1 0 0 0 OA 漂客談奇 2巻

吉田, 正誉
吉田 岳人 矢野 正基 堀川 健一郎 佐藤 啓太 南 翔太 繁野 麻衣子
研究報告数理モデル化と問題解決(MPS) (ISSN:21888833)
vol.2018-MPS-117, no.3, pp.1-6, 2018-02-22

飯原 なおみ 吉田 知司 岡田 岳人 中妻 章 桐野 豊
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.40, no.2, pp.67-77, 2014

There is no report to date regarding the usage status of medications with driving with prohibitions or cautions in Japan. Upon sampling the national health insurance claims database (covering 1% of outpatients), we surveyed the prescriptions and use of medications in outpatient settings for patients aged 25 years and older, with the goal of encouraging the proper use of medications.We analyzed the ratio of outpatients who were administered medications with prohibitions or cautions on driving to total outpatients who were administered medications (prescribed and/or provided to them at the time of examination). We also examined daily dosages and deviations from specified dose-limits for their prescribed oral medications.Of 566,968 outpatients aged 25 years and older who were administered medications, 413,940 (73%) outpatients were given the medications with cautions or prohibitions on driving and 243,405 (43%) outpatients were administered the medications with a prohibition on driving.Daily dosages of many medications were reduced with the increase in age of the patient. The degree of dosage reduction varied widely, with some medications whose dosages were hardly adjusted with age. With some medications with dose-limitations or contraindications for the elderly, prescriptions were found with dosages that often exceeded the recommended limits.We conclude that outpatients given medications and/or prescriptions must exercise appropriate caution when driving and that the dosage of these medications should be adjusted especially in the elderly.
吉田 裕介 白井 康裕
フロンティア農業経済研究 (ISSN:21851220)
vol.20, no.2, pp.117-123, 2018-03-31

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate disparity factors in income by examining the influence of farm size and farm efficiency on farming income. The following were the four main findings; 1) The influence of farm size and farm efficiency on income showed annual fluctuations. 2) For some cases of large-scale upland farming operations there were large fluctuations in incomes because of fluctuations in farm efficiency, resulting in small average annual incomes. 3) The statistical relationship between revenue and income per unit area was very low, while there was a clear relationship between expenses and incomes per unit area for large-scale upland farming operations. 4) In large-scale upland farming operations where there were decreases in income, financial outlays were still necessary to maintain revenue. As above, large-scale upland farming suffering from lowered incomes showed low efficiency because of increases in expenses to ensure maintenance of revenue per unit area and avoiding overcropping of wheat. These farming enterprises caused some of the problems detailed in literature reviews, and other problems they encounter are to maintain farm efficiency by considering the balance between revenue and expenses.
田勢 泰士 齊藤 梓 太田 崇文 佐藤 慧 高松 久一郎 吉田 一也 川上 勝 古川 英光
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.84, no.858, pp.17-00459-17-00459, 2018 (Released:2018-02-25)

Our group has developed a 3D gel printer called "SWIM - ER" (Soft and Wet Industrial Material - Easy Realizer). Here we are aiming to improve the gel material used in the SWIM-ER system for problems related to free forming and mechanical strength. The composition of the high strength gel material with low viscosity and easy modeling was clarified by adjusting the concentration of the crosslinking agent of 1st gel against the problem that the viscosity of the material is too high and it was difficult to shape. We tried tear tests in addition to various evaluation tests, tensile tests, compression tests. We thought that we can estimate and evaluate dissipation and diffusion of fracture energy by microscopic observation of specimens after tear tests.
吉田 由紀 中嶌 信弥
情報処理学会研究報告音楽情報科学(MUS) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.1998, no.14, pp.45-46, 1998-02-13

規則音声合成技術を用いて,MIDI対応の歌声合成システムを開発した.Standard MIDI Fileを利用して入力された楽譜から,各音符のピッチと時間長を自動的に抽出後,付与された歌詞を音素系列に分解,波形編集型音声合成法により歌声を合成,その後,MIDIと同期を取りBGMと合成された歌声を同時に出力する.本システムの特徴としては,単に音符に歌詞を当てはめて歌声を出力するだけではなく,歌詞入力時に,パワー調整や声質変換,ビブラートなどの情報を付加することができ,歌声を自由に演出できる点があげられる.さらに,歌詞を付与するトラックを複数用意することで,ハーモニやデュエットなども実現可能とした.We developed a singing voice synthesis system correspond to MIDI using Text-to-Speech. The system first accepts a score from a standard MIDI file as input, then pitch and duration of each musical note are extracted automatically. Next phonological series are analyzed from given lyrics, and singing voice is synthesized by waveform speech synthesis. It is played together with BGM by synchronizing with MIDI format data. In this system, users can add other information such as power modulation, speech quality modification or vibrato, and can direct the singing voice. Furthermore, if lyrics is given at two or more trucks, harmony and duet can be also performed.
吉田 千秋 桐村 ます美 C. Yoshida M. Kirimura 京都短期大学 京都短期大学 Kyoto Junior College Kyoto Junior College
京都短期大学紀要 = Bulletin of Kyoto Junior College (ISSN:13483064)
vol.31, no.1, pp.25-41, 2003-03-15

小麦グルテンタンパク質の製パン過程における重合および脱重合をラウリル硫酸ナトリウム (SDS) に不溶の高分子グルテンタンパク質 (SDS-ISG) を定量することによって調べた。ドウ中のSDS-ISGはヨウ素酸カリ (KIO_3) レベルの増加とともに直線的に増加した。ドウを30℃でねかすと9ppm付近にピークが現れ、このピークはドウを180℃で焼成すると3ppmに移行した。これらの結果からグルテンタンパク質は低レベルの酸化剤により重合するが、高レベルでは脱重合し、高温で促進されることが示唆された。臭素酸カリ (KBrO_3) およびアスコルビン酸 (AsA) でも同様の結果が得られた。パン容積は焼成したドウ中のSDS-ISG量と正の相関性を示すが混ねつやねかしたドウ中のSDS-ISG量とは相関性はなかった。したがって、焼成時における脱重合が製パン性を決定すると考えられる。これまで酸化剤による脱重合は混ねつ時におけるSH/SS交換反応や shear force によるSS結合の切断、分子内SS結合の形成などで説明されてきたが、著者らはグルテンタンパク質の特異な性質にその原因があると考え混ねつせずに調製したグルテニンタンパク質を用いて酸化剤とその塩の効果を調べた。その結果、グルテニンタンパク質は低濃度のKIO_3またはKBrO_3でわずかに溶解度が減少するのみであるが、粘度はグルテニンタンパク質を2-メルカプトエタノールで還元したときの値まで著しく低下することが判明した。同様の結果は酸化剤だけではなくヨウ化カリ (KI) および臭化カリ (KBr) のような塩でも得られた。このことからグルテンタンパク質の脱重合は主に塩析による溶解性の減少によることが示唆された。以上の結果から製パソ性過程における酸化剤の効果を考察した。
横井 亮子 吉田 美奈子 笹川 栄子 平田 耕造
一般社団法人 日本繊維製品消費科学会
繊維製品消費科学 (ISSN:00372072)
vol.47, no.9, pp.537-547, 2006-09-25 (Released:2010-09-30)

異なるサイズのガードルの衣服圧測定と, ガードルによる身体圧迫が心拍数, 皮膚血流量, 皮膚温, 呼吸量に関する項目, および主観的評価におよぼす影響を, 3つのサイズ変化に対応する独自に開発した加工ガードルを用いて解析した. (1) 各部位の衣服圧において加工ガードルは, 既存ガードルとの間に有意な相関 (r=0.95, p<0.01) が得られ, サイズ変化に十分対応していることが確認された. (2) 加工ガードルのサイズが小さくなるに伴い, 衣服圧値は徐々に高くなり, 圧感覚もよりきついレベルへ移行した.この時心拍数は有意に増加した.下腿部の皮膚血流量は有意に減少し, 同皮膚温も有意に低下した.1回換気量, 予備呼気量は有意に減少し, 予備吸気量は有意に増加することが明らかとなった.
寺本 渉 吉田 和博 浅井 暢子 日高 聡太 行場 次朗 鈴木 陽一
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.15, no.1, pp.7-16, 2010-03-31 (Released:2017-02-01)

We used a questionnaire to investigate how non-researchers conceptualize sense of presence. Respondents were 108 students with no professional education related to engineering or virtual reality. More than 90% of the respondents knew of the term, but they tended to use sense of presence not only to refer to a subjective experience of being there in a mediated environment, but also to refer to an experience that makes them feel excited or as having an extraordinary experience in an actual environment. Factor analysis revealed four sense of presence components: evaluation, impact, activity, and mechanicalness. Events with high presence were likely to be evaluated as preferred, impressive, and dynamic. Furthermore, the participants estimated that distal and proprioceptive sensors such as vision, audition, equilibrium, and kinesthesis were closely related to a sense of presence. These results suggest that sense of presence is not a single and simple concept for non-researchers, but is instead an ambiguous and the multidimensional construct with modality-selectivity. These aspects of sense of presence must be considered in specifying physical factors for high presence and establishing objective measures of sense of presence.
池澤 和広 福元 伸一 遠城 道雄 吉田 理一郎 岩井 純夫
園芸学研究 (ISSN:13472658)
vol.13, no.1, pp.35-40, 2014

石原 恵子 吉田 倫幸 岩城 達也 小森 政嗣 木野 和代 加藤 荘志 内田 照久 出木原 裕順 石原 恵子

中島 涼輔 吉田 茂生

We investigated waves in a stably stratified thin layer in a rotating sphere with an imposed magnetic field. This represents the stably stratified outermost Earth's core or the tachocline of the Sun. Recently, many geophysicists focus on the stratification of the outermost outer core evidenced through seismological studies (e.g. Helffrich and Kaneshima, 2010) and an interpretation of the 60-year geomagnetic secular variations with Magnetic-Archimedes-Coriolis (MAC) waves (Buffett, 2014).Márquez-Artavia et al.(2017) studied the effect of a toroidal magnetic field on shallow water waves over a rotating sphere as the model of this stratified layer. On the other hand, MAC waves are strongly affected by a radial field (e.g. Knezek and Buffett, 2018). We added a non-zero radial magnetic perturbation and magnetic diffusion to Márquez-Artavia et al.(2017)'s equations. Unlike their paper's formulation, we applied velocity potential and stream function for both fluid motion and magnetic perturbation, which is similar to the first method of Longuet-Higgins(1968).In the non-diffusive case, the dispersion relation obtained with the azimuthal equatorially symmetric field (Bφ(θ) ∝ sinθ, where θ is colatitude) is almost the same as Márquez-Artavia et al.(2017)'s result, which includes magneto-inertia gravity (MIG) waves, fast magnetic Rossby waves, slow MC Rossby waves and an unexpected instability. In particular, we replicate the transition of the propagation direcition of zonal wavenumber m=1 slow MC Rossby waves from eastward to westward with increasing Lamb parameter (ε=4Ω2a2/gh, where Ω, a, g and h is the rotation rate, the sphere radius, the acceleration of gravity and a equivalent depth, respectively) and Lehnert number (α=vA/2Ωa, where vA is Alfvén wave speed). As a consequence, fast magnetic Rossby waves and slow MC Rossby waves interact, and the non-diffusive instability occur.Next, we are examining the case with an equatorially antisymmetric background field, which is more realistic in the Earth's core. In this case, if the magnetic diffusion is ignored, the continuous spectrums appear owing to Alfvén waves resonance (similar to the continuous spectrums in inviscid shear flow, e.g. Balmforth and Morrison, 1995). To solve this difficulty, our numerical model includes the magnetic diffusion term.
吉田 健太 桑谷 立 安本 篤史 原口 悟 上木 賢太 岩森 光

Geochemical data from geological samples show compositional trends that reflect the material differentiation and assimilation occurred during certain geological processes. These trends often comprise groups in a multidimensional compositional space and are distributed in real space as geological units ranging from millimeters to kilometers in scale (e.g., Ueki and Iwamori, 2017). Therefore, spatial contextual information combined with chemical affinities could provide fundamental information about the sources and generation processes associated with the samples.However, conventional clustering algorithms such as k-means and fuzzy c-means (FCM) cluster analysis do not fully utilize the spatial distribution information of geologic samples. In this study, we propose a new clustering method for geochemical datasets with location coordinates. A spatial FCM algorithm originally constructed for image segmentation was modified to deal with a sparse and unequal-spaced dataset. The proposed algorithm evaluates the membership function modified using a weighting function calculated from neighboring samples within a certain radius.We applied new algorithm to a geochemical dataset of granitoids in the Ina-Mikawa district of the Ryoke belt that was compiled by Haraguchi et al. (2017), showing that samples collected from the same geological unit are likely to be classified as the same cluster. Moreover, overlapping geochemical trends are classified consistently with spatial distribution, and the result is robust against noise addition compared with standard FCM analysis.The proposed method can be calculated in the “GEOFCM” Excel® sheet provided as supplementary material and on our website (http://dsap.jamstec.go.jp). Geological datasets with precise location coordinates are becoming increasingly available, and the proposed method can help find overviews of complicated multidimensional data structure.
桑谷 立 岡本 敦 吉田 健太 中村 謙吾 土屋 範芳 駒井 武

The high-dimensional and large amounts of data sets in geosciences show very complex behavior and often have large uncertainty. It is important to extract a small number of essential parameters which can explain the phenomenon from high-dimensional data in order to understand the behavior of dynamic solid earth. Under the framework of a big scientific project entitled as “Initiative for high-dimensional data-driven science through deepening sparse modelling” supported by the MEXT in Japan ( http://sparse-modeling.jp/index_e.html ), we try to introduce data-driven approaches into geosciences. In this presentation, we will share some applications in solid-earth science and discuss future prospects.
安本 篤史 平島 崇男 中村 大輔 吉田 健太 桑谷 立

Eclogite from the Nové Dvory (ND), Czech Republic, in the Gföhl Unit of the Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian Massif records extreme pressure and temperature conditions (>4GPa, >1000℃; Nakamura et al., 2004). The formation process of the ND eclogite is expected to give insights to understand tectonics of convergence zone at the deep depth. However, origins of the ND eclogite are controversial whether it was high-pressure cumulate (Medaris et al., 1995) or metagabbro (Obata et al., 2006). The controversy is partially due to ambiguous control factors of garnet zoning pattern in low-variant systems like bi-mineralic eclogite. For example, Nakamura et al. (2013) reported diverse zoning patterns of garnet within a thin-section scale of bi-mineralic eclogite. Their sample comprises a layer containing Fe-rich core garnet and another one containing Mg-rich core garnet. These zoned garnet grains show similar rim compositions. Nakamura et al. (2013) suggested that such zoning patterns are not only the result of changes in pressure and temperature conditions, but also in local bulk compositions. Yet, the origin of the mm-scale layering structure remained unclear. This study aims at revealing the formation process of the ND eclogite from the origin of the layering structure.The study samples are bi-mineralic eclogite composed of garnet-rich matrix and pyroxene-rich layer. Within each sample, garnet grains vary core compositions by layers, but show identical rim compositions regardless of their locations. For example, ND0207 contains a 3-mm thick pyroxene-rich layer. In ND0207, garnet grains in the garnet-rich matrix more than 10mm apart from pyroxene-rich layer has Mg-Cr-poor core (Fe:Mg:Ca=35:32:33 and Cr2O3<0.1wt%), those in the garnet-rich matrix near pyroxene-rich layer has Mg-rich Cr-poor core (Fe:Mg:Ca=23:55:22 and Cr2O3<0.1wt%), and those in pyroxene-rich layer has Mg-Cr-rich core (Fe:Mg:Ca=30:49:21, Cr2O3=1wt%). These garnet grains show similar rim compositions (Fe:Mg:Ca ≈ 28:42:30, Cr2O3 < 0.3 wt%), and contain omphacite only in their rim. Compositions of the omphacite inclusions are Na-rich in the garnet-rich matrix (Na2O=4-5wt%, Cr2O3<0.1wt%, XMg=Mg/(Mg+Fe) = 0.83-0.87), and Cr-Mg-rich in pyroxene-rich layer (Na2O=3-4wt%, Cr2O3<0.4wt%, XMg=0.85–0.90).Chemical compositions of the layering structure are determined by a quantitative mapping technique using electron probe micro analyzer (Yasumoto et al., under review). The result revealed that garnet-rich matrix increases Cr2O3 (0.0 to 0.3wt%) and XMg (0.5 to 0.8) from the relatively homogeneous part of the garnet-rich matrix to pyroxene-rich layer. This trend is concordant to the variation of chemical compositions of the minerals.The significant chemical variation of minerals suggests that the ND eclogite or its protolith was not produced only by accumulation. A comparison of (local) bulk compositions reveal that the garnet-rich matrix corresponds to the Gföhl eclogite (Beard et al., 1992; Medaris et al., 1995; Obata et al., 2006) and the gabbroic rocks from South Indian Ridge (Niu et al., 2002), whereas the pyroxene-rich layer corresponds to the Gföhl pyroxenites (Medaris et al., 1995). In addition, prograde relict amphibole is identified in the ND eclogite (Yasumoto et al., 2016), and the ND pyroxenite is considered to be accumulated from melt (Svojtka et al., 2016). These facts suggest that the ND eclogite was metagabbro that was partially infiltrated and metasomatised by pyroxenitic melt under high-pressure conditions. Chemical variation of garnet cores and lack of omphacite in the garnet cores indicate that the layering structure was present before the omphacite growth. In other words, the melt infiltrated before eclogite-facies metamorphism. Driving force of the changes in local bulk compositions can be prograde heating (Nakamura et al., 2013) or dehydration of amphibole during eclogitization.