古屋栄養科学雑誌 = Nagoya Journal of Nutritional Sciences (ISSN:21892121)
no.5, pp.23-29, 2019-12-25

【目的】乳癌は女性にとって主要な癌の一つである。これまでに、乳癌と乳製品摂取との関連がメタアナリシスによって検討されているが、一貫した結論が得られていない。その理由として、食事調査の手法や乳製品摂取量の評価が論文間で異なること、調査地域が限られていることが挙げられる。そのため、乳製品と乳癌の関連をさらに明らかにしていくためには、地球規模で同一手法を用いた乳製品摂取量の調査による研究が必要と考えられる。そこで本研究では、現在公表されている国際データを用い、乳癌と乳製品の関連を地球規模による国際比較研究で縦断的に明らかにすることを目的とした。【方法】乳癌発症率および乳癌死亡率は、Global Burden of Disease( GBD) 2017データベースから各国の10万人当たりの年齢標準化された値を入手した。生産から家計までのすべての段階における減耗を除く、各国の食品供給量と総エネルギー供給量は国連食糧農業機関データベース(FAOSTAT)から入手し、乳製品の供給量を求めた。調整変数として、人口、国民一人当たりの国内総生産(GDP)、高齢化率(以上世界銀行データベース)、平均BMI、喫煙率、教育年数、身体活動量(以上GBD データベース)を入手した。全てのデータが得られた100万人以上の人口を持つ139カ国を対象とし、共変量を調整した線形混合モデルを用いて、乳製品供給量と乳癌発症率および乳癌死亡率との1990年から2013年までの23年間の縦断的関連について解析を行った。解析にはR 3.6.1を用いた。【結果】すべての共変量を調整したモデルにおいて、乳製品供給量と乳癌発症率の間に有意な正の関連があった(β= 7.393、標準誤差1.553、p<0.001)。同様に、すべての共変量を調整したモデルにおいて、乳製品供給量と乳癌死亡率の間にも有意な正の関連があった(β= 2.123、標準誤差0.613、p<0.001)。【結論】乳製品供給量と乳癌発症率および乳癌死亡率が正の関連を示すことを、比較的近年のデータを用いて縦断的に明らかにした。このことから、乳製品を多く摂取する食生活は、地球規模において乳癌発症率や乳癌死亡率を上昇させる可能性が示された。今後さらに、乳製品を低脂肪と高脂肪に分けて解析を行うことが必要である。
藤本 滋 今井 健嗣 一木 正聡
公益社団法人 日本設計工学会
設計工学 (ISSN:09192948)
vol.51, no.7, pp.497-508, 2016 (Released:2016-07-05)

Electrical power generation devices that use lead zirconate titanate piezoelectric (PZT) elements have been developed to convert structural vibration energy into electrical energy. We have reported the effects of vibration loads on the power-generation characteristics of a PZT element doped with niobium (Nb), and have proposed the use of laminated PZT elements to significantly improve the power-generation characteristics of PZT elements. In this study, we have made three-layer, five-layer and seven-layer PZT elements. In the experimental study, the effects of the number of layers of the laminated PZT element, the loads and frequencies of the powergeneration characteristics of the laminated PZT element are evaluated by vibration tests. The results indicated that the maximum electric power of a seven-layer PZT test piece in this study was around 3.8 mW and yielded about 23 times more power than a single-layers PZT element. Their results shows the generation characteristics were improved by laminated PZT elements when the number of folds was increased.
美崎 栄一郎 池田 浩 今井 健雄
日本化粧品技術者会誌 (ISSN:03875253)
vol.46, no.2, pp.108-112, 2014-06-20 (Released:2014-06-20)

渡部 宇子 本間 裕大 本間 健太郎 今井 公太郎
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.52, no.3, pp.682-688, 2017-10-25 (Released:2017-10-25)
1 4

本研究では,道路斜線制限と天空率緩和が容積率と建築物高さへと与える影響を考察することを目的とする.様々な敷地形状ならびに建物形状を考慮することによって,当該制限ならびに緩和規定が容積率と建築物高さとどのような数理的関係にあり,かつ,積極的に緩和規定を用いるべき状況を明らかにする.当該条件が明らかとなることによって,建築設計の初期段階における作業効率向上が期待できる.本研究で得られた主な知見は以下のとおりである:(i) 天空率の利用が有利に働くのは,間口の広い敷地で,このときの建物形状は細長くなる;(ii) 奥行の深い敷地では,天空率緩和の場合だけではなく,道路斜線制限で多面体を想定した場合でも許容容積率をすべて消化できる.
中谷 智美 福井 義一 大浦 真一 今井田 貴裕 Tomomi NAKATANI Yoshikazu FUKUI Shinichi Oura Takahiro IMAIDA
甲南大學紀要.文学編 = The Journal of Konan University. Faculty of Letters (ISSN:04542878)
vol.172, pp.151-171, 2022-03-30

催眠療法の心身の疾患に対する有効性が認められているにも関わらず,催眠に対する否定的なイメージが流布しているせいで,わが国における催眠療法の活用は不十分であると言える。催眠の適切な普及と発展を促すには,催眠に対する態度(催眠態度)を改善する方法を開発する必要がある。催眠態度は催眠状態期待(主体性喪失期待,潜在能力解放期待)の影響を受けることから,本研究では催眠状態期待を適切に修正することを意図した3 種類の心理教育による意識的・非意識的催眠態度の変化の違いを検討した。54 名の一般大学生を3 つの条件(主体性喪失期待修正条件,潜在能力解放期待修正条件,統制条件)に割り付け,心理教育の実施前後で質問票調査を実施した。分析の結果,意識的催眠態度は,主体性喪失期待修正条件において事前の意識的催眠態度が否定的であった群と,事前の意識的催眠態度が否定的であった男性において肯定的に変化した。一方で,条件にかかわらず,事前の非意識的催眠態度が肯定的な場合は,心理教育により中庸化したのに対して,否定的な場合は変化しなかったことから,心理教育の効果は不十分であることが分かった。このことから,「操作的」とか「支配的」といった催眠に対する否定的なイメージを修正することが,催眠に対する忌避的態度を改善し,催眠療法の利用を促進する有効な手段であることが示唆された。心理教育の効果の性差には,わが国における伝統的ジェンダー観が影響していると考察された。
山岸 明彦 河口 優子 横堀 伸一 橋本 博文 矢野 創 今井 栄一 田端 誠 小林 憲正 三田 肇
一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会
日本航空宇宙学会誌 (ISSN:00214663)
vol.66, no.6, pp.173-179, 2018-06-05 (Released:2018-06-05)

今井 正浩
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.48, no.249, pp.22-33, 2009 (Released:2021-08-04)

The Pangenetic theory which holds that sperm comes from all the body seems to have been one of the most remarkable doctrines in Greek biology in the fifth and fourth centuries BC, since Aristotle gives a detailed description of the theory and criticizes it severely. The main sources of information about the Pangenetic theory are several medical treatises in the Hippocratic Corpus. There are only some mentions of it in the extant fragments ascribed to Democritus. It would be probable, therefore, that the theory had the origin of its theoretical form in the tradition of Greek medical science, and then came to the focus of attention among the Presocratic philosophers. Some scholars, on the other hand, claim that Democritus had a decisive role in the formation and development of the theory, which was then taken over by the Hippocratic doctors in their attempt to give a systematic explanation for some of the important genetic issues, such as the inheritance of similarities from parents to their children. It must be kept in mind, however, that Hippocratic doctors thought of particular fluids or humours with their inherent powers (δυναμειs) as the essential constituents of human body. This fact leads us to have an idea that the doctors had a completely different view of matter from the corpuscular theory, although Lesky (1950) and Lonie (1981) assume them to have been almost dependent on the atomism of Democritus. We can conclude that the Pangenetic theory came originally from Greek medical science, and then developed into the most influential doctrine before Aristotle.
今井 正浩
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.46, no.242, pp.78-90, 2007 (Released:2021-08-11)

The Hippocratic treatise De Vetere Medicina (On Ancient Medicine) has been the focus of attention among classical scholars and historians of medicine. The author attacks in ch. 20 doctors and sophists who base their own medical theories and methods on philosophical anthropology taken from the contemporary natural philosophers. Many attempts have been made to elucidate, as opposed to their philosophical inquiry into human nature, the author's way of understanding it, which still remains unclear. I draw attention to the following points to make it clear that the conceptual framework of the author's medical anthropology is different from theirs. Their philosophical inquiry into human nature has its starting point in fundamental element(s), from which human beings were originally formed. The author focuses on human beings as existent in their present states, whose conditions and functions must be investigated through interrelations between them and their external factors, such as foods and drinks. A medical investigation into the interrelations will give us a scientific idea about human body, whose constituents are taken to be a large number of humors, reacting against some external factors and accordingly making us feel pain. This may presuppose that, in the author's medical anthropology, human body is conceptually demarcated as the physical or material aspect of human being, within which all physiological events depending on external factors and the humors take place. In their philosophical anthropology, however, human body doesn't seem to have been clearly conceptualized as such, because our experience of feeling pain should be judged to take place within the actions of the fundamental element(s), which must be supposed to constitute our cognitive self.
今井 正浩
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.45, no.237, pp.11-22, 2006 (Released:2021-08-11)

The Hippocratic treatise De Natura Hominis (On the Nature of Man) has been very influential in the history of western medical thought from antiquity, because it argues the theory of four humors as the essential constituents of human body. There has been a traditional view on the theory among scholars that the author Polybos referred to Empedocles' philosophical doctrine of four elements as a model in the formation of the humoral physiology of his own. However, the theory of four humors, as compared with the doctrine of four elements, turns out to be different on the following points. 1) The four elements are introduced as substantial entities, which always remain self-identical, whereas the four humors change into one another, according to the degree of the four elemental qualities (Hot and Cold, Humid and Dry), which constitute their own nature. 2) In the Empedoclean doctrine, human nature comes into being emergently from the four elements, when they come together, or when they separate out of their primordial lump. In NH, the generation process seems to be dependent on human nature, which exists as the determinant of the conditions under which the generation can take place. 3) The Empedoclean cosmic cycle functions as a structural framework, within which the generation takes place. The cosmic system in NH has its own purpose of giving a causal explanation about how the four humors increase and decrease reciprocally in the human body, according to the alternation of the four seasons. These results will make us suppose that the philosophical influences of Empedocles on the theory of four humors remained within a very limited scope, although there are traces in some phrases and sentences as well as forms of argumentation in NH, which may be judged to be reflection of the Empedoclean philosophical poems.
今井 正浩
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.44, no.233, pp.13-22, 2005 (Released:2021-08-12)

It has often been claimed that Greek medical science has its origin in the rational explanation of the world among the early Greek philosophers that constituted their inquiry into nature. However, there were doctors who made an attempt to establish medical science as existing independently of any philosophical intrusion. This can be elucidated through the analysis of the medical term physis, conceptualized, among others, in the well- known treatise in the Hippocratic Corpus, entitled De Natura Hominis (NH). In NH, the Hippocratic doctor criticizes philosophical anthropology and medical theory, which hold that human nature comes into being emergently from single elemental stuff such as Air, Water etc, or from a single humor. His own view of human nature claims that the four humors (blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile) constitute the nature (physis) of human body. The human body has its natural powers inherently for preserving health, and, if anything does harm to it, it functions autonomously for restoring its normal condition. In this context, the term physis denotes what determines the normality of the body, in which its humoral constituents remain harmonized with each other. Through the conception of physis, applied principally to the body, the human body will be demarcated as the physical or ,material aspect of human nature, as opposed to the monistic view of human nature, which has not drawn a categorical distinction between the material and non-material.