森谷 博之
企業研究 (ISSN:13479938)
vol.34, pp.77-105, 2019-02-28

Strong computation power and the age of big data have enabled us to apply artificial intelligence, machine learning and genetic algorithms to financial markets. In the 1950’s, Harry Markowitz invented the portfolio optimization technique that changed the concept of investment opportunities from highest return, ignoring risk, to the balance between risk and rewards. However, this innovative idea has presented many obstacles. But, over the years innovative people have been inventing mathematical solutions for these various constraints. Even though this has been challenging historically, practitioners prefer the simple heuristic methods based on their experience due to difficulty to estimate expected returns and volatility. Finally, new solution is developed and called a Risk Parity policy and enhanced version, Hierarchical Risk Parity introduced by de Prado in 2016.This paper first introduces the history of Modern Portfolio Theory and Risk Parity portfolio and then explains how to develop hierarchical risk parity. In conclusion, a hedge fund portfolio is constructed by using hierarchical risk parity to compare the results with those of an equally weighted portfolio and a minimum variance portfolio.

2 0 0 0 OA 国事雑抄

森田柹園 [著]
vol.上, 1932
浅野 健一 李 其珍 森 類臣 Kenichi Asano Kijin Lee Tomoomi Mori
評論・社会科学 = Hyoron Shakaikagaku (Social Science Review) (ISSN:02862840)
no.74, pp.1-108, 2004-12-20

"OhmyNews" is an independent Internet newspaper in the Republic of Korea, and as such it wields great influence now. It is reportedly the largest Internet newspaper in the world. Five years ago, OhmyNews was published by four professional reporters and 727 "citizen reporters." The number of OhmyNews citizen reporters has grown to more than 35,000 today. Mr. Oh Yeon-Ho, founder and chief representative of OhmyNews, gave a lecture at Doshisha University on 15 September 2004. We could hold a subject of inquiry on alternative media from Mr. Oh's lecture and could interview him. We found that, in fact, the success of OhmyNews is a remarkable accident in the world of journalism. So much so that many big media outlets in the world, such as the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and BBC have covered Mr. Oh's experimental challenge and his success with OhmyNews. We consider one of the big achievements of OhmyNews to be the abolition of the closed system of press clubs in Korea known (in Japanese) as Kisha Clubs. We thus refer to Internet newspapers in the Republic of Korea (especially OhmyNews) and Kisha Clubs in this article. As to why "OhmyNews" succeeded, we can point to several reasons. The most important reason, however, is the existence of the "prepared citizen" in the Republic of Korea. In the Republic of Korea, through a long fight for democratization, people have come to not believe in the traditional corporate media. The corporate media is identified in the public mind as standing by the "powers that be" and not reporting the truth. Consequently, people in Korea have held high expectations for the appearance of alternative news media. Many people harbor a strong will to change their society, and they can do so by supporting OhmyNews and participating in it as "citizen reporters." OhmyNews operates on the basis of several important concepts, the most important being : "Every citizen is a reporter." Mr. Oh explained that "This concept is the most characteristic" of OhmyNews. The traditional corporate media represents journalism of the 20th century. It is a one-way stream in which professional reporters write articles and the reader only reads it. But OhmyNews is breaking that cycle of 20th century journalism. OhmyNews has made journalism a two-way stream in which the reporter is reader, and the reader is reporter. The system of Kisha Clubs is a unique system in Japan and the Republic of Korea. It is an exclusive and conservative system which excludes non-member reporters. Mr. Oh of OhmyNews had successfully sued for abolition of the Kisha Clubs in Korea, and following that, President Roh Moo-Hyon abolished the Kisha Clubs of the country's central administrative offices. This dismantling of Kisha Clubs is rapidly advancing in the Republic of Korea. Yet in Japan it is not advancing at all, rightly inviting criticism of Japan's press system. But that does not appear to faze Japanese reporters of the corporate media and some Japanese scholars, who insist that Kisha Clubs are the most proper system for Japan. By contrast, abolishing the Kisha Clubs in Korea is the result of strenuous efforts by alternative media such as OhmyNews and a large number of supporters. All of which begs the questions : What benefits do we receive from the Japanese press club system? And what needs to be done to eliminate this outdated, injurious system? We dare to envision the kind of journalism in which people take part -as with OhmyNews- and at the same time, we aim to solve the many problems of journalism in Japan, above all permanently dissolving the Kisha Club system.
見目 智紀 落合 信靖 山崎 博範 西須 孝 森石 丈二
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.35, no.2, pp.593-596, 2011 (Released:2011-11-02)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the loss of thoracic mobility and the stiffness of neck and shoulder. 61 persons (19 males, 42 females) who had no functional disorder in their shoulder were involved in this study. The average age was 34.0 ± 11.1 years old. The method of manipulation where we flex the subject's thoracic spine while holding the neck of the subject was the only maneuver in this study. We assessed VAS and place of the stiffness, change of sagittal spinal curvature in standing and banzai posture. The pop sound in the thoracic joint was obtained in 54 subjects. After the treatment, VAS was significantly decreased from 44.1 ± 29.8 to 18.8 ± 17.6. Among 29 persons feeling neck stiffness, 26 had improved. Among 44 feeling stiffness around upper scapula, 42 had improved. Among 14 feeling stiffness of medial scapula, 13 had improved. 2 felt stiffness on the scapula, 1 was improved after treatment. There was no significant difference between before and after manipulation in thoracic kyphosis, lumber lordosis and inclination of standing. But there was a significant relationship between the range of motion of the thoracic spine and VAS after manipulation. The improvement of the thoracic mobility induced significant improvement in the neck and shoulder stiffness. This result suggested the postural control disorder by the loss of thoracic mobility was one of the important factors of neck and shoulder stiffness.
森本 康太郎
応用心理学研究 (ISSN:03874605)
vol.44, no.3, pp.191-192, 2019-03-31 (Released:2019-08-15)

University students may experience emotional problems such as anxiety and depression while seeking employment. These may have a negative effect on the performance accomplishment of job hunting activities. In this study, the effect of irrational beliefs on the stress response and performance accomplishment of seeking employment was examined. The participants included 136 university students. Results revealed that the irrational beliefs of dependence and Helplessness have a negative effect on the stress response while job hunting. Furthermore, these irrational beliefs, through the intervening variable of emotional disturbance, have a negative effect on the performance accomplishment of seeking employment.
森本 淳生
メルロ=ポンティ研究 (ISSN:18845479)
vol.23, pp.67-81, 2020-01-31 (Released:2020-02-04)

Les Recherches sur l’usage littéraire du langage, le cours donné par Merleau- Ponty au Collège de France en 1953, offre diverses notes détaillées de lecture qui nous montrent clairement un intérêt réel et profond du philosophe pour Paul Valéry. Il s’y trouve pourtant un certain manque assez surprenant parce qu’il s’agit d’une œuvre dont l’importance est capitale si l’on veut examiner l’itinéraire du poète de manière précise. Cet itinéraire est décrit suivant trois étapes : l’abandon de la poésie, d’abord, après cette célèbre « Nuit de Gênes » en 1892 ; puis, le retour aux milieux littéraires après la Première Guerre Mondiale, retour qui ne résulte que d’une certaine « faiblesse » et non pas de ce que Valéry a surmonté son scepticisme de jeunesse ; c’est avec le concept de l’Implexe et la pièce telle que « La Pythie » que le poète aurait enfin atteint une certaine maturité où il écrivait selon la spontanéité du corps et l’activité langagière qui en résultait. Après une remarque sur une difficulté au niveau chronologique qui se trouve dans l’argumentation merleau-pontienne, notre article essaie de montrer que, malgré l’absence presque totale de mention, La Jeune Parque (1917) a joué en fait un rôle central dans ce développement littéraire décrit par le philosophe lui-même : il s’agit du moment décisif où se sont réalisés tout en même temps le sujet, l’œuvre et la théorie de la poésie, en d’autres termes, le poète, le poème et la poïétique. Mais malgré cela, la réflexion du philosophe, d’ailleurs très perspicace, réussit à saisir le noyau essentiel de Valéry et, comme un fragment de novembre 1959 du Visible et l’invisible qui parle du « corps de l’esprit » semble le montrer, il se peut que Merleau-Ponty ait lu un fragment du tome VIII des Cahiers de l’édition fac-similé, publié l’année précédente, dans lequel Valéry précise ce que signifie cette expression. Bien que le philosophe remarque un peu à la hâte la limite de Valéry dans son cours, le poète-penseur reste pour lui une des sources essentielles de la réflexion jusqu’à la fin de sa vie.
森田 麻登 森島 泰則
時間学研究 (ISSN:18820093)
vol.8, pp.33-44, 2017 (Released:2018-08-01)

森野 正弘
時間学研究 (ISSN:18820093)
vol.5, pp.1-13, 2015 (Released:2017-02-28)

『源氏物語』松風巻には、光源氏が大堰で暮らす明石の君のもとを訪問する条がある。その出発に際し、京で待つことになる紫の上は、今回の旅行が「斧の柄が朽ちる」ほど長い期間になるであろうと、漢籍に見える「爛柯」の故事を引用して皮肉を述べる。この故事は、異郷を訪れた者が束の間の経験をして現実世界へ戻ってみると、世代が替わるほど長い時間が経過していたというもので、異郷での時間がゆっくり進む話として捉えることができる。従来はこの引用について、典拠の指摘や紫の上の発言の解釈など、局所的な問題として論議される傾向にあった。これに対して本稿では、この故事の引用が光源氏の旅行の最終日にも認められる点に着目し、旅行全体が「斧の柄の朽ちる」時間として形象されている可能性について考察を展開することになる。 旅行中に描かれてくる人物たちの動向を観察してみると、光源氏をはじめとして、明石の君、頭中将、なにがしの朝臣といった人々がみな一様に失速している様子をうかがうことができる。加えて、「二三日」の予定であった旅行の日程は四日間に延長し、京にいる帝や紫の上を待たせる結果となる。光源氏は「爛柯」の故事さながらに、異郷で間延びした時間を過ごし、京という現実世界へ戻ってくるのである。「爛柯」の故事引用は、単なる修辞的次元に止まらず、そこに展開される異郷訪問譚の構造や時間の歪みをも組み込む契機として機能していると言える。
星野 准一 森 博志
芸術科学会論文誌 (ISSN:13472267)
vol.9, no.1, pp.20-28, 2009 (Released:2010-04-30)

小森 義峯
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.5, pp.27-47, 1998-12-19 (Released:2018-01-10)

The Constitution of the Empire of JAPAN in 1889 (Meiji Constitution) was most influenced by the Prussian Constitution in 1850. In this Essay I studied comparatively both constitution, distinguishing points of similarity and difference. Especially I emphasized originality of Meiji Constitution which was not existent in the Prussian Constitution.
村上 孝作 吉藤 元 小林 志緒 川端 大介 田中 真生 臼井 崇 藤井 隆夫 三森 経世
日本臨床免疫学会総会抄録集 第33回日本臨床免疫学会総会抄録集 (ISSN:18803296)
pp.36, 2005 (Released:2005-10-18)

【目的】 抗Ku抗体は日本人の強皮症(SSc)+多発性筋炎(PM)の重複症候群に見出される自己抗体として報告された.しかし,米国ではSLEに最も多く検出されると報告され,人種ごとの遺伝的背景の違いによると考察されてきた.そこで我々は抗Ku抗体陽性の自験例について臨床的特徴を検討した.【方法】 2001年から2004年までに当院で診療した膠原病とその疑い例1185例の保存血清についてRNA免疫沈降法を施行し,高分子核酸スメアを沈降した血清をさらに35S‐メチオニン標識HeLa細胞を用いた蛋白免疫沈降法を行って抗Ku抗体を同定した.【結果】 70kDa / 80kDa蛋白へテロ2量体を免疫沈降する抗Ku抗体は6例(0.51%)に陽性であり,SLEとPMの重複例2例,SLE 2例(1例はCK値上昇あり),PM 1例,未分類膠原病(レイノー現象・手指硬化症・クリオグロブリン血症・CK値上昇)1例であった.抗Ku抗体陽性6例中,PMないし筋病変は5例に,SLEないしSLE様症状は4例に,両者の重複は3例に認められた.また,多発関節炎が5例に,レイノー現象が4例に,手指硬化などの強皮症様症状が2例に認められた.【結語】 少数例の解析ではあるが,抗Ku抗体は筋炎重複症候群と関連し,特徴的な臨床像を示す可能性が示唆された.
森 恵莉
一般社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科頭頸部外科学会
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.123, no.7, pp.557-562, 2020-07-20 (Released:2020-08-06)

多様なにおい分子を受容する嗅覚受容の仕組みが, 徐々に解明されてきている. 嗅覚障害の臨床研究においても, 着実に広がりと進歩を見せている. ヒトが “におい” として感知できる物質は, 濃度や組み合わせ, 温度や湿度などの環境によってもにおい方が全く異なる. 約400種類の嗅覚受容体により, におい物質の交通整理がなされ, 嗅球に情報が送られるシステムは, まだ未解明な部分も多くある. においを感じることができなくなる嗅覚障害は, その先の豊かな生活や人生の選択肢を奪ってしまう. 嗅覚障害の主な原因疾患として慢性副鼻腔炎が挙げられるが, 感冒に伴う嗅覚障害や, 原因が特定できない特発性嗅覚障害も比較的多い. 神経変性疾患との関連も最近は注目されている. 難病指定された好酸球性副鼻腔炎は特に嗅覚障害が重度であるが, ほかの嗅覚障害に比して治療による効果が最も明瞭であり, 治療成績の向上が期待できる. 感冒に伴う嗅覚障害の多くは自然軽快する. 回復が長期に渡る場合は, 嗅覚刺激療法や漢方薬による治療効果も今後は期待されている. 原因が特定できない高度嗅覚障害については, 脳腫瘍を含めた中枢性疾患が存在していることもあり, 頭蓋内病変鑑別のため, 頭部 MRI や神経内科依頼も念頭に置くべきであると考える. また, 職業歴や趣向などから有機溶媒や化学薬品などの使用歴有無の聴取は, 重要な問診事項であると考える.
吉屋 一美 佐藤 友彦 大森 聡一 丸山 茂徳
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.128, no.4, pp.625-647, 2019-08-25 (Released:2019-09-20)
4 4

The Hadean surface was mainly covered by three kinds of rock: komatiite, KREEP basalt, and anorthosite, which were remarkably different from those on the modern Earth. Water–rock interactions between these rocks and water provided a highly reducing environment and formed secondary minerals on the rock surface that are important for producing metallo-enzymes for the emergence of primordial life. Previous studies suggest a correlation with active sites of metallo-enzymes and sulfide minerals based on an affinity with their structure, but they do not discuss the origins of metallic elements contained in these minerals, which are critical to understand where primordial life was born. Secondary minerals formed through water–rock interactions of komatiite in a nuclear geyser system are investigated, followed by a discussion of the relationship between active sites of metallo-enzymes and secondary minerals. Instead of komatiite, we used serpentinite collected from Hakuba Happo area, Nagano Prefecture in central-north Japan, which is thought to be one of the Hadean modern analogues for the birthplace of life. Several minor minerals were found, including magnetite, chromite, pyrite, and pentlandite, in addition to the major serpentine minerals. Pentlandite is not been mentioned in previous studies as a candidate for supplying important metallic elements to form metallo-enzymes in previous studies. It also acts as a catalyst for hydrogen generation, because it closely resembles the structural features of an active site of hydrogenases. Nickel-iron sulfide, pentlandite, is considered to be one of the important minerals for the origin of life. In addition, what kinds of minor mineral would be obtained from water–rock interactions of these rocks is estimated using a thermo-dynamic calculation. KREEP basalt contains large amounts of iron, and it could be useful for producing metallo-enzymes, especially for ferredoxins, an electron transfer enzymes associated with the emergence of primordial life.
森本 泰夫 田中 勇武
公益社団法人 日本産業衛生学会
産業衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:13410725)
vol.50, no.2, pp.37-48, 2008 (Released:2008-04-04)
9 9

ナノ粒子の有害性評価:森本泰夫ほか.産業医科大学産業生態科学研究所―ナノ粒子の有害性に関する研究において,既に有害性評価がなされている繊維状物質やPM2.5などの大気汚染物質の試験法やそのエンドポイントを参考として展開されていることが多い.作業環境における曝露としては,経気道的曝露が想定されるため,吸入曝露試験や気管内注入試験等の動物試験の結果が,有害性評価への貢献度は高い.動物試験のエンドポイントとして,慢性期における持続炎症や線維化及びその関連因子は,ナノ粒子の肺傷害の指標として有用と考えられる.一方,有害性評価試験の結果に差異が認められることがある.この主な原因は,試験に用いたナノ粒子のキャラクタリゼーション(ナノ粒子の物理化学的特性を明らかにすること)が充分に行われていないことにある.そのうち,特に,ナノ粒子の分散性の確認,それも曝露する直前の状態(吸入試験では動物曝露室,気管内注入試験においては,注入する懸濁液)で確認することが重要である.現状では数は少ないが,ナノ粒子のキャラクタリゼーションを行った有害性評価試験の報告が徐々に増加しており,このことが信頼性の高い有害性さらにはリスク評価につながると考えられる.(産衛誌2008; 50: 37-48)