内野 泰伸 亀谷 恭子 六人部 隆夫 近藤 雄基 吉田 一朗 相原 建人 平野 元久
法政大学理系学部研究集報 = Bulletin of the Science Faculties, Hosei University (ISSN:21888507)
vol.55, pp.79-85, 2019-04

辰夫 辰夫 研川 英征 吉田 一希
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
vol.2017, 2017

細田 耕 古川 英光 吉田 一也 池本 周平

吉田 一穂 Kazuho Yoshida 桃山学院大学兼任講師
英米評論 (ISSN:09170200)
no.18, pp.41-65, 2003-12

In 1857, Charles Dickens (1812-70) revisited the Marshalsea prison to look back upon the past and make a necessary atmosphere in Little Dorrit (1857). The Marshalsea prison was the place which Dickens could not forget in his lifetime. Dickens returned to his father's experience of debt again while he was drawing the portrait of the Father of the Marshalsea, William Dorrit, as 'a very amiable and very helpless middle-aged gentleman.' John Dickens, Charles's father, was a cheerful person but he had no sense of economy. He was imprisoned in the Marshalsea prison, and Charles had to work at Warren's Blacking warehouse, which gave him an agony and despair. Dickens seems to change the relationship between his father and him into the relationship between William Dorrit and Amy in Little Dorrit. William Dorrit who is called 'the Father of the Marshalsea prison, is proud of the title although he is a prisoner for debt. Amy as a 'Little mother' of his father and the chief support of the family, shows consideration for her father ; she is a protector of her father and his respectability. Indelibly marked by the more than twenty years to which the Circumlocution Office has condemned William Dorrit behind those walls, it is forever impossible for him, even when he is released, to lose those psychological scars. In Book 2, Chapter 19, 'The Storming of the Castle in the Air', William returns to the identity in the Marshalsea prison. William Dorrit who lived for many years, there is a victim of social system. Arthur who becomes a prisoner of the Marshalsea prison in Book 2, Chapter 27, is also a victim of social system. Arthur who has invested in the business of Merdle, goes bankrupt after he killed himself. Arthur is a victim of Calvinism which drives people to the condition of confinement, and is a prisoner of the wicked religion of Mrs. Clennam. Dickens showed how Arthur could be released from the cultural ideology of Calvinism which made him an indecisive man and how he could get freedom. In Book 2, Chapter 29, Amy visits Arthur who went bankrupt and became the prison of the Marshalsea prison. Amy gives him motherly love. What has to be noticed is that Amy says to Mrs. Clennam, 'Be guided only by the healer afflicted and forlorn, the patient Master who shed tears of compassion for our infirmities', before the house of Mrs. Clennam collapses. The words of Amy show the forgiveness of sin as a theme of Little Dorrit. Moreover, the representation of nature emphasizes the relief by Jesus Christ just before the house of Mrs. Clennam collapses : "From a radiant centre over the whole length and breadth of the tranquil firmament, great shoots of light streamed among the early stars, like signs of the blessed later covenant of peace and hope that changed the crown of thorns into glory." Amy delivers Arthur from the ideology of Calvinism which Mrs. Clennam brought him. In Little Dorrit, Dickens attacked the Christianity of Mrs. Clennam which deprived Arthur of his liberty and imprisoned his mind. Mrs. Clennam adopts Arthur, the love child of Mrs. Clennam and his love, to raise him in righteousness and retribution, but her Christianity which justifies her scheme of retribution does not bring her and Arthur happiness. Dickens demonstrated that people could be released from vengeful feelings by a practice of forgiveness of sin as Jesus Christ had done, through showing how Arthur could be released from the influence of the vengeful thoughts of Mrs. Clennam with the help of Amy.
堀 光代 阿久澤 さゆり 下山田 真 吉田 一昭 長野 宏子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
vol.57, pp.205, 2005

佐藤 邦裕 吉田 一郎 支倉 千賀子
公益社団法人 日本木材保存協会
木材保存 (ISSN:02879255)
vol.13, no.1, pp.18-29, 1987-03-25 (Released:2009-05-22)

(1) 父島列島(父島,兄島,弟島),母島列島(母島,平島,向島)において1984年7月6~31日にシロアリ総合調査を行ったほか,'86年3月までにあわせて37日間シロアリの調査を行った。(2) 父島ではイエシロアリのほか,過去に例のないナカジマシロアリ,ヤマトシロアリの生息を確認した。また,兄島,弟島においてもイエシロアリの生息を確認した。(3) 父島における建築物調査として全戸の聞き込み調査を行った。イエシロアリの被害が甚大であり,特に古い木造家屋に激しいものがみられた。また,防除施工後も被害が起こることが多く,住民が施工に対する不信感を持っているように思えた。加えて施工コスト(本土からの運賃等によるコストの高騰)の問題があり,個人住宅の施工率は公共建築物に比べて低く,コスト低減のための何らかの対策が必要である。(4) 母島,向島ではナカジマシロアリ,ダイコクシロアリをまた,平島でナカジマシロアリを確認した。(5) 母島では野外でナカジマシロアリが,建築物ではダイコクシロアリの加害が多くみられた。(6) 母島の建築物の調査は,父島同様に全戸の聞き込み調査を行った。母島では父島に比べ,住民のシロアリに対する認識が不足しており,特に小笠原で問題となるイエシロアリ,ダイコクシロアリ,ナカジマシロアリの生態等の正確な情報を村民が得る場を作る必要がある。
及川 尚夫 吉田 一浩 依田 昌子 山廣 幹夫 宮下 徳治
vol.31, no.6, pp.289-298, 2010

吉田 一浩 橋本 和美 越智 光一
vol.30, no.6, pp.317-324, 2009

分子構造が異なるフェニルシルセスキオキサン(ダブルデッカー型,かご型,ラダーライク型)をベースとするエポキシ樹脂をそれぞれ調製し,テトラエチレンペンタミンを硬化剤に用いて硬化物を作成した。得られた硬化物は熱重量分析と動的粘弾性で熱物性を評価し,引張り試験で機械特性を測定してエポキシ樹脂の構造と物性の相関を検討した。その結果,熱重量分析からは熱分解温度や分解挙動はエポキシ樹脂の構造に依存しないことが分かった。動的粘弾性の測定結果からは,各エポキシ樹脂のガラス転移温度は,ダブルデッカー型,かご型,ラダーライク型それぞれ87℃,80℃,67℃に確認した。貯蔵弾性率はガラス転移温度の前後で変化が小さく,広い温度範囲でゴム状平坦域を有することがわかった。引張り試験で得られる応力-歪み曲線から破壊エネルギーを求めたところ,最小はラダーライク型の1.3kJ/cm<sup>3</sup>,最大はダブルデッカー型の23.6kJ/cm<sup>3 </sup>であり,ダブルデッカー型はラダーライク型に対して約18倍大きい値を示し,ラダーライク型の弱点である脆さを改善できる可能性が得られた。以上の結果から,シルセスキオキサンを骨格とするエポキシ樹脂の構造と物性の間には,熱的性質はほとんど相関が見られなかったが,ガラス転移温度,機械特性はシルセスキオキサンの分子構造に依存することが判明した。
田勢 泰士 齊藤 梓 太田 崇文 佐藤 慧 高松 久一郎 吉田 一也 川上 勝 古川 英光
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.84, no.858, pp.17-00459-17-00459, 2018 (Released:2018-02-25)

Our group has developed a 3D gel printer called "SWIM - ER" (Soft and Wet Industrial Material - Easy Realizer). Here we are aiming to improve the gel material used in the SWIM-ER system for problems related to free forming and mechanical strength. The composition of the high strength gel material with low viscosity and easy modeling was clarified by adjusting the concentration of the crosslinking agent of 1st gel against the problem that the viscosity of the material is too high and it was difficult to shape. We tried tear tests in addition to various evaluation tests, tensile tests, compression tests. We thought that we can estimate and evaluate dissipation and diffusion of fracture energy by microscopic observation of specimens after tear tests.
吉田 一正 武田 賢一 河崎 雄司 西田 陽二 近藤 清彦 原田 智也 山口 耕介 山崎 章 井岸 正 清水 英治
一般社団法人 日本呼吸ケア・リハビリテーション学会
日本呼吸ケア・リハビリテーション学会誌 (ISSN:18817319)
vol.22, no.2, pp.204-207, 2012-10-31 (Released:2016-04-25)

慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)患者のリハビリテーションでは下肢の活動量についての検討はされてきたが,上肢の活動量についての検討は十分とはいえず,COPD患者で上肢活動量の評価方法は確立されていない.COPD患者(17人)の上肢の活動量,動作の障害程度をActiwatch 2 とPFSDQ-Mで評価し,呼吸機能,呼吸筋力,6-minute pegboard and ring test(6-minute PBRT)で測定される上肢運動能等との関係を調べた.6-minute PBRTでのリング数とActiwatch 2 のカウント数との間に正の相関(r=0.53, p<0.05)を認めた.6-minute PBRTは上肢の活動量のサロゲートマーカーとなり,呼吸リハビリテーションを考えるうえで,上肢活動量の推測とリハビリテーションの効果判定に有用である可能性がある.
堀 光代 長野 宏子 阿久澤 さゆり 下山田 真 吉田 一昭
一般社団法人 日本調理科学会
日本調理科学会誌 (ISSN:13411535)
vol.43, no.1, pp.31-37, 2010 (Released:2014-12-05)

石田 倫彦 林 芳昭 上田 吉徳 吉田 一雄
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 (ISSN:13472879)
vol.9, no.1, pp.71-81, 2010 (Released:2012-02-08)
1 2

A special committee on “Research on the analysis methods for accident consequence of nuclear fuel facilities (NFFs)” was organized by the Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ) under the entrustment of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). The committee aims to research on the state-of-the-art consequence analysis method for Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) of NFFs, such as fuel reprocessing and fuel fabrication facilities. The objective of this research is to obtain the useful information related to the establishment of quantitative performance objectives and to risk-informed regulation through qualifying issues needed to be resolved for applying PSA to NFFs. The research activities of the committee were mainly focused on the analysis method of consequences for postulated accidents with potentially large consequences in NFFs, e.g., events of criticality, spill of molten glass, hydrogen explosion, boiling of radioactive solution, and fire (including rapid decomposition of TBP complexes), resulting in the release of radioactive materials into the environment. The results of the research were summarized in a series of six reports, which consist of a review report and five technical ones. In this technical report, the research results about basic experimental data related to the consequence of the radiolytically generated hydrogen gas explosion postulated in the radioactive solution reserve tank caused by the loss of dilution air supply were summarized.
吉田 一史美
医学哲学医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
no.29, pp.53-62, 2011-09-30

This paper studies a movement in Japan in the 1970s and 1980s for a new adoption system to give women reproductive freedom by providing an alternative to abortion. The study examines why the adoption movement resulted in failure and reveals how concurrent campaigns to restrain abortion influenced this failure. In 1973, Dr. Noboru Kikuta publicly confessed to arranging 100 illegal adoptions using false birth certificates in cases of unwanted pregnancy to protect the mothers and save their fetuses. Subsequently, he started a movement to deny abortion to any woman past her seventh month of pregnancy, when a fetus can survive outside of the womb, and to establish a new adoption system protecting women's privacy in records of childbirth and adoption to provide an alternative to abortion. However, jurists did not embrace the protection of unmarried mothers from stigma and the Special Adoption Law established in 1987 did not reflect Kikuta's proposal. In the 1970s and 1980s, while Kikuta developed his movement, some religious groups and politicians criticized the Eugenic Protection Act, which was enacted in 1948 and allowed abortion within the seventh month. They campaigned to amend the act to prohibit most abortions and include disabled fetuses in eugenic policies instead. However, feminist and disabled people's groups protested against and frustrated the campaigns. As a side effect of this controversy, Kikuta's movement for a new adoption system was seen as being radically pro-life or anti-feminist. Moreover, obstetricians making a living by performing abortion and feminists did not actively support him. Kikuta's new adoption system was a simple proposal to protect fetuses' lives and add to women's choices, but the concurrent anti-abortion campaigns made Kikuta's beliefs and actions seem overly political. Kikuta's failure and the present situation of adoption in Japan are representative of the limitations of women's reproductive freedom in Japan.
吉田 一穂
人間文化研究 (ISSN:21889031)
no.4, pp.139-159, 2016-02-26

When we consider the works of Charles Dickens (1812-70) from the viewpoint of gender, we can safely state that Dickens represents the collapse of the patriarchal myth but he does not represent the women who assert equal rights of men and women. In Dombey and Son (1848), Dombey's family has a system where the male head of the family has nearly absolute authority and the oldest male child falls heir to his father's property. The father's love and hopes are centered in Paul, Dombey neglects his daughter, Florence, and the estrangement is increased by the death of her brother. The representation of Florence's flight from her father takes the initiative in Dickens's later representations of feminism, but Florence's return is different from the return of Louisa Gradgrind in Hard Times (1854), because Florence asks her father to forgive her for her running away from home. In Hard Times, Gradgrind imposes his sense of values of materialism on Louisa, and she gets married to Bounderby to obey her father's will and support her brother. However, she cannot go against her nature and gets out of her life with Bounderby. In both Dombey and Son and Hard Times, Dickens represents the collapse of the patriarchal myth. It shows his affirmation of women's right, but the two works does not show that Dickens completely approves of women's advances into society. Bleak House gives a clue to it. In Bleak House, Mrs. Jellyby neglects her domestic responsibilities because of her mission in Africa. Her telescopic philanthropy causes her neglect of her family when her young son Peepy gets his head caught in the area railing. John Stuart Mill (1806_73) showed his opinion about Bleak House in the letter to Harriet Taylor : `Hard Times has the vulgar impudence to ridicule rights of women. It is done in the very vulgarest way-just the style in which vulgar men used to ridicule `learned ladies' as neglecting their children and household etc.' Mill's opinion admits of refutation, because it is likely that Dickens emphasizes the bad side of Mrs. Jellyby who neglects domestic responsibilities, in Bleak House which shows both the situation of Esther as an orphan and the lack of responsibility of Mrs. Dedlock. Dickens did not deny the right and the conspicuous activity of women. He also knew the usefulness of women who contributed to society. As the granddaughter of Thomas Coutts, founder of the London bank, Angela Burdett-Coutts (1814-1906) was one of the wealthiest woman in Victorian England. She was one of the busiest as well, not only helping to manage the bank, but also engaging herself very activity in an enormous range of philanthropic project. Urania Cottage, at which fallen women could acquire new skills, was set up with Dickens's assistance. Although Dickens knew the usefulness of women like Angela Burdett- Coutts, he represented the negative side of Mrs. Jellyby. His representation of Mrs. Jellyby might come from his own experience. Dickens had a bitter experience with his own mother : she was against the plan that he would be released from the blacking factory, and tried to keep him there. Dickens unconsciously reveals his conviction that maternal love is important in his works. In Bleak House, the absence of mother has a great influence on Esther's life and Esther feels a deep sense of isolation. Therefore Dickens might have used his past experience with his own mother.