前田 直大 伊佐治 麻里子 直江 可奈子 四藤 理佳 尾崎 裕之 橋本 哲郎 入山 美知 松原 浩司 下沢 みづえ 小田 貴実子 作田 典夫 新岡 正法 小林 道也
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.14, no.4, pp.179-183, 2013-02-28 (Released:2013-03-06)

Objective: Doping is strongly prohibited in sports.  Sports pharmacist was born in 2010 in Japan, and the anti-doping activity is expected.  On the other hand, doping by arising from a lack of knowledge about prohibited substances in athletes, so-called “unwilling doping” is developing into a social issue.  In this study, we investigated the percentage of prohibited substances in all drugs and prescriptions in a general hospital, to collect information to prevent an unwilling doping.Methods: We constructed system to extract the drugs corresponding to prohibited substances in the prescription order entry system in Otaru Municipal Hospital, and we analyzed 3,306 prescriptions of 10 to 59 years old patients, from July to September 2010.Results: Thirteen point five percent of our hospital drugs met definition of the prohibited substance.  The number of prescriptions including prohibited substance(s) was 350 (10.6%), and its category was different from each age-group and clinical department.Consideration: Because prohibited substances are included in approximately 10% of prescriptions, athletes are exposed to danger of becoming an unwilling doping.  Pharmacist should be well informed about prohibited substances to prevent athletes from unwilling doping.  And they should provide information promptly and adequately for athletes.
小田 剛
古典文藝論叢 (ISSN:18835309)
vol.5, pp.57-70, 2013-03-20
古川 陽介 仲村 尚崇 深田 光敬 中司 元 安田 潮人 小田代 敬太 丸山 徹 赤司 浩一
公益財団法人 日本心臓財団
心臓 (ISSN:05864488)
vol.43, no.12, pp.1515-1520, 2011 (Released:2013-02-21)

目的: 近年, ワルファリン(warfarin; WFN) とプロトンポンプ阻害薬(proton pump inhibitor; PPI)の併用による薬物相互作用が指摘されている. 今回, ラベプラゾールとランソプラゾールの抗凝固療法に対する影響を後ろ向きに検討した.対象と方法: 外来で安定した抗凝固療法が確認されておりPPIを追加投与された例をPPI投与群(n=19), PPIを併用せずにWFNの維持量を半年以上固定している例を対照群(n=12)とし, PT-INR値とその変化率, PT-INRをWFNの用量で補正した値(INR/WFN)および出血性イベントを評価した.結果: 対照群とPPI投与前のラベプラゾール群およびランソプラゾール群でWFNの維持量, 平均PT-INR値, INR/WFNに有意差はなかった. PPI投与前後の平均PT-INR値はラベプラゾール群で変化なく(p=0.137), ランソプラゾール群で増加した(p=0.002). この増加は対照群のINRの自然変動より有意に大きかった(p<0.001). INR/WFNはラベプラゾールの投与では変化なく, ランソプラゾールの投与で増大した(p=0.011). 臨床的にいずれのPPIも出血性イベントは起こさなかった. ランソプラゾール群の2名でWFNを減量した.結語: 今回, ラベプラゾールはランソプラゾールに比べて抗凝固療法下でのPT-INR値に影響を与えにくいことが明らかとなった.
小田倉 弘典
一般社団法人 日本不整脈心電学会
心電図 (ISSN:02851660)
vol.31, no.2, pp.127-133, 2011 (Released:2011-08-02)

新美 直哉 重冨 俊雄 大野 雄弘 小田 有紀子 水谷 英樹 上田 実
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.47, no.2, pp.144-147, 2001-02-20
5 1

Amyloid is defined as a pathologic fibrous proteinaceous substance which, when deposited between the cells of tissues and organs, leads to various clinical conditions. Immunohistochemistry has allowed for better classification and understanding of the pathophysiology of amyloidosis.<BR>A 70-year-old man was referred to our department because of spontaneous purpura of the skin and hematoma of the oral mucosa. There was no chemical or hematologic abnormality on routine examination. Bence Jones protein was positive in the urine. Bone marrow examination, however, revealed an slightly increased proportion of plasma cells. It was unlikely that the Bence Jones protein was associated with multiple myeloma. Skin biopsy revealed depositions of amyloid, and Congo red stain for amyloid was positive. In addition, immunofluoroecent staining resulted in a diagnosis of AA amyloidosis.<BR>The patient was treated with a combination of colchicine, melphalan, and prednisolone; however, 7 months after initial presentation he died of cardiac failure. Autopsy revealed multiple-organ vascular amyloidosis, and a diagnosis of bullous amyloidosis was made.
小田切 敬子 浜野 政章 吉川 泰弘
The journal of veterinary medical science (ISSN:09167250)
vol.61, no.6, pp.595-601, 1999-06-25

リスザルは神経研究や認知科学において最もよく利用されてきた実験用霊長類の1種である.従って,リスザルの習性や行動を詳細に知ることは,中枢神経系の退行や,機能障害を判定するのに有効である.本研究では,リスザルがウズラのゆで卵を取ってから食べるまでの一連の摂食行動(Eating series: ES)について観察し,連鎖の解析をした.実験1では72匹のリスザルの,のべ378回のESについて解析した結果,3通りの統計学的に有意な推移パターンが見られた.実験2では,8匹のリスザルを無作為に選びだし,各個体につき31〜36回のESについて解析した.その結果,リスザルはウズラの卵を押すまたはこするという動作を示すPr/Ruグループとそうでないno-Pr/Ruグループとに分けられた.また,Pr/Ruグループの中でも,常にこの動作を示す個体とそうでない個体とがいた.このことからリスザルは実験室内で各個体に特徴的なESを獲得し,発達させてきたことが推察された.
小田部 胤久
美學 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.49, no.4, pp.13-24, 1999-03-31

Onishi Yoshinori (1888-1959) was one of the leading figures in aesthetics from 1930s to 1950s in Japan. Mostly influenced by neo-Kantian H. Cohen, Onishi argued that the whole system of aesthetics must be deduced from the a-priori principle that constitutes 'aesthetic experience.' He claimed that the Japanese or the Western aesthetic characteristics per se are irrelevant to the system of aesthetics, because they are merely historical issues. On the other hand, he dealt with comparative studies between Eastern and Western aesthetics within his systematic aesthetics. He tried to derive Japanese aesthetic categories from the 'fundamental aesthetic categories' that can be deduced from the a-priori principle and to incorporate the former into the universal theoretical system of aesthetics. For him, the deductive system of his aesthetics can be compatible with his comparative studies. It follows, however, that his comparative studies incorporated into the deductive system of aesthetics lack the insight into the historicity of individual aesthetic categories. His a-priori system suppressed the fact that his argument was aimed at justifying Japanese traditions against the modern West. In this sense his aesthetics is to be characterized as a kind of 'orientalism.' See my article 'Some Aspects of Japanese Aesthetics : How has it Discussed "Japanese Qualities"?' in International Yearbook of Aesthetics 2 (1998), pp.63-80.
小田倉 泉
埼玉大学紀要 教育学部 (ISSN:18815146)
vol.56, no.1, pp.95-107, 2007

これまで、乳幼児の権利は限定的なものであり、子どもの権利条約成立過程においても、乳幼児の権利への言及は、保護に関わる事項が主であり、意見表明権は乳幼児を対象にしたものではなかった。国連子どもの権利委貝会による「一般的注釈第7号」「乳幼児期における子どもの権利の実施」は、乳幼児が子どもの権利条約に規定された全ての権利の保有者であることを明記している。同委員会が強調しているのは、乳幼児の感情さえも尊重に値する意見である、ということである。コルチャックもまた、乳幼児の「涙と微笑みの言語」に耳を傾け、尊重することを強く要求している。コルチャックの乳児・幼児の権利観は、子どもの権利条約の理念への認乱と理解を深めるものであると考える。Historically the rights of young children were limited. Even in the process of the enactment of Convention on the Rights of the Child. Most of the mentions in young children were about protection and the right to express one's views was not applied to young children. The "General Comments 0.7": "Implementing Childs Rights in Early Childhood" by the Committee on the Rights of the Child describe clearly that young children are holders of all rights enshrined in the Convention. The Committee underlined even feelings of young child are "views" deserving of our respects. Korczak also urgeed to listen and respect young children's "the speech of tears and smiles". In this thesis. I propose that his ideas of young children and their rights can lead us to gain an appreciation and understanding of the philosophy of Convention on the Rights of the Child.
粟屋 利江 岩崎 稔 澤田 ゆかり 佐々木 孝弘 野本 京子 吉田 ゆり子 大川 正彦 臼井 佐知子 金 富子 米谷 匡史 左右田 直規 小田原 琳

小田嶋 成幸 森 武俊 下坂 正倫 野口 博史 佐藤 知正
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. PRMU, パターン認識・メディア理解 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.109, no.88, pp.31-36, 2009-06-11

新小田 春美 末次 美子 加藤 則子 浅見 恵梨子 神山 潤 内村 直尚 樗木 晶子 西岡 和男 大久保 一郎 松本 一弥 南部 由美子 加来 恒壽
福岡醫學雜誌 (ISSN:0016254X)
vol.103, no.1, pp.12-23, 2012-01-25 (Released:2013-06-19)

Purpose : To find the relationship between parents' sleeping and living behaviors and their children's sleeping habits, and to investigate factors specifically related to children staying up late in recent Japan. Methods : During regular health check-ups of children at three local health centers in the city A, we recruited the parents of one-and-half-year-old and three-year-old children to participate in the Child Sleep Cohort Project (ChiSCoP). Parents of 184 children who consented to participation were mailed three questionnaires by placement method. These are "sleeping diary for 10 days," "sleeping and lifetime rhythm survey," and "emotional behavior assessment scale (CBCL : Child Behavior Checklist 2rd/3rd edition)," of which valid data on 178 children were collected over two years and analyzed. Analysis : Participants' demographic data, perceived and actual sleeping and living habits, and bedtime patterns were compared among the groups classified by bedtime of children. Bedtimes were classified as early (before 21 : 00), normal (21 : 00 to 21 : 59), and late (after 22 : 00). Using one-way analysis of variance with two (early vs. late) and three bedtime categories, significant differences were found among the three bedtime categories about childcare environmental factors (meal, daytime activity, TV, nap, and bath). So we performed logistic regression analysis with "late bedtime" as the dependent variable and scores of environmental factors (upper or lower than median values) as independent variables in a stepwise manner to eliminate collinear variables and to obtain adjusted odds ratios. Results : 1) Among the 178 children, 96 and 82 were recruited during the physical check-up for one-and-half-year-old and three-years-old, respectively. There were 49, 72, and 57 children in the early, normal, and late bedtime groups, respectively, and no significant difference in attribute factors was found. 2) In children of the early bedtime group, proportions of those with "efforts to establish good life rhythm" (P < 0. 0001), "efforts to cultivate sleeping habits" (P < 0. 0001), and "keeping a regular bedtime" (P < 0.05) were significantly higher, as well as for children who had more than 105 minutes of "daytime nap" compared to children who had less (P < 0.05). 3) Children's bedtimes were significantly correlated with "mother's wake-up time on weekdays" (r = 0. 33) and "mother's bedtime on weekdays" (r = 0. 33). Children's wake-up times were also correlated with "mother's wake-up time on weekdays and weekends" (r = 0. 49) and "mother's bedtime on weekdays" (r = 0.34), which indicates that children's wake-up times had relationship with mother's sleeping and life habits. 4) Later "wake-up time on weekends" (odds ratio = 4.9) and "regular bedtime hour" (odds ratio = 3.53) were found to be the determinant of late bedtimes of children. Conclusions : To encourage earlier bedtimes in children, it is important to take he mother's sleeping and living habits into account and to maintain a regular wake-up and bedtime schedule across weekdays and weekends.