1 0 0 0 創造的失敗

江崎 玲於奈
日本物理學會誌 (ISSN:00290181)
vol.69, no.3, 2014-03-05
柏木 健司 山際 延夫 八尾 昭 江崎 洋一 酒折 有美子 庄司 康弘
化石 (ISSN:00229202)
vol.72, pp.5-16, 2002

1)紀伊半島西部, 和歌山県広川町の黒瀬川帯に分布する, 池之上層中部層に含まれる鳥巣式石灰岩から, 刺胞および海綿動物化石を報告した.刺胞および海綿動物化石の指示する年代はジュラ紀新世である.2)池之上層中部層の大部分は, 炭酸塩マウンド周辺に堆積した陸源砕屑岩が卓越する部分に相当する.炭酸塩マウンドそのものは1箇所でのみ認められる.散点的かつ小規模に含まれる鳥巣式石灰岩は, 岩酸塩マウンドから重力流により運搬され, 陸源砕屑岩中にブロックとして定置した.3)Kimmeridgianの頃, 陸側から古生代後期の緑色岩-石灰岩の巨大オリストリスが海溝陸側斜面上に多量に供給された.厚層のオリストストロームの堆積は, 海溝陸側斜面の浅海化を促進させた.4)Tithonian〜Berriacianにかけて, 海山列の付加に伴って海溝陸側斜面が急激に上昇し, 広範な浅海域が形成されるとともに, その浅海域に池之上層中部層や由良層などの鳥巣層群相当層が堆積した.
梅田 真樹 江崎 洋一
化石 (ISSN:00229202)
vol.62, pp.37-44, 1997-06-30 (Released:2017-10-03)

The acidic tuffaceous strata in the Kanayama and Fukuji areas of the Hida "Gaien" (=Marginal) Terrane were previously designated as the Rosse Formation of Early Devonian time and the Mizuyagadani Formation of Early Permian time, respectively. However, the age of the extracted radiolarian fossils is different from the previously known age for the tuffaceous successions. The radiolarian fauna from the acidic tuffs is commonly characterized by Pseudoalbaillella fusiformis, Pseudoalbaillella sp. aff. P. longicornis and Follicucullus monacanthus, indicative of the F. monacanthus Zone of late Middle Permian. The stratigraphy should be revised thoroughly in those areas. The Middle Permian acidic tuffs are pervasive not only within the terrane but also among the adjacent terranes, indicating the prevalence of volcanic activity in the provenance. The present results are indispensable for the reconstruction of Permian paleogeography around Hida "Gaien" Terrane.
梅田 真樹 江崎 洋一
化石 (ISSN:00229202)
vol.62, pp.37-44, 1997

The acidic tuffaceous strata in the Kanayama and Fukuji areas of the Hida "Gaien" (=Marginal) Terrane were previously designated as the Rosse Formation of Early Devonian time and the Mizuyagadani Formation of Early Permian time, respectively. However, the age of the extracted radiolarian fossils is different from the previously known age for the tuffaceous successions. The radiolarian fauna from the acidic tuffs is commonly characterized by Pseudoalbaillella fusiformis, Pseudoalbaillella sp. aff. P. longicornis and Follicucullus monacanthus, indicative of the F. monacanthus Zone of late Middle Permian. The stratigraphy should be revised thoroughly in those areas. The Middle Permian acidic tuffs are pervasive not only within the terrane but also among the adjacent terranes, indicating the prevalence of volcanic activity in the provenance. The present results are indispensable for the reconstruction of Permian paleogeography around Hida "Gaien" Terrane.
江崎 保男 橋口 大介 金沢 正文 今堀 るみ子 池田 善英
日本鳥学会誌 = Japanese journal of ornithology (ISSN:0913400X)
vol.48, no.4, pp.267-279, 2000-03-01
3 6

江崎 康弘

博士の専攻分野の名称 : 博士(経済学)学位授与年月日 : 平成26年3月24日
江崎 康弘
アジア経営研究 (ISSN:24242284)
vol.23, pp.119-138, 2017 (Released:2018-01-01)

With populations increasing and economic development taking place in emerging countries, water shortages are now being observed on a global scale, and a solution to this is considered as a very important challenge for the entire world. For the survival of living things on earth, water is an essential. It used to be said in Japan that,“ Water and safety are free,” and that Japanese people did not have to be aware of water issues in their everyday life, but since the 2000’s, water issues have become a regular topic of conversation. In particular, since the METI established the Water Industry and Infrastructure Systems Promotion Office, the water business has become very active in both public and private sectors, which can be considered as a shift of value for water from a public good to an economic good. Based on all of this, to understand the current situation of global water resources I will report my thoughts on (1) marketability of water as a business, (2) business strategies of global companies, and (3) further consideration on business strategies of Japanese companies
安藤 史高 Ando Fumitaka 中西 良太 Nakanishi Yoshifumi 小平 英志 Kodaira Hideshi 江崎 真理 Esaki Mari 原田 一郎 Harada Ichiro 川井 加奈 子 Kawai Kanako 小川 一美 Ogawa Kazumi 崎濱 秀行 Sakihama Hideyuki
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.47, pp.237-245, 2000-12 (Released:2006-01-05)

The purpose of this study is to construct the Multidimensional Optimism Assessment Inventory (MOAI) and to examine its reliability and validity. Prior to the investigation, three subconcepts of optimism (optimistic expectancy, optimistic evaluation, and easy switching) were hypothesized and 46 items (optimistic expectancy; 24 items, optimistic evaluation; 16 items and easy switching; 6 items) were selected. Four hundred and sixty undergraduates were administrated MOAI and other scales. Exploratory factor analysis yielded 6 factors, so 6 subscales were constructed (optimistic evaluation for ability, easy switching, optimistic expectancy for external resources, optimistic expectancy for luck, groundless optimism and optimistic expectancy for future). Except for groundless optimism subscale (α=.56), Cronbach's alpha coefficients of five subscales were moderately high (they were greater than .65). The correlations between the score of MOAI and other scales supported hypothesized relations. Taken together, the result confirmed the reliability and validity of MOAI, at least partially.
大山 雄佑 江崎 修央 瀬田 広明 濱地 義法
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.122, pp.45-52, 2010
2 4

Recently the research and the development on sailing support system using video information have been advancing owing to the development of image processing technology. As for vessels, the sailing monitoring systems to watch all directions of the vessels by using omni directional image sensors have been proposed. But there are some problems on this system as follows: (1) It is difficult to confirm the distance between the vessels and the bridge when they leave or reach the shore. (2) It is too slow to do the real time processing. This is why we developed the system which can judge a positional relationship between the vessels and the bridges visually by proposing on a real time a pseudo image from the sky. We are making use of USB camera equipped with fish-eye lenses to get images. In this paper, we experimented by attaching the camera at the medium seized vessel, which have a total length of 40 meters. As a result, we found that it is possible to display a positional relationship between our ship and bridges when our ship leaves or reaches the shore, and also to display corrected images on a real time at the frame rate 10fps.
中島 高英 高橋 淳 牧野 理 落合 秀也 江崎 浩
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. ASN, 知的環境とセンサネットワーク
vol.114, no.65, pp.43-44, 2014-05-22

平川 秀治 南 典政 江崎 正
一般社団法人 画像電子学会
vol.34, pp.163-167, 2006

IEC(International Electrotechnical Commission: 国際電気標準会議)のTC 100(Technical Committee No.100)で進めているAVマルチメディア機器のホームネットワーク関連技術の標準化についての報告。テレビ、ホームビデオサーバ、ロケーションフリーテレビなどホームネットワークの動向を紹介、DLNA, ECHONETなどTC 100におけるAVネットワークアプリケーションの標準化について述べる。ホームネットワーク関連の標準化に関わっている他の標準化機関、ITU-R、ITU-T、ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25と協調しつつ進めている。
青木 正和 片山 透 山岸 文雄 横田 総一郎 亀田 和彦 斎藤 肇 原 耕平 江崎 孝行 河合 忠 四元 秀毅 関口 進
一般社団法人 日本結核病学会
結核 (ISSN:00229776)
vol.69, no.10, pp.593-605, 1994-10-15 (Released:2011-05-24)

Recently, a new kit to detect and indentify mycobacteria in clinical specimens was developed by Japan Roche Co. Limited. The new method is based on amplification of DNA of mycobacteria in clinical specimens by PCR and hybridization of amplified DNA b. microwell plate hybridization method, which is the “AmplicorTM Mycobacteria, Roche. (AMP-M) ”. Cooperative study was organized with 15 tuberculosis hospitals and institu tions throughout Japan, and 349 clinical specimens from newly admitted tuberculosis patients and/or suspects were collected during July and August, 1993. All the specimens were examined by smear microscopy (Ziehl-Neelsen's staining), culture on Ogawa egg media, culture on variant 7H9 liquid media and by AMP-M. Excluding 25 specimens which had failed to identify the species of mycobacteria because of contamination, disability to multiply on the transplanted solid media and so on, the results of the examinations in 324 specimens consisting of 167 specimens from previously untreated cases and those of 157 specimens from previously treated cases were analysed. Main results obtained were as follows;1. Of 70 smear positive specimens from previously untreated cases, culture positive on Ogawa media and 7H9 media, and by AMP-M positive were 59 (84.3%), 61 (87.1%) and 66 (94.3%), respectively. Of 97 smear negative specimens, culture positive were 20 (20.6%), 22 (22.7%) and 27 (27.8%), respectively. The AMP-M showed the highest positive rate in both groups.2. The sensitivity and the specificity of AMP-M in previously untreated cases were calculated by assuming that positive on Ogawa and/or variant 7H9 media is “positive”. The sensitivity was 95.8% (68/71) and the specificity was 94.8% (91/96) for M. tuberculosis in previously untreated cases. The sensitivity and the specificity for M. avium and M. intracellulare were all 100%, although the numbers observed were small.3. So-called false positive of the AMP-M were observed in 5 cases out of 96 culture negatives on both Ogawa and variant 7H9 media. However, all 5 cases were positive by repeated AMP-M, 3 become culture positive later, and another 2 showed clinical findings consistent with tuberculosis. Hence, the authors considered that the false positive rate of the AMP-M method is to be very low in previously untreated cases.4. Of 86 smear positive cases with history of previous chemotherapy, the positive culture on Ogawa media, variant 7H9 media and that by AMP-M method were 64 (74.4%), 77 (89.5%) and 85 (98.8%), respectively. In the smear negative cases, culture positive was 10 out of 71 (14.1%), 13 (18.3%) and 24 (33.8%), respectively.5. The sensitivity and the specificity of the AMP-M were 98.7% (77/78) and 81.0% (64/79) for M. tuberculosis in previously treated cases calculated by the same method as in previously untreated cases. They were 77.8% (7/9) and 100% (148/148) for M. avium, and 100% (4/4) and 100% (153/153) for M. intracellulare.Based on these results, the authors concluded that the AMP-M is a very efficient and rapid method to detect and identify M. tuberculosis, M. avium and/or M. intracellulare in clinical specimens. This method will be useful to diagnose tuberculosis and diseases caused by mycobacteria other than M. tuberculosis rapidly.
江崎 聡子
アメリカ太平洋研究 (ISSN:13462989)
vol.3, pp.95-114, 2003-03

This paper explores the significance of Mary Cassatt's tripartite mural, Modern Woman, which was installed in the hail of fame at the Woman's Building at the Chicago Exposition of 1893. It examines Cassatt's conception and the manner in which the painting was executed. The paper then focuses on the reception of the painting and the nature of criticism, and how the painting articulated changes regarding the role and place of women that were occurring in late nineteenth-century America. Bertha Palmer, the president of the Board of Lady Managers that governed the pavilion, commissioned the painting with the purpose of illuminating the advancement of contemporary American women. The mural presented scenes where women of different generations actively engaged in activities such as plucking the fruits of knowledge and artistic performances of music, dance, and the arts. By depicting women as strong and independent, Cassatt intended to create a portrait of the "New Woman" who sought autonomy and assertion of the right for a career, while rejecting conventional female roles that were common at the turn of the century. In this work, Cassatt employed a traditional vocabulary popular for that time: the use of an Arcadian setting, the symbol of the tree of knowledge, women in the orchards, and women as players of music and dance in nature. However, the work was not well received. Many critics rejected the painting because of the manner in which the subject was portrayed. They considered its wide ornamented frame, intense colors, and its realistic depiction of women as inappropriate and unacademic. Moreover, as the painting included many traditional motifs in its style, they could not read and interpret clearly what was "modern" in this work. The paper argues that Cassatt, in fact, transposed and modernized traditional motifs to transform a conventional narrative of woman as Muse and Eve into an allegory of the "New Woman" who served as the agent for new hopes and ambitions.
小沢 隆昭 宮崎 久義 外山 あつ子 江崎 公明 垣内 康之
一般社団法人 国立医療学会
医療 (ISSN:00211699)
vol.43, no.2, pp.235-239, 1989-02-20 (Released:2011-10-19)

経尿道的前立腺切除術(TUR)中に損傷された前立腺静脈洞からの灌流液吸収によると思われる重症の低ナトリウム血症を経験した. 患者は89才の男性で脊麻下にTURを開始した. 手術開始後1時間ころより血圧下降, 意識レベルの低下がみられた. 瞼結膜は蒼白で, この時点でのヘモグラムはHb 5.6g/dl, RBC 184×104, Ht 17.4%であり, 血清ナトリウム値は109mEq/lであつた. 聴診上胸部全肺野にラ音を聞きPaO2 57.4mmHg, PaCO2 39.6mmHg, pH7.270 BE-8.2であつた.ただちに酸素吸入, 昇圧薬, 高張ナトリウム液を静脈注射し, 出血に対する輸血を開始した. 血圧は回復したが胸部ラ音は次第に強くなり, 胸部X線写真で肺水腫像を呈した. 計測された血清ナトリウム値の最低値は93mEq/lであつた.病棟帰室後も酸素吸入, 血圧, 腎血流維持のためのドパミン持続注入, 利尿薬, ナトリウムの負荷, 輸血を継続した. 術後1日目には各種検査値は正常化し, 2日目には胸部X線写真も術前の状態まで回復した.TUR中の低ナトリウム血症は, その発生の予防とともに早期発見が大切である.
稲邑 哲也 中村 仁彦 戸嶋 巌樹 江崎 英明
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.22, no.2, pp.256-263, 2004-03-15 (Released:2010-08-25)
10 15

During the behavior imitation, human being doesn't practice simple coordinates transformation, but acknowledge the others' behavior, understands the behavior after abstraction into symbol information, and generates one's self behavior. A framework “Mimesis” in cognitive science and “mirror neuron” found in biology field show that the behavior generation process isn't independent of behavior cognition process, but generation and cognition process have close relationship each other. Focusing on these facts, we propose a new method which carry out the behavior cognition process and behavior generation process at the sanie time, and co-evolve these two processes using the proto-symbol and mimesis framework. We also propose a mathematical model based on Hidden Markov Models in order to integrate the behavior cognition and generation process, which has an advantage that the model have three functions; 1) behavior memorization, 2) behavior recognition, and 3) self behavior generation, by itself. Finally, feasibility of this method is shown through experiment in a humanoid simulator.