太田 康 仙波 哲雄 伊藤 健 田中 正 福田 正弘
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.86, no.3, pp.355-365, 1993-03-01 (Released:2011-11-04)
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Twenty-one patients with paranasal sinus disease were studied with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and CT: two with acute in Hammatory sinus disease, seven with chronic inflammatory sinus disease, four with squamous cell carcinomas, two with papillomas, one with malignant lymphoma, and five with mucoceles. In a few cases, no characteristic MRI abnormalities were detected. The distinction between paranasal tumor and in Hammatory mucosa was almost seen in MRI through clearness of periphery, homogeneity of structure, signal intensity, and enhancement by Gd-DTPA. However, there were some exceptions.CT was useful mainly for bone details, and MRI for soft tissue, so CT and MRI provide different information. The use of both CT and MRI is recommended for the correct diagnosis of paranasal sinus disease. CT should be used initially and MRI should be a secondary examination.
陳 き 太田 広人 佐々木 健介 尾添 富美代 尾添 嘉久
Journal of pesticide science (ISSN:1348589X)
vol.36, no.4, pp.473-480, 2011-11

山本 仁志 石田 和成 太田敏澄
情報処理学会研究報告知能と複雑系(ICS) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2004, no.29, pp.147-152, 2004-03-17

インターネット普及によって,消費者間オンライン市場という新しい取引形態がもたらされた.しかし,ネットワークを介したコミュニケーションの特性として,匿名性や参加離脱の容易性があるため,参加者には貢献することなくサービスを受け取りたいという誘引が働く.また一方で,ネットワーク上では,三課のためのコストや情報投入のコストが低いことから,利他的な行為をもたらす誘引も働く.オープンソースコミュニティなどが一例である.こうした環境下で,非協調行動を抑制するメカニズムとして,参加者相互が取引相手を評価し,その結果を評判として共有する評判管理システムがある.我々は,先行研究において,囚人のジレンマの枠組みでオンライン市場をモデル化し,シミュレーション実験をおこなった.その結果,オンライン市場では,ポジティブ評判管理システムが協調行動を促進することを示した.本論文は,囚人のジレンマを表現する利得行列に対して,「誘惑」「貢献」という二つの指標を提示することで,取引される財の特質を議論することを可能にした.更にシミュレーション実験により,オンライン市場では物財の取引にはポジティブ評判システムが有効であり,情報財の取引では,ネガティブ評判システムが有効であることを示した.This paper discusses the effectiveness of sharing information concerning the reputations of buyers and sellers making online transactions in a consumer-to-consumer (C2C) marker. We developed a computer simulation model that describes online transactions with a reputaion managemant system that shares information concerning the reputations of consumers. The model take an agent-baed approach in which agents' actions are based on the iterated prisoner. No model exists to analyze C2C markets even though these are many case studies concerning the sffectiveness of sharing reputation information among participants in a market. The simulation results revealed that a positive reputation system can be more effective than a negative reputation system for an online transaction, eve though the negative one can work for a traditional transaction. The result should be an important consideration when designing practical reputation management systems for online transactions.
平木 潔 太田 善介 三好 勇夫 原田 英雄 鈴木 信也 六車 昌士
ウイルス (ISSN:00426857)
vol.16, no.1-2, pp.6-12, 1966-04-30 (Released:2010-03-16)

Spontaneous mammary carcinoma of AKR mice and Xray-induced mammary carcinoma of C58 mice, both known as low-cancer strains, were investigated by electron microscopy.In AKR mammary carcinoma, intracytoplasmic type A and extracellular type B particles were present. In C58 mammary carcinoma, extracellular type C particles were observed. In both tumors, mature virus particles, i.e. type B and type C particles, were formed by the process of budding of cytoplasmic membrane of carcinoma cells and present in the lumina of the milk ducts. Aberrant form of type C particles, which contained a filamentous structure instead of a nucleoid was also seen in C58 mammary carcinoma.In serial in vivo transplantation of those carcinoma cells to the same strain mice, these virus particles were always present and formed from carcinoma cells, although the number of virus particles reduced almost successively with transplantations in AKR mammary carcinoma.In tissue culture of C58 mammary carcinoma cells, type C particles similar to those in the original tumor were observed extracellularly. On the contraty to the presence of type B particles in the original AKR mammary tumor, however, two tissue culture strains derived from in vivo transplanted AKR carcinoma cells contained type C particles. These type C particles were conceivable to be the leukemia virus that naturally harbored in AKR mice and happened to have been tranferred to the tissue culture probably through its latent infection in carcinoma cells.
許 鳳浩 阿部 哲朗 鈴木 信孝 太田 富久 川端 克司
日本補完代替医療学会誌 (ISSN:13487922)
vol.14, no.1, pp.1-8, 2017

シイタケ菌糸体抽出物は癌化学療法との併用時に,患者のQOLを維持・改善することが報告されている.本研究では,様々な治療背景および様々なステージのがん患者のQOLに及ぼすシイタケ菌糸体抽出物の影響を検討した.16施設で73症例を対象にシイタケ菌糸体抽出物を4週間(1,200 mg/day)連日経口摂取させ,摂取前後のQOLをEORTC-QLQ-C30調査票でスコア化した.シイタケ菌糸体抽出物摂取後のQOLスコアは被験者全体では,摂取前スコアに比べ,心理的,疲労スコアで有意に改善した.特にステージ3,4の被験者では,総体的,身体的スコアの改善も観察された.シイタケ菌糸体抽出物の経口摂取の併用は,進行性がん患者のQOLを改善することが示唆された.
太田 陸奥雄 金谷 輝人 山田 益男 榊原 精
一般社団法人 軽金属学会
軽金属 (ISSN:04515994)
vol.29, no.8, pp.315-321, 1979-08-30 (Released:2008-10-30)
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Measurements of electrical resistivity and intensity of small-angle X-ray scattering and transmission electron microscopy were made on several compositions of Al-Zn alloys. G. P. zones are formed above the spinodal temperature in the nucleation-and-growth mechanism. The nucleus has a critical size for growth. This size becomes larger when aged at higher temperatures. The G. P. zones formed in this mechanism distribute broadly, but those formed by the spinodal decomposition do closely. The number of G. P. zones is much larger in the latter case (127°C) than that in the former (132°C). The spinodal temperatures estimated for Al-10.0, 12.5, 15.0 and 20.0wt% Zn alloys are 90-95°, 105-110°, 125-130° and 170-180°C respectively. The critical temperatures below which G. P. zones are observed in these alloys are 105-115°, 125-135°, 150-160° and 200-210°C respectively.
太田 高裕
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.851, pp.17-00153-17-00153, 2017 (Released:2017-07-25)

Shot peening is widely applied in the automotive and aerospace industries in order to improve the fatigue strength of the metal components by compressive residual stress. In the case of large components, the peening process is generally performed by moving peening equipment that follows a trajectory on the component surface by means of a robot. In order to construct a robot program for the shot peening of complex components, this study aimed to obtain a functional approximation of the impact pressure distribution in the shot stream. The impact pressure distributions were measured with pressure measurement films (Prescale) and a pressure distribution mapping system. The dependence of the mean impact pressure in the shot stream on the shot mass was in good agreement with the dependence of the arc height of the Almen strip on the shot mass. The impact pressure distributions using various shot masses and standoff distances were measured and approximated by modified Gaussian distribution functions, which included the saturation curve. Three coefficients in the modified Gaussian distribution functions depended on the shot mass and the standoff distance. The modified Gaussian distribution functions were used to determine the impact pressure distributions of a twice-shot peened samples. These calculated values were in good agreement with the experimental results. However, for tilted shot peening, the impact pressure distributions were more complex because the standoff distance at each position on the film was different. The impact pressure distributions of the tilted conditions calculated by the modified Gaussian distribution function, which considered the variation in the standoff distance, were in good agreement with the experimental results for a tilt angle ranging from 30° to 90°.
太田 仁 別府 倫兄 二川 俊二
胆道 (ISSN:09140077)
vol.16, no.2, pp.100-107, 2002-05-31 (Released:2012-11-13)

米田 完 太田 裕介 広瀬 茂男
The Robotics Society of Japan
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.15, no.8, pp.1188-1193, 1997-11-15
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It is desirable to have a mobile robot which can move and perform various tasks on irregular terrain, but current systems are not reliable or adaptable enough for practical use. A traditional method for climbing stairs is to use knobbed tires or tracks which can grip the edge of the stairs. But with this method usually only one knob on each side of the vehicle grips the stairs because the spacing between the knobs does not necessarily coincide with the distance between steps. In this thesis, a new idea crawler is developed for the stair-climbing. Blocks are attached to the face of the crawler-belt and can change shape to match the edge of the steps. Therefore, a large friction force is obtained by the soft deformation of the blocks at every point along the belt. After experimenting with various types of substances, blocks filled with powder were chosen for their desirable deformation characteristics. The results of this stair-climbing experiment prove that this crawler has better reliability than other crawlers when ascending and descending stairs. Also, this crawler can change its posture when climbing stairs or obstacles and this is also used to increase the turning efficiency of the crawler.