森 信人 志村 智也 Mark HEMER Xiaolan WANG
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) (ISSN:18842399)
vol.73, no.2, pp.I_115-I_120, 2017 (Released:2017-10-17)

雲 和広 森永 貴子 志田 仁完
経済研究 (ISSN:00229733)
vol.59, no.1, pp.74-93, 2008-01

本調査研究の目的は,帝政ロシア及びソ連・新生ロシアの統計制度・人口統計整備手法を概観すると共に,ソ連崩壊後の新生ロシア領域に基づく人口統計を一次史料に基づいて構築すること,そして帝政ロシア末期から新生ロシアに至るまでの長期的人口動態を把握することにある.先行研究における帝政ロシア期を扱うものとソビエト以降のそれとの間の断絶は大きく,そして原資料に依拠した研究は極めて少ない.最初にロシア帝国における人口統計制度の整備過程に焦点を当て,続いて革命後のソビエト・ロシア,そして新生ロシアの人口統計を見る.主眼を置くのは,(1)一次史料に依拠して100年の期間で獲得可能な限りの統計を揃える,(2)現ロシア連邦の領域への統一を可能な限り試みる,という点である.通史的にロシアの発展を描く上での最も基礎的な情報を揃えることを旨とするものである.The aims of this study are (1) to overview statistical systems and the methods of maintaining population statistics in the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation, (2) to provide population statistics in territorial unit comparable to the Russian Federation based on primary materials, and (3) to take a general view of long-term population dynamics from the late Imperial era to the new Russian Federation. The gap between previous researches dealing with population during the imperial periods and that which examines the period after the October revolution is very large, and few studies utilized primary data in investigating population figures of the imperial era.First, this study focuses on the institutional background of maintaining of population statistics in the Russia Empire, and then examines the population statistics systems after the establishment of the Soviet government. In estimating population and collecting archive data, this paper devoted efforts to utilizing primary materials consistently, and to adjusting all the territories in accordance with those of the Russian Federation. Thus, this study provides a fundamentally necessary information for investigating historical development processes in Russia.
多湖 ゆかり 谷 久弥 森兼 啓太
一般社団法人 日本環境感染学会
日本環境感染学会誌 (ISSN:1882532X)
vol.29, no.2, pp.122-127, 2014 (Released:2014-06-05)
1 2

CDCのGuidelines for the Prevention of Intravascular Catheter-Related Infections, 2011の発出を受け,末梢静脈カテーテルの標準的な留置期間を4日毎から7日毎に変更した.留置期間が適切か否かを評価するため変更後6ヶ月間(2011年7月~12月)の末梢静脈カテーテルに関連するBSIと静脈炎のデータ解析をした.延べ留置日数2,784日,ライン使用本数989本に対して,BSI発生は2件であり,1000ライン日あたり0.72件であった.発生日はどちらも留置3日目であった.静脈炎(INS基準:2+以上)は14件で,3日以内と4日以上を比較して静脈炎発生率に有意差は見られなかった.従って,末梢静脈カテーテルをルーチンに3~4日毎に刺し替える必要はない.刺入部の観察を重視した上での7日毎の刺し替えは,患者の苦痛軽減やスタッフの労力削減を図る上でむしろ好ましいと考える.
山元 正継 西澤 達治 三森 俊亮 業田 顕行 緒方 武幸
一般社団法人 日本鉱物科学会
岩石鉱物科学 (ISSN:1345630X)
vol.46, no.3, pp.81-107, 2017 (Released:2017-10-07)

Two suites of xenoliths and an associated scoria-bearing pyroclastic fragment were sampled near Kampu volcano on Oga Peninsula of the northeast Japan arc. These scoria-hosted xenoliths consist of hornblende-bearing clinopyroxenite, hornblendite, and hornblende gabbro cumulates, hornblende megacrysts, and minor amounts of lower crustal pyroxene-plagioclase granulites. The minerals within the cumulates are euhedral and the interstitial glass is interconnected with the hosting scoria. The cumulates and their hornblende megacrysts have 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd ratios (0.70316-0.703390 and 0.512877-0.512974) similar to those of the Kampu magmas (0.702917-0.703409 and 0.512883-0.512988). However, these samples are not in isotopic equilibrium with each other or with the hosting scoria, with the latter having relatively constant Sr isotopic compositions (average of 0.703187). This is exemplified by two hornblende megacrysts with unusually high Al2O3 contents (< 17 wt%) that have different Sr isotopic ratios (0.703039 and 0.703235) and are isotopically homogenous from core to rim. This suggests that each melt that coexisted with the megacrysts was separated as a discrete batch without any isotopic mixing near the base of the lower crust. The host scoria was derived from discrete batches of magma having different isotopic compositions, but the scoria itself is isotopically homogeneous, indicating magma mixing and homogenization during the rapid ascent and transportation of these xenoliths from the lower crust to the Kampu volcano. This was most likely caused by the injection of upper-mantle-derived mafic magma into the base of the lower crust, as evidenced by micro-hornblende within the hosting volcanic glass that contains more Mg than the hornblende megacrysts.   The granulite xenoliths have mosaic textures, contain plagioclase with deformation twins, are closely inter-locked, and do not contain any hosting glass material. They have Sr and Nd isotopic compositions (0.70501-070532 and 0.51260-0.51263) that contrast with the cognate hornblende megacrysts, the cumulates, and the Kampu lavas, but are similar to less metasomatized lower-crustal amphibolites (amphibole with compositions of 0.70524 and 0.51261) from Ichinomegata maar near Kampu volcano. Rare hornblendes within these granulites record the onset of metasomatism, although the isotopic composition of these samples remained relatively unchanged until a subsequent cryptic metasomatic event that generated the wide range of isotopic and trace element compositions present within the Ichinomegata amphibolites.
石崎 泰男 森田 考美 鳥山 光
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.62, no.3, pp.95-116, 2017-09-30 (Released:2017-10-11)

The ca. 17 cal. ka BP eruption at Nantai Volcano, NE Japan, initially produced widespread Plinian fallout deposit (Nantai-Imaichi Tephra:Nt-I) and two overlying associated scoria flow deposits, i.e., dacitic pyroclast-rich, Shizu Scoria Flow Deposit (SZ) and andesitic pyroclast-rich, Takanosu Scoria Flow Deposit (TKS). A∼2.8m thick outcrop of the Nt-I at Nikko City, 7.5km ESE of the volcano, consists of a basal phreatic fall bed (∼2cm thick) and eleven overlying fall units (units 1-11 in ascending stratigraphic order) defined by componentry, size grading, and chemical composition of the pyroclasts. The total lack of clear boundary structures between each unit suggests that the Nt-I was generated by the pyroclasts falling from continuous eruptive column. Grain size analyses of the Nt-I shows that column height rapidly increased and reached its climax soon after the eruption began, and then oscillated slightly and declined until the end of the Plinian phase. The composition of the pyroclasts shows that the Nt-I resulted from the tapping of a stratified magma chamber, in which dacitic magma capped hybrid andesitic magma. Light-colored, microlite-free, dacitic pumice (DWP) predominates from unit 1 through unit 9. In contrast, moderately vesicular andesitic scoria (AGS) is a major constituent of units 10 and 11. Microlite-rich dacitic obsidian (DOB) is present from unit 1 through unit 3, but was not observed above unit 3. Microlite-rich dacitic scoria (DBS) is present from unit 1 through unit 8, and coexists with DOB in single pyroclast. A plausible explanation for the common eruption of a small amount of microlite-rich pyroclasts along with the predominant DWP is that the microlite-rich pyroclasts represent fragments of the degassed margins of the conduit through which the dacitic magma rose. As the eruption advanced, the passageway may have widened, and the microlite-rich magma along the conduit wall was eroded and ejected along with the DWP. The density of the DWP remained constant from unit 1 through unit 8, and then increased at unit 9. The incorporation of slightly denser, dacitic pyroclast into the column is likely to have destabilized the eruption column. The destabilization caused partial collapse of the column and generated the intra-Plinian Shizu Scoria Flow Deposit, whose particle density is similar to that of unit 9. In contrast, the ejection of dense AGS combined with the incorporation of dense lithics into the eruption column is likely to have destabilized the column, and triggered total column collapse that formed the post-Plinian Takanosu Scoria Flow Deposit.
森永 裕美子 難波 峰子 二宮 一枝
岡山県立大学保健福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:13412531)
vol.21, pp.57-65, 2014

本研究は、育児期の父が、どのように" 父らしく" なるのか、父自身の内面(意識)と行動から明らかにすることを目的に、3 歳6 か月児をもつ夫婦11 組のうち父を対象に、父自身が" 父らしくなったと感じたところ" についてインタビューした。 その結果、「母とのやり方の違い」、「仕事か育児か優先順位への迷い」、「父の家事・育児に対する考え」、「母に対してとる配慮」、「父自身で抑制」「父としての家族への責任」、「父としての子どもとの関わり」、「子どもの直接的反応への感情」、「子どもがいることで経験する慈しみ」の9つのサブカテゴリ、『父の中で葛藤する』『バランスをとる』『父として役割を遂行する』『父として実感する』の4つのカテゴリ、【父が折り合いをつける】と【父として自覚する】という2つの中心的概念が抽出された。そしてこれら2 つの中心的概念は、父の内面(意識)と行動から父が父らしくなる一因であることの示唆を得た。We examined how fathers involved in child care became like a father from their awareness and behavior as fathers. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 couples of parents who had a 3.5 year old infant supposed to receive a routine medical examination and completed a questionnaire when the infant was 3 and a half years old.Fathers were asked when they actually felt they had become like fathers. Analysis identified 9 subcategories related to changes of awareness and behavior as fathers: Difference in child care between father and mother; Dilemma between work and childcare; Image of a father doing housework and child care; Thoughtfulness to mother; Self-restraint; Responsibility to family; Relationship with the child; Feelings about reactions from the child; and Affection experienced by having a child. The subcategories were classified into 4 categories: Inner conflict; Keeping psychic equilibrium; Playing a fatherly role; and Having a real sense of fatherhood, and the two central concepts: coming to compromise and awareness were identified. And these two central concepts got the suggestion of being the cause that father came to seem to be father from the inside (consciousness) and an action of father.
森 覚
大正大学大学院研究論集 (ISSN:03857816)
no.31, pp.300-289, 2007-03
菅田 一博 森田 憲一
vol.13, no.7, 1972-07-15
山田 晋作 森本 祥一
一般社団法人 経営情報学会
経営情報学会 全国研究発表大会要旨集 2015年秋季全国研究発表大会
pp.136-139, 2015 (Released:2016-01-29)

森 征洋
天気 (ISSN:05460921)
vol.43, no.1, pp.33-41, 1996-01-31

瀬戸内海地方中央部の多度津,高松, 岡山における海陸風と気圧場との関係について調べた. 3地点とも海陸風の発生しやすい気象条件の場合, 海風には2つの卓越風向が見られた. この2つの海風の型と海面気圧場との間には密接な関係があり, 海面気圧場から計算される地衡風の風向が, 東北東-西南西の線で二分される円の北半円にあるときには1つの海風の型が, 南半円にあるときにはもう1つの海風の型が対応している. どちらの型の海風が発生するかは地衡風の風向に非常に敏感で, 半円の境界のところでは, 1方位異なると, 海風の型も異なる. 高松では, 地衡風の風向がこの境界付近にあるとき, 海風にもう1つ別の卓越風向も見られた.
田崎 和江 中西 孝 鈴木 祐恵 佐藤 和也 森井 一誠 鈴木 健之
地球科學 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.61, no.5, pp.343-361, 2007-09-25

薫田 匡史 栗田 光樹夫 大森 博司
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.77, no.676, pp.899-904, 2012-06-30 (Released:2012-07-27)

Recently, the construction of the large astronomical telescope has been planned for better astronomical observation. In this project, it is necessary to design the structure of the telescope economically as well as easy to construct. Additionally homogeneous deformation of the supporting structure of the telescope is desirable to realize the stable supporting system of the main system of the telescope. However it is not so easy to design such structure, because the various tilt angle caused by the rotation of telescope for astronomical observation result in the large amount of the change in the external load. In this paper, the scheme of multi-objective optimal design for truss structures supporting large telescope are proposed and demonstrated in an actually constructed 3.8 m telescope. Using SPEA2 as multi-objective optimal method, where standard deviation of nodal displacements is adopted to evaluate homologous deformation, simultaneously satisfies the requirement of both weight minimization and homologous deformation.