大友 隆秀 望月 信哉 石井 英里子 星野 祐子 山田 光穗
特定非営利活動法人 パーソナルコンピュータ利用技術学会
パーソナルコンピュータ利用技術学会論文誌 (ISSN:18817998)
vol.14, no.1, pp.36-42, 2020 (Released:2020-03-20)

佐野 光彦 奥沢 公一 山川 卓 望月 賢二
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.31, no.1, pp.79-82, 1984-05-15 (Released:2010-06-28)

小笠原諸島の父島でチョウチョウウオ属魚類の種間雑種と思われる2個体を採集した.主に生時の体色に基づき, 本雑種の両親種を推定したところ, それらはコクテンカタギとユウゼンの可能性がもっとも高いと判断された。

1 0 0 0 OA 仏教大辞典

望月信亨 等編
vol.第1,2巻, 1916
久米 光 村瀬 勢津子 望月 真弓
The Japanese Society for Medical Mycology
真菌と真菌症 (ISSN:05830516)
vol.26, no.3, pp.126-132, 1985-09-20 (Released:2009-12-18)
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内臓真菌症の治療薬として現在最も広く用いられている amphotericin B (AMPH) と flucytosine (5-FC) との併用効果については今尚釈然としない. そこで我々は両剤の併用効果の有無およびその程度を確認するとともに, 併用効果の発現の機作を明らかにすべく一連の検索を行なった.チェッカーボード法による両剤の併用効果は, いずれも combined action index は20以上で両剤の間に極めて強い協力作用が認められた. また, 感染治療実験においても累積死亡率および病理組織学的検索成績の両者で評価した結果, 明らかに両剤の間に併用効果がある事が確認された.そこで, 高速液体クロマトグラフィーを用いて両剤の分別定量法を確立するとともに, 本法によって諸種の濃度AMPHが混在する培養系における供試菌菌体内への5-FCの取り込み量を比較検討した. また, 両剤併用時における5-FCのラット体内動態を単独投与群との比較において検討し, 従来基礎的に明らかではなかったAMPHと5-FCとの併用効果の重要な機作の1つとしてAMPHが, 5-FCの吸収, 排泄および臓器内移行濃度に何等の影響を及ぼすことなく, 菌体内への5-FCの取り込みを促進するのであろうことを示唆する成績を示した.
望月 由美子
札幌市立大学研究論文集 = SCU journal of Design & Nursing (ISSN:18819427)
vol.11, no.1, pp.13-28, 2017-07-18

本稿は,初代サッビオネータ公爵ヴェスパシアーノ・ゴンザーガ・コロンナ(1531-91)が居城であるパラッツォ・ドゥカーレ(公爵の宮殿) に造営した肖像ギャラリーについて検証するものである.ヴェスパシアーノは北イタリアのロンバルディア州で勢力を誇ったゴンザーガ家の傍系貴族で, 星形の要塞都市サッビオネータを造営した人物として知られる.また,学術文芸の庇護者,スペイン王フェリペ二世の傭兵隊長としても名声を馳せ,歴代神聖ローマ皇帝の愛顧を受けて地方領主の身分から公爵まで登りつめた人物でもある.本論は,サッビオネータのパラッツォ・ドゥカーレにヴェスパシアーノが設けた「祖先のガッレリーア」(ガッレリーアは「美術品展示室」「ギャラリー」の意)と呼ばれるゴンザーガ家祖先の肖像を飾った部屋の室内装飾プログラムを分析するものである.その際,16 世紀から18 世紀の宮廷文化で重要な側面を担った肖像ギャラリーの機能に配慮しつつ,壁面の祖先たちの肖像群と天井フレスコ画のオリンポスの神々,古代ローマ帝国主題を図像学・考古天文学的視座から検討し,最終的にここがヴェスパシアーノの政治支配の正当性と,サッビオネータのゴンザーガ家による支配の永遠性を祈念する意図から構想された一室であったことを明らかにするものである.
三浦 啓一 望月 大祐 仙波 裕隆 丸田 俊久 橋本 和明 戸田 善朝
無機マテリアル (ISSN:2185436X)
vol.6, no.280, pp.213-219, 1999-05-01 (Released:2011-03-07)

The fundamental experiment for the purpose of recovery of vanadium from oil burning ash, which was the valuable resources in Japan, was carried out. The following summarized the results.Sulfuric acid was superior to aqueous ammonia as extraction media in the process of leaching vanadium ion from oil burning ash.Precipitation ratio of vanadium compounds at room temperature was low. For example, the yield of vanadium compounds for 259200 s was no more than 60%. On the contrary, the precipitation rate increased at the higher reaction temperature and the yield reached up to approximately 100% at 80°C.Initial concentration of vanadium ion was the important factor besides pH and reaction temperature. The higher initial concentration of vanadium ion enlarged the appropriate pH range for the precipitation. In the case of 16000 ppm of the initial concentration, the pH range was 2.0 to 2.8. It was wider than that of 4000 ppm or 8000 ppm.The above results suggested that the higher initial concentration of vanadium ion, proper pH and higher reaction temperature were necessary to recover vanadium from oil burning ash efficiently.
平本 一雄 林 玲 望月 香菜子
日本社会情報学会全国大会研究発表論文集 日本社会情報学会 第20回全国大会
pp.117-120, 2005 (Released:2006-02-23)

望月 公廣 山下 裕亮 Savage Martha Warren-Smith Emily Jacobs Katie Wallace Laura
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

The Pacific Plate subducts beneath the Australian Plate at a rate of ~5 cm/year along the northern Hikurangi trough off the North Island, New Zealand, and the seismic activity is very high. In addition to regular earthquakes, slow earthquakes including slow slip events (SSEs) and tremor have been observed offshore on the shallow plate interface. SSEs are relatively frequent in the northern part of the Hikurangi subduction margin, occurring every 1-2 years. Therefore, this frequent, repeating occurrence offers an excellent chance to capture accompanying seismicity as well as the SSE itself using temporary deployments of ocean bottom instruments directly overlying the shallow (<10 km) SSE source.We conducted an international collaborative observation from May, 2014, through June, 2015, using 15 ocean bottom seismometers (OBSs) and 24 ocean bottom pressure gauges (OBPs). We were successful in capturing an SSE directly beneath the network, and obtained a precise slip distribution of the event. The slip reached near the trough axis, and that the slip was reduced in the area of subducted seamounts. The tremor activity initiated near the end of the SSE and it lasted for more than two weeks, within a limited region over one of the subducted seamounts. Stress inversions from focal mechanisms of earthquakes during the SSE cycle revealed temporal variations in stress orientations suggestive of an increase in pore fluid pressure within the slab and along the plate interface during the period prior to SSEs in the area, and a subsequent reduction of pore fluid pressure following SSEs. Furthermore, variations of shear wave splitting delay times and Vp/Vs suggested that filling and emptying of cracks and pore spaces accompanied the fluid pressure changes. These observations of long-lasting tremor activity and temporal variation of focal mechanisms and cracks in tandem with the occurrence of SSEs suggest a potential role of fault-valving in the generation of slow earthquakes.We conducted another temporary OBS deployment from Oct. 2018 through Oct. 2019 using 5 OBSs in the same region of the 2014-2015 observation spanning the subducted seamount where we recorded offshore tremor activity previously. A large SSE occurred during the observation period in April-May 2019 around our OBS network, and we were successful in capturing seismic activity accompanying the SSE. The seismicity increased around the start of the SSE and continued throughout the event. Some of the activity shows a large low frequency component, and it is likely that tremors were activated. We are conducting further investigations.
浅井 幸子 黒田 友紀 金田 裕子 北田 佳子 柴田 万里子 申 智媛 玉城 久美子 望月 一枝
日本教師教育学会年報 (ISSN:13437186)
vol.27, pp.110-121, 2018-09-29 (Released:2020-07-06)

This study introduces a case of school reform in a public elementary school, hereon named “A-school”, in the city of O, Japan, in which all teachers engaged in the challenge to share their responsibility for all students in the school. The study analyzes how the teacher-community at A-school developed through the school reform. It is noteworthy that the teacher-community at A-school was uniquely developed by teachers’ sharing about their “inabilities” rather than “abilities”. The study, then, focuses on this unique sharing culture to analyze how individual teachers in A-school had experienced their school reform by using a narrative inquiry approach. Considering A-school as a narrative community, we interviewed several teachers and school staff, and analyzed their narratives from three viewpoints; “personal story”, “community narrative”, and “dominant cultural narrative”. As a result, we found out the following: (1) The narrative based on the dominant culture in ordinary elementary schools tends to emphasize individual classroom teacher’s responsibility for students in his/her own class. Such narrative makes it difficult for ordinary elementary schools to achieve the goal “All teachers should be responsible for all students in a school.” (2) Counter to the dominant narrative emphasizing individual responsibility, teachers in A-school positively disclosed their “inability” to share their responsibility for their students. The principal took the initiative to disclose her own “inabilities”, which then provided veteran teachers in A-school a safety to share their own “inabilities”. Those principal’s and veterans’ narratives then encouraged young teachers in A-school to also disclose their “inabilities”. (3) The teachers in A-school realized that being aware of one’s own “inability” and asking for others’ help do not mean giving up one’s own responsibility. Instead, the teachers found that they pursued their own responsibility through continuous questioning of their “abilities” needed for their students’ education.
望月 政嗣
社団法人 繊維学会
繊維学会誌 (ISSN:00379875)
vol.66, no.2, pp.P_70-P_77, 2010 (Released:2010-04-10)
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市川 玲子 望月 聡
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.5, pp.434-444, 2015 (Released:2015-12-25)
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Personality disorders (PDs) are considered mental disorders due to a pathology of self (Lynum et al., 2008). In order to capture the multi-levels of self-concept, we investigated both explicit and implicit self-esteem. This study aimed to understand the relationships among borderline, narcissistic, and avoidant PDs and the discrepancy between explicit and implicit self-esteem. Eighty-five undergraduates and graduates completed a questionnaire and self-esteem implicit association test measuring implicit self-esteem. The questionnaire included items about PDs and explicit self-esteem. The results of hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated that borderline and avoidant PDs could be explained by a large discrepancy between two levels of self-esteem when implicit self-esteem is relatively higher than explicit self-esteem. On the other hand, narcissistic PD was not related to each level of self-esteem individually or the discrepancy between these self-esteems. These results suggest that borderline and avoidant PDs are related to discrepancies among multi self-concepts, but narcissistic PD cannot be explained by discrepancies in self-esteem.
望月 和彦
桃山学院大学経済経営論集 (ISSN:02869721)
vol.56, no.4, pp.73-123, 2015-03

After reopening of stock markets, stock and commodity markets recovered stability temporary in mid-May. But in late May markets began to oscillate again. On 24th May the bankruptcy of Nanajushi Bank shocked markets severely. Mogi-shoten, a big trading company in those days, went bankrupt by failure of speculation on cotton.Nanajushi Bank was an affiliate company of Mogi-shoten and the bank lent about half of its lending to Mogi-shoten. Nanajushi Bank supplied money to silk industry and silk exports as well. Prices of silk threads and silk products fell sharply after the bankruptcy of Nanajushi Bank. Panic expanded to other markets. Many banks faced a run. Rice prices fell down in both future and kind markets because farms inflicted heavy loss by the price fall of cocoon wanted to sell their major product of rice to cover the loss. In money markets the interest rate of overnight lending stayed at lower level, on the other hand discount rate were high and few banks would lend money at that rate. Credits among banks were disappeared. Many trades were made through cash base. Lower interest rates didn't contribute to the recovery of economy. The economy fell into "the trap of liquidity". Businessmen expected the government and BOJ to take measures to the depression after the bankruptcy of Nanajushi Bank. Many newspapers and journals misreported that the government decided to take extra measures to rescue industries. And markets recovered temporally for the misreported news. But the Hara cabinet didn't take extra measures to the financial crisis. Disappointed by the inaction of the government, markets fell down again. In addition the wave of depression came from the US and European economies. The BOJ hesitated to take easy money policy, instead it lend money to an industry which succeeded to organize syndicates to finance from the BOJ. The BOJ provided relief loan at a discretional base which mass media attacked fiercely. A credit squeeze and market closure resulted in systemic risk of financial markets.
栗原 真之 望月 俊希 得竹 浩
一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会
vol.14, pp.7-15, 2015

An attitude sensing system using thermopile sensors and inertial sensors was proposed. The output model of the thermopile sensor was constructed from the calibration experiment and the theoretical calculations. The estimation algorithm of the attitude angles was developed from the sensor output models using extended Kalman filter. Because thermopile sensor output correlates with attitude to the ground directly, the error of inertial sensors can be compensated. Additionally, the proposed system consists of commercial low-cost product. Numerical simulations and experiment were carried out and the performance was validated. Experimental result shows that the proposed system has precision of approximately 1.2&deg;.
望月 久
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
vol.32, no.4, pp.192-196, 2005-06-20 (Released:2018-08-25)

バランスは理学療法に関連の深い用語であるが, 姿勢の変化や外乱に対する立ち直り反応や平衡反応といった姿勢反応としてのバランス, 生体力学的分析に適した身体重心線と支持基底面の関連性としてのバランス, 特定の検査方法を通してみた結果としてのバランスなど, バランスに対しては様々な捉え方があり, その意味内容は理学療法士によって, また同じ理学療法士でも使用する文脈によって異なっているように思われる。本論では, バランスについての考え方を整理し, バランスの評価およびバランス改善へのアプローチについて検討したい。バランスの概念的整理 1. バランスをみる視点 一般的な意味におけるバランスは, 姿勢保持や動作時に転倒せず安定してその動作が遂行できること, または遂行していることを指していると思われる。Shumway-Cookらは, 姿勢調節には身体(姿勢)の方向付け(postural orientation)と安定性(postural stability)の2側面があり, バランスは後者に関する概念と捉えている。理学療法士は対象者のパフォーマンスを観察し, その状況から対象者が実施している動作の自立度や安定性, パフォーマンスを実現させている身体能力, 調節機構としての感覚, 運動神経系の機能を推測している。それら全てを漠然とバランスという用語で表していることもあり, 姿勢調節に関連する身体能力や神経機構を指していることもある。