上田 鼓 藤田 悟郎 栁田 多美 貝瀬 千里 佐藤 真奈美
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
vol.87, no.6, pp.569-578, 2018

<p>This study examined the risk factors for mental health problems and complicated grief in bereaved families using a nationwide sample of 453 Japanese adults who had lost a family member to a motor vehicle accident within three years. The results indicate that 31.0% of participants had K6 scores > 13 and 61.0% had ICG (Inventory of Complicated Grief) scores > 26. A higher K6 score was associated with secondary victimization and support seeking, whereas a higher ICG score was associated with the death of a child. Dispute over the liability for the accident and the resulting anxiety, measured by the Japanese version of ECR (Experiences in Close Relationships), were common predictors of higher K6 and ICG scores. The results suggest that complicated grief is more dependent on the circumstances of the death, whereas mental health problems are more affected by a participant's coping after the death, implying that effective support and interventions are necessary for mental health problems and complicated grief after a violent death.</p>
伊藤 さよ 佐藤 高広 山下 珠希 鈴木 康弘
Japanese Association of Forensic Science and Technology
日本法科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:18801323)
vol.19, no.2, pp.133-137, 2014

Glass fragments are valuable evidence in the criminal investigation of hit-and-run, murder and burglary cases. Screening of glass fragments should be carried out by refractive index (RI) measurement after the identification of unknown fragments of glass by analysis using electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), scanning electron microscopy with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (SEM-EDS) and/or X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF). However, it has been pointed out that RI values of glass fragments can be influenced by electron beam and/or X-ray of the instrumental analysis, although the effect of them on RI values of glass has not been sufficiently examined.<br>   In this work, we compared the RI values of glass fragments before and after irradiation by electron beam and/or X-ray using these devices. Glass fragments were collected from 3 different uses (windowpane of building, windshield and beer bottle). No significant difference was recognized in the RI values of these glass fragments before and after 30 minutes of irradiation.<br>   We have ascertained that the effect of electron beam and/or X-ray on the RI values is negligible in the conditions of the present study and that comparison of RI values is still useful for the forensic screening of glass fragments even after the instrumental analysis described above.<br>
武田 栄輝 佐藤 理夫
一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会
廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集 第20回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会
pp.123, 2009 (Released:2009-09-25)

高前田−山崎伸也 吉瀬謙二 佐藤充
vol.2012, no.1, pp.71-72, 2012-03-06

佐藤 幸男
広島文化女子短期大学紀要 (ISSN:09137068)
vol.30, pp.39-46, 1997-09-30

Since the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident in 1986, research and investigations in the fields of Medicine, biology, physics have been carried out by many public and private groups visiting the spot. They have sought to provide supportive exchanges of information on the effects of radiation. The major focus of the research has been general residents who were externally exposed to radiation, and are suffering from chronic internal exposure. The firefighters and young soldiers on the reserve list (to be called liquidators hereafter) who were engaged in getting rid of radioactive materials right after the accident, whose health has been a subject of concern of many countries and various groups, were the first ones to suffer acute external exposure followed by chronic internal exposure. Recently, some reports indicate that amnesia and psychosomatic abnormalities have been identified. Data has begun to be gathered and this has brought about arguments in the academic circles in Chernobyl. The debates range from a theory that well-differentiated nerve cells, which have been thought to be radio-resistant, are directly injured by radiation, to a theory that the illness is due to stress, or to a theory that resulting sickness is due to the damage of the vascular system which gives nourishment to the brain-cells. None of thse has been established as a firm theory yet. Regardless of the resulting discussions or hypothesis, actual observation remains an important factor. The fact that various kinds of psycho-neurological abnormalities have been observed among the liquidators is being discussed by the specialists at the site as a fact known to all, whereas in Japan such information is scarce. On the other hand, psychosomatic cases such as the so-called Burabura-disease among atomic-bomb exposure cases have not been studied enough, and so this field has been an Achilles heel in the study of late effects of the atomic-bomb exposure. The results of interviews and exchanges of data and reference materials by the visits at several related organizations such as Moscow Research Istitute Psychiatry (Director: Prof. V. H. Krasnov). Institute Neurosurgery Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine (Director: Prof. Y. P. Zoozulya) and so on will be outlined here. The research carried out so far by each institute has turned out to be somewhat similar in result through the collected information gained from research institutions in Moscow and Kiev. It is recognized by many scientists and doctors that a follow-up survey is required on the health condition of the liquidators in their 46 20s to 50s at the time of the accident, but there have been few chances so far to see specific survey results. The number of liquidators from the Republics of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus is said to be between 400,000 and 500,000, many of whom have had somatic and psychological problems and social problems as well. Three to four years after the accident psycho-neurological disturbances came to stand out, and pilot study research began. The major theory is that psycho-neurological disturbances causing problems include depressive, neurosis, amnesia, chronic headache, degradation of concentration, sleep disturbance, impotence and so on, complicated by some physical abnormalities such as the disturbance of liver function, abnormal endocrine function, etc. The causes of these late-effects are said to be due to not only various kinds of radiation but also various kinds of heavy metals which were used in trying to put out the fire at the nuclear power plant or emitted from the nuclear power plant. The psycho-neurological disturbance is not effectively treated by medical drugs for psychopathia only, but in combination with somatic therapy better results may be obtained. It has become difficult for many of the liquidators of continue with normal social life, with higher rates of leaving work places or getting divorced among them. There are grave problems including social compensation (security) for the bereaved families of liquidators. Several years have already been spent there for the above research and investigations, and judging from limited information, only about 20.000 cases were examined in the investigation and less than 1.000 cases could provide detailed physical examinations from among 400,000 to 500,000 liquidators. Perhaps economic limitation is the cause, but the investigation and the measurements have just started to be carried out. How far or how universally the data gained so far will be applied to all the liquidators is still to be seen. Long term studies may reveal the larger picture of the lasting effects of exposure.
中村 豊 佐藤 彰洋 福田 豊 和田 数字郎
vol.2017, pp.42-49, 2017-11-30

九州工業大学では 2006 年 4 月に P2P アプリケーションを用いた著作権違反や不正なソフトウェアダウンロードに起因する情報セキュリティ ・ インシデントの全学的な対応を目的として,全学情報基盤室が設置された.また現場での対策組織とは別に,国立情報学研究所が公開している高等教育機関の情報セキュリティ対策のためのサンプル規定集を元に,本学情報セキュリティポリシー作成 WG によるインシデント対策フローの整備を行った.2013 年には,戸畑,飯塚,若松各キャンパス毎に行われていたネットワーク整備,管理業務を一体的運用に変更し,また情報セキュリティ対策強化を目的として全学情報基盤室を発展的に改組し,情報基盤機構情報基盤運用室を設置した.本報告では,主に情報基盤運用室がこれまで実施してきた九州工業大学における情報セキュリティ対策について報告する.
伊藤 怜子 清水 恵 内藤 明美 佐藤 一樹 藤澤 大介 恒藤 暁 森田 達也 宮下 光令
Palliative Care Research (ISSN:18805302)
vol.12, no.4, pp.761-770, 2017 (Released:2017-12-05)

質の高い緩和ケアを普及するための対策を検討するにあたり,症状緩和の具体的な目標値を設定するためには,一般市民の自覚症状の実態を把握する必要がある.しかし,これまでに本邦の一般市民における自覚症状の実態を調査した大規模な研究はない.そこで,全国から無作為に抽出した20〜79歳までの一般市民2400人を対象に,郵送による自記式質問紙調査を実施し,Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale(MSAS)を用いて身体,精神症状を多面的に調査した.分析対象は978部(41.1%)で,有症率,症状の強度,苦痛度を性別・年齢階級別に示し,症状の強度とSF-8™による健康関連quality of life(QOL)スコアとの関連を検討した.痛みが46.1%と最も有症率が高く,身体的QOLスコアと相関がみられた(ρ=−0.55).本研究結果は,本邦の一般市民における自覚症状の実態を示した有用な基礎データとなるであろう.
坂本 鷹彦 濱田 靖弘 本間 富士夫 高市 圭佑 佐藤 博紀 板野 愉朋 武田 清賢 熊本 功 佐藤 英男 相馬 英明 佐伯 英樹
公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会
空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集
vol.2014, pp.77-80, 2016

<p>This study aims to develop the operation control method for residential CHP (Combined Heat and Power) systems with BD (Buffer Device) and PV (Photovoltaics). Simulation results of Smart House were evaluated by comparing PEFC to PEFC with Hybrid BD.</p>
湯村 寧 菅野 ひとみ 小川 毅彦 斎藤 和男 佐藤 和彦 窪田 吉信 岩崎 晧 沢田 卓人
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.49, no.12, pp.727-734, 2003-12

症例1:42歳男.5年5ヵ月の不妊を主訴として受診し,無精子症を指摘された.全身所見で異常はなく,精液検査所見も無精子症であった.染色体検査では末梢リンパ球培養G band法で細胞20個において検査を行ったところ46,XXと女性の核型であった.また2番染色体短腕p11,長腕q13を切断点とする腕間逆位が認められた.以上の所見よりXX male症例と診断した.さらにPCR法によるsex-determining region Y(SRY)は陽性,deleted in azoospermia(DAZ)は陰性であった.患者は挙児は希望せず,現在も外来で経過観察中である.症例2:29歳男.1年3ヵ月の不妊を主訴として受診した.症例1と同様に無精子症を指摘され,全身所見で異常はなく,精液検査所見も無精子症であった.染色体検査でも症例1と同様に末梢リンパ球培養G band法で,細胞20個において検査を行ったところ46,XXと女性の核型であり,以上の所見より,XX male症例と診断した.また,PCR法による測定を行い,SRYは陽性,DAZは陰性であった.挙児を希望し,非配偶者間人工授精により正常男児がえられたWe report two cases of XX male with chief complaints of infertility. Physical examination of both patients aged 42 and 29 demonstrated normal male habitus except for small testes. Semen analyses demonstrated no spermatozoa. Endocrinological examinations showed hypergonadotrophic hypogonadism. Vesiculograms demonstrated normal seminal tracts. Histological examination of their testes did not reveal germ cells; one case lacked seminiferous tubules and there was hyalinization in the seminiferous tubule in another case. Chromosomal analyses of peripheral blood demonstrated 46,XX. The sex-determining region Y gene was positive and DAZ (deleted in azoospermia) gene was negative in both cases.
小田原 啓 工藤 茂雄 井龍 康文 佐藤 時幸
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.111, no.6, pp.313-331, 2005 (Released:2005-10-01)
9 6

沖縄本島中部の読谷村には,主に第四紀更新世のサンゴ礁堆積物からなる琉球層群が広く分布する.同層群は先第三系の名護層と上部新生界の座喜味層を不整合関係で覆う.本地域の琉球層群は,伊良皆層と楚辺層よりなる.伊良皆層は伊良皆付近で掘削されたコア試料のみに認められ,溶解・浸食を受け赤色化したサンゴ石灰岩・砕屑性石灰岩および礫岩からなり,層厚は11 mを超える.伊良皆層は楚辺層に不整合関係で覆われる.楚辺層は5つのユニットの累重体であり,個々のユニットは低海水準期の浅海相であるサンゴ石灰岩から高海水準期の沖合相である石灰藻球・Cycloclypeus-Operculina・砕屑性石灰岩へと上方深海化する整合一連のシーケンスよりなる.本層の分布高度は80 mに及び,層厚は70 mに達する.楚辺層の年代は,石灰質ナンノ化石より0.41-0.85 Maである.層位学的位置および年代より,楚辺層は徳之島,沖永良部島,与論島,沖縄本島南部,宮古島の琉球層群主部の一部と対比される可能性がある.
佐藤 栄治 吉川 徹 山田 あすか
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.71, no.610, pp.133-139, 2006-12-30 (Released:2017-02-17)
2 14

The purpose of this study is to develop a method for location planning of regional facilities. To this end, this article aims at formulating converted walking distance considering resistance of topographical features as well as changes in physical strength by age. Two types of converted distance, one based on dynamics and the other based on consumption calorie, are compared with direct distance and route distance in terms of user distribution of a regional facility in Tama New Town. The result shows that the converted distance based on consumption calorie gives the best model among the four types of distance.
斎藤 百枝美 佐藤 充子 菅原 由香 佐藤 早織 山本 佳子 井手 基文 丹羽 真一 江戸 清人
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.31, no.3, pp.194-202, 2005-03-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
1 2

We introduced a medication management module (MMM) for the education of psychiatric inpatients that uses a video (FMV) produced by Fukushima Medical University. We then asked 32 staff members to evaluate the usefulness of FMV by filling out a questionnaire. Nine of the staff (28 %) responded that it greatly improved the patients' comprehension level, 19 (59 %) felt that it had improved, and 4 (13 %) thought that there had been no change. We estimated that the workload of staff had decreased from 10 to 3.7 points. Further, by testing the 37 participants in MMM on their comprehension level before and after it with the same questions, the mean score was significantly higher after MMM (21.4 ± 0.9 points) than before (18.3 ± 3.5 points) (p< 0.001).To assess the effect of MMM on post-hospital self-medication behavior, we mailed another questionnaire to patients who had participated in MMM and those who had not. The sixty-three respondents (34 men and 29 women, aged from 15 to 78 years) consisted of 43 schizophrenia patients and 20 manic-depressive psychosis patients, of whom 33 had participated in MMM and 30 had not. The percentage of MMM-participants who were taking medication regularly was not significantly different from that of non-participants. However, the percentages of MMM participants who understood the necessity of medication and knew how to cope with side effects were significantly higher (p< 0.05 and p< 0.001, respectively).These results indicate that MMM is useful in raising patients' level of comprehension of medication and helping them acquire the proper post-hospital self- medication behavior.
佐藤 純 溝口 博之 深谷 佳乃子
日本生気象学会雑誌 (ISSN:03891313)
vol.48, no.1, pp.3-7, 2011-04-01
藤田 雅文 佐藤 安通
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 鳴門教育大学 編 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.32, pp.506-513, 2017

The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of high school baseball manager's talks to players who participated in the KOSHIEN tournament (national high school baseball championship).The subjects were 73 managers of high school baseball clubs in Japan. The investigations were performed from October to December in 2014. Manager's talks were classified by 2 categories, "affirmative" and "negative". The details of manager's talks were classified by 13 categories, "praise", "raise the morale", "cheer up", "advise", "give thanks", "change player's feelings", "praise", "appreciate the pains", "admit", "run down", "abuse", "blame" and "the others". The 7 situations, "hard training", "meetings before games", "the pinch with playing games", "the chance for coming from behind", "the poor fielding in a pinch", "the strikeout in a big chance" and "meetings after games" in which managers talked to players were set up.The results were picked out as follows.1) Most of managers talked affirmatively to players on all of the situations (82.5%~100%).2) Many managers raised the morale on "hard training" (51.9%) and "meetings before games" (57.1%) .3) Many managers raised the morale (42.0%) and advised on the pitching and defense (31.4%) on "the pinch with playing games".4) Many managers advised on the batting (50.0%) and raised the morale (31.8%) on "the chance for coming from behind".5) Many managers changed player's feelings (63.5%) on "the poor fielding in a pinch". 6) Many managers changed player's feelings (40.0%) and advised on the batting (22.0%) on "the strikeout in a big chance".7) Managers talked diversely to players in "meetings after games". They raised the morale (18.9%),cheered up (16.2%),advised (13.5%),changed player's feelings (13.5%),praised (13.5%) in the scene.