藤井 つかさ 荻野 敏 有本 啓恵 入船 盛弘 岩田 伸子 大川 内一郎 菊守 寛 瀬尾 律 竹田 真理子 玉城 晶子 馬場 謙治 野瀬 道宏
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.55, no.10, pp.1288-1294, 2006-10-30 (Released:2017-02-10)

嘉数 健悟 岩田 昌太郎
教育学研究ジャーナル (ISSN:13495836)
vol.7, pp.1-10, 2010-12-15 (Released:2017-04-06)

This study examines the program and contents of the teacher training in Singapore's National Institute of Education (NIE). As a part of the study of the program and its content, a survey was also conducted on In-service training. The following three points have been discovered to be applicable to teacher education in Japan.The first point suggests a way to improve practice teaching system in Japan. In Singapore, practice teaching involves a mentor and a novice teacher working together at the same school. All the participants in the practice teaching program work closely together to develop students' educational experience. Based on this observation, it appears necessary to reexamination of Japan's practice teaching program to develop one in which all those involved are connected more closely.The second point suggests an establishment of a teaching professional standard. In Japan, the recent year's educational reforms call for a teacher training program which clearly establishes teacher professional. In Singapore, the national standards for teacher education were first established in 2005 and revised in 2009. Japanese universities need to set and enforce the standards necessary to establish qualifications of future teachers.The third point advocates the establishment of an individualized training program. In Singapore, according to a teacher's abilities and qualifications, a grade is prepared along with an appropriate training program In Japan, graduate schools which accept qualified in service teachers should be beneficial.
増田 真也 岩田 真幸 西名 諒平 清水 称喜 中田 諭 村山 有利子 西川 菜央 辻尾 有利子 戈木クレイグヒル 滋子
一般社団法人 日本健康心理学会
Journal of Health Psychology Research (ISSN:21898790)
vol.35, no.1, pp.43-52, 2022-08-17 (Released:2022-08-19)

This study was designed to clarify the anxieties of parents with children hospitalized in intensive care units. The written, open-ended responses of 197 parents regarding their most severe anxieties were analyzed by text mining. Results identified 87 terms used at least four times in the parents’ texts. The most frequently used terms included “after surgery,” followed by “doctor,” “surgery,” and “sudden turn for the worse.” We classified these words into 13 categories by cluster analysis. We extracted 17 topics concerning parents’ anxiety based on these categories: “anticipating worsening conditions,” “future anxiety,” “doctors’ explanations,” “nurses’ behaviors,” and “uncertainty about the illness,” among others. The appearance frequency of these topics differed based on the severity of the children’s medical conditions assessed by their parents and the type of hospital admission.
金森 達之 桑山 健次 辻川 健治 宮口 一 岩田 祐子 井上 博之 岸 徹
日本法科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:18801323)
vol.12, no.2, pp.237-245, 2007 (Released:2007-10-06)
3 5

A urine sample obtained from a phenothiazine user was examined to identify metabolites which caused false-positive result on a screening test for methamphetamine in urine based on the Simon's color test. The urine sample was processed by liquid-liquid extraction under mild alkaline condition, and the extract was analyzed by TLC using Simon's reagent as a visualization reagent. Two blue or violet spots were appeared on the TLC plate by this reagent, and were identified as norchlorpromazine sulfoxide and norpromethazine sulfoxide by mass spectrometry after purification of the spots. Both of these two compounds possess an aliphatic secondary amine moiety, and are known as the metabolites of chlorpromazine and promethazine. These metabolites in the above urine sample were also confirmed by HPLC and LC/MS analysis. A control urine sample spiked with these metabolites gave positive result on the above screening test, indicating that these metabolites were the substances which caused false-positive on the test.
岩田 会津
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.780, pp.665-674, 2021 (Released:2021-02-28)

This paper examines the formation process of the territories of villages in Kamakura in the Edo era, by analyzing “Nayose-cho,” a type of village cadaster of Ogigayatsu-mura, a village in Kamakura. After Tokugawa Ieyasu relocated to the Kanto district, he divided the field of Kamakura into a group of villages in 1591. However, since these villages were divided into multiple territories ruled by temples and shrines, the villages had not yet functioned as administrative units. In the case of Ogigayatsu-mura, the village encompassed the territories under the control of Tsurugaoka-hachimangu, Juhuku-ji, Jokomyo-ji, Eisho-ji, and Tatsumi-kojin. At that point, the land lots of Kamakura were registered in “Kenchi-cho,” a type of cadaster made by the landlords from which we cannot tell which village the lots registered in the kenchi-chos belonged to. It took a long time for the border of the villages began to gain significance. The administrative organizations of the villages were formed during the late 17th century, and the oldest book of nayose-chos in Ogigayatsu-mura was written in 1682. This means that people living in Ogigayatsu-mura had begun to make their nayose-chos to investigate the landownership in the village, as soon as the administrative organization of the village was formed. The village continued to use the nayose-cho of 1682 until at least 1763, by copying it and updating the landowners. Nayose-chos, made by the villagers, replaced the kenchi-chos, made by the landlords. Villagers in Kamakura knew the land ownership details through the nayose-chos. However, since the landlords still controlled their territory by collecting land tax, villages had not yet gained control of their land. Around 1800, the task of collecting land tax was taken over by the villagers from the landlords. In Ogigayatsu-mura, the Kan-nushi of Tsurugaoka-hachimangu, who was allotted a part of the territory under the shrine’s control, adopted this method. After the lawsuit of 1791 between the Kan-nushi and the villages in his territory, Kan-nushi left the collection of land tax to each village. Thereafter, the villagers began to make nayose-chos for each year to calculate total land tax and report it to the landlord. This means that the villagers themselves administered their territory instead of their lords. However, without Kan-nushi’s influence, the territories of Ogigayatsu-mura were still managed by its landlords directly. In these territories, nayose-chos were rarely made because it was not necessary for the villagers to understand the land ownership details. Therefore, Ogigayatsu-mura was ruled by many lords until the Meiji Restoration. In accordance with the Agechi-rei published in 1871, the new Meiji government was supposed to confiscate the territories of temples and shrines and integrate them into modern administrative villages. To put this policy into action, the land ownership of almost all the villages was examined. This was accomplished by studying the nayose-chos of the territories made around 1871. However, the land systems of the old territories still survived, although the government confiscated them. The Land Tax Reform of 1873 changed this situation. The old land systems were completely abolished, and the nayose-chos of all territories were merged into one cadaster. Finally, the borders marking the territories in Ogigayatsu-mura were removed, and the village was recognized as a single territory. I would like to thank Editage (www.editage.com) for English language editing.
山口 孝夫 岩田 英敏
電気製鋼 (ISSN:00118389)
vol.75, no.4, pp.297-303, 2004-10-15 (Released:2010-06-02)

In recent years, SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) technology has been developed for measuring the very low magnetic field generated from a human's physiology activity, and this technology is used for MEG (magnetencephalograph) and MCG (magnetcardiograph). In this way, the MEG and MCG have begun to be installed to the some hospitals as the medical devices. It is necessary to reduce the environmental magnetic field significantly, in order to measure the weak signals with high stability by using these devices. We developed and manufactured the magnetic shielding room for this purpose. In this paper, shielding performance of the magnetic shielding room at the low intensity and low frequency magnetic field is introduced.
西名 諒平 戈木クレイグヒル 滋子 岩田 真幸
公益社団法人 日本看護科学学会
日本看護科学会誌 (ISSN:02875330)
vol.41, pp.395-404, 2021 (Released:2021-11-13)

目的:きょうだいが小児集中治療室(以下PICU)に入院中の子どもに面会する場で,医療者はきょうだいと両親の状況をどのように捉え,きょうだいをどう支援しようとするのかを明らかにする.方法:PICU入院児ときょうだいの面会場面,15場面の観察と,看護師9名,Child Life Specialist 5名,PICU専従保育士1名の計15名へのインタビューを行い,グラウンデッド・セオリー・アプローチを用いて分析した.結果:医療者による【きょうだいの居場所をつくる】《きょうだいと入院児をつなぐ》《きょうだいと両親をつなぐ》という働きかけが適切に行われ,《両親によるきょうだいとの体験の共有》が行われることで,《きょうだいと入院児を含めた家族の一体感》が生じていた.結論:面会の場が,《きょうだいと入院児を含めた家族の一体感》のある場となることが望ましく,そのためには,医療者が【きょうだいの居場所をつくる】という働きかけを行った上で,両親が適切にきょうだいと体験を共有できるように支援することが重要である.
夏木 茜 堀 雅之 松原 康策 太田 悠介 齋藤 良一 磯目 賢一 岩田 あや 池町 真実 竹川 啓史 山本 剛 大楠 美佐子 石和田 稔彦
一般社団法人 日本感染症学会
感染症学雑誌 (ISSN:03875911)
vol.96, no.6, pp.240-244, 2022-11-20 (Released:2022-11-21)

Moraxella catarrhalis is a common causative bacterium of otitis media and respiratory tract infection in children. Childhood-onset M. catarrhalis bacteremia is more common in children with underlying conditions, such as immunodeficiency, or those using a nasal device. In children without underlying conditions, the onset is usually at younger than 2 years of age.We encountered a case of M. catarrhalis bacteremia in a previously healthy 3-year-old boy. The patient was hospitalized with a 5-day history of fever. Physical examination on admission showed redness and swelling of the ear drums bilaterally. Blood culture and upper nasopharyngeal swab culture both grew M. catarrhalis, which led to the diagnosis of bacteremia and otitis media caused by this organism. The patient was treated with intravenous cefotaxime for 3 days and sulbactam/ampicillin for the subsequent 3 days, followed by oral clavulanate/amoxicillin for 8 days, with good response. Absence of abnormalities in immunological screening tests and absence of any significant past medical history suggested that the patient was not immunocompromised.
岩田 浩太郎
vol.3, pp.169-208, 1996-11-30

はじめに 本稿は、近世後期に出羽国村山郡松橋村(上組)沢畑の豪農堀米四郎兵衛家がおこなった紅花出荷の動向について、とくに荷数や出荷の形態などに関する基礎的な考察をおこなうことを課題とするものである。堀米四郎兵衛家に関しては、幕末期の農兵頭としての活動についての研究があり、「村山地方屈指の大地主」の一人として注目されてきた。また、今田信一氏による一連の最上紅花史の研究において、堀米家の紅花生産や取引関係の史料の一部が紹介されており、かつ、同家の家屋敷地が河北町(山形県西村山郡)に寄贈されて河北町立紅花資料館として公開されたことからも、同家が紅花荷主として活躍したことはひろく知られてきているといえる。しかし、堀米四郎兵衛家の紅花荷主としての活動をはじめ、その経営に関する実証的な研究はほとんどなされておらず、羽州村山地方における豪農の一典型として著名なわりには、その実態は未解明なままであるのが研究の現状といえよう。近世後期における堀米四郎兵衛家の経営構造は多角的な性格を有しており、その全体像を解明するためには同家の様々な社会的経済的活動に関する分析を蓄積していくことが必要である。本稿は、そうした作業の一環として位置づけられる。また、紅花荷主帳簿の史料的性格については研究者間で議論が展開しておらず、分析方法についても共通認識が形成されていないのが現状である。本稿は、以下で取り上げる「萬指引帳」の分析過程をやや子細に示すことにより、ささやかながら荷主帳簿論の前進を果たそうとするものでもある。近年、堀米四郎兵衛家文書は、河北町誌編纂委員会・河北町立中央図書館をはじめ、地域の先学の尽力により、保存・閲覧の体制が整えられるとともに史料翻刻の作業が進められた。本稿は、こうした研究条件の進展を基盤としている。また、山形大学人文学部日本経済史(岩田)ゼミナールでは堀米四郎兵衛家文書の研究を進めている。本稿は、ゼミナリステンとの議論の産物でもあることを明記しておきたい。
杉山 悟 東 信良 孟 真 保田 知生 市来 正隆 佐久田 斉 松原 忍 八杉 巧 山田 典一 三井 信介 八巻 隆 岩田 博英 坂田 雅宏 佐戸川 弘之 菅野 範英 西部 俊哉
静脈学 (ISSN:09157395)
vol.25, no.4, pp.403-409, 2014 (Released:2014-11-25)
7 2

要約:全国的には今まで十分な調査が行われていていなかった弾性ストッキングの使用状況と合併症の実態について,本学会の弾性ストッキング・コンダクター養成委員会とサーベイ委員会により調査を行った.192 施設からの有効回答があり,重大な合併症として,神経障害6 施設,潰瘍形成20 施設,下腿切断1 施設(心不全合併),肺塞栓2 施設,合計で28 施設(15%)からの報告があった.弾性ストッキングの適切な使用のためには,正しい理解の広い啓蒙が必要である.患者に対し圧迫療法を適切に指導するために,日本静脈学会が資格として認定しているストッキング・コンダクターの有資格者を中心とした医療スタッフによる適切な指導と経過観察が重要である.
森川 繁樹 川田 健太 岩田 裕美 東山 雅人 西村 公寿 左達 美佐 福見 善之
pp.15-20, 2016 (Released:2019-04-01)

作田 妙子 守谷 恵未 大野 友久 山田 広子 岩田 美緒 角 保徳
一般社団法人 日本老年医学会
日本老年医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03009173)
vol.56, no.3, pp.323-330, 2019-07-25 (Released:2019-07-31)

目的:化粧療法は要介護高齢者や認知症患者に対して実施されているが,現場のニーズについての報告はない.本研究では医療従事者を対象に,高齢者の化粧療法に関する現状を把握することを目的とし質問紙を用いて調査を実施した.方法:A県下高齢者専門医療機関(職員数548名)に勤務する化粧が業務に影響すると考えられる医療従事者190名を対象に自記式質問紙法による調査を実施した.職種,性別,年齢について調査し,看護師は病棟勤務看護師を対象とし配属病棟の調査も実施した.高齢者における化粧療法の認識と容認できる化粧内容について質問した.対象者全体での検討以外に,看護師と療法士間,看護師の従事病棟別,性別ごとにも検討を加えた.結果:質問紙は121名から回収した(平均年齢33.3±9.4歳 男性42名 回収率63.7%).看護師55名,理学療法士25名などの職種となった.化粧は気分を良くし生活の質が向上すると考えている者がほとんどだが,化粧療法を初めて知った者が多かった.化粧療法をやってみたい者は全体の半数で看護師や女性はやや多かった.外来患者はほとんどの化粧内容が容認でき,入院患者はスキンケア以外の容認率が低かった.看護師,療法士間で比較したところ,入院患者のファンデーション,アイメイク,頬紅で看護師の容認率が低かった.女性で化粧療法をやってみたいと考える者が有意に多く,入院患者のファンデーションおよび頬紅の容認率が有意に低かった.従事する病棟別では,回復期リハビリテーション病棟では化粧療法をやってみたいと思う者が多く,各化粧内容の容認率が全体的に高い傾向があったが,有意差は認めなかった.結論:化粧療法は生活の質改善に効果があると考えながらも,実施したいという者は半数であった.また,化粧内容により容認率に差があった.化粧療法の現状を把握でき,その普及に資するデータが得られた.
河端 瑞貴 岩田 央 江崎 亮介 倉田 陽平 奈良 温 濱田 由紀 山崎 裕太郎
Geographic Information Systems Association
GIS-理論と応用 (ISSN:13405381)
vol.14, no.2, pp.179-185, 2006-12-31 (Released:2009-05-29)
1 1

There is growing interest in developing Geographic Information Science (GlScience) curricula both in Japan and abroad. In this paper we examined GIScience education systems at 14 universities in North America for the 2005-2006 academic year. The GlScience education systems were more developed in North America than in Japan. Most of the 14 universities offer GlScience-related curricula, and several provide GlScience-related degrees or certificates. Seven universities offer GIS certificate programs, and five of those feature interdepartmental curricula, with classes from the geography and information science departments. The observations from this investigation are helpful in developing GIScience curricula in Japan.
岩田 一成
社会言語科学 (ISSN:13443909)
vol.22, no.1, pp.28-37, 2019-09-30 (Released:2019-09-30)

岩田 敏也
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.67, no.552, pp.295-302, 2002-02-28 (Released:2017-02-04)

The aim of this research is to clarify the characteristic of the design and construction of beam svstetn in the main halls of the Esoteric Buddhist temple in TOKAl district in the Edo period. The conclusions are as follows. 1) There are some common distinctions of the beam svstem in "Gejin" (the outer chamber) of the Buddhist halls in this district in the Edo period, by which these Buddhist halls can be classified. 2) Some Buddhist halls adopted the Rainbow-beam of 3-pillar spans in the lengthwise direction of it, especially in the eastern part of MIKAWA and TOTOUMl areas. 3) These beam systems has developed still more in the Edo period, inheriting technical skills from the Medieval period. It has become more comnlicated with gigantic beams, in structure.
小林 優佳 久島 務嗣 吉田 尚水 藤村 浩司 岩田 憲治
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.37, no.3, pp.IDS-D_1-14, 2022-05-01 (Released:2022-05-01)

This paper proposes a new method for slot filling of unknown slot values (i.e., those are not included in the training data) in spoken dialogue systems. Slot filling detects slot values from user utterances and handles named entities such as product and restaurant names. In the real world, there is a steady stream of new named entities and it would be infeasible to add all of them as training data. Accordingly, it is inevitable that users will input utterances with unknown slot values and spoken dialogue systems must correctly estimate them. We provide a value detector that detects keywords representing slot values ignoring slots and a slot estimator that estimates slots for detected keywords. Context information can be an important clue for estimating slot values because the values in a given slot tend to appear in similar contexts. The value detector is trained with positive samples, which have keywords corresponding to slot values replaced with random words, thereby enabling the use of context information. However, any approach that can detect unknown slot values may produce false alarms because the features of unknown slot values are unseen and it is difficult to distinguish keywords of unknown slot values from non-keywords, which do not correspond to slot values. Therefore, we introduce a negative sample method that replaces keywords with nonkeywords randomly, which allows the slot estimator to learn to reject non-keywords. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves an 6,15 and 78% relative improvement in F1 score compared with an existing model on three datasets, respectively.