黒﨑 紘史 白畑 紘夢 川原 潤也 近藤 康人 近藤 健 李 範爽 小田垣 雅人
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.143, no.5, pp.532-538, 2023-05-01 (Released:2023-05-01)

In this study, we developed a capacitive seating analysis sensor using a conductive textile for evaluating a Seating Motion. Physical burden on caregivers is a common problem at nursing care sites. Developing long-term caregiving skills can help reduce the physical burden on amateur caregivers. Several quantitative evaluation studies have focused on the skills of caregivers. However, such evaluation is highly expensive and require huge area because it involves the use of motion capture systems with several 3D cameras for dynamic motion analysis. In our previous study, we developed a conductive textile sensor for measuring the seating position of a care recipient in a wheelchair. The sensor could measure either seating body pressure or distance between the buttocks and the seat. The system can measure the care recipient's motion without requiring any motion capture system. We recommend using the sensor to evaluate the skills of caregivers; the sensor output can be used to determine the seating speed of the care recipient on the chair. Herein, we report the validity of the measurement system comprising a conductive textile-based capacitive seating analysis sensor for evaluating seating in nursing care.
小田晋 作田明責任編集
窪田 聡 村松 嘉幸 大島 秋穂 小田部 桃子 菅田 悠斗 腰岡 政二
一般社団法人 園芸学会
園芸学研究 (ISSN:13472658)
vol.17, no.1, pp.95-103, 2018 (Released:2018-03-31)
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城戸 研二 河合 伸也 小田 裕胤 田口 敏彦 山縣 茂樹 秋野 龍明 村松 慶一
West-Japanese Society of Orthopedics & Traumatology
整形外科と災害外科 (ISSN:00371033)
vol.37, no.2, pp.675-677, 1988-10-25 (Released:2010-02-25)

In thirty-six cases with lumlar diseases, CT studies of the shape of the lateral recess (L5) were performed. A series of CT scans at L5 lateral recess showed the narrowest level of it and the L5 neve root condition in it. Three types of the shape were classified, which were triangular type, trefoil type and flat trefoil type. Especially the flat trefoil type was associated with LCS. We concluded that the narrowest level of the lateral recess of LCS was the entrance of the nerve root, which was trapped there by the configuration of the recess with the degenerative soft tissue, on the other hand, the lateral recess of OA was not narrowest at the entrance level, but narrowest at the pedicle level. The difference in the shape contributed to the pathogenesis of symptoms of the LCS.
小田 淑子
一般社団法人 日本オリエント学会
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.20, no.1, pp.79-94,268, 1977-09-30 (Released:2010-03-12)

Fana' and baqa' are two of the most important technical terms in Sufism. Fana' is generally defined as “dying to one's selfish ego (nafs)”, and baqa' as “surviving by receiving the divine Life after fana'”. I would like to elucidate how fana' and baqa' are related to each other in Rumi.In order to attain to fana', it is required to concentrate one's self on God. In this process, the world as that of Multiplicity is regarded as something to renounce. At the moment of fana', God makes one's self die, then there is nothing but God. It is the realization of the Unity of God. However, the symbol of the transformation of a stone into a ruby denotes that the death of the self is immediately the transformation into the fundamental Self. The death of the self, the realization of the Unity of God and the appearance of the Self may take place at the same moment of fana'. I think that fana' is, in principle, or in the most authentic mode, simultaneous with baqa'. But there remains a problem. Though most mystics usually feel intoxicated at the moment of fana', some of them may come to enjoy and anticipate such a mysticll feeling termed “hal”. To remain. in hal may be regarded as the false mode of fana', in the stage of which man affirms his self in a wrong way, in other words, he does not die out. Such a man does not open his eye onto the world.To surpass the false mode of fana' is to become utterly one with God in Love and to enter into the world (baqa'). The return to the world in the attainment of baqa' marks the purest oneness of man with God. Rumi expresses such a pure oneness between God and the man in baqa' by the term of “the One ness with Light” (ittihad-i nur). It implies the two aspects of baqa'; that of the purest oneness between God and man, and that of the so-called “second separation” (farq-i thani). Since one who attains in baqa' has died to his self, baqa' preserves an aspect of fana' in itself. In Rumi, baqa' means twofold; to live the eternal Life, and the survival of the bodily existence. Accordingly, fana' also means two fold; the Non-being of the fundamental Self, and the death of his self. Needless to say, each pair of twofold meanings, respectively, points to the one and same situation.If we consider the relation between fana' and baqa' from the viewpoint of Rumi's idea of “the New Creation” (khalq-i jadid), both terms are closely related to each other not statically but dynamically. Baqa' means, first of all, to live the eternal Life, and the Eternal is ever the Present or at the Moment, therefore, a mystic in baqa' lives the eternal Life at every moment. That would be possible only by dying at every moment (fana'). Moreover, he does realize such a fundamental fact. In regard to the other meaning of baqa', the survival of the bodily existence, it cannot be continuous. It must be the continuity including the discontinuity within itself. Since a mystic in baqa' realizes the discontinuity, he can experience a new “state” or “present” (hal), which is not like that of the day before, every day.
小田嶋 恭二
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.101, pp.211-230, 2003-03-31

小松 晴菜 鈴木 陽介 吉島 千智 小田 絢子 大野 恵子

【目的】糖尿病の発症率は加齢と共に著しく増加する。高齢糖尿病患者は、筋肉量の減少、身体機能の低下によるサルコペニアを合併しやすく、サルコペニアは血糖コントロールを悪化させる。血糖降下薬であるNa+/グルコース共役輸送担体2(SGLT2)阻害薬は尿中へのグルコース排泄を通じて血糖コントロールを改善し、体重減少を誘発する薬物であるため、体重減少とともに筋肉量の減少が懸念される。しかし、SGLT2阻害薬が筋肉量に与える影響については未だ明らかではないため、今回、メタ解析の手法を用いて検討を行った。【方法】本研究では、PubMed、Cochrane Library、医中誌Webのデータベースを用いて、SGLT2阻害薬を投与しており、かつ、筋肉量に対する影響を検討している無作為化比較試験を検索した。筋肉量の指標には無脂肪量を用いて、統計学的に評価した。なお、データの統合・解析はRevMan 5.4で行った。【結果・考察】上記のデータベースを検索した結果、80報の論文が抽出され、その中で採択条件を満たした無作為化比較試験は4報であった。そのうち3報は標準治療に上乗せしたプラセボ対照試験で、1報は標準治療との比較試験であった。筋肉量の指標である無脂肪量のベースラインからの変化はプラセボ群と比較してSGLT2阻害薬群で有意に減少した(MD: -0.48; 95%CI: -0.90, -0.06; p = 0.03)(図1)。また、脂肪量のベースラインからの変化もSGLT2阻害薬投与群で有意に減少した(MD: -1.72; 95%CI: -2.23, -1.22; p<0.00001)(図2)。以上の結果から、SGLT2阻害薬は主に脂肪量を減少させるが、筋肉量も減少させ、サルコペニアのリスクを高める可能性が示唆された。しかし、現在SGLT2阻害薬服用後の筋肉量の変化を評価した無作為化比較試験が少ないことや、筋力や身体能力などの筋肉量以外のサルコペニア発症に関与する要因については未だ不明であるため、今後、長期間における更なる臨床試験が行われることに期待が寄せられる。
阿南 雅也 徳田 一貫 木藤 伸宏 新小田 幸一
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.25, no.5, pp.755-760, 2010 (Released:2010-11-25)
3 2

〔目的〕本研究は,体幹および下肢の運動連鎖の観点から変形性膝関節症(膝OA)の発症・進行に関与する機能障害を明らかにするために,膝OA患者における椅子からの立ち上がり動作(STS)の運動学的分析を行った。〔対象〕膝OAと診断された女性17名の膝OA群と膝関節痛を有さない女性16名の対照群とした。〔方法〕課題動作は座面高が下腿長の高さの椅子からのSTSとした。3次元動作解析システムKinema Tracer(キッセイコムテック社製)を用いて各体節および下肢関節の角度を求めた。〔結果〕身体重心(COM)前方移動期における各体節の角速度の平均値には有意差が認められなかったが,COM上方移動期における膝関節伸展,足関節底屈の角速度平均値は対照群に比し,膝OA群が有意に小さかった。〔結語〕膝OA群のSTSにおいて,臀部離床後に体幹前傾で得られた速度を下肢に伝えることができず,適切な膝関節の関節運動および肢節のアライメント保持が難しくなっていることが示唆された。
山田 陽介 木村 みさか 中村 榮太郎 増尾 善久 小田 伸午
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.56, no.5, pp.461-472, 2007-10-01 (Released:2007-11-22)
17 12

Although skeletal muscle mass decreases with aging, its decrease rate may differ among parts of the body. There have been few studies examining the differences in the muscle mass decrease rate between proximal and distal parts of the limbs or between the left and right legs in a large population. Bioelectrical impedance (BI) index, calculated as the ratio of the square of segment length to impedance, is linearly correlated with the muscle mass calculated by MRI (r=0.902-0.976, p<0.05, Miyatani et al., 2001) in the limb segments. The purpose of this study was to examine differences in the decrease rate of muscle mass between the proximal and distal parts of the limbs and between the upper and lower limbs in healthy Japanese. The BI index was measured in the bilateral thighs, lower legs, upper arms, and forearms of 1006 healthy Japanese men and women (aged 15-97 years). While the BI index decreased with aging in all examined parts of the body, the decrease rate was larger in the lower limb than in the upper limb, and in the thigh than in the lower leg. The percentage of people who showed a difference of more than 10 % in the BI index between the left and right lower limbs was significantly higher in the elderly than in young subjects. These differences in the decrease rate of muscle mass between limbs may be associated with decreases in physical functions in the elderly.
簑下 成子 佐藤 親次 森田 展彰 中村 俊規 松崎 一葉 菊地 正 小田 晋
Japan Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
人間工学 (ISSN:05494974)
vol.33, no.2, pp.79-86, 1997-04-15 (Released:2010-03-12)
5 6

本研究は精神障害者の表情認知特性を明らかにするためのテストツールを開発することを目的とする. 対人感情を含んだ微妙な感情を表現し, 同時に信頼性のある実験モデルとして有効と思われる能面を表情刺激画像として用いた. まず, 31名の被験者に, いろいろな向きの能面画像18枚のスライド写真を呈示し, その表情が表していると思われる感情について自由記述させた. 得られた感情表現をもとにして, 39の感情表現を尺度として抽出した. 次に, 被験者26名に, 得られた感情表現を尺度として, 能面を上下方向に変化させた8枚のスライド写真について, 4段階評定させた. 因子分析の結果, 能面の角度を変化させることによって表情認知の測定ができることが明らかになり, 能面から知覚される感情は8因子からなることが明らかになつた.
小田 寿 高木 信嘉 常田 康夫 矢花 真知子 金子 好宏
社団法人 日本腎臓学会
日本腎臓学会誌 (ISSN:03852385)
vol.30, no.2, pp.221-225, 1988-02-25 (Released:2010-07-05)

It has been reported that rifampicin attenuates an effect of corticosteroid. We observed nonresponsiveness to prednisolone treatment during rifampicin administration in a case of adult nephrotic syndrome. A 21 years old man had the onset of facial edema and ascites in and was diagnosed as nephrotic syndrome (minimal change) at a certain hospital. He was treated with prednisolone and obtained complete remission. He had the complaint of chest pain in May 1984, and was transfered to our hospital. We diagnosed him as nephrotic syndrome and tuberculous pleuritis. We administered him isoniazid 300 mg/day, rifampicin 450 mg/ day, streptomycin 3 g/week and prednisolone 30 mg/day. His urinary protein was not decreased. Subsequently, we administered him predonisolone 60 mg/day. But his urinary protein was not changed. We thought that rifampicin might attenuate the effect of pre-dnisolone. After rifampicin was discontinued, urinary protein was decreased rapidly. He obtained complete remission and was discharged from our hospital. It was reported that a patient with Addison's disease required increased corticosteroid dosage whilst receiving rifampicin and had cortisol catabolism following hepatic microzomal enzyme induction by rifampicin. Our case of nephrotic syndrome showed the nonresponsi-veness to prednisolone treatment during rifampicin administration. The corticosteroid is essential to treatment of nephrotic syndrome and collagen disease, and rifampicin is an important drug in treatment of tuberculosis. We should pay attension to drug interac-tion between corticosteroid and rifampicin in the cases with combination of these drugs.
小田 佳代子 森 英高 陳 鶴 谷口 守
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画報告集 (ISSN:24364460)
vol.12, no.4, pp.138-142, 2014-03-10 (Released:2022-07-01)

土屋 範芳 鈴木 舜一 小田 幸人 飯島 章夫
Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences
岩鉱 (ISSN:09149783)
vol.84, no.3, pp.89-96, 1989-03-05 (Released:2008-03-18)

Carbonaceous material in pelitic rocks and limestones of the Ayukawa and the Daioin Formations in the Hitachi metamorphic rocks was investigated by means of X-ray powder diffraction technique. Carbonaceous material in these metasediments was graphitized under the conditions of greenschist facies. rystallite thickness Lc (002) ranges from 29 to 170 Å in the Ayukawa Formation and that from 120 to 300 Å in the Daioin Formation. Lc (002) of carbonaceous material in pelitic rocks containing biotite is more than 60 Å and increases with increasing metamorphic grade. Lc (002) value at a boundary between greenschist and epidote-amphibolite facies may be estimated 260-300 Å from the data of Lc (002) of the lower part of the Daioin Formation. Lc (002) of the Ayukawa Formation surrounding the sheared granite is above 200 Å. As compared with the general value of the Daioin Formation, Lc (002) of the Daioin Formation around the sheared granite is not so high. Thermal effect of the sheared granite was not marked, which suggests that the sheared granite intruded under low temperature condition.