北川 哲郎 小田 優花 細谷 和海
近畿大学農学部紀要 = Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kinki University (ISSN:04538889)
vol.46, pp.31-36, 2013-03-01

[Synopsis] The paradise fish, Macropodus opercularis is distributed from the northern part of Vietnam to the Ryukyu Archipelago, and categorized as an endangered species in Japan. The endemism of the Okinawan population was not proven, even though Okinawa is isolated from the mainland of East and Southeast Asia. Furthermore, the ecological information was not fully investigated and the quantities are not sufficient enough to protect it. To elucidate the local variation in paradise fish, reproductive characteristics of the Okinawan fish population were examined in the laboratory. During the trials, a pair of broodstock were reared under constant environments (25 ± 0.5 °C , 14 h L - 10 h D). Each reproductive behavior was observed once per four to ten days at least. The number of the fertilized eggs was counted as being 319 - 581. Hatching was observed two days later, and then the larvae proceeded to feed six days after hatching. The newly hatched larvae drifted beneath the water surface, or fell down on the bottom of the tank. The fertilized eggs were large, and buoyancy was tenuous, if compared with the case of typical M opercularis from the mainland China. The egg-mass after spawning and prelarvae under a bubble nest were guarded by a single male parent. Protective behavior was also found in females. However, female was often attacked by the male if they were mistakenly perceived as enemy by himself. In this experiment, the filial cannibalism was not observed as far as each broodstock is concerned.
小田島 春樹

This research is a study of a case where the process innovation of small and medium-sized restaurants located in tourist spots is realized by introducing a visitor number prediction formula using big data and improving customer management. With reference to the value chain framework shown in M.E. Porter, the author edited and created a value chain model for small and medium-sized restaurants located in tourist areas. This study focused on triggering innovation in customer management as part of support activities in the value chain. In the example, by utilizing the customer information accumulated in the POS cash register and big data such as the weather and the number of nights, the number of visitors is predicted with an accuracy close to 90%, thereby eliminating the loss of purchase and managing labor and personnel. The result was that the efficiency was improved, and the treatment of employees was improved.
大曽根 眞也 森口 直彦 今井 剛 篠田 邦大 伊藤 剛 岡田 恵子 三木 瑞香 田内 久道 佐藤 篤 堀 浩樹 小田 慈
日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌 (ISSN:2187011X)
vol.52, no.2, pp.127-132, 2015 (Released:2015-08-25)

L-アスパラギナーゼ(ASP)による血栓症は重大な治療関連合併症だが,本邦における発症実態は不明であり有効な発症予防法は未確立である.そこでASP血栓症の発症頻度と発症例の詳細,ASPを投与中に行われる凝固検査や血栓予防法の現状を知るために,JACLSに加盟している96施設を対象にアンケート調査で後方視的に検討した.47施設(49%)から回答を得た.2002年~2011年の10年間にASPを使用した1,586例中,8例(0.50%)で血栓症を認め,うち7例は寛解導入療法中に生じ,このうち6例では中枢神経系に生じていた.血栓症を発症した時,全例でステロイドを併用しており4例は発熱していた.血栓症発症時のアンチトロンビン(AT)活性は中央値71%,フィブリノゲン同93 mg/dL,D-ダイマー同2.2 μg/mLであった.血栓症を発症する前に4例でAT製剤を,1例で新鮮凍結血漿(FFP)を使用していた.血栓症で1例が死亡し1例で後遺症が残った.有効回答のあった45施設中,寛解導入療法でASPを投与する時に40施設がAT活性を週2~3回測定し,43施設がATを補充し,21施設がFFPを補充すると回答した.本邦でのASP血栓症の発症頻度は国外より低かったが,現在の凝固検査でASP血栓症の発症を正確に予測することは難しい.ASP血栓症を予測する新たな指標や適切な血栓予防法の確立が望まれる.
牧野 晃宗 岩崎 正徳 国正 陽子 久野 峻幸 佐野 加奈絵 村元 辰寛 村上 雷多 神﨑 浩 小田 俊明 石川 昌紀
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.61, no.2, pp.639-649, 2016 (Released:2016-12-14)

One of the most frequent injuries in Kendo athletes is Achilles tendinopathy in the left leg, for example Achilles tendon rupture. However, preventive approaches for Achilles tendinopathy in Kendo athletes have not been well considered. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to examine differences in the architectures of the gastrocnemius muscle and Achilles tendon in relation to kendo training experience, and to examine the mechanical properties of the Achilles tendinous tissues (AT) in Kendo athletes in order to clarify why Achilles tendinopathy occurs in the left leg. Sixty-five Kendo male athletes with different periods of kendo training experience and 20 healthy male control subjects participated in this study. The architectural properties of the medial gastrocnemius muscle (MG) and Achilles tendon in both legs were measured using ultrasonography. In addition, 20 expert Kendo male athletes and healthy male controls pair-matched with the kendo athletes for body height and body mass were examined for their AT mechanical properties during passive dorsiflexion of both legs. The differences in the cross–sectional areas of the Achilles tendon and MG muscle between the left and right legs were greater in Kendo athletes with longer experience. Especially, the expert kendo athletes had lower AT stiffness and Young's modulus in the left leg than did the control subjects. These results suggest that kendo leads to specific Achilles tendon and muscle adaptation. These specific adaptations of the MG fascicles and AT may be one of the risk factors for Achilles tendon rupture in Kendo athletes.
小田 裕
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 (ISSN:02854945)
vol.25, no.5, pp.447-454, 2005 (Released:2005-09-28)
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薬物動態に最も大きな影響を及ぼすのは代謝である. したがって, 薬物動態を考慮する際には, 代謝が肝血流量依存性か, 肝代謝酵素活性依存性かの判断が重要である. 前者の場合は, 肝血流量の減少によって薬物の血中からの排泄が遅延する. 後者の場合は, 肝代謝酵素活性 (とくにチトクロームP450, 以下P450) を阻害する薬物の併用に注意すべきである. またP450活性には人種差や個体差が存在し, 特定の人種や個体では一部のP450分子種の含量がとくに少なく, そのP450で代謝される薬物の効果が著しく遷延したり, 副作用が生ずる可能性がある. さらに, 薬物動態から肝臓の酵素活性を推定することが可能で, 薬物療法におけるテーラーメイド治療に向けた臨床応用が期待される.
小田原 悦子
作業科学研究 (ISSN:18824234)
vol.13, no.1, pp.45-54, 2019-12-25 (Released:2020-02-11)

回復期リハビリテーション患者がグループセッションの集合的作業をどのように経験するかを理解する ために,Ricoeur(リクール)の筋立て(ミメーシス)概念に基づいたナラティブ分析を使って探索した. 探 索を通して以下のことが明らかになった. まず,グループセッションの参加メンバーは,共通のゴール,目的,機能を共有する一方で,それぞれに個別のゴール,目的,機能があり,グループにそれぞれの過去の経験を持ち込むこと. そして,個々のメンバーは,セッション中,集合的作業に従事し,現在の共通の経験を共有するが,持ち込んだ過去の経験を通して,その時の経験を意味づけること,さらに,将来への希望を見い出すために,現在の経験から作った意味を利用することである. 将来へのアクションという希望が現れることは,治療的グループ作業の主な結果であると考えられる. グループセッションには,作業と人間存在の社会的性質を利用して,各個人が自分の将来へ向かって動くように手助けする可能性があることが示唆される.
狩野 謙一 小田原 啓 山本 玄珠 伊藤 谷生
国立大学法人 静岡大学理学部地球科学教室
静岡大学地球科学研究報告 (ISSN:03886298)
vol.46, pp.19-49, 2019-07-31 (Released:2021-11-18)

We have examined the surface geology and tectonic landforms of the Hoshiyama Hills and its surrounding areas in the Fujikawa-kako Fault Zone (FKFZ), central Japan. The FKFZ is generally regarded as a collision zone between the Honshu Arc, mainly composed of the pre-Neogene accretionary and the Neogene collisional complexes of South Fossa Magna region, and the Neogene Izu-Bonin Volcanic Arc on the Philippine Sea Plate. This zone is believed to be the most active and dangerous area of Japan in association with violent earthquakes. One of the keys to understand the activities of this zone since the Pleistocene is to reveal the geologic structures of the Hills, as well as the characteristics of the Omiya and Iriyamase Faults along the northeastern and southeastern margin of this Hills, respectively. Our surface geological survey reveals that the upper Lower-lower Middle Pleistocene Ihara Group, main constituent of the basement of the Hoshiyama Hills, has complicated structures including several-hundreds meters scale steeply-dipping beds without distinctive preferred orientations. The structures also include chevron-shaped anticlines and flat synclines, suggesting that the E-W horizontal shortening due to fault-related foldings was the main cause of their formations. The flexure-landform associated with the Omiya Fault clearly suggests that the Fault, previously believed to be a high-angled normal fault dipping toward NE, is a reverse fault dipping toward SW. However, the landform around the Iriyamase Fault, also believed to be a NW dipping reverse fault, show no evidence of its existence. Finally, we have summarized the tectonic and volcanic events in and around the FKFZ since about 1 Ma. These results suggest that the Quaternary tectonics and seismic activities of the FKFZ should be necessary to re-evaluate based not only on the surface geological and landform data but also on the subsurface geological structures now being poorly known.
藤森 明 内藤 秀宗 宮崎 哲夫 徳小田 康秀 吾妻 眞幸 橋本 幸枝 上坂 正利 小島 弘栄 似鳥 嘉昭
一般社団法人 日本人工臓器学会
人工臓器 (ISSN:03000818)
vol.26, no.1, pp.157-160, 1997-02-15 (Released:2011-10-07)

3種のポリスルホン膜、PS-1.6UW、APS-150、BS-1.6を血液透析(HD)および血液透析濾過(HDF)に使用し、膜断面における蛋白付着状態を共焦点レーザー走査蛍光顕微鏡で観察した。観察した蛋白は、アルブミン(Alb)、IgG、β2-microglobulin (β2-MG)、C3a、顆粒球Elastase、interleukin-1β、interleukin-6、tumor necrosis factor-αの8種類である。Alb、β2-MGは各膜ともHD、HDFで同様の強い蛍光が観察されたが、サイトカインの付着は各膜とも少なかった。緻密層の厚さや細孔構造の違い、表面polyvinyl pyrrolidone配合比率、電位の違いなどによると思われる、若干の差異を認めたものの、今回比較観察した3種類のポリスルホン膜では、これらの蛋白付着パターンに大きな違いを認めなかった。
小田口 浩 日向 須美子 関根 麻理子 中森 俊輔 竹元 裕明 黄 雪丹 大嶋 直浩 嶋田 典基 楊 金緯 天倉 吉章 日向 昌司 内山 奈穂子 小林 義典 袴塚 高志 合田 幸広 花輪 壽彦
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.139, no.11, pp.1417-1425, 2019-11-01 (Released:2019-11-01)
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Ephedra Herb is defined in the 17th edition of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP) as the terrestrial stem of Ephedra sinica Stapf., Ephedra intermedia Schrenk et C.A. Meyer, or Ephedra equisetina Bunge (Ephedraceae). The stems of Ephedra Herb contain greater than 0.7% ephedrine alkaloids (ephedrine and pseudoephedrine). Despite its high effectiveness, Ephedra Herb exert several adverse effects, including palpitation, excitation, insomnia, and dysuria. Both the primary and adverse effects of Ephedra Herb have been traditionally believed to be mediated by these ephedrine alkaloids. However, our study found that several pharmacological actions of Ephedra Herb were not associated with ephedrine alkaloids. We prepared an ephedrine alkaloid-free Ephedra Herb extract (EFE) by eliminating ephedrine alkaloids from Ephedra Herb extract (EHE) using ion-exchange column chromatography. EFE exerted analgesic, anti-influenza, and anticancer activities in the same manner as EHE. Moreover, EFE did not induce adverse effects due to ephedrine alkaloids, such as excitation, insomnia, and arrhythmias, and showed no toxicity. Furthermore, we evaluated the safety of EFE in healthy volunteers. The number of adverse event cases was higher in the EHE-treated group than in the EFE-treated group, although the difference was not significant. Our evidence suggested that EFE was safer than EHE.