橋本 久美 高橋 憲男 浜上 尚也 清水 陽平 安田 千尋 平藤 雅彦 千丈 雅徳
一般社団法人 日本健康心理学会
健康心理学研究 (ISSN:09173323)
vol.20, no.1, pp.49-55, 2007-06-25 (Released:2014-03-28)

There are no studies reported on the salivary serotonin concentrations in adolescent patients suffering from impulsive behavior. In order to elucidate the role of serotonin in impulsivity, salivary serotonin concentrations of nine psychiatric patients and nine normal participants were measured. Both groups also completed the SSS scale (Zuckerman et al., 1978). Salivary serotonin level of patients with impulsivity was higher than that of the normal group (p = 0.040, Mann-Whitney). Moreover, the Dis scale of the patients was lower than that of the normal participants. The results were incongruent with our working hypothesis. Further research is required to clarify the relation between salivary serotonin concentrations and impulsivity.
長谷川 昂宏 山内 悠嗣 山下 隆義 藤吉 弘亘 秋月 秀一 橋本 学 堂前 幸康 川西 亮輔
一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.36, no.5, pp.349-359, 2018 (Released:2018-07-15)

Automatization for the picking and placing of a variety of objects stored on shelves is a challenging problem for robotic picking systems in distribution warehouses. Here, object recognition using image processing is especially effective at picking and placing a variety of objects. In this study, we propose an efficient method of object recognition based on object grasping position for picking robots. We use a convolutional neural network (CNN) that can achieve highly accurate object recognition. In typical CNN methods for object recognition, objects are recognized by using an image containing picking targets from which object regions suitable for grasping can be detected. However, these methods increase the computational cost because a large number of weight filters are convoluted with the whole image. The proposed method detects all graspable positions from an image as a first step. In the next step, it classifies an optimal grasping position by feeding an image of the local region at the grasping point to the CNN. By recognizing the grasping positions of the objects first, the computational cost is reduced because of the fewer convolutions of the CNN. Experimental results confirmed that the method can achieve highly accurate object recognition while decreasing the computational cost.
金崎 良三 徳永 幹雄 藤島 和孝 岡部 弘道 橋本 公雄
健康科学 (ISSN:03877175)
vol.11, pp.71-85, 1989-03-31

テニス教室に参加した婦人36名を対象にして, 2年間にわたる追跡調査を実施することによって, テニスの継続化をめぐる問題にアプローチしてきた。研究結果は, 以下のように要約される。1. 対象者の基本的特性については, 全員が30代から40代の既婚者であり, 若干の者はパートタイマーとして職業に就いているが, 大部分は専業主婦である。また小学生の子供をもつ者が多いが, ほとんどの者が出産・育児から解放された時期にある。2. 学生時代からテニス教室に参加するまでの過去において, 大部分の老が何らかのスポーツの経験をしている。また, スポーツとかかわりをもつ夫や子供がいる者が極めて多い。3. テニスの継続状況については, (1)長期継続型(教室終了後引き続き継続), (2)中途継続型(教室終了後すぐには実施せず途中から開始して現在も継続), (3)中断継続型(途中で中断の時期があるが現在も継続), (4)中途非継続型(教室終了後引き続き実施していたが途中でドロップアウト)および(5)長期非継続型(教室終了後からずっと実施せず)の5つのパターンがみられた。全体的には(1)〜(3)の継続群が多く, 7割以上を占めている。特に長期継続群は, 練習コートが自宅から極めて近い所にあり,試合に出場した経験のある者が多い傾向がみられる。4. テニスヘの社会化パターンについては, 学校卒業後からテニス教室参加以前のスポーツ経験の違いから, (1)テニスを初めて開始した者, (2)スポーツ経験はあるがテニスは初めての者, (3)テニスの経験があり教室では再開または継続的に実施する者, という3つのパターンがあり, このうち(3)のパターンに属する者が多く半数を占めている。これらのパターンと教室終了後のテニスの継続パターンとの間には, 特徴的な関連性は認められなかった。5. テニス継続化の要因としては, (1)専業主婦がほとんどであり, 仕事をもっていてもパートタイマーであることから時間的余裕がある, (2)利用できるコートが極めて身近な所にある, (3)自主グループやクラブ, スクールなど練習仲間がいる, (4)テニス関連支出が大きな経済的負担となっていない, (5)テニスの技能の向上が認められる, (6)家族が重要な他者として機能している, (7)テニスの行動意図や重要な他者に対する規範信念が高い。(8)スポーツ意識に問題がない, などが指摘できる。6. テニス継続の目的に関しては, (1)友人との交流, (2)ストレス解消, (3)健康・体調の維持, (4)肥満防止・体重調整, (5)技能の向上・試合出場の5つがあげられるが, 特に「上手になりたい」, 「試合に出場したい, 勝ちたい」など(5)に関連する内容をあげた者が目立つ。7. テニス非継続の要因としては, (1)仕事の都合, (2)性的役割の問題(出産・育児), (3)社会的役割の問題(地域の役員就任), (4)転居による地理的・社会的環境条件の変化, (5)病気・怪我など健康上の理由, (6)指導者・リーダーがいなくなることによるグループの消滅, (7)グループ内の人間関係の問題, (8)テニスの技能が向上しないことによる意欲の低下, などがあげられる。本研究は, その目的がある程度達成されたとはいえ婦人のテニスについての1つの事例研究に過ぎず, したがって以上の結論を一般化することは困難である。今後は.今回の結果を踏まえてさらに対象を拡大するなどして, 数量的, 実証的研究へ発展させたいと思う。(本研究の要旨は, 1988年の第37回九州体育学会にて発表した。)
橋本 郷史
医学図書館 (ISSN:04452429)
vol.62, no.2, pp.131-136, 2015-06

解説For decades, the cost of academic journals has been increasing, and academic libraries have had to cope with this situation. The "Big Deal" subscription model is no longer available for many libraries. In this study, the Nature Publishing Group Pay-Per-View (PPV) service: Articles on Demand (AOD) is examined from the perspective of costbenefit.This study also examined whether the AOD model fits the needs of researchers. To demonstrate the cost evaluation and usage features, the AOD access log was examined. Globally, the AOD cost is lower than that of any other type of subscription contract. AOD cannot be archived, but the AOD log indicates that recent material is accessed more frequently than older material. Old papers are not used. After the introduction of AOD, the number of used titles increase by more than two times the previous number. AOD fits the potential needs of researchers. Major usage concentrates on specific journals, while minor usage extends to a wide range of titles. The combination of a title-based contract with PPV would be an effective means of coping with the increasing costs of academic journals.(著者抄録)
長嶋 淳 橋本 剛 橋本 隼一
vol.2006, pp.1-8, 2006-11-10

端攻めを苦手としていることは,改善が必要なコンピュータ将棋の弱点の1つである.本研究では,局面情報から端攻めの可能性を判定し,可能性の高い局面において重点的に端攻めの手を読ませることで,この問題に取り組む.多数の棋譜を分析して得られた条件をもとに将棋プログラムTACOS へ端攻めルーチンを実装し,評価を行なった.その結果,実装前と比較してTACOSは多くの局面で端攻めを行なえるようになった.
橋本貞秀 図
vol.初輯, 1853
亀岡 孝治 塚原 茜 亀岡 慎一 伊藤 良栄 橋本 篤

菊池 八穂子 橋本 康弘
名古屋学院大学教職センター年報 = THE NAGOYA GAKUIN DAIGAKU KYOSHOKU CENTER NENPOU; The Annual Report of the Center of Teacher Training Course (ISSN:24326569)
no.1, pp.77-87, 2017-02-28

日野 遥 杉本 大己 高橋 優輔 橋本 成広
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.84, no.858, pp.17-00202-17-00202, 2018 (Released:2018-02-25)

Mechanical stimulation affects cell behaviors (proliferation, orientation, migration and differentiation) in vivo, and a lot of models of experiments on mechanical stimulation in vitro have been reported. The development of control technique on cell is important in the field of regenerative medicine. Recently, skeletal myoblasts have been applied for cardiac repair. In the previous study, C2C12 (mouse myoblast cell line) made orientation perpendicular to the streamlines in the donut shape flow channel. In the present study, C2C12 has been cultured in the Couette type of the shear field between the rotating disk and the stationary culture plate to study quantitatively the effect of shear stress (for 24 hours, < 2 Pa) on orientation of myoblasts in vitro. The time lapse image of myoblasts shows that C2C12 tilts perpendicularly against the flow direction at the wall shear stress of 2 Pa and that C2C12 tends to migrate to the lower wall shear stress region of 0.4 Pa.
中 尚義 橋本 巨
公益社団法人 日本設計工学会
設計工学 (ISSN:09192948)
vol.51, no.11, pp.788-801, 2016 (Released:2016-11-05)

Dragonflies have high flight performance in spite of small size. Therefore, the research of clarifying the flight mechanisms of dragonflies, and then applying it to Micro Air Vehicles (MAVs) is proceeding. Dragonfly's flight mainly consist of a flapping motion and a feathering motion. To control the MAV like dragonflies, clarifying the effect of the flapping motion and the feathering motion on generating aerodynamic force is necessary. In this study, lift and thrust force generated by flapping were measured using flap simulator adjusted the flapping and feathering angle. As a result, lift and thrust force were increased with increase in the flapping angle. Thrust force was particularly increased with increase from 30° to 40° in the flapping angle. When the feathering angle is 45°, downforce was very small, and a lift fluctuation was small. Therefore, the feathering angle of 45° are suitable for the straight flight. When the feathering angle is 60°, momentary lift force was very high. Therefore, the feathering angle of 60° are suitable for a climbing flight such as the take-off. In fact, it was confirmed by the motion analysis that the feathering angle of a dragonfly in the take-off is 60° or more.
高橋 知里 山岸 俊男 橋本 博文
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.25, no.2, pp.113-120, 2009-11-30 (Released:2017-02-20)

We tested a hypothesis that responses to the Singelis' (1994) interdependent self scale would be enhanced after being exposed to an "exclusion game" -a social dilemma game with an option for excluding uncooperative members. Thirty-nine participants were assigned to one of two conditions. In the self-presentation condition, participants were told that their responses to the interdependence scale would be revealed to other participants after the experiment. In the control condition, participants were assured that their responses would be anonymous. The average interdependence score increased after experiencing the exclusion game in the self-presentation condition, and decreased in the control condition. These findings show that people come to present themselves to others as being more interdependent after being exposed to a social situation in which they face a threat of rejection from their peers.
橋本 省三
The Kitakanto Medical Society
北関東医学 (ISSN:00231908)
vol.30, no.6, pp.357-369, 1981-02-10 (Released:2010-11-22)

As a method to make clear the reason why congenital dislocation of the hip is found more frequently in females than males, the differeences of the shapes of the pelves between male and female infants were investigated roentgenographically.Following measurements were taken upon the correctly taken X-ray photographs of the pelves of 287 normal male and female infants who were 0 month to 3 years of age, and of 57 dislocated infants of the same ages.a : The distance between the most outside points of the bilateral ilia.b : The distance between the most inside points of the bilateral ilia at the Y cartilages.c : The distance between the most inferior points of the bilateral ilia.d : The distance between the most outside points of the bilateral ischia.e : The distance between the most inferior points of the bilateral ilia at the sacro-iliac joints.f : The distance between the most inferior point of the bilateral ischia.θ : Acetabular angle (described only in normal infants) And the ratios : b/a, c/a, d/a, e/a, f /a, f /d, were calculated in each pelvis, and examined the change of the shapes of the pelves during their growth, and also examined the differences between males and females, normal and dislocated infants.The results obtained were as follows : 1) The sexual differences were found already in the neonatal pelves.2) Observing a pelvis as a whole, the constriction which occurs around the bilateral hip joints during the growth seems to correspond with the decrease of its acetabular angle.3) The constriction around the bilateral hip joints, and the rate of the growth between the major and the minor pelvis were distinct sexual differences of the pelvis.4) In the case of congenital dislocation of the hip, it should seem that even on the male the pelvis showed the similar shape and the process of growth to the female.