田中 晃代
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学) (ISSN:21856540)
vol.68, no.5, pp.I_259-I_265, 2012 (Released:2013-12-25)

田中 優子
日本教育工学会論文誌 (ISSN:13498290)
vol.33, no.1, pp.63-70, 2009-07-20 (Released:2016-08-06)

堀切 豊 日吉 俊紀 川平 和美 田中 信行 渡邊 智 藤原 敏雄 川崎 義巳
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290343)
vol.61, no.2, pp.95-100, 1998 (Released:2010-04-30)

Phthalides and ligustilide in Senkyu extract and limonene and fravonoids in Chimpi extract have been reported to have strong vasodilation effects.In the present study the circulatory effects of Senkyu and Chimpi extract (crude drug extract) were studied as bath agent in 40.0°C bath water (Senkyu ext. 224mg and Chimpi ext. 272mg/2001). Thirteen healthy men (36.2±5.8 years old) took a bath at 40.0°C for 10 min with and without (only with flavor and dye) crude drug extract and the circulatory effects were followed for 30 min after bathing.Heart rate and cardiac output were increased equally by 10 min bathing either with or without crude drug extract. Although systolic blood pressure was slightly increased during bathing, diastolic blood pressure and total peripheral resistance were significantly decreased during and after bathing with and without crude drug extract. Forehead skin blood flow and sublingual temperature were significantly increased during bathing, and remained at higher level for 10-30 min after bathing with crude drug extract. Venous blood pO2 and pH were significantly increased and pCO2 was decreased equally with and without crude drug extract. Plasma NE was significantly increased by bathing with crude drug extract.Bath agent with Senkyu and Chimpi extract are considered favorable as bath agent to keep high skin blood flow and sublingual temperature probably due to its vasodilating effects.
田中 和子
福井大学地域環境研究教育センター研究紀要 「日本海地域の自然と環境」 (ISSN:1343084X)
no.3, pp.71-89, 1996-11-01

The 1948 Great Fukui Earthquake Disaster and the 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster are the most destructive two earthquake disasters in the post-World War II in Japan. These disasters, half-century separated in age, gave us similar experiences and lessons on the post-earthquake recovery. This indicates that we could not keep our important and valuable lessons obtained through the rescue and recovering processes in the Great Fukui Earthquake Disaster, when the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake occurred. The Fukui Earthquake took place close to a medium-sized prefectural city (Fukui City , its population in 1948 was about 82 thousand) and its environs. Official and informal reports and documents commonly remark that the rescue of the toll and the revival from the miserable situation were successfully done in a relatively short period. As known in this example, the Great Fukui Earthquake Disaster gives us many of important lessons which seem to be still useful to minimize damages due to inland earthquakes whose epicenters locate close to urban areas. This paper focuses on how serious the social and economical damages caused by the Great Fukui Earthquake were and how successful its relief and restoration activities were. Examina- tion of the reports and documents reveals following characteristics pertaining to the Great Fukui Earthquake Disaster. 1) Localized damaged area and restricted information network: A. Localization: The damaged area was not so wide because the earthquake was a typical inland earthquake with a shallow seismic focus. The earthquake took place three years later of the end of World War II , when information networks were not so developed as we have today. The detailed and precise information of how damaged the areas were and what kinds of relief goods were required was transmitted neither so quickly nor frequently to all over Japan and the world. B. Toughness of Fukui residents: They underwent and bore two terrible hardships in several years: one was by the war devastation and the other by the earthquake disaster. Neverthe- less they successfully finished the reconstruction by themselves without sufficient financial support from the Government. 2) Lessons for rescue activities: Many lessons were pointed out through the rescue and reconstruction processes in the Great Fukui Earthquake Disaster. Some requested governmental preparation in advance of earth- quake disasters. For example, A. Necessity of unified command systems controlling disaster relief teams. B. Improvement of emergency communication and information networks. C. Establishment of the mutual rescue operation system among neighboring municipalities. D. To avoid fatal damages, repeat of disaster-education by schools, communities and local governments. These lessons appeared again after the Great Hansin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster. 3)Volunteer activities: The Red Cross Society, religious groups, student organizations, youth associations, and so on devotedly offered medical, welfare and labor services. Bath-giving service and milk distribu- tion for babies and infants were also greatly appreciated. It was stressed that volunteers had to come to damaged areas with their foods and beds. 4) Disaster prevention programs: A. Realization of urban planning to minimize disaster damages. B. Repeated evacuating practices. C. Education of seismological characteristics of earthquakes and geography of the neighbor- hood.
田中 和子/服部 勇
福井大学地域環境研究教育センター研究紀要 「日本海地域の自然と環境」 (ISSN:1343084X)
no.4, pp.77-90, 1997-11-01

After the 1948 Great Fukui Earthquake Disaster, Fukui Prefectural Government and municipalities in the damaged area established and managed many long-term projects for regional reconstruction. The projects involved were urban planning, construction of straight and wide roads, reclamation of agricultural land by drainage improvement, and prevention of disasters. The fundamental structure of the today's Fukui Region has been originated from the programs. This paper examines these long-term programs and their function to today's society. Re-evaluated and discussed here are the important lessons which we can get in the reconstruction programs from the Great Fukui Earthquake Disaster. Some of the lessons are as follows: 1) assuming cases of the worst situation, legal preparation and supplement in advance of disasters are necessary. 2) disaster relief teams should be active under the control of a unified command system. 3) the supreme commander should legally do precise and timely decision making. 4) a positive catchphrase may be effective to encourage residents' rebuilding activities. 5) long-term reconstruction programs should be based on attractive master policies for the damaged region 6) integrated relief organizations should be established among municipalities and prefectures in the vicinity before terrible disasters. 7) multiple systems of transportation and communication should be constructed. 8) prevention programs of disasters would be renewed to meet the current needs. 9) the prior distribution of budget to key projects is indispensable for the quick and attractive reconstruction. 10 ) urgent measures should be limited in a short term, and long-term reconstruction activities would be tackled as soon as possible . 11 ) a disaster-prevention system should be established by taking regional characteristics such as geological, geographical, social, cultural conditions into consideration.
田中 光
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.79, no.3, pp.353-372, 2013-11-25 (Released:2017-05-17)

田中 光
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.78, no.1, pp.119-141, 2012

田中友二 高橋寛幸 徳永幸生 杉山精
vol.2013, no.1, pp.185-186, 2013-03-06

情報入手では検索エンジンの利用が一般的であり,この情報入手の支援は重要である.一方で,自然文でやりとりするQ&Aサイトも利用される.そこで,本研究では従来の情報入手支援手法を更に強化することを念頭に,Q&Aサイトの質問回答データの分析を進めた. 本稿では,Q&Aサイトのテキストデータを用いて,検索エンジンに入力される検索語と関連する語の抽出とその評価を行ったことを報告する.具体的には,テキストデータにおける単語の出現頻度や閲覧者の評価値に基づいて,抽出アルゴリズムを構築し,抽出された語を既存検索エンジンのサジェスト語と比較した.
植田 広樹 田中 秀治 田久 浩志 匂坂 量 曽根 悦子
国士舘大学体育研究所報 = The annual reports of health physical education and sport science (ISSN:03892247)
vol.35, pp.9-17, 2017-03-31

OBJECTIVE :Adrenaline is the only vasopressor that can be given in the event of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) according to the Japanese EMS protocol. However, there is little clinical evidence that adrenaline benefits long-term survival after OHCA. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of early adrenaline administration by EMTs on favorable neurological outcomes among patients who experienced OHCA.METHODS :Potential subjects were a total of 822,250 patients who experienced OHCA between 2006 and 2012 and who were registered in a nationwide Japanese database. Subjects were 40,970 patients who received adrenaline prior to hospital arrival. The effects of the time from contact to the first administration of adrenaline (timing of the first administration of adrenaline, or TAA) on favorable neurological outcomes (a CPC score of 1-2) were evaluated as follows. Patients were divided into three groups based on the TAA (early group (n=18,890:TAA < 7.6 min, intermediate group (n=17,669) : TAA of 7.6 to 15.5 min, and late group (n=4,411):TAA > 15.5 min). Statistical analysis was performed using the crude odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI).RESULTS :Patients in the early group served as a reference. In comparison to the early group, the intermediate group had an OR for a favorable neurological outcome of 0.48 and a CI of 0.40-0.58, and the late group had an OR of 0.24 and a Cl of 0.19-0.29. The early group had significantly improved outcomes (CPC score of 1-2) compared to the late group.CONCLUSION :Adrenaline administered by EMTs significantly improved neurological outcomes in patients during the early stages of OHCA. An exhaustive review of the adrenaline administration protocol for EMTs is needed to increase the likelihood of favorable neurological outcomes in who experiencing OHCA.
髙橋 文 田中 健太郎
一般社団法人 日本生態学会
日本生態学会誌 (ISSN:00215007)
vol.69, no.3, pp.183-190, 2019 (Released:2019-12-24)

生殖的隔離機構が生じる遺伝的メカニズムについては、Bateson-Dobzhansky-Mullerモデルで示されたように遺伝的要素間の不適合に起因することが古くから概念化されている。モデル生物であるキイロショウジョウバエ(Drosophila melanogaster)やその近縁種を用いた研究では、交尾後に生じる不適合性に関与する遺伝子が複数同定されている。また、外部生殖器形態の種間差のような量的形質についても原因となる遺伝領域に迫るツールを駆使することができる。このような不適合性の生起には、自然選択が関与している場合としていない場合があるが、交尾後の生殖的隔離に寄与する遺伝子が同定されたケースの多くで、アミノ酸の置換速度が速いなど、正の自然選択が関与した痕跡が見られる。特にショウジョウバエでは速い進化の原因として、ゲノム内コンフリクトから生じる強い正の自然選択の関与が多く報告されているが、環境適応による自然選択が不適合性の生起に関与するケースがもう少し見つかってもよいのではないか、またそれを明らかにするためにモデル生物を用いる利点や難点は何か、今後の展望について考察する。
田中 優子 楠見 孝
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.87, no.1, pp.60-69, 2015 (Released:2016-04-25)
1 1

The present study examined when people decide to choose an expression that is based on critical thinking, and how situational and individual variables affect such a decision process. Given a conversation scenario including overgeneralization with two friends, participants decided whether to follow the conversation by a critical-thinking expression or not. The authors controlled purpose and topic as situational variables, and measured critical-thinking ability, critical-thinking disposition, and self-monitoring as individual variables. We conducted an experiment in which the situational variables were counterbalanced in a within-subject design with 60 university students. The results of logistic regression analysis showed differences within individuals in the decision process whether to choose a critical-thinking expression, and that some situational factors and some subscales of the individual measurements were related to the differences.
岡橋 望 星野 永 久保 政之 長谷川 淳 田中 晴之 天野 逸人
一般社団法人 日本血液学会
臨床血液 (ISSN:04851439)
vol.60, no.12, pp.1657-1662, 2019 (Released:2019-12-27)

古川 福実 松永 佳世子 秋田 浩孝 上田 説子 薄木 晶子 菊地 克子 幸野 健 田中 俊宏 林 伸和 船坂 陽子 師井 洋一 山本 有紀 米井 希
公益社団法人 日本皮膚科学会
日本皮膚科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0021499X)
vol.118, no.3, pp.347-356, 2008-03-20 (Released:2014-12-03)

Chemical peeling is one of dermatological treatments for certain cutaneous diseases or conditions or aesthetic improvement, which consists of the application of one or more chemical agents to the skin. Chemical peeling has been very popular in medical fields as well as aesthetic fields. Since scientific background and adequate approach is not completely understood or established, medical and social problems have been reported. This prompted us to establish and distribute standard guideline of care for chemical peeling. Previous guidelines such as 2001 version and 2004 version included the minimums for the indications, the chemicals used, their applications, associated precautions, and postpeeling care and findings. The principles were as follows :1) chemical peeling should be performed under the control and the responsibility of the physician. 2) the physician should have knowledge of the skin and subcutaneous tissue and understand the mechanism of wound-healing. 3) the physician should be board-certified in an appropriate specialty such as dermatology. 4) the ultimate judgment regarding the appropriateness of any specific chemical peeling procedure must be made by the physician in light of all standard therapeutic ways, which are presented by each individual patient. Keeping these concepts, this new version of guidelines includes more scientific and detailed approaches from the evidence-based medicine.
vol.21(11), no.240, 2010-11
杉森 一哉 沼田 和司 岡田 真広 二本松 宏美 竹林 茂生 前田 愼 中野 雅行 田中 克明
公益社団法人 日本超音波医学会
超音波医学 (ISSN:13461176)

<p><b>目的</b>:慢性肝疾患患者にガドキセト酸ナトリウム(gadolinium ethoxybenzyl diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid: Gd-EOB-DTPA)での核磁気共鳴画像 (magnetic resonance imaging: MRI)(EOB-MRI)および造影超音波を施行して,早期肝細胞癌(early hepatocellular carcinoma: eHCC)や高度異型結節(high grade dysplastic nodule: HGDN)と再生結節(regenerative nodule: RN)の鑑別に有用な特徴的所見を調査した.<b>対象と方法</b>:最大径が1 cm以上でかつ病理学的に診断された平均腫瘍径がそれぞれ15.5 mm,15.1 mm,14.8 mmの早期肝細胞癌(100結節),HGDN (7結節),RN (20結節)を後ろ向きに検討した.これらの結節のEOB-MRI肝細胞相の信号強度所見と,造影超音波動脈相の所見を用い,RNに特徴的な所見について検討した.<b>結果</b>:早期肝細胞癌100結節中98結節は,EOB-MRIの肝細胞相で低信号(n=95),等信号(n=2),高信号(n=1)を呈し,HGDN 7結節は,低信号(n=6),または高信号(n=1)を呈し,造影超音波動脈相においてはいずれも求心性血管を認めた.早期肝細胞癌1結節では,EOB-MRI肝細胞相で低信号を呈し,造影超音波動脈相で遠心性血管と求心性血管の両方が観察された.RN 20結節中18結節と早期肝細胞癌の残りの1結節ではEOB-MRIで結節中心に小さな低信号域を伴い,周囲は高信号を呈した.残り2結節のRNでは肝細胞相で高信号のみを呈し,造影超音波動脈相で遠心性血管が観察された.結節中心部の小低信号域は,造影超音波動脈相では中央から辺縁に向かって走行する肝動脈とそれに伴走する門脈に一致していた.<b>結論</b>:EOB-MRI肝細胞相および造影超音波動脈相での中心部の血管構造所見は,RNに特徴的な所見である可能性がある.</p>